"What is this?" Qin Jinhao covers his mouth and retreats, his eyes full of vigilance and nervousness.

Mu light song hook lips, smile evil Charm: "an interesting little thing just."

A dark light shot out of her hand and went directly into Qin Jinhao's mouth. The pill melted in the mouth, leaving Qin Jinhao with no chance to vomit.

"Ah The sharp pain suddenly came from all over his body, such as the feeling of ten thousand ants biting his body and the feeling of broken meridians, Qin Jinhao couldn't help but cry. He clawed hard at his skin with both hands, as if he wanted to catch all the ants in his skin.

After a while, his handsome face, which had been bewildered by mu Qingge's predecessor, became flesh and blood, and there was no good meat all over his body.

Mu Lianrong sees her heart trembling, but mu Qingge turns calmly and walks out of the imperial study.

In the struggle, Qin Jinhao is unwilling to look at the imperial seal on the table. The physical torture is no better than the stimulation of his failed dream. Obviously, it's only one step away. It's easy to get. And he was kicked out of the clouds at the moment.

"Muqingge, you are cruel!" Qin Jinhao's words broke out in his mouth.

Outside the imperial study, Mu Jiajun is washing the blood on the steps. The early sun has been rising, dispersing the night. Mu Qingge took a deep breath and said to Mu Lianrong, "aunt, when he stops breathing, he will cut off his head. I'm going to see the king

Mu Lianrong nodded and watched mu Qingge leave.


The hall of mending defects, the tranquility here, has become the only pure land in the imperial palace.

When mu Qingge came here, there was no one in the hall. Only the tall and thin yellow figure of goose, standing in front of the gate, facing the wind, watching the orange sunrise.

The golden light sprinkles on the glazed tile, is shining brilliantly, but also can't dispel his lonely silence. Until the orange light covered him, only let his black and white eyes, more than a trace of warmth.

The beauty is picturesque. Mu Qingge never denies Qin Jinchen's beauty.

However, he didn't like his silent breath.

As she walked past, the sound of her armor made a slight noise, which startled Qin Jinchen standing on the steps outside the hall.

He slowly looked back, calm eyes fell on Mu light song, can not see the joy and anger.

"How about Princess Yun?" Mu Qingge goes to the steps and stands side by side with him.

Mentioning this person who occupies the weight of life, Qin Jinchen's eye color finally has a trace of fluctuation. He slowly drooped his eyes, eyelashes blocked mu Qingge's line of sight: "the mother's grief is too much, and she can't accept the loss of pity. But I'm still there, and I'll be with her

Mu Qingge took a look at him and turned his eyes to Chaoyang: "you are a strange person. You are obviously an independent person, but you are full of fetters in your heart. If you can't let it go, why do you look indifferent? "

Qin Jinchen corners of the mouth gently curved: "used to."

Habits? Simple three words, but let mu Qingge think of a lot.

Perhaps, Qin Jinchen's life experience and childhood brought him. Perhaps, she should be glad that Qin Jinchen did not become a cruel and merciless temperament, let her today's enemy and one more.

"When Qin Jinhao died, the imperial seal was placed in the imperial library." Mu light song road.

Qin Jinchen was not excited, but said: "I said, I will not take that seat."

"Whatever you want. Anyway, that's your Qin family. " It doesn't matter the way of murmuring. She looked at Qin Jinchen and seriously said, "however, I only believe in you."

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