Sangzhi City, that quiet environment of the small courtyard, the courtyard door closed, as if no one in general.

However, under the trees in the courtyard, there is a seductive red robe lying lazily on the rocking chair and sleeping with closed eyes. Behind her, a pretty girl is pinching her shoulders. The rhythm is very slow and relaxing.

Suddenly, there was a sudden wind in the courtyard.

When the wind stopped, a girl in a dark green cloak suddenly appeared, kneeling on one knee. "Sir, I'm back."

Mu Qingge slowly opened his eyes, and his clear eyes fell on the kneeling young lotus and asked, "speak."

"Yes, sir." Youhe organized his language a little in his mind, and then said all the information he had found out: "the man who ambushed the young Lord in the countryside is a bandit on the nearby mountain. Sangzhi city is close to the sunset wasteland and the state of Pakistan. It is said that many deserters in the battlefield, as well as refugees, have fallen into the mountains as bandits and occupied mountains as kings. Not only that, because of the special nature of Sangzhi City, there are many scattered repairs around here. "

"Mountain bandit, loose repair?" The two words of murmur in the mouth of muqingge. All of a sudden, she jokingly laughed: "I'm afraid many people have both identities."

"The Baron is wise." Youhe flattered mu Qingge happily and said, "these people always make trouble, but they seldom go to the medicine tower. However, Yao TA is self-sufficient and seems unwilling to manage the loose sand. However, it has been heard that some medicine tower disciples secretly trade with these forces and provide pills in exchange for their military support. For example, killing a person, seizing a rare and famous medicine or something. It is estimated that the gang that was settled by the young sir today had a secret deal with Diao yuan. "

Mu Qingge nodded his head and asked, "how many people are left in this force? What are the forces related to Diao yuan

Youhe pursed his lips and said to himself, "master, forgive me. You haven't found out. Please give me another day, and Youhe will find out. "

"Get up. It's not easy for you to inquire about the news in such a short time." Mu light song to do not care.

Youhe Yiyan got up and handed mu Qingge the information that had been sent from Mufu of Qin State and longyawei these days. Of course, all these information are sorted out by her and Hua Yue, and some repetitive or unimportant ones are screened out.

"Sir, this is the news from the Mu family. This is the news from dragon tooth guard. " Young lotus will be two stacks of paper, respectively handed to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song took over, a light sweep of the eye light, the above content into the fundus.

Most of the news from Mufu is about the state of Qin. On the whole, the little emperor was obedient and didn't produce any moths. Most of the current government had to pass the hand of Regent Qin Jinchen. And Mojia, more often than not, takes a high attitude and stays out of the way.

Except for national affairs.

The letter said that Mr. Mu was in good health and his aunt was still handsome. That is to say, they missed her very much. Ask her when she will go back to the state of Qin to see them, and where she is now, whether she is still used to living outside, and whether she has enough money on her body. Don't be aggrieved.

After reading it, mu Qingge tells Youhe: "you can take time to write back to your grandparents and aunts. It's right for Qin's government affairs not to interfere. The old man worked for Qin all his life, and it's time to support himself. If it's really boring, it's better to help my aunt find a good husband. As for me, it's good to be in the medicine tower now, so they can rest assured. When will I go back? I will go back when I finish my work

"Yes, sir." Young lotus wrote down one by one.

After reading the letter, mu Qingge put his eyes on the intelligence sent by the Dragon teeth guard.

There are only two things up there.

The first thing is the cultivation of Longya guard. The second thing is that Mo Yang was ordered to investigate the relationship between fengniang and the eldest princess of Li.

Mo Yang's letter pointed out that if there were no accidents, fengniang, who was hidden in the sunset town of the state of Qin, would be the eldest princess of Li state who left for love. Li's treasure, which was taken away by the eldest princess, is now a semi artifact dagger among MuQing singers.

Among them, there is a more important news, that is, in the state of Li, the princess and the prince have the same right of inheritance!

In other words, if fengniang had not left, she would have been the most likely heir to the throne according to her reputation in Li state. Feng Yugui, the villain, has nothing to do with him.

As for Muyi, Moyang did not find much. As originally investigated, this man appeared out of thin air and disappeared suddenly in the sunset forest.

