After a while, Qin Jinhao's voice came slowly: "in this case, this matter is left to you to handle."

Get the reply that the heart wants, Bai Xiyue leaves with excited mood.

It seems that in other people's eyes, as if the mammoth Mojia collapsed under their own stratagem, it is a kind of thing that makes her feel extremely happy.

However, she did not know that Qin Jinhao had another plan in mind.

Indeed, at the beginning, he was struck by the trick. But it soon calmed down and analyzed it carefully.

Is Mojia a crime of treason that can be easily overturned? Who would believe that Mu Xiong colluded with Tu? In the face of the people in the world, the emperor could not convict arbitrarily.

Otherwise, the state of Qin will be in chaos!

Bai Xiyue thinks everything is too simple.

However, he agreed with her. Because, what he wants is the gratitude of Mu Fu. Bai Xiyue splashes dirty water on Mu Fu. If he proves Mu Xiong's innocence at this time, will Mu Fu owe him a favor?

When he decides to win or lose with the prince, he can make good use of this favor.

Moreover, he did not forget that there was a blood feud between Mu Fu and Prince Han.

Bai Xiyue is really self righteous and stupid. Do you really think she is so clever that she can play with people in the world?

Qin Jinhao sneered scornfully and turned away from the room where he met.


When mu Qingge returned to Mu Fu, it was getting late.

After having dinner with her grandfather and aunt, she accompanied Mu Xiong to the study.

"Ge'er, do you know who is coming from the Tu state mission this time?" Before he sat down, Mu Xiong suddenly said.

Mu Qingge was stunned. He didn't seem to understand why his grandfather suddenly mentioned Tu's mission, but he still replied, "it seems that the team was led by the king of barbarians."

Mu Xiong nodded and sat on the armchair behind the desk and sighed: "Man Wang is the Lord of the older generation of Tu state. He is a brother to the emperor of Tu state and the closest uncle of the prince Tu. This time, he will personally lead a team to our country of Qin. I'm afraid our princess of Qin is married. "

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed and asked, "why did Qin State and Tu state suddenly think of marriage?"

"It is said that in recent years, Tu's domestic fighting consumption is also very serious, hoping to ease the relations between the two countries through marriage, so as to achieve the purpose of armistice." Muxiong road.

"Actually?" Mu Qingge's clear eyes fall on Mu Xiong.

Mu Xionghu's eyes flash with admiration. He seems to appreciate his granddaughter's keen thoughts. He said: "in fact, the internal strife in the past few years stems from the struggle between several princes for the throne. At the most chaotic time, Tu changed three princesses in a year. Now, the crown prince is not so stable, so he hopes to marry with the state of Qin and get the support of the state of Qin. After all, the state of Qin is adjacent to the state of tu. if you need to send troops to help, no one is faster than the state of Qin. "

"To the southwest of Tu state, there is also a state of Ba." Mu light song reminds way.

During this period of time, she spent more time on various practices, but she was not as clear about the situation in the mainland as Mu Xiong did. Therefore, it is also good to take this opportunity to ask for advice modestly.

"Pakistan?" Mu Xiong took a look at mu Qingge, touched his beard and said, "the mountains and forests of Ba state are hard to get along. The natural barrier blocked Tu's army and protected Pakistan as a paradise. What's more, Pakistan is very special. It is made up of many ethnic groups. At ordinary times, they do their own affairs, and there are conflicts in private. Only when foreign affairs are carried out, the king elected by the elders will be carried out in the name of the state of Palestine. The crown prince Tu wants to borrow power from the state of Pakistan. It's only half the result with twice the effort. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!