"Brother Huang, if the people around here know about the heavy losses of the mujiajun, what will they do?"

Qin Jin Xiu ear, suddenly came a slight schadenfreude sound.

Qin Jin shaved her face and changed her color. Her fierce eyes turned to the voice of Qin Jinhao. She said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

Qin Jinhao thought with a smile: "Oh? If you don't know, it's OK. "

With that, he drew a faint curved arc around the corner of his mouth. It seems that the greater the reaction of the people around him, the more happy he will be. He seems to have another sharp weapon in his hand that can be moved to the prince.

"Husband, where is my son? Can he come back? "

In the crowd, an old man burst out and looked at Mu Xiong with tears in his eyes, filled with expectation.

Mu Xiong pursed his lips in silence. He did not know whether the old man's son was still alive.

"My husband, and my son!"

"Husband, my son is still alive!"

Around the sound of inquiry gradually rise, with the reputation of mujiajun, how many children of Qin family have joined it? Mu Xiong can not know each other, but also understand the feelings of these people.

He raised his hand and comforted him: "don't worry. Although we have lost a lot of good guys this time, there are still many who are still stationed at the border of the city of origin. From tomorrow, you will be contacted to determine how your children are now. "

Hearing Mu Xiong's words, the mood of the people around gradually subsided. They all hope that their children are still alive, and that the porcelain jars are not their children.

"This time, there shouldn't have been so many casualties." Just when the mood of the crowd was a little slow, a light and cold voice suddenly inserted.

Around, because of this sentence again quiet down.

Mu Qingge rode out slowly and went toward the crown prince Qin Jinxiu.

"Who is that?"

"It seems to be a little Baron of the Mu mansion."

"How could he be here? Did he go to the war, too? "

"I want to know more about the meaning of his words than this one."

There was a lot of talk in the crowd.

However, Qin Jinxiu became nervous because of the close of moqingge. Qin Jinhao is happy to see Qin Jinxiu's embarrassment. Naturally, he can't speak.

At the moment, he looked at Mu Qingsong's eyes, with a little recognition. It seems that the rabbit who adores him secretly is not so disgusting.

Mu Qingge's horse stopped in front of Prince Qin Jinxiu. Her eyes were cold and her mouth was slightly crooked. She said jokingly, "prince, don't you have anything to say?"

"Muqingge, what do you mean?" Qin Jinxiu was shocked and said in a sharp voice.

He seemed to feel the suspicion of the people around him.

"Presumptuous!" The prince's guard suddenly cheered.

Mu Qingge looked at him lightly, and her eyes returned to Qin Jin's self-cultivation. Her smile was cold: "what's your highness doing with such a big reaction? Sir Ben just wants to ask his Highness the prince. Can he know the whereabouts of Han Sheng

"Isn't Han Sheng the uncle of the prince?"

"What did the little Baron ask about his uncle's whereabouts?"

"Yes! Why are you pulling out your Korean uncle again? "

The people around me are inexplicable.

However, several dignified people present understood the meaning of Mu Qingge.

"What do you want him to do?" Qin Jinxiu asked calmly.

Mu Qingge had a strange smile, and the voice was soft, but it came into the ears of the people around him: "my Lord, naturally, wants to ask him When my Mu family army fought to resist the orc attack, what was he doing? Why do I admire the army's resistance to the enemy at the front line, but there is not enough food and grass to fight with the orcs with blunt weapons in hand

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