Mu Qingge closes the information and squints his eyes and says to himself: "assuming that Muyi is not a Linchuan person, then his disappearance in the sunset forest means that there is a prohibition to leave Linchuan somewhere in the sunset forest? But if he really left Linchuan, why didn't he take Feng Niang with him? "

After pondering for a while, Mu light song's tight lips slowly loosened, "it seems that I'll see feng Niang again." Whether it was Muyi or Feng Yugui's trouble, she felt it necessary to meet Feng Niang once.

She thought it might be a different way to deal with each other.Mu Qingge's eyes flashed a few minutes, and said, "send a message to Moyang, let him bring Feng Niang here. I'll see her here on my next day off. "

"Yes, sir." Young lotus and Flower Moon answer.

After dealing with the affairs almost, mu Qingge asked the second daughter, "how are you doing in Sangzhi city these days? What trouble is there for you

Youhe and Huayue look at each other with a smile and shake their heads.

He said: "we abide by the orders of the young Lord. We live in a shallow place and do not easily cause trouble, so we have a peaceful life."

Mu Qingge nodded her head. Suddenly, she looked awkward and said, "well, that Have you ever been back this time? "

Hua Yue said, "No. After the young Lord went to the medicine tower, we didn't see him again

Mu Qingge's eyes flash a little bit of disappointment. "Oh, maybe he left on business." An uncomfortable mood rises in the heart and is ignored by moqingge.

She comforted herself with relief: "that guy has never been found. How can he account for it?"

Maybe she didn't realize it, but as a girl close to her, Youhe and Huayue secretly exchanged a look

In the end, both of them were smart enough to keep silent. They didn't want to suffer after their master became angry!

What do you want, sir? I'll go and get ready Youhe changed the topic.

Mu Qingge thought about it carefully and said the name of his favorite dish.

After jotting down one by one, the young lotus retreated to prepare the ingredients.

The Flower Moon stays by mu Qingge.

After the sumptuous dinner, mu Qingge bathes and changes his clothes, and then lies in a comfortable soft bed, spreading his limbs, completely relaxed.

"It's so comfortable." Mu Qingge closed his eyes, a face of happiness.

Suddenly, she suddenly opened her eyes and saw a white shadow attacking her.

Her eyes suddenly widened, but the other side was so fast that she couldn't respond, and instantly controlled her hands and feet.

Feeling that her legs were suppressed, her hands and wrists were firmly held by each other. Her voice was a little cold: "let me go!"

"Xiaoge'er missed me Leaning over the city face, with a shallow smile, amber eyes, is the doting point.

"Go away!" Mu light song's voice is more heavy.

But in Si Mo, it is more like a kind of annoyance that is said to be in the heart.

Mu Qingge's warning was not put in the eyes of Si mo. He is still smiling, looking down at her, ink hair drooping, naturally and moqingge's hair intertwined together.

"Do you know you're heavy." Mu Qingge bit his teeth and squeezed this sentence out of his teeth.

As soon as her voice dropped, she suddenly felt a whirl.

When the feeling of rotation disappears, she has exchanged seats with Simao and becomes her lying on Simao. This posture is too ambiguous, Rao is thick skinned enough, but she still feels the feeling of burning her cheeks.

Too intimate posture, let mu Qingge heart rise to escape feeling.

Her hands have been let go, Si Mo changed to use his arms to squeeze her waist, the two people's bodies fit tightly airtight.

Mu Qingge's hands support in Simao's chest, want to open the distance between them.

However, she found that this man's strength is really damned big!

Clear eyes in the eyes of a cold, dark blue with a faint purple light, from the Mu light song body burst. She seems to want to rely on spiritual power to "save" herself!

The light of dark blue spreads from moqingge to Simao.

However, he did not seem to notice, on the contrary, he held her tightly.

Long fingers seemed to be deliberately mischievous, moving back and forth on her back. The feeling of crisp itching came from the back, making mu Qingge anxious to go crazy.

"The more rebellious xiaoge'er is, the more moved I am." Leaning in the ear of a word, suddenly scared Mu light song all over.

As if, the next second Si Mo will turn into a wolf, forcing her to do something that is not suitable for children.

Mu light song all over the body muscle stiffness, let Si Mo mouth corner slowly rise. He asked again: "xiaoge'er obviously missed me. Why did she show her hatred when she saw me?"

"I want you to die!" Muqingge finally ran away!

At this moment, even if the man wanted to crush her to death, she would resist.

