Mu light song at the foot of a meal, but immediately recovered, hook lips smile: "Yongle princess is very good, I am not worthy of her."

This words, let Qin Jinchen stop footstep, turn eyes to see to her. Direct to the heart of the eye light fell on her body, slowly way: "always conceited little Lord, unexpectedly become modest."


Mu light song's mouth corner a draw, retort: "I pour is unexpectedly, always ignore the common affairs of the virtuous king, actually did matchmaker's activity."

"Because it was pity." Qin Jinchen looks up slightly, tone is light, but let a person cannot refuse.

Mu Qingge sneered: "the king is really funny. What, do you want to impose your preferences on others? "

Qin Jinchen droops his eyes, can not see his real joy and anger.

After a while, he said, "I just want to know why."

"The virtuous King seems to believe that I am the only one in the world who can give Princess yonghuan happiness?" Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes.

Qin Jinchen's eyelashes trembled, and said his reason: "she likes you, but you are not heartless."

Mu Qingge laughed and joked: "the king of virtuous thinks so. My Lord is really lucky. Just, did the prince forget the lesson of Princess Changle? Sir Ben is not a man of infatuation

However, Qin Jinchen did not care: "Changle is different from pity. My mother's concubine is not Jiang Guifei either

"What about the king? Is it different from Rui Wang? Is that why you sent someone ten months ago? " Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed into a line, and the dangerous light flickered between the eyes, pressing everywhere.

Qin Jinchen's calm eyes flashed and did not answer.

Mu light song hook lip smile way: "Xian Wang is afraid to be some strange, why do I know it is you?"

Qin Jinchen raised her eyes, the calm but black and white eyes looked at her, as if to explore the answer.

"It's very simple, but I didn't think of it at first. With exclusion, the most unlikely person is you. Because you are low-key, harmless, like invisible, do not attract half attention, let people forget your existence. But no one thought that you could actually manipulate a group of very powerful dead men. Who will believe that you have no ambition? I'm afraid that when the crown prince and the king Rui contend, they all forget that there is a virtuous king among the adult princes of the state of Qin. " Mu Qingge's way to play.

In the investigation of this conclusion, mu Qingge also some do not believe.

Who could have thought that the wise king, who had always been inconspicuous, had secretly cultivated his power?

And it's so hidden.

Finally, if Mu Qingge didn't stare at Qin Jinchen and let Gu Ya run for a time, she could hardly believe that the master who helped her block the assassin appeared beside the king.

Qin Jinchen stares at mu Qingge tightly. After a long time, he calmly says, "I'm not interested in that seat, and my mother doesn't want me to be blinded by power." It seems that he doesn't care that his secret is known by muqingge.

However, mu Qingge didn't believe it at all.

A prince who had been treated coldly for so many years had secretly cultivated a strong force and told her that he didn't have the heart to seize the reserves?

Mu light song does not cover up the sneer, as if stabbed Qin Jinchen's eyes, let him drop his eyes, avoid the burning sight.

Seeing him speechless, mu Qingge is ready to leave.

However, she has just taken two steps. That lonely and lonely voice, again hit: "it seems, once things, you really forget."

What happened? What happened? Is it difficult to become mu Qingge that nanizi still has something to say with this virtuous king?

Mu light song in the heart is surprised, but the complexion does not move to turn around, clear eyes cold look at him.

Under her gaze, Qin Jinchen felt something from her arms, spread it out in her hands, and displayed it in front of muqingge: "do you still remember it?"

Mu light song eyes a squint, eyes light falls on Qin Jinchen's palm, that small bamboo tube.

She is not the original product. I really don't know what the bamboo whistle represents!

Slowly lift eyes, Mu light song to see Qin Jinchen.

Qin Jinchen gradually clenched his hand and took back his hand. "I remember that was when I was ten years old. You were about seven years old. You are the grandson of muxiong, the God of war of the Qin state, enjoying the glory of Mujia. And I'm just an ominous sick prince. In the Imperial Palace, not only brothers can deceive me, but also the servants of the palace can deceive me. Because, they know, there will be no one to investigate. At that time, I was surrounded by several bodyguards in the corner of the imperial garden. Under the beating and kicking, I just felt that my blood was surging, and it seemed that I would die at any time. When you are desperate, you appear and beat away the servants who are bullying

When Qin Jinchen said this, he laughed. As if falling into the memory: "in fact, your fist, your foot, did not fall on the bodyguards, they were flexible to avoid. However, they are desperate to beg for mercy from you, and they leave with urine flow

His calm eyes, for the first time with emotion. Mu Qingge feels very embarrassed, because she knows that Qin Jinchen is not the person in her mouth."After they left, you laughed at me. Such a big man was bullied by slaves. At that time, I was quite complaining that you didn't know the inside story. However, you suddenly handed me this bamboo whistle and told me that if anyone dares to bully me, let me blow the bamboo whistle. If you hear me, you will come and help me beat them. " Qin Jinchen finished, holding the bamboo whistle in his hand more tightly.

"You won't believe it." Mu light Song mouth slightly smoke the way. This kind of words is obviously used to cheat children, OK!

Qin Jinchen nodded calmly and said firmly: "I believe. After that, every time I was beaten, I would blow the bamboo whistle. But you didn't show up once. "

"And you still say it?" Now, it's mu Qingge's turn to be surprised.

Qin Jinchen looked at her: "later, I knew that the Imperial Palace was too big for the sound of bamboo whistle to pass out of the palace. You don't live in the palace, how can you hear it? You can't hear it. It won't show up. If you can hear me, I'm sure you will show up. "

“……” Mu Qingge is speechless. She's not the original one, and she won't know what the real muqingge thinks. But if she did make a promise, she thought, she would keep it.

"If you send someone to escort you secretly, you will not repay your kindness when you were a child." Mu Qingge suddenly guessed.

Qin Jinchen didn't deny it, but he said to himself: "the ancient master and others recognize me as the Lord. Everything is a coincidence. In this way, I also have the ability to protect the people I want to protect. I don't want a throne. "

With that, he walked out of the palace. It seems to herald the end of the conversation.

Mu Qingge walked out of the palace and parted ways with Qin Jinchen. Behind her was the carriage of the king's mansion. Looking back at the carriage, she could not help thinking: if the original Mu light song is like Qin Jinchen, she still remembers a promise when she was a child. Is that a different ending today? , the fastest update of the webnovel!