"Girl, the little Lord is back. Do you want to report this to the Lord? " Be careful with the green branch.

When it comes to Qin Jinhao, Bai Xiyue's face turns pale.

At the beginning, Qin Jinhao asked her to destroy the relationship between muxiong and muqingge, making a gap between them. But she did nothing. Every time she takes a move, she is easily dissolved by mu Qingge, and instead she is discussed behind her back.

This matter, already let Qin Jinhao to oneself some indifference and dissatisfaction, for the future, she really want to do something to consolidate her position.

After pursing her lips, Bai Xiyue turns and walks to her courtyard.


On the other side, Mu Xiong comes to the ancestral hall of the Mu family with Mu Lianrong and mu Qingge.

It is dedicated to the ancestors of Mujia, including the wife of muxiong, and the spiritual tablets of their two sons. They all died for the glory of the Mu family and were entitled to enter the ancestral hall of the Mu family.

Beside the memorial tablet of his father, mu Qingge also saw his mother's tablet. It was the first time she knew her mother's name.

Sang Lan Ruo, a gentle and virtuous name.

After taking the lead in incense, Mu Xiong turned to Mu Lianrong and mu Qingge and said, "according to law, the ancestral hall is very important, and women are not allowed to enter. However, we only have three of us now, so we don't need to pay too much attention to the old rules. Come on, you kowtow to the ancestors of the Mu family. "

Mu Qingge and Mu Lianrong, according to their words, kneel down on the futon and seriously kowtow three times before they stand up in Mu Xiong's approval.

Then, the three talked about their experiences. Most of them are murmuring, and they are listening.

However, muqingge also omits some links, including Mengmeng.

However, she did not conceal the Linglong magic gun.

In front of the two people's face, MuQing singer's wrists tremble, his fingertips and bracelets emit a dazzling white light. In an instant, they turn into exquisite guns and are held in the hands of Mu Qingge.

Mu Xiong's eyes shrunk and exclaimed: "I didn't expect that I could see the artifact with my own eyes in my lifetime. What's more, this artifact belongs to the descendants of Mujia. "

"Qingge, you are so lucky against the weather that my aunt envies and envies you!" Murian Rong murmured. A face envious looking at the Linglong gun in the Mu light singer.

Mu light song light smile, turn the hand between Linglong gun and into a fingertip. She said, "Auntie, don't envy me. If I meet the artifact again in the future, I will take one for my aunt. Of course, there's no shortage of grandfathers. " She said it with great confidence. Because she believes that Mengmeng can bring out a magic tool as a gift to meet her, and she can also bring out the second and the third Even more. When she breaks through her practice and breaks through the mystery of that space, what artifact can't be easily captured?

However, she did not think so, but let Mu Xiong smile and shake his head. Mu Lianrong even said with a smile: "are you the artifact of Chinese cabbage? It's everywhere. It's OK for us to have such a rebellious little guy as you. I'm not greedy

"Yes, the more you can protect your life, the more comfortable your aunt and I will be. Grandfather can see that my granddaughter is not a thing in the pool. The state of Qin is too small for you to toss about! Ha ha ha Mu Xiong smiles happily.

After laughing, he said solemnly, "Ge'er, you must keep the secret about your artifact. If you spread it out, I'm afraid you will be in more and more trouble."

Mu Qingge nodded: "grandfather, don't worry, Ge'er doesn't know when it is not strong enough, the artifact is hot potato? I will not use the Linglong gun easily. Once I use it, I will never leave a live one. "

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