Don't want to think about it, mu Qingge's right fist condenses spiritual power and smashes the breast socket of Si Mo severely.

However, the expected roar did not appear, and the scene of blood flying in the sky like delicate petals did not appear.

Mu Qingge only felt the spiritual power that he waved out, as if absorbed by some force.

Si Mo's chest nest seems to be a whirlpool that can swallow everything, swallowing her spiritual power.

She always knew that there was a big gap between herself and the monster. However, when the facts came, she felt that it was too shocking!Outside, maybe she's a master.

However, in front of this man, she did not even have the strength to fight back.

"Good! If you can't, I'll poison you! " Mu Qingge gnaws his teeth in his heart.

However, a millennium monster seemed to be aware of it. With a smile in his voice, he said, "even if it's poison, as long as it's fed to me by a little singer, I'm happy."

Shit! Do you want to be so ambiguous? Hello, Hello, your sister!

Angry baby!

Mu Qingge seems to hear the sound of their teeth rubbing.

"This man is too difficult to do!" Mu light song in the heart of the dejected road.

All of a sudden, she had a good idea. "It seems that there is a way to embarrass him."

Mu Qingge's beautiful face suddenly burst into a moving smile.

She took the initiative to reach out and take off her earrings. Without the cover of the phantom, she was like a peerless beauty coming out of the fog and nestled in Simao's arms.

Si Mo Mou bottom luster move, very interested waiting for the following.

Mu Qingge gave up the struggle, folded his hands on Simao's chest, his chin supported on the back of his hand, and his exquisite facial features showed a kind of indolence that looked down upon the world.

"If your majesty wants to devote himself to me, I will have to accept it. I'm afraid I'm the only one who can make his majesty surrender himself to serve others Speaking, Mu light song fingertips intentionally or unintentionally across the Si Mo chest.

"How is Xiaoge going to accept it Si Mo shows a pair of "this time the honor is really only you can get" expression, but the voice is obviously hoarse.

Mu Qingge frowns slightly, as if thinking seriously about this problem.

After a while, she said innocently, "well, how to serve this problem should not be the holy King's care?" Do you like it? Good! My Lord will accompany you to the end!

"Then I'll wait for Xiao Ge'er to undress first." Si Mo said, the body a turn, lying on the side of the Mu light song, one hand around her, the other hand has been extended out, took Mu light song clothes on the belt.

As long as he pulls hard, the belt will be untied, revealing infinite scenery.

Mu light song's eye light falls on his hand, faintly some nervous, but pretends to be calm if it's appearance, laughs extremely enchanting.

This expression, let Si Mo amber eye son a dark, a shake in the hand, the dress belt is untied.

The smooth robe slides, revealing the exquisite clavicle of moqingge, and a large piece of snow-white skin on the chest. Fortunately, the key seats are wrapped in wipes and there is no running out.

However, such amorous feelings, also enough to let Si Mo heart miss half a picture.

The snow-white scenery in front of him made his sight blurred and his mind was in a trance for a moment.

The coolness on the clavicle, as well as the man's infatuated eyes, let mu Qingge's heart kill again and again. She did not expect Si Mo really dare to do so!

All of a sudden, she hooked a smile, charming and moving. She stretched out her hand, seized the belt of Si Mo, and said in a very seductive voice, "then I will help your majesty undress and take it off."

Finish saying, she is about to pull off Si Mo's belt.

However, before she pulled off, her hand was pressed by Si Mo, making her feel the tight psoas muscle after the material, and the slightly scalded skin.

Mu light song a Zheng, lift eyes to see to Si Mo, but in that moment ran into that pair of deep amber eyes.

That deep, that kind of concentration, is the first time she saw.

"Xiaoge'er, how about being my wife from now on?" Si Mo suddenly serious way.

There was no jest in that tone, as if it were the most solemn inquiry of his life.

However, this sentence falls in Mu light song ear, but like a bolt from the blue! Really come without a trace of preparation, in her brain clear operation, the mouth has subconsciously export: "you are sick!"

Such an answer, let Si Mo's eye light more heavy a few minutes. He didn't get angry or disappointed. Instead, he looked at her more seriously and said, "yes, I like you for your disease. There is no medicine for the medicine stone. Only you are my good medicine. "


Mu Qingge got goose bumps and couldn't help but say, "God, where did you learn from that numbness?"

"Don't make jokes. Think about what I say. I won't force you." Si Mo helplessly sighed, deep voice way.

