"Go out and talk about it." Mu Qingge looked up at the door.

Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan immediately went out with her and came to the yard.

"Mrs. Wei's meridians are blocked because of atrophy. The situation is very serious. Sunset sunflower, can only delay the atrophy speed of meridians, but can not improve Mu Qingge said the results of his diagnosis.

After hearing this, Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan did not show surprise.

I think they've heard this result countless times in other populations.

"If you want to solve this problem, you must find out the cause of the atrophy of meridians, then you can prescribe the right medicine. However, it is difficult to find out the cause of Mrs. Wei's current situation. " Mu light song road.

Generally speaking, if the injury is OK, it can be judged and treated according to the injury.

But if the problem of the abdomen, it is difficult to judge, because there are too many reasons.

Even in the world that mu Qingge is familiar with, at that time, if you want to judge a certain kind of medical disease, you need to repeatedly check and observe before you can make a preliminary diagnosis.

Now Mrs. Wei is facing this situation. Her symptoms are very obvious, but it is impossible to determine where the problem has led to such a result.

She told the truth, but let a glimmer of hope of the Wei brothers and sisters again disappointed.

"But it's not that there is no possibility of cure." All of a sudden, mu Qingge's words changed, which made the eyes of brother and sister burst out with brilliance and rekindled hope.

"Mu Ge, you say there is a way!" Wei Guanguan excited confirmation.

Wei Qi also took a breath, tried to calm himself, said: "Mu Ge, if you can save my mother, from now on, my life will be yours."

"Don't worry." Mu Qingge raised his hand to interrupt his brother and sister's words, frowned and pursed his lips, silent down.

She stood in the courtyard, looking into the distance, as if enjoying the quiet scenery in the courtyard.

However, Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan hold their breath and dare not disturb her.

After a while, mu Qingge just put his eyes on them and said, "my method is only half sure. And the process is extremely painful, a little careless, I am afraid that Mrs. Wei will die. But if you succeed, you may be able to give you a healthy mother. "

Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan's face changed, as if frightened by mu Qingge's words.

Muqingge is not in a hurry, but to the two people: "you can tell my words to the guardian. It's up to you to decide how to choose."

After that, she asked her servants where she lived temporarily and left the courtyard, leaving Wei Qi and Wei Guanguan brothers and sisters to see each other.

"Go to see Dad first."

In a short time, Wei Qi said.

Wei Guanguan nodded, brother and sister left.


Mu Qingge returns to his temporary residence in the Wei mansion. As soon as he comes in, he and Huayue greet him.

Casually deal with two girls a few words, Mu light song will shut himself in the room.

Sitting cross legged on the cushion, mu Qingge's eyes closed, as if in practice.

As a matter of fact, she was thinking about the success of treating Mrs. Wei in her heart.

In the case of not knowing the cause of disease, there is only one way to make Mrs. Wei break and then stand up and get better. That is to reshape the meridians!

It is extremely difficult to remodel meridians.

The original meridians will be broken and then reborn. In this process, even people with good physique are hard to hold on to, let alone the comatose Mrs. Wei?

If you can't resist it, there is only one result, that is to die of broken meridians!

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