Murianrong quietly raised her eyes, coagulation in the prince Qin Jin repair vest key place.

This time, the big feud, with his mother and second brother died in an accident, and the eldest brother died in a strange battle. She guessed that she was behind the scenes, but there was no evidence. How could she attack her enemies?

Mu Lianrong, who droops her eyes, frowns slightly.

After the long eyelashes, a strong hatred is reflected in the eyes. However, in the eyes of light flow turn, endure.

"If you admire your family, you will never betray your majesty."

Mu Xiong once had a firm word, but now it is like a shackle, which makes Mu Lianrong feel uncomfortable breathing. Mojia, loyal and courageous, but what is it?

Holding the reins hand tightly, Mu Lianrong still keeps a kind smile at the corners of her mouth, and does not let her murderous spirit escape.

"Here it is! Here we are

There was a sudden commotion in the crowd.

Father! Song!

The kinship that melts into blood, let Mu Lianrong put down her hatred temporarily, and looks up at the gate in front of her. The inner excitement is revealed through the eyes.

Along the official road outside the city, the team gradually appeared in people's sight and attracted all people's attention.

However, when the serpentine procession approached, there was a strong discussion among the crowd.

All over the sky, with the wind blowing.

Like snowflakes, it covered the ground inside and outside Luodu city in an instant.

The returning warriors were not elated to win. On the contrary, they were all silent, and the whole team sent out a kind of grief that could not be dissolved.

Even, in the team, each soldier's right arm is tied with a white filial piety cloth. On the back of the bamboo basket, there are a black porcelain pot.

This time, there were only 5000 mu family soldiers who followed Mu Xiong back to the capital from the ancestral city.

However, this is true of all the 5000 people. Those bamboo baskets, those porcelain pots, let everyone be curious.

What happened?

Why is it that this time the mujiajun came back from victory, it is so different from the past?

The Ming coin floating into the Air flies in the direction of Qin Jinhao and Qin Jinxiu.

Some fell in front of them, some on them.

Qin Jinhao reached out and grabbed the mint coin that had fallen to him. He frowned and kneaded it into a ball and threw it away. And Qin Jinxiu is a brush sleeve, the face suddenly blue swept open the disturbance of the Ming coin.

Behind them, Mu Lianrong looks up slightly and looks at the flying Ming coin. Her sadness rises from her heart and a mist rises in her eyes.

She seemed to feel and see the tragedy of the battle from these coins that bought the way to the underworld.

The porcelain jars in the bamboo baskets could not be understood by others, but she recognized at a glance that it was a special urn used by mujiajun to contain the bones of soldiers.

"Father, bring them back!" Murianrong's heart vibrated like a drum, and her eyes turned red.

All around, it was quiet.

They seem to be affected by this sad atmosphere.

A large army of five thousand people entered through the gate, and there was no sound except the sound of hooves.

As the head of the army, muxiong rode in the front.

His face is solemn and solemn, with a complex emotion in the vicissitudes of tiger's eyes.

His right arm, also tied with a white cloth, not because of his identity and different. Next to him, another horse was a light song in red.

In her waist and arms, it is also wrapped in white cloth.

Beautiful and exquisite facial features, very quiet. In the soul absorbing eyes of Qing Dynasty, there is no wave, but it is extremely sharp. , the fastest update of the webnovel!