Mu light Song mouth a draw, obediently closed the mouth.

Si Mo Ning Mu light song tightly pursed the appearance of lips, see originally ruddy lips by her pursed white, heartache.

He lowered his head slowly, trying to rescue the poor lip.

The breath of the two approached and entangled each other. Mu Qingge opens her eyes and stares at Si Mo's more and more clear face. When touching her nose, she turns her head away.

Si Mo's cool lips, with a peculiar fragrance, glided across her cheek, bringing a shiver to her skin.

As if, Mu light song heard a heavy sigh in the ear, then the whole person fell asleep.

This night, she slept soundly and soundly.In the dream, Si Mo's words always reverberate and linger.

When she woke up from her sleep, the whole person was still in a daze, I don't know whether she was awake or in a dream.

Last night, even a trace of moose, not even a trace of her dream, has not been left.

Lying on the soft bed, mu Qingge looks at the top of the tent, layers of gauze curtain like fog, blocking the truth of the event.

Si Mo, the immortal monster, said she liked her? To make her his wife? Did she have auditory hallucinations?

Mu light song clear eyes deep in a daze.

This is not the thing that scares her the most. After hearing these words, she doesn't feel disgusted, let alone disgusted!

This is God horse situation!

What if you decide not to marry? What's the first priority? Said to be smart in men's clothes, from all walks of life?

Marry and have children?!

This topic, is simply a naked thriller, OK!

Mu Qingge thinks of her future scene of holding a baby with one hand and beating strange things with the other. Suddenly, the tiger body shakes, and she almost shivers into a cold sweat.

"Shit! I must have been poisoned by that old monster! Or the kind of powerful poison that confuses the mind Mu Qingge maliciously scolded.

All of a sudden, her cheek last night by Si Mo kiss to the place, faint hot.

She could not help but raise her hand to cover her cheek, and immediately felt her face was red and hot.

This kind of hot, spread quickly all over the body, let her whole person be like burning red iron.

It's so hot that mu Qingge suddenly sits up from the bed, pulls his neck and shouts to the outside: "you he, Hua Yue, prepare water. I want to take a cold bath!"

Although she was unwilling to believe and admit in her heart, she had to recognize a fact She was seduced by a thousand year old demon!

Take a cold shower early in the morning?

What kind of play is the young sir?

Youhe and Huayue walk into mu Qingge's room with the bucket on their faces and pour cold water into the bathtub.

Soon, the bathtub was filled with water.

When Youhe and Huayue withdrew, the former said, "Sir, what would you like to eat for breakfast today?"

Mu Qingge's tone was a little irritable: "recently, you just have to make some food to reduce the fire. By the way, Ye's tea is also changed into chrysanthemum tea! "

"Today's little Baron is so strange!"

"Yes, yes! Why is it suddenly on fire? "

The two girls exchanged everything with their eyes in silence and retreated out.

After they left, mu Qingge sank himself into the cold water and felt the heat and dryness of the body relieved.

This cold bath lasted an hour. Mu Qingge came out with a clear mind.

In the hall, on the round table, Youhe has already prepared the fire-fighting dinner of muqingge. The moon is busy, but there is no lotus.

Mu Qingge sat down, took a sip of the porridge bowl and asked, "where is the young lotus?"

While giving mu Qingge cloth, Hua Yue replied: "she has gone to complete the task assigned by the young Lord yesterday."

Remembering yesterday that she told Youhe to investigate the forces related to Diao yuan, mu Qingge nodded and did not ask any more questions.

Until the afternoon, mu Qingge wakes up from his lunch break, and Youhe comes back with dust and dust.

After entering the courtyard, Youhe will immediately report the intelligence to Mu Qingge. "Sir, I have found out. The force that ambushed you has been destroyed. The people who must have been killed by the Baron that day are all their elites. Diao yuan not only had contacts with this force, but also had close contacts with three other forces. These three forces are some of the more powerful among the numerous forces. It is said that their leaders are all above the green territory, and even the leader of one is the first rank of blue territory. "

Mu Qingge narrows her eyes and listens carefully. She is surprised to find out the information from Youhe.

She did not expect, in such a roving bandit, there are actually strong blue.

It's normal for such a master to set up a family or serve for the major forces in any third-class country, but it's a pity to be reduced to a rogue.

