The state of Qin, Luodu.

Several letters from the northwest frontier of the Qin state, saying the same thing, entered different places.

There are Imperial Palace, East Palace and Rui palace.

People who see the contents of the secret report have different thoughts

The palace, the night is deep. In the imperial study, the lights are still bright. Occasionally, from the inside came a few stuffy coughing sound, so that the passers-by maid are careful to put light of the pace, dare not disturb the people in the house.

"Your Majesty, it's late at night. The Empress Dowager sent people to urge her several times and asked her majesty when she would go to Fengyi palace. " The chief steward, the eunuch beside Qin Huang and Qin Cang, delivers tea and asks carefully.

"What are you pressing for? I haven't finished my administration yet." Qin Cang frowned, unhappy way. But the chest is dull, let him fall behind in words, can't help coughing a few more.

"Your Majesty, take care of the dragon!" The chief executive is nervous.

"No problem." Qin Cang waved his hand: "it's just the occasional cold. You don't have to take pills With that, his eyes fell on the intelligence spread out on the table.

It was white on the top and black on the bottom, and the matter reported with concise language made him feel heavy.

At the border between the state of Qin and the state of Tu, a mysterious and unpredictable team emerged, reaping the lives of some people who committed crimes like killing gods?

They come and go in a hurry, no one can see the real face, and each time they make a move, they are as fast as lightning, ruthless and decisive, and never show mercy?

It's said that everyone is green, even green?

What's more, they are well-equipped and leave no clues after each battle?

What kind of power does such a group of people belong to? Why did it pop up?

Qin Cang's intuition tells him that if he can't figure out this matter, his country will be unstable. However, no matter how many spies he sent out, he could not find any useful information.

The other party, like a layer of fog general, come and go.

These days, he is worried about this matter, let him sleep and eat uneasy. Such a force, can't be controlled by him, it's just like a lump in the throat, let him not except unhappy!

Unfortunately, he was helpless without clues, but he was unable to make decisions.

This is what makes him angry. It seems that the soldiers of Qin State will be useless!

"Well, let's have a rest tonight." After a hard thought, Qin Cang had to put this matter aside for a while and drove to Fengyi palace to have a rest.

All of a sudden, he went to half, and changed his mind, the eunuch around him said: "go to the defect hall."

The eunuch was stunned and confirmed to him, "is your majesty going to let empress Yun serve you?"

Qin Cang nodded without hesitation. Whenever he is worried and tired, Yunfei can calm him down.

"But the lady's wife..." The eunuch hesitated.

Qin Cang said impatiently, "I will go wherever I want to go. Is it difficult for her to allow it? " During this time, he didn't care about the fight between his two sons. However, the mother of two sons, but let him a little tired.

Thinking of the cloud princess's out of the dust temperament, Qin Cang can't help but feel a little hot, and the pace to the hall of Wanxian is much faster.

Seeing that the eunuch couldn't stop him, he had to let the little eunuch around him go to Fengyi palace to say something, and he followed up.


East Palace, there are some flickering candles in the main hall.

In the big tent, there is also a pleasant smell. The bed is very messy, lying a few green astringent body. Among these people, there are men and women, and the only difference is that they are not very old. , the fastest update of the webnovel!