Her silence, let Si Mo think that she is worrying about this matter, and then said: "this is the way to cure the root cause. There is also a temporary solution, which is to let me drop some restrictions on it to prevent the strong from prying. "

Mu Qingge looks up at him.

Si Mo smiles and explains: "it's like falling a border on your earrings, preventing people who are not as powerful as me to see the essence. Do you understand? "

Mu light song, light jaw head.

Simao's words almost made her think that her new way of refining tools was not the only one.

Fortunately, according to Simao's words, he just fell a border on the phantom, instead of using the effects of different prohibitions to strengthen the auxiliary function of weapons.

The strength is inferior to his person, can't see through her disguise?

Mr. monster's strength should be very strong!

After thinking about it, mu Qingge cleanly took off his earrings and threw them to Si mo. The meaning can't be more clear.

Si Mo also didn't say what, always is oneself put forward, can only recognize the life to realize it.

Who let him, really do not want to let other men besides him, witness her beauty?

With impure mind, Si Mo fell on the earrings with his mark of the border ban.

"All right." Si Mo finished quickly and handed the earrings back.

However, this time, he did not hand it back to MuQing singer, but could not resist wearing it for her.

Mu Qingge touched the earring on his left ear, looked at him strangely, and said, "if there is nothing else, I'll go first."

Si Mo nodded, but said: "if you need my help, just open your mouth."

"No need." Mu Qingge wants to refuse.

She knows what Si Mo's words mean. However, to take Mu Fu out of the predicament, she depends on her own. At some time, she can use the name of Simao to pull some flags to turn the situation around.

However, will not let Si Mo interfere, by him to solve everything.

Mu light song stubborn appearance, let Si Mo smile. Instead of persuading, she respected her decision: "if you don't need me, I'll leave."

"Are you going?" Mu light song some surprised way.

Isn't this guy just here?

Si Mo nodded: "on the mainland, some things still need to be dealt with. Qin will only be your starting point. I'll wait for you. "

Inexplicable words, let Mu light song frown.

But Si Mo no longer said it, but turned aside the topic: "I will continue to stay at your side. Now that you know his existence, you can find a reason to let him appear around you and do things for you

"Forget it. He has shown his face in the palace of the state of Qin. " Muqingge has no such plan at all.

She took out the lonely cliff and summoned her. Didn't she tell everyone that she had something to do with the man in front of her?

If the relationship is identified, she will only feel tied.

"If you don't want to let it go, let him stay in the dark as a card to protect your life." Si Mo pour is not forced.

"You are quite confident in his ability." Mu light song pick eyebrow way. Although she also agreed that the lonely cliff was very powerful, she could not bear to see the man's superior appearance everywhere.

Who knows, Si Mo but nodded: "I know the strength of the lonely cliff, in Linchuan there are few opponents." The calm and indifferent appearance seems to give people an illusion that the strength of the isolated cliff is only a conservative assessment.

Mu Qingge's mouth flicks and leaves.

Although this is the depth of Qinling Mountains, she knows that in front of this man, the vicious Qinling Mountains have become a harmless back garden.

"I'll take you back." Behind him came the voice of Si mo.

Then, mu Qingge felt his body light, the whole person was involved in the air, disappeared in the Qinling Mountains.

Mu light song left, Si Mo for a long time did not leave.

When he returned to the lonely night, he was still standing in the maple trees, just like a noble statue.

"The Lord." Lonely night came to Si Mo behind, respectful way.

Si Mo didn't have the slightest reaction, and then he said slowly: "lonely night, why don't I like xiaoge'er to leave? I hope to put her by my side, only I can see her. However, because she didn't like it, I had to disobey myself and let her go

Lonely night a Zheng, pulled to pull the corner of the mouth, stuffy voice way: "subordinate don't understand."

"Don't you understand?" Si Mo murmured. Long eyelashes, blocking the thoughts in the eyes. All of a sudden, he laughed, as if the ice and snow melted: "you don't understand, I don't understand. Then, I'll get to know it! "

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