In particular, he was reduced to a roving bandit who made friends with Diao yuan.

Mu light song eyes light a cold, eyes kill cold.

"The total number of the three teams is 1000, of which about 300 are above the green border, and most of the rest are in the orange and red areas." He added.

Mu Qingge's mouth raised a funny smile. She played with her finger and told Hua Yue and Youhe: "write to Moyang and ask him to send the Dragon tooth guard nearest to Sangzhi city. I want this thousand people not to stay." Diao yuan doesn't think he can cover the sky with one hand? Then she will break his outside hand first!

Young lotus raises Mou, answer voice way: "yes." However, she hesitated and said, "the other side has the blue state, we..." Now the strongest strength of Longya Wei is Moyang, which is just Qingjing."If you can't beat it, use it here." Mu Qingge points to his head. "What's the meaning of bullying people who are always bullied than if they are. They have to find ways to leapfrog and challenge in order to grow up fastest."

At the beginning, when she was still in Huangjing, she killed the Beiming old man in the pseudo purple realm with her life for her life. At the time of the green border, they also hit the foreigners with unprepared potential. Now Longya Wei is just facing an initial stage of the blue environment, and there is no reason to retreat.

Young lotus is silent.

Mu Qingge also said: "when Longya Wei arrived, you two were responsible for collecting intelligence. The completion rate of a task depends largely on the accuracy of intelligence. "

"Yes! My Lord

"Yes, sir."

Young lotus and Flower Moon, one after another.

"All right, you go down and do your work. Don't worry about me." Mu Qingge waved his hand, a little tired in the tone.

It seems that after eating, she still wants to go back to sleep.

In the end, mu Qingge didn't sleep.

She went into space and continued to study her grenade gun.

The structure of the gun is no problem. The main problem to be solved is the problem of bullets. She wanted to replace the bullet with a core, but it seemed a bit wasteful to use a core as a bullet.

"If you can convert and store the energy in the animal's core, you can use it in different times. Just like the laser gun of that world, it depends on energy again, but it can be used for a long time. What's more, it is to maximize the destructive power of the energy emitted. " Mu Qingge holds a piece of animal core in one hand and says something in his mouth.

The idea is to have, but it needs to be improved slowly and put into practice.

In addition, if the core is used as energy, the casting material of grenade gun needs to be better. Otherwise, it doesn't use a few times, it will blow up, and it will be bad to hurt your own people.

"As for the materials, we can let the Dragon teeth guard and the qianliejun collect some. In addition, we can also find some from the Vientiane building. " Mu Qingge pondered for a while and suddenly called out: "Meng Meng."

"Master silver, master silver. What can I do for you as the most tolerable baby?" Meng Meng appears in front of Mu Qingge in an instant.

Mu Qingge asked, "Meng Meng, is there any good material for refining utensils?"

Meng Meng nodded without thinking: "of course there is!"

Mu light Gordon eyes a bright, there is a sense of happiness come too suddenly. However, Meng Meng's next words hit her from the cloud of happiness to the bottom of her father's pit.

"But Meng Meng can't get it." Meng Meng reluctantly spread out his hands, shaking his head.

Mu Qingge frowned: "how can you not get it? Don't you take those herbs at will? "

"Nasu, because the herbs grow outside and can be taken from Mengmeng. However, the materials for refining utensils are locked in the palace. If I can't get in, I can't get them. " Meng Meng is aggrieved by the short fat finger.

"Aren't you an artifact? Where can't I go here? " Mu Qingge still can't understand.

Who knows, Meng Meng is more aggrieved.

She turned her mouth: "the baby is a tool, but her ability should also be linked to the strength of the main silver!"


Mu Qingge's face was embarrassed. He coughed twice in embarrassment and said, "you mean that as long as I break through, you will become stronger and you can go to more places?"

"Yes! Master silver is stupid! It's not beyond the purple. When you break through the purple realm, you will be able to open many doors, including the refining materials and martial arts you want Cute and proud way.

Exciting! It's just tempting her and stimulating her!

Mu Qingge took a deep breath and seriously assured Meng Meng: "don't worry, I will try my best to practice!"


Out of the space, it's night.

Mu Qingge looks around the room and suddenly feels a little lonely.

Taking off his robe, mu Qingge lies on the soft bed. Suddenly, an idea arises in his heart: "will he come again tonight?" But as soon as the idea rose, it was suddenly thrown out of her mind.

