Mu Qingge smiles and nods and takes him to sit down in the hall.

After offering tea and snacks, Hua Yue retreated, leaving only two grandparents and grandchildren in the room.

"What's up with Grandpa today?" Mu Qingge asked.

Mu Xiong nodded and said to Mu Qingge: "Ge'er, the situation of Qin state is still stable, and Mu Fu is also stable. Grandfather wants to find a chance to announce your identity as a woman. What do you think? "

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, ask a way: "why?"

Mu Xionghu's eyes glared and pretended to be angry: "what is it? The crisis in Mufu is over. There is no need for you to sacrifice. If you don't change your gender, do you still want to be a man and never marry or marry? "

Don't say, she's still planning on it.

Mu Qingge grinned and said with a smile: "I'm used to being a man, and I don't think it's bad. Don't tell the world so much trouble. "

"No! After all, you are a daughter's family. What's the matter with showing off as a man all the time? " Mu Xiong insisted.

Mu Qingge is understood. Feelings, the old man has been planning for this matter for a long time. He is going to show her off today, forcing her to nod and promise.

"I'll talk about it later, grandfather. Now, I don't have that in mind. Don't forget that Tu is still looking at us. If the great changes of the Qin royal family spread to Tu, I don't know what it will bring. " Mu Qingge adopts a circuitous policy, which can be delayed. When she left the state of Qin to travel around, Mu Xiong could still catch her back?

Sure enough, Mu Xiong's eyes are heavy when it comes to Tu state.

The state of Qin now seems calm. But in fact, there are still some internal and external troubles. The internal worry is the little emperor who is going to become the emperor. His throne is unstable, but he still has to rely on the virtuous king and Mu family to support him. As for the outside world, Tu state, which has always been ambitious towards the state of Qin, has to be prevented. What's more, his granddaughter killed the man king of Tu state and robbed the married Princess back.

This matter will spread to King Tu sooner or later. He must make some preparations in advance.

With this in mind, Mu Xiong can't sit still in chiyun garden. And Mu light Song said a few words, then left in a hurry.

Looking at Mu Xiong's back, Youhe can't help but smile and shake his head. Sir Wuli's ability to change the subject is becoming more and more admirable. Deeply grasped each person's weakness! I know what my husband is worried about.

Not long after muxiong left, Qin Jinchen, the virtuous king, came into chiyun garden with a man in a cloak.

The man seems not tall, only to Qin Jinchen's shoulder, but so mysterious. Both young lotus and Huayue are curious.

Mu light song sent two women to leave, eyes light fell on the mysterious man.

Qin Jinchen opened his cloak and showed a young green and astringent face. The facial features are similar to Qin Jinchen, Qin Jinhao and Qin Jinxiu. Although they are young, they are firm and resolute. I'm afraid that in a few years, he will grow up to be a beautiful man.

"Brother mu, I'm Qin Jinyang." As soon as a teenager opens his mouth, he shows his identity.

From his eyes, mu Qingge didn't see any unpleasant emotion. It looks very modest and polite.

This is the young emperor Qin Jinchen was looking for for for the state of Qin?

Mu light song to see Qin Jinchen, Qin Jinyang also a little more. She had little impression of this minor seventh prince.

Qin Jinchen said: "in another two days, seven younger brothers will ascend the throne. Today, he asked me to bring him to you. "

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