"I see." Mu Lianrong looks a little trance, but still remember the words of Mu Qingge.

In their conversation, Mu Xiong also enters the tent.

He was also frightened by the mountain of goods in the tent, and then frowned at mu Qingge and said, "Ge'er, do you know that it will not be peaceful all the way back to the ancestral city?"

Nod your head softly.

How could she not know?

See her heart clear, Mu Xiong also did not make more explanation, just asked: "what do you plan?"

Mu Qingge turned his lips and said with indifference: "the water comes and the earth covers, and the soldiers will block." She had no fear of her own safety ever since she knew that Mr. monster had secretly got a bodyguard for her.

Originally, she was very resistant to Mr. monster's private behavior. But later, Gu Ya said that Mr. monster just asked him to protect her safety and never peep into her life, and she reluctantly accepted anything without reporting to him.

Anyway, as long as she has not been monitored and got a fierce free bodyguard, why does she pretend to be reserved and refuse with pride?

The only thing that puzzled her was why Mr. monster did it?

However, Mu Xiong, who didn't know the inside story, was not as calm as her. He frowned and said, "do you think you are invincible in the world if you think you are a green place? If you're not careful, you can't get to the city of origin. "

At this time, Mu Lianrong also recovered from Bai Xiyue's attack. Hearing her father's words, she took the initiative to say, "I'd better send Ge'er to the ancestral town."

"No way!" The first thing to refuse is moqingge.

She looked at her grandfather and aunt and said, "now we have three people in our family. If we die, we can let those people light fireworks to celebrate. My aunt took me to the city of origin. What would I do when I came back? "

"I'm fine." Mu Lianrong still wants to insist.

Can Mu light song just hook lip smile way: "apply a sentence of grandfather, do you think the green realm is invincible in the world?"

As soon as this word comes out, Mu Xiong's beard is all warped, and Mu Lianrong is blushing.

Mu Qingge said with a grin: "so, you stay in lodu, and I will never have anything to do when I go to the city of origin."

"Where do you get confidence?" Mu Xiong frowned.

Seeing his grandfather's inquisitive appearance, mu Qingge had to pull out the monster flag again. She said straightforwardly, "Your Highness has sent the Lord beside him to protect my safety secretly. You say, who can take my life? Are you not afraid of the wrath of your highness? "

"Your Royal Highness sends someone to protect you secretly?"

This, Mu Xiong and Mu Lianrong are completely shocked.

"But why does your royal highness send someone to protect you?" Mu Lianrong asked curiously.

Mu light song curled his mouth, very narcissistic way: "perhaps because I am super invincible lovely, handsome too natural to face it!"


A crisp slap fell on the top of muqingge's head.

She covered her head and raised her eyes to Mu Xiong.

Mu Xiong did not look at her, thinking: "it is estimated that the king's highness is interested in the talent of song'er. After all, our singers can become green masters in just a few months from the posture of waste materials. This talent is unique in the world! It is not impossible for her royal highness to accept her as a disciple! "

Mu light song looks at the old man a pair of complacent expression, the corner of the mouth smoked.

Hello, old man, can you stop narcissism?

Anyway, with the words of Mu Qingge, Mu Xiong and Mu Lianrong are relieved of her safety.


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