"Thank you, brother guard." He said thanks, and handed the gold to the guard's palm.

It was a reward for his kindness.

If he just let them into the city and didn't say the reminders, I'm afraid he won't get the gold.

After the four men had gone far away, the guard woke up from a trance.

When he opened his hand, he saw a piece of gold, one third of the size of a palm, was lying in his palm, glittering with gold.

Four people into Sangzhi City, the surrounding buildings are quite special, the main body is mainly green white, green tiles and white walls, it is very simple, also very freehand.

"The city of Sangzhi has some meaning." Mu Qingge looks around and finds that there are many medicine shops in the city.

Almost every one or two shops, there will be a pharmacy signboard. In addition, besides ordinary people, there are also many people in white robes and green clothes who walk in various medicine shops.

"Sangzhi City, I have been here twice. But this is the first time I have come through the gate. " Si Mo smiles at her.

Mu Qingge didn't care about him and said to Youhe, "ask the guard how to get to the Baicao building."

"Yes, sir." Youhe nods to accept the order and asks Hua Yue separately.

After a while, the two maids came back and told mu Qingge: "Sir, you have already found out the location of the hundred grass building. The guard didn't lie. Today is indeed the last day for the drug tower to recruit students. And it'll be over in another hour. "

Mu Qingge nodded and said to Youhe, "Huayue leads the way. Go and find a quiet place. It is estimated that we will stay in Sangzhi city for a few days. "

Young lotus bows down to leave.

Hua Yue is in the front, leading the way for them.

On the way, Mu light song to Si Mo light voice way: "Sangzhi city has arrived, when do you leave?"

"Xiaoge'er would like me to go?" Si Mo amber eyes, with the injured mood, look to Mu light song.

As if, mu Qingge is a kind of heartless man who always gives up.

"Didn't you say you had something to do here? If you don't hurry to do your business, what are you doing here? " Mu Qingge frowned.

"Does xiaoge'er think I'm in the way?" Si Mo voice more and more aggrieved.

Mu light song impatient way: "what do you want?"

"I don't want to do anything. I just want to be with you." Si Mo said in the heart. However, see Mu light song gloomy face, but did not say.

When he was young, he said, "Xiao Ge'er, don't worry. When it's time to go, I'll go naturally. When you get into the medicine tower, I'll leave. "

"Hum." Mu light song a swing sleeve, fast walk a few steps, open two people distance.

That appearance, seems to be angry Si Mo's rascal.

But in fact, she became a little uncomfortable after getting the exact time of his departure.

This kind of feeling is very strange, both hate to let Si Mo leave immediately, but know he really want to leave, she is not comfortable.

"Why is it so strange?" Murmur, frown and murmur.

This kind of emotion, beyond her cognition, let her not understand why.

"If you can't think about it, don't think about it! Let it be. ' Mu Qingge said to himself in his heart, and his gloomy face was slightly relieved.

Has been paying attention to Mu light Song Si Mo suddenly see her face will be good, some disappointment in the heart.

"It seems that the little girl really wants to leave by herself. As soon as he heard that he was going to leave, his face improved a lot. " Such a result, let Si Mo helpless.

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