However, his biggest head was jumping down. How could others bear it?

Almost when muxiong jumped down, those aides also drew their swords and jumped down. At the same time, the soldiers who guarded the city opened the gate and brought in the wounded soldiers. At the same time, they also joined the battlefield.

Suddenly, the forced defense turned into an active attack.

Mu Qingge's blood ignited the enthusiasm of all the mujiajun. They went into the storm, into the battlefield. Forget that the weapons in their hands have been too blunt to cut the flesh, and forget that they have not had a full meal for several days.

If the knife doesn't cut through, they use their teeth.

The mujiajun, who abandoned the steel knife, ignored his flesh and blood, and tore the flesh from the ORC with his teeth.

It was a brutal contest.

Here, there is no longer the distinction between man and beast, only victory and defeat!

Mu light song more kill, the more calm in the eyes. Before she came, she learned from Mu Lianrong that this animal tide seemed not simple. When she came here, she felt even more so when she saw it with her own eyes.

It's like these orcs are desperate to invade the ancestral city.

What, after all, attracts them to be so crazy?

And how can she quell the uprising?

Kill all the orcs? It's impossible. In the Qinling Mountains, there are more than ten million orcs? Don't say she's just green. Even if one day she becomes a strong one in purple, let these orcs line up to kill her one by one.

Muqingge, like a sharp knife, is inserted directly into the center of the herd.

Qin Yiyao has a faint feeling of hardship, but still try to protect mu Qingge's back.

Five hundred guards followed closely and swept around for her.

The survivors have been brought into the city. Mu Xiong smashed a yellow spirit beast with one hand. He looked up and found the red coat in the distance.

Startled in his heart, he immediately exclaimed, "song'er comes back!"

The sound enters Mu light song's ear, she hears, but can't leave.

This time, she is to borrow the grief of Mu Jiajun's heart to create potential. The so-called sad army must win! Looking at the remains of the city for them to fight for a moment of breathing, has already let the mujiajun heart hold a fire.

Therefore, under her encouragement, she will burst out with amazing fighting power.

However, if you go back now, the tide will soon return. At that time, it's hard to say whether we can fight again.

She did not forget that Mu Jiajun had not eaten for several days and had no sharp weapon in her hand.

And she did not forget, was sent out by muxiong Herald, has long been dead. On behalf of muxiong's arrow is in his arms, there will be no supplies.

So, this time, she had to beat the animals to be afraid, so that they could not get close to the ancestral town in a short time.

Deep in the clear eyes, the color of firmness emerges.

MuQing singer's action is a bit faster.

"Light song, we can't go any further." Qin Yiyao's anxious voice came from his ear.

For the first time, such a high-intensity battle had already made her arms numb and stained with countless blood. At the beginning, the high and cold iceberg is more like the goddess of killing.

Mu Qingge stopped and exclaimed, "Moyang!"

Mo Yang a turn, kill a unicorn wolf, quickly came to Mu Qingge side.

"Take the princess, and all of you will retreat." Mu light song cold voice command.

Mo Yang was stunned and did not immediately agree to come down.

Qin Yiyao is also surprised to grasp her arms, shouting: "what do you want to do?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!