When the pheasant City Vientiane building was suffering, muqingge was already on the way to Huandu.

She wants to escort Han Caicai to Huandu in exchange for accurate information about the fire.

Before that, she wanted to refuse. Because she doesn't think that with Han Caicai's ability, he needs to be escorted to Huandu. If not for safety, then for what?

However, before she said no, Han Caicai seemed to have seen through her mind and said: "I don't think the whole continent can find anyone who knows better than me about the study of strange fire. And in my hands, there is a certain kind of strange fire. "

This sentence, dispelled the Mu light song to refuse the idea.

Perhaps Han Caicai's first sentence is quite rich. Mu Qingge believes that Simao, who has lived for thousands of years, is the most powerful man in Linchuan. He must know more about strange fire than Han Caicai.

However, who let this far water can not save the near fire?

Mr. monster appeared and disappeared. At this time, she did not know where on the mainland or when she would appear. However, she could not wait passively.

What really attracted mu Qingge to change his mind was Han Caicai's later sentence.

She needs a freak!

And it's better to have the exact information about one of the two types of misfires she needs.

However, when she wanted to ask Han Caicai what kind of strange fire the news was, this guy suddenly became reserved and refused to say anything.

Finally, let mu Qingge finish the promise before and send him to Huandu, he will tell the truth.

So in the end, mu Qingge took people and Han Caicai's men on the road together.

They didn't even stay in Yuzhi town for a day, so that after she left, they came in a hurry, and the Wei brothers and sisters who wanted to make up with her in Yuzhi town rushed to the empty.

Helpless, can only set out to Huan du to find Mu light song.

Yuzhi town is exactly one half of the total distance between pheasant city and Huandu city. It takes about seven days to get there. However, almost all of these seven days were on their way, but on the way from Yuzhi town to Huandu Town, people's feet were much slower.

The reason, of course, is that Han Caicai, as an employer, always asks everyone to take a rest when he meets a beautiful place. When he has enjoyed enough, he starts again.

Therefore, the journey that could have been completed in 10 days was dragged by him for 11 days, but still on the road.

At the moment, they are away from Huandu. If they hurry up, they only have one day to go.

However, when he came across a waterfall with three steps, Han Caicai was again interested and stopped the team.

"The scenery here is good, but it's suitable for drinking on the ground." Han Caicai said to himself that his four retinues had already found the best location to enjoy the scenery. They skillfully paved the cushions and arranged the wine sets, waiting for him.

Mu light song speechless looking at Han Caicai toward the cushion, look indifferent.

There was no accident. There was no attack at all. This made her more and more confused about the purpose of Han Caicai's escort.

She had to be cautious about Han Caicai.

They are not friends, and even enemies if they want to be honest.

Besides, Han Caicai and she are the same kind of people who take one step and look at three steps. The only difference is that she is so tired when she has someone to deal with. Han Caicai is different. He seems to do it habitually.

I don't want to be calculated by him any more. I can only keep up my mind.

Although we are peers, we have a clear distinction. At this time, mu Qingge and her people stood far away from Han Caicai.

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