Wei Guanguan also wanted to come in to rub the car, but she refused.

There is no reason for that. I was a gentleman last night. Now I want to sleep for you!

Lying in the comfortable carriage, the cushion under the body makes mu Qingge relax all over.

For the moon to sit on the side of the flower song.

Young lotus ignites the spices and throws them into the censer to burn.

The appearance is low-key in the carriage, but extremely luxurious. Muqingge can endure hardship, but it doesn't object to enjoyment.

"Sir, Moyang has found out some interesting news these days." The young lotus covers the censer's cover, the gentle whispering way.

"Talk about it." Mu light song eyes light close, enjoy the massage of the flower moon.

Youhe turns to face her, clenches his hands and taps on mu Qingge's legs. "The eldest princess of Li state is called Feng Yufei. It is said that she is also a beautiful woman. And the character is quite strong, with a man's blood, say no two, heavy love heavy righteousness. At that time, among the children of Li royal family, they were very popular. However, more than ten years ago, she fell in love with someone she shouldn't love, so she broke up with the royal family and even implicated her mother's wife's death. Then she was expelled from the royal family and suddenly disappeared

"Who is her lover?" Mu Qingge asked.

Youhe slowly shakes his head and immediately responds. Mu Qingge can't see with his eyes closed. He says, "I don't know. I'm afraid no one can tell clearly the origin of the man except Li royal family. He seems to appear out of thin air. As soon as he enters Huandu, he shows the ability of young talents. It seems that he and the eldest princess met in the street. At that time, her horse was out of control and rushed to the crowd. He appeared in time, reined in the crazy horse, and met the eldest princess

"So bloody?" Mu Qingge slowly opened his eyes and closed them again. "Go on."

Youhe continued: "after they met, the more contact they had, the more favorable they were to each other, and their feelings were even more irresistible. The eldest princess told the emperor of Li that she would marry the man. However, he was strongly opposed by the emperor of Li, and even sent people to arrest the man. That man is also very powerful, not only did not get caught, but also killed many palace guards. It is said that at that time, some people saw the purple light on the battlefield

"Purple realm master?" Mu Qingge opens his eyes again, and his eyes are silent.

"I don't know if he is a master of purple realm. Anyway, he killed all the people who came to catch him, and then he left smartly." Yau ho road.

"After that?" Asked mu Qingge.

"No one knows what happened afterwards. Anyway, the man left, and the eldest princess fell out with the royal family and left Huandu. There was no news from then on. " Youhe stopped for a moment and added: "but soon after the eldest princess left, the royal family of Li secretly sent many people to search for her whereabouts. After searching for her for a year, they gradually gave up the search."

After listening to Mu Qingge, he closed his eyes and did not speak.

In my mind, I think.

Is fengyufei, the eldest princess of Li state, related to fengniang? Why does Feng Niang say her husband is missing in the sunset forest? But she clearly has extraordinary strength, but she can't go into the forest to look for herself, so she has to constantly entrust people. And the man who fell in love with the eldest princess is really purple?

If it is really purple territory, why would the royal family of Li give up such an opportunity to win over the peerless experts? Stop two people together?

I don't know the details, but I don't know why Isn't that man from Linchuan?

Mu Qingge frowns faintly, and finds that the more the matter goes down, the more problems it seems.


Huan Du, Zhu Li angrily drove out the doctors in the house.

Even if it's disgusting, it's painful. Even his sister would scream with fright.

The imperial doctors in the palace and the folk doctors were helpless.

It's just a guess that he ate something bad.

However, Zhu Li clearly remembers that he became like this after seeing the Mu surnamed mu in the diner's immortal mansion that day.

At first, he just itched all over, and there were many red spots on his skin.

After that, not itching, but the pain of bone erosion, the red dot has also become a flow of pus blisters.

There was hardly a good place in his face, in his body.

"Go away! Get out of here Julie smashed everything in the room to pieces, and locked himself in the room, unwilling to go out.

In the scarlet eyes, there was a vicious resentment. Zhu Li tried to dig at the ulcerated skin and said: "it's her! It must be her! Mu, you must have hurt me! I want you to die

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