"What are you thinking! It's better not to come! " Mu Qingge scolded himself, turned to the wall, closed his eyes and tried to make himself fall asleep.

However, this night, she still insomnia.

So that, the next day, when she appeared with two black circles under her eyes, she startled Youhe and Huayue.

"Sir, are you all right?" Hua Yue asked.

Youhe also said, "Sir, but didn't you have a good rest last night?"

Who knows, this word a, Mu light song seems to have been trampled on the tail of the cat, to two people grinning retort: "who said ye did not sleep well? I don't know how well I sleep

“……” Youhe stays.

“……” Hua Yue is stunned.

Feeling his overreaction, mu Qingge awkwardly touched the tip of his nose and said to the two people: "cough, hurry to prepare breakfast. After eating, I will go back to the medicine tower."

With a hasty meal, mu Qingge left the courtyard and returned to the medicine tower.Before leaving, Youhe and Huayue insist on sending her away, but mu Qingge refuses without hesitation.

The two girls are worried about her being ambushed again, but she doesn't think Diao yuan will do so. Since the first ambush has failed, Diao yuan won't take any action before he knows her details.

Therefore, after strictly ordering Youhe and Huayue to stay in the courtyard, mu Qingge left alone.

When he came to the place where he was riding the medicine tower flying beast, mu Qingge did not meet Diao yuan's person, but unexpectedly met Zhu Ling who had asked her to help refine Guiyuan Yangyan pill.

"Sister Zhu?" Mu light song to see a beautiful woman coming to him, also can't pretend not to see.

"Brother mu, you finally appear." Zhu Ling walks to Mu Qingge with a smile.

Mu Qingge brings up a faint smile: "it's a coincidence to meet elder martial sister Zhu here."

"Not at all. I'm here to wait for you." Zhu Ling's charming eyes reveal a trace of sadness.

Mu Qingge smiles a little deeper and asks, "Oh? What's the matter with elder martial sister Zhu waiting for me here? "

"Do you remember what you promised me?" Zhu Ling looked at Mu light song and asked softly.

Nod your head softly.

Seeing this, Zhu Ling's smile was more moving. Despite the ambiguous eyes cast by the disciples of the medicine tower around her, she said to Mu Qingge: "in this case, let's go with elder martial sister."

"Where do you want me to go?" Mu light song eyes light flash, ask a way.

Zhu Ling covered her lips, chuckled and said, "don't worry, elder martial sister won't eat you. Although younger martial brother Mu is beautiful, you are not the one living in my heart. Today, there is an exchange day. I still need one of the herbs for Guiyuan Yangyan pill. Please accompany me to see if I can find the best one. By the way, if you like something, elder martial sister will buy it for you, which is also the reward for refining pills. "

"Exchange day?" Mu Qingge asked.

It was the first time she had heard of it.

Zhu Ling said with a smile, "let's go and say while walking."

Then she took the lead in the other direction.

Mu Qingge thought for a while and followed her.

They walked side by side. After a while, mu Qingge found that many disciples of the medicine tower were also rushing in the direction they were going. What's more, most people have a tight package in their hands.

Mu Qingsong's eyes swept over these people.

At this time, Zhu Ling said: "the so-called exchange day is stipulated by the medicine tower. Every month, there will be a temporary market in a fixed place for the disciples of the medicine tower to exchange some herbs, prescriptions or pills. Of course, people from outside can also participate in it. As long as they can get something of equal value, they can exchange it. "

Mu Qingge understood, exchange day, should be a primitive place to barter.

However, she did not understand why Zhu Ling came here to look for medicinal materials. "Elder martial sister Zhu, there are herbs in the tower for refining Guiyuan Yangyan pill. Why should we go far and far?"

"You don't know, younger martial brother. Although the medicinal materials of the medicine tower can be provided to the disciples quantitatively, they don't want what they want. Only Dou Dan is an exception. You can take medicinal materials according to the pills you want to fight. Elder martial sister, I can't make high-grade pills at all. How can I get them? If you buy it in the medicine tower, it will cost a lot. I'd rather try my luck on the exchange day. " Zhu Ling's way of feeling.

Mu Qingge quietly asked: "elder martial sister Zhu is the dean's lover, is there no special case?"

Zhu Ling "cackled" of smile: "Mu younger brother is to want to ask me and Diao yuan is all the way?"

