They are looking forward to dawn.

Only then will the nightmare end. They can survive for a day.

However, after the girl's body was taken away, there was no one to pick another. They didn't know what had happened and changed the prince's habits.

But it can be keenly felt that the atmosphere in the womb is more terrible than before, as if there is a group of wind eyes that will explode at any time, and is pressing on all the heads.

Inside the animal skin screen, the ground is also covered by countless animal skins.

Inside, there is a square fire burning in the middle.

Next to it, on a huge round bed, it was a mess. There are still traces of blood on it, some dark, some bright.

At the moment, on the round bed, there was only a naked man, with ferocious patterns on his body, his muscles puffing and his meridians bulging. The hair was braided with countless braids, and a golden skeleton was hung from the rope used to fix the braid.

The light of the campfire hit him, leaving half of his body in the shadow. The other half exposed, however, gives people a sense of ferocity.

His facial features are not excellent, but as hard as a knife and axe.

The eyebrows are full of anger and cruelty.

It's like a demon who eats human flesh and drinks human blood.

Kneeling on the carpet, there was a figure wrapped in the darkness.

He clenched his fist on the ground and buried his head so deep that he seemed eager to disappear in front of the terrible man.

"You mean that he lianba and the princess of Qin are gone?" The deep voice came from Helian Zhan's mouth, as if every word contained the meaning of killing.

"Yes." The kneeling man buries his head lower.

He Lian Zhan's eyes twinkled with fierce light, and his mouth aroused a bloodthirsty sneer: "according to the itinerary, they should have entered the territory of Tu state for several days."

"Yes. According to the plan, manwang should return to China for seven or eight days. However, a few days ago, his subordinates went to the border city to inquire, but found that the man king did not appear at all. My subordinates thought that something might have happened on the way, delayed, and waited for a few days, but still did not wait for manwang. My subordinates investigated along the official road, and only found traces of fierce fighting outside a forest not far from the border town. " With these words, the cold sweat on his head had wet his black turban.

"Fighting traces? Does anyone dare to attack the Barbarian King of our country? It's interesting. " He Lian Zhan laughed coldly.

Immediately, he said, "since the man King disappeared in the mission to the state of Qin, send troops to the state of Qin. It's up to the state of Qin to give an account. " With that, his eyes twinkled with killing gas, and his belligerent factors were all ready to move.

"Prince! I'm afraid... " It's not right. After facing Helian Zhan's cold eyes, the kneeling man swallowed the last three words back.

He knew his master's temperament, arrogance, belligerence and cruelty.

Marriage with Qin has insulted his pride. At the moment, the disappearance of man king and the disappearance of the princess of Qin happened to give him an excuse to go to war. How could he let go?

It seems that the purpose of sending troops to Qin is not for helianba, but to wash away the shame of his marriage with Qin.

The kneeling man sighs in his heart.

There was a fierce struggle for the crown prince of Tu state. His own master finally sat on the table, and now his internal troubles are not over, but he wants to start a war. This is simply putting his own handle into the hands of the other party.

He was sure that the prince's hostile forces would never stop the dispatch of troops to the state of Qin, but would even fuel the flames. Once the war affected Tu Guo's national conditions, they all had reasons to attack the crown prince, regardless of the outcome. , the fastest update of the webnovel!