When waiting, the time is always long.

In the elegant room, the atmosphere was so silent that even the sound of a pin landing could be heard.

Until Qin Jinhao can't bear to wait and almost give up, he suddenly hears mu Qingge's opening.

"Good." Mu light song hook lips and smile, that smile is full of evil charm and crazy. Qin Jinhao's heart was stagnant, as if the whole person was inhaled in the smile, unable to extricate themselves.


The third day of Mu Qingge's return to lodu is the day of her coronation.

At dawn, the whole Mu house was busy. All the people went out to decorate the house, clean the temples and ancestral halls, and prepare for the crown.

Three animals and six animals have been put on the red wooden plate and placed in order.

Banquet guests, also gradually into the Mu Fu.

Two of them have to be changed from a white dress to a light one. The broad long gown, shrouded in the Mu light song body, covered the body line, but still did not damage her straightness and uprightness.

The long hair was tied into a bun without a crown or hairpin.

The two girls looked at the reflection in the mirror, which was white but still unique, and couldn't help being astonished.

"I didn't expect that if you don't wear red, you'll still be unforgettable and charming." The flower moon is infatuated looking at the Mu light song way in the mirror.

"You girl, can you talk? What kind of clothes you wear on her is just a foil. " Young lotus covered his lips and laughed.

Hua Yue spat out her tongue, took a comb, and carefully combed her hair for mu Qingge. She said regretfully, "it's a pity that our little Lord is a crown ceremony. If it's the hairpin ceremony, I'm afraid those who come to propose marriage today will break down the door of our house. " In the city of origin, mu Qingge has told two girls about their daughter.

At that time, the two girls were dumbfounded, which she still remembered.

Hearing Hua Yue's words, mu Qingge opened her eyes, glanced at her, and said haughtily, "your little Baron can also bewitch a large area even if he carries out the crown ceremony. Don't feel sorry. "

"But what can you do if you are bewildered? You can't marry to serve the young Lord in the mansion." The way of Flower Moon's coquettish.

Mu light song suddenly opened his eyes, qingmou in the frivolous evil four.

She put her arms around one, pulled the two girls into her arms, and said with a playful smile, "my Lord, it's enough to have you two serve me. I'm not rare for others."

Suddenly, amused two women blush, want to escape her arms, but can't get rid of Mu Qingge's hands.

Even if they knew that the young Lord was a daughter, they still couldn't resist the Caprice of the master.

"Muqingge! Come out for me Suddenly, there was a roar outside the gate. From far to near, the sound soon came to the door.

The closed door was kicked open and a round ball rolled straight in.

"Muqingge, you...!" The ball is not easy to stabilize the body shape, stretch out the fingers of meat, pointing to Mu Qingge. But was shocked by the scene in front of me and forgot the next words.

He looked at someone holding two girls in his arms and looked at his picture. He shook his fat face and said with a smile, "Hey, you go on. I'll come back later."

With that, he planned to leave quietly.

However, as soon as I turned around, I heard the voice of Murong coldly: "fat man, where do you want to go?"

Shao fat man's round body, a shake. Stiff neck forced himself to turn around, on the Mu light song. The original angry inquiry turned into a vague flattery: "Hey, boss. I didn't know you were in Well, I'm going out. I'm going out. When you're done, we'll talk about it

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