"So it is." Wei Guanguan nodded to understand: "my brother and I said in private, I plan to go to the medicine tower with you to learn, but also to save mother. When I get home, I'll take you to see my mother

Said, her cheek suddenly red, voice also became a lot smaller: "my mother will be very happy to see you."

"What?" Did not hear clearly, Mu light song had to ask again.

Wei Guanguan, however, was like a frightened little beast. He shook his head in a panic and denied: "no, nothing."

Mu Qingge did not doubt that there was him, nodded and did not ask again.

Chatting, the party has come to the gate of Tuo city.

Tuo, the city has to be guarded by the people. If you haven't had time to apply for a pass, you should register your name, origin, ancestral home, reasons for entering the city, leaving in a few days, etc

The strict management makes mu Qingge nod his head in secret and looks at Wei Linlang's ability again.

"Mu Ge, let's wait here first." Wei Qi came to Mu Qingge and said.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked forward. Zhou Shuxian took two people in the past, one of whom had Moyang.

"You've just arrived, but you haven't applied for your pass yet. Uncle Zhou will go and tell them. Otherwise, they are so rigid that they will stop you and Moyang and register them one by one, and then release them after inspection. " Wei Qi explained.

Wei Guanguan also agreed to nod, Du mouth dissatisfied way: "is. You don't know how rigid their brains are. Last time, the girl who was close to me went out of the city to help me with my work. Because she was in a hurry, she forgot to bring her pass. When she came back, they refused to let her into the city. I was so angry that I came out of the house and took her away in person

After listening to Mu Qingge, she picked her eyebrows and expressed her opinion: "I think it's very good."

Before she came, she specially studied the geographical location of Tuo city and fully understood the reason why Wei Linlang was so strict.

Tuocheng belongs to the southwest border of Li state, close to Yu state. At the same time, it is adjacent to the famous Yusen of Li state. It is said that there are many flying spirit animals in that forest. If the people of Li state were not proficient in animal training, I am afraid they would have a powerful air combat force.

Under the leadership of Uncle Zhou, the city registration was completed quickly.

When he came back, Zhou Shu said, "the pass will not be ready until tomorrow, when someone will send it directly to the house. Mr. Mu will wait for a day."

"Thank you, uncle Zhou." Mu light song jaw first smile.

Seeing the long line outside the city and rigorous inspection, mu Qingge is a little lucky to meet the brother and sister of the Wei family. Otherwise, if she takes people into the city herself, she may not be able to get in for a while.

A large group of people entered Tuo city with the admiration of the queue. Perhaps it was because the mark of Uncle Zhou and his city Lord's house played a deterrent role, so no one jumped out of trouble.

Entering Tuocheng, mu Qingge's eyes are bright.

Because the buildings in Tuo city are arranged in an orderly and crisscross way, and they are arranged in a neat and neat way, which gives people a feeling of being very neat and capable.

"These buildings..." Mu light song subconsciously asked the exit.

But the words have not finished, Wei Guanguan took over: "you also think our Tuo city is very different."

Mu Qingge nods.

She then said with pride, "my father said that the location of Tuo city is important, and it is also necessary to dike the attack of flying spirit animals in the feather forest. Therefore, the arrangement of the buildings must be clear and clear, so as to facilitate the military support and the evacuation of the people. At the same time, every hundred steps, there will be a secret chamber buried in the ground. If it is attacked by flying spirit beast, people can retreat into it and take refuge. "

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