Mu Qingge quickly read it once, a letter from Mu Fu. Beautiful handwriting and familiar tone let her know from her aunt, Mu Lianrong.

There was no big deal in the letter. It was to ask her if she could get used to it, how well she ate and how well she slept? Take care of yourself. Don't worry about lodumu house.

The second letter is from Shao Pang.

As expected by mu Qingge, the boy can't wait to write to scold her after he left Luodu.

The letter said that she had no sense of loyalty and wanted to leave. She didn't even say goodbye, not enough brothers However, mu Qingge can still see Shao Pang's missing for her from the lines. It seems that he would like to come to the ancestral city to accompany her in the tribulation.

Looking at the dog climbing handwriting of the second dandy of Luodu, mu Qingge smiles knowingly.

These handwriting, it seems to turn into a warm current, into her heart.

The last letter, in the Mu light song opened, Qing Mou reveals surprise. She did not expect that the person who wrote her this letter was actually the little princess Qin Yilian.

This princess yonghuan, who has only seen a few faces but seems to be very dependent on her, expresses her strong reluctance to leave her.

This letter is not well written. It describes the daily life of the little princess, as well as the missing for her. In a letter, she asked when she would come back no less than ten times. The final conclusion was that she would wait for her little brother to come back to Luodu, and then she would invite her little brother to eat sugar again, and she would also say a lot of whispers with mu Qingge.

In the first two letters, mu Qingge made a short reply. Only Qin felt pity for the letter, and she did not intend to respond.

This simple little princess, she really does not want to pull her into the contradiction. Keep a distance, perhaps can keep her heart that beautiful.

After finishing the trivial chores, mu Qingge took two maids to the square under the city.

Five hundred guards, plus Moyang, a total of 501 people, were standing in line in the square.

In the distance, there are mujiajun's defenders. They all look at this side from afar, as if watching what will happen next.

Muqingge came from a distance, and the leader of the guard General of the ancestral city rushed to meet him.

"Sir, are you going to..." In the last battle of the city of origin, all the mujiajun worshiped muqingge, but did not despise it.

At the moment, if someone dares to say half a bad word about muqingge in front of them, I'm afraid it will lead them to fight back with all their strength.

Mu Qingge's eyes swept from him and asked, "you've come just in time. You've been stationed in the ancestral city for many years. You should have a map of Qinling Mountains in your hands."

"A map of Qinling mountains?" The guard general was surprised and said cautiously, "what's the use of the map of Qinling mountain?"

Mu Qingge didn't hide it. He said directly, "I'm going to take them to Qinling Mountain for training. The time is as short as January, and as long as March."

However, the guard general's face changed greatly after hearing this, and he quickly stopped him: "Sir, you can't do it! The Qinling Mountains are full of dangers, and they are the territory of the orcs. Even with the map in, the Baron is still unsafe. Please take back the order and stay in the city of origin. If there is an accident for the young Lord, he will not be able to account to the old general. "

Mu Qingge glanced at him, walked forward two steps, and yelled at her bodyguard: "do you hear, are you afraid?"

"Not afraid!" The sound of tidiness, like a tsunami, reverberates over the city of origin.

The voice of absolute determination and no hesitation made the mujiajun in the city of origin look at it.

They are surprised at the audacity of these people. They have been stationed in the ancestral city all year round. No one is more qualified to say what kind of place Qinling is. , the fastest update of the webnovel!