"Kill! Kill! Kill

Qin Yilian's intrusion led to the failure of ambush.

The ambush, which had been waiting too long, rushed out at the moment.

Mu light song eyes light a sink, whole body anger towering. She holds Qin Yilian in her left hand and turns her right hand. The dazzling light rose from her hands, and the exquisite fingertips turned into exquisite guns, which she held in her hands.

"Kill! Not one. " The cold voice of a knife spilled out of her mouth like the call of death from hell.

The Dragon teeth guards immediately rushed out to harvest the enemies in different directions.

Suddenly, a green light, green light lit up the entire palace gate.

Longya Wei is actually a master of green environment and green environment. However, they are younger than the Qingjing warriors of Tu state.

This picture is too shocking. Many people have been killed before they can react.

Mu Qingge holds the Linglong gun, and the tail of the gun stabs at the ground.

All of a sudden, an air wave from the tail of the gun expanded, and all the enemies who would rush to her were blocked back and turned into blood mist in mid air.

Countless enemies, but also a steady stream of influx, mu Qingge to Moyang cold voice command: "close, kill!"

Mo Yang takes orders, and makes Longya Wei close into a circle, protecting mu Qingge and Qin Yilian in the center and strangling the offenders.

The strength of five hundred green realms and green realms is beyond imagination.

For a moment, thousands of people in ambush were unable to break through this solid barrier.

In the melee, only the place where muqingge is located is a pure land.

"Pity, why do you want to come. I can't help you... " Mu Qingge's eyes showed the color of pain for the first time.

She can't save her, she can't!

Even if she has the inheritance of Danshen, such a space against heaven as Mengmeng, exquisite artifact and the remaining genetic modification agent, she will not be able to rescue Qin Yilian.

Because, her heart, has been broken by that arrow.

At the moment, she can still retain consciousness because of the support of muqingge's spiritual power.

Qin Yilian's appearance is completely beyond the plan. Mu Qingge is unprepared and has no chance to save it.

"I I heard the queen and the prince say Said to kill you I came here... " Qin also Lian with a smile said, with her mouth, blood with the meat constantly gushing out.

"I know I know You shouldn't have come! " Mu Qingge hugs Qin Yilian's hand and slowly tightens. The feeling of guilt makes her want to kill.

Qin Yilian is innocent, but because of her death, what should she do?

This innocent little princess should not have died like this

Qin also grinned and his white teeth were dyed red with blood: "Lianlian is very lucky to meet my little brother. But, little brother, I'm so sleepy now. It's like sleeping. "

She said, a tear from the corner of her eye.

This young girl, she is very clear in her heart, what will meet her.

Mu Qingge's voice is suddenly very uncomfortable, so hard to speak. What she can do is to try her best to inject aura into Qin Yilian.

"What a pity, little brother. Lianlian can't dance for her little brother. She has practiced for a long time. " Qin also pities pure big eyes, with a trace of reluctant to give up, some nostalgic with the eyes depicting Mu light song's face.

"What should I do?" Mu Qingge asks constantly in my heart.

"Meng Meng! Can you save her life? " In despair, she can only place all her hopes on Meng Meng.

Meng Meng's voice quickly sounded in her head, but it was not the answer she wanted.

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