Young lotus took the opportunity to escape, turned around, opened the distance between the two people, and then said: "the little Lord finally reacted."

Mu light song embarrassed smile, to her way: "these days refining alchemy head some pumping."

"What are you going to do in the future, sir?" Asked young ho. However, she remembered that the Wei brothers and sisters still wanted to chase the little Lord to Yu state medicine tower.

Mu Qingge thought for a moment and replied, "although I don't know why Wei Linlang wants to do this, since he has already made a move, I'll take it as if I don't know anything and cooperate with him."

Youhe thought and nodded.

In her opinion, such a treatment by Sir Alex has wiped out unnecessary embarrassment.

Moreover, she could see that the feelings of the brothers and sisters of the Wei family towards their own master were nothing but good feelings.

Perhaps as time goes by, they will find that their own owners are not equal to each other.

But the problem comes back.

Who can match such an excellent master? Take off side by side with her, hand in hand with white head?

Youhe thought about it seriously, but he still felt that there was no one!


One day, in a hurry.

Today, the always low-key Weifu is particularly lively.

Early in the morning, the whole mansion was happily cleaning and decorating. In the kitchen, people are very busy. All kinds of famous dishes of Li state are served on the table.

Before it was dark, the sound of drum music had already resounded over the mansion, and the dancers who had been invited from abroad were dancing on the terrace above the water.

People who didn't know about it speculated about Wei Fu's abnormality.

The people in the Wei mansion who know the truth are just the wife of the city Lord who can't afford to be ill for a long time. She is really well! The Lord of the city was so glad that he organized such a grand banquet.

And the more informed people, vaguely aware that the recovery of the wife, with the new guests.

It seems that it was the young master who came back with the young master and lady. His red clothes were as bright as the sun, as gorgeous as blood, and his beautiful appearance was so beautiful that he could not argue with each other and cured his wife's persistent illness. Let the Lord of the city smile, Wei Fu also swept away the haze deposited for many years, just like the sun shining.

Before the banquet, Wei Linlang invited mu Qingge in person.

When mu Qingge saw Wei Linlang, a little surprise flashed in his eyes. I think Wei Lin Lang is too heavy. She doesn't think she has done a lot of great things.

"Brother mu, please." Wei Linlang swept away his mind for many years, his posture was more upright and his smile was more.

Mu Qingge jaw head, walk side by side with her, toward the flower hall where the banquet is held.

"How about Madame?" On this day, mu Qingge did not go to see Mrs. Wei again.

First, I think they have a lot to say when they are together.

Secondly, she has already confirmed that Mrs. Wei is OK. Naturally, there is no need to disturb her.

Now, if you ask me, it's nothing more than casual words.

Is it difficult to make her walk all the way to the flower hall in silence?

Referring to his wife's situation, Wei Lin Lang immediately became a good husband who loved his wife. He said to Mu Qingge in a gentle way: "madam is much better, and she can talk to us. It's just that I haven't recovered well, so I'm not able to attend the party tonight. She would like to see Mu Xiandi once and thank him in person. "

"I'll see my wife some other day, and by the way, I'll refine some pills for strengthening the foundation and strengthening the yuan for her." Mu light song road.

Wei Linlang was immediately overjoyed and said, "then you can admire your good brother. If you need any herbs for alchemy, just open your mouth and I'll send someone to prepare it. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!