When his mind is exposed, mu Qingge is not embarrassed. Instead, he appreciates Zhu Ling's wisdom.

At the beginning, when she saw Zhu Ling and Shang zisu close, she had doubts. Why can two people who should have been incompatible become friends? What's more, it's not like cheating to see how they get along.

Zhu Ling stopped laughing and exclaimed, "elder martial brother Diao has excellent talent and is very popular with master. But I, the posture is flat, can only rely on some careful machine, revolves the self-protection

Her words, let mu Qingge aware of what.

With a smile, mu Qingge said to Zhu Ling, "elder martial sister Zhu, why should you belittle yourself? You must have talent if you can be regarded as a disciple by President Hua. As long as we work hard for a few days, the senior Dan master is not delusional

Mu light song words, coax Zhu Ling mood greatly. Her waist trembled with laughter: "it would be a good word for younger martial brother mu. If elder martial sister becomes a senior Dan master one day, she will surely remember today's encouragement."

They talked and laughed all the way, but they didn't feel sad about time.

Soon, Zhu Ling took mu Qingge to the gate of a temporary market.

It's a temporary bazaar. It's true.

Outside the market, there is a memorial archway without any plaque. It seems that it was just to tell those who came that the market began.

In the archway, many straw sheds were built, and banners were hung on the beams. On the banner, either the word "tea" is written or the shape of a "teapot" is painted.

In addition to these "buildings", the ground is covered with linen of various colors, and a lot of things are placed on the linen cloth for exchange.As Zhu Ling said, at a glance, most of the herbs are medicinal materials, followed by danfang, and finally some refined pills.

There are already many people in the market.

Judging from their clothes, most of them are disciples of the medicine tower.

There are also people in other costumes, probably outsiders who want to trade with medicine tower disciples.

"Brother mu, let's go in and have a look. If you like any medicinal materials, you can open your mouth. Don't be polite to elder martial sister. " Zhu Ling said a word to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge nodded with a smile and walked into the market with Zhu Ling.

As soon as she entered the market, Zhu Ling began to search for the herbs she lacked. On the contrary, muqingge has no specific purpose and looks around with interest.

"Elder martial sister Zhu, when does the exchange day usually start and end?" Mu Qingge suddenly asked.

Zhu Ling replied, "generally, Yin Shi begins and Zi Shi ends. However, the disciples of our medicine tower will return to the tower at dusk. "

Mu light song a few can not check nodded, and continue to look up.

Medicinal materials, unless very rare and valuable, moqingge will be moved. Mengmeng has unlimited supply of common medicinal materials and even some rare treasures, so she is not interested in it.

As for Dan Fang, she has the inheritance of Dan God, and she has read the collection in the Dan Fang Museum. How can she be curious about these pills?

And pills

Even less interesting to her.

Although they walked together, they did not interfere with each other.

After a while, Zhu Ling finally found the medicine she needed in a stall. After several times of bargaining, Zhu Ling used a bottle of pills refined by himself to replace this medicine.

After finishing the goal, Zhu Ling was relieved and turned to see mu Qingge standing with his hands on his back. He joked, "it seems that the things here can't enter Mu's eyes."

Mu Qingge smiles and says nothing more.

All of a sudden, there was a dispute not far away, and there was something familiar in the voice.

Mu light song looked up, but only saw the crowd.

Zhu Ling looked at her and asked, "do you want to go over and have a look?"

Mu Qingge looked back at her and said with a smile, "it seems that I heard a familiar voice."

"Let's go and have a look. It's just that the payment promised to Mu may be postponed. " Zhu Ling said with a smile.

Mu Qingge shakes his head and says, "no problem."

With that, they walked towards the place where the crowd gathered.

The closer we get, the clearer the dispute will be.

Listen to the sound clearly, Mu light song's eyebrows a wrinkle, quickened the pace.

"Hello! Is it reasonable for you to flirt with women in the street? It's really hard for us to set up the medicine Tower! " Wei Guanguan's angry way.

As soon as mu Qingge entered the crowd, he saw several people in the center of the crowd.

She was stunned when she saw clearly. They're all people we know. It's just, how did they get together?

She did not wait for her to understand, followed by Zhu Ling also saw the people surrounded by them, and cried out: "perilla!" He squeezed in and stood by the side of the Shang zisu with a cold face and angry eyebrows. , the fastest update of the webnovel!