It was not that she recognized the red fruit which looked like grapes, but the memory of Dan God in her mind told her.

Dragon snake fruit is a kind of fruit that gathers the spirit of heaven and earth. Generally growing in dark and humid caves, it is difficult to determine the whereabouts of the animals because they are spiritually mobile at any time.

If ordinary people take it, they can immediately enhance their spiritual power and broaden their meridians, but they can increase their life span.

If it is used for alchemy, with different herbs, can play an unexpected role.

It can be said that dragon snake fruit is a very difficult to find, but has a wide range of application of precious herbal medicine.

I didn't expect that this kind of fruit against the weather actually appeared in her hands!

Seeing that mu Qingge knew the dragon snake fruit, the lonely cliff omitted the explanation and said directly: "the Holy Lord asked me to tell you that such a big animal tide is caused because some people know that dragon snake fruit grows in the Qinling Mountains, so they can drive out the animals and make it easy to find them. The animals lost their homes and could only attack human cities. "

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed. She didn't expect that the reason behind the animal tide was like this.

"Miss mu..."

Hearing the address of solitary cliff, mu Qingge frowned and corrected: "call me little Lord."

The solitary cliff grinned and corrected his address: "the little Lord used Lei Linggen, which was sensed by the man. The LORD had killed them for fear that they would do harm to the young Lord. This dragon snake fruit should be their atonement. The LORD said that the young sir had better not use raylingen before he could protect himself. Now, in Linchuan, it is not peaceful. "

Mu Qingge listened to the twinkle of her eyes and squinted and asked, "so, when I lose consciousness, I feel that your master appears. It's not an illusion?"

The lonely cliff was silent for a moment, then he said: "that's the projection of the Lord, he is not in Linchuan. Xu felt that the young sir had used Lei Lingen, so he came in a hurry

In fact, he did come.

Mu Qingge's heart flashed. His eyebrows wrinkled again: "why in the end, he won't let me use Lei tie, oh, won't let me use Lei Linggen?"

The answer to this question has puzzled mu Qingge for a long time.

However, the lonely cliff did not intend to answer, the figure disappeared in front of Mu light song.

"Hello Mu light song can not stop, can only gnash teeth of the way: "with your master son, are bastards son of a bitch!"

Just at this time, mu Qingge's door was pushed open.

Mu Xiong's voice came in: "the little rabbit scolded who?"

Mu light song a Leng, know that Mu Xiong is finally free time to start a teacher.

Sure enough, Mu Xiong's first thing to know is why she can suddenly practice.

Fortunately, mu Qingge has already thought of a good speech in his heart, pushing everything to the old monster of Si mo.

Tell Mu Xiong the reason for the preparation.

The latter was silent for a while, and then confirmed to her again: "do you mean that his highness helped you change your constitution and guided your cultivation? Even sent you a Book of martial arts? "

Mu Qingge nodded quietly.

Anyway, this is half true and half false, Mu Xiong also can't find Si Mo to confront.

"Good! Good! God has opened my eyes to my family! " Mu Xiong is full of emotion.

Coagulation in front of the old man, although he is still strong, but the vicissitudes in the eyes of Mu Qingge can not help but sigh.

The next day, the pro guards sent by mu Qingge to investigate the movement of the animals returned to the ancestral town, bringing good news that the animals had retreated. All of the people in the ancestral town were immediately cheered.

About this news, mu Qingge has already known. , the fastest update of the webnovel!