Misty forest, the largest forest in the western end of Yu state, occupies the whole west.

It is said that the border of Linchuan is another deep margin of the dream forest

"Brother mu, what are you looking at?" Zhao Nanxing found behind him suddenly quiet down, turned around to see only mu Qingge, looking at a certain trance.

Mu light song in front of the eyes, is winding in the forest heavy fog, blocking the way, but also more mysterious. Hearing Zhao Nanxing's inquiry, she slowly withdrew her sight and said to him, "nothing."

"Keep up so that you don't get lost." Zhao Nanxing did not doubt that there was him and urged.

Mu Qingge lightly points the jaw head, followed by Zhao Nanxing.

In front of them, the three figures have become blurred.

Two people look at each other, and suddenly speed up the pace, toward the three people.

After a while, the figure in front of him became clear again. Then mu Qingge said to Zhao Nanxing: "elder martial brother Zhao, I heard that the dream forest can reach the border of Linchuan mainland?"

Zhao Nanxing said with a smile, "have you heard this legend?"

Mu Qingge nods.

Zhao Nanxing's eyes were fixed on the three people in front of him, and he said, "in the ancient books of the royal family of Yu, one side of the dream forest has been mentioned. The border of Linchuan is the border of the mainland. However, for thousands of years, no one has arrived. It may be said that someone has found it, but it has never appeared before people's eyes. "

"So mysterious?" Mu Qingge frowned.

Zhao Nanxing nodded, swept around, and said to Mu Qingge: "you see, the reason why this dream forest is called the dream forest is because there is fog all the year round. This kind of fog can easily make you lose direction after entering, and even if you inhale too much, you will also have hallucinations. Before the establishment of yaota Branch Hospital, there were lost people every year. Later, the drug Tower Branch was set up and negotiated with our royal family to include the dream forest, which reduced the number of missing people. However, even if the disciples of the medicine tower come in to collect herbs, they will not go too deep. Moreover, they should take the broken barrier pill we took when we came in just now, so as not to fall into illusion. It's really unprecedented that this trial should go to the moon lake. "

Zhao Nanxing finished and sneered.

After listening to Mu Qingge silently, he suddenly asked, "if there is a boundary, then what is it beyond the boundary?"

This sentence seems to be asking Zhao Nanxing, but also seems to be asking himself.

Zhao Nanxing looked back at her and said to her, "if one day my accomplishments reach the purple state, I would like to visit outside Linchuan. However, I will never choose the forest of dreams. I will choose the bitter sea of ancient witch kingdom or the wandering soul desert of Di kingdom

Mu light song eyes flash, silence down.

Zhao Nan has seen two places in xingkou of Linchuan.

It's no secret that there is a wider world beyond Linchuan. Only ignore, can go out of the people are too few, gradually became a legend.

The Linchuan chronicle clearly records that if you want to leave Linchuan, there are two ways to choose.

One is the sea route, the southernmost ancient witch Kingdom on the mainland, mysterious and closed. Further south of that country, there is an unseen sea called the bitter sea. It is said that if you can cross the bitter sea, you can reach another continent.

However, the sea of suffering is endless. No one knows how long it will take to go out and what dangers lie in the sea.

The other is the second-class country Di at the northernmost point of Linchuan. Further north of it, there is a hot desert, boundless.

Some people say that the desert is bigger than Linchuan and very dangerous.

It is also said that as long as you can cross the desert, you can enter another world.

Zhao Nanxing's words, muqingge very you can understand.

Because these two roads are the most detailed way to leave Linchuan in the records. If she chooses, she will choose one of the two, instead of choosing the road which is vaguely recorded in the legend.

"Elder martial brother Zhao doesn't want to inherit the throne?" Mu Qingge is a curious way.

Zhao Nanxing laughed: "I know that I am not the material to be an emperor. Instead of being busy with state affairs all day and making many helpless decisions for the country, I would rather live a life of leisure and wild crane."

His reply made mu Qingge laugh: "I know two princes who don't love to be emperor. Elder martial brother Zhao is one of them."

"Oh? Who's the other one? I have the same knowledge as I do. I really want to see you. " Zhao Nanxing's curious way.

Mu light song did not say much, just vague way: "there will be a chance."

Zhao Nanxing also did not ask, sighed with emotion: "learning alchemy is also for the sake of having a mouth to eat in the future. If you want to leave Linchuan one day, you may as well call him a fool. " With that, he blinked at mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge laughed and joked, "elder martial brother Zhao, give up elder martial sister Shang?"

Zhao Nanxing looks embarrassed, but generous way: "I love zisu, everyone can see, only she seems not aware. Well, what matters about love is that you love me. If she doesn't have me in her heart, why should I ask for it? ""What are you talking about? Keep up." Suddenly, Mei Zizhong in front of him turned and called out to them.

Zhao Nanxing and mu Qingge looked at each other with a smile. The former said, "here we are."

When they caught up with the three, Zhao Nanxing said to Mei Zizhong, "I have an agreement with my younger brother Mu that if he wants to leave Linchuan one day, he will call on me." Finish saying, his eyes intentionally or unintentionally from the business purple perilla body.

However, the beauty is indifferent, let him inevitably some disappointment.

Mei Zizhong smile, the ethereal posture is like banishment immortal. He looked at Xiangmu Qingge and asked, "do you have such a big wish?"

Mu Qingge nodded: "the world is so big, I want to see it."

Meizizhong smile even more, he suddenly serious way: "if have that day, Mu younger martial brother might as well call me."

Mu light song a Leng, some surprised.

If she remembers correctly, Mei Zizhong should have grown up in the medicine tower since childhood and never left. According to this development track, he should inherit the mantle of his master and stay in the medicine tower.

Is He has a sullen heart?

"Why, don't you think I should go out?" As if aware of the surprise of Mu light song, Mei Zizhong's light way.

"No! How could it be! " Mu Qingsong laughs.

"You all have to agree to leave Linchuan together. It's better to add me." Zhu Ling suddenly said.

Her words, immediately attracted Mei Zizhong and Zhao Nanxing surprised eyes, the former is subconsciously frown.

However, Zhu Ling seemed to be unconscious and said to zisu, "what about zisu?"

Purple perilla eyes light, as snow swept a few people, only in the Mu light song body stay for a while, then a short answer: "good."

Her answer, the most surprising person is Zhao Nanxing.

Because, it means he can stay with the goddess of dreams even if he leaves the medicine tower.

Thinking of the beautiful scene in the future, Zhao Nanxing smiles very brightly to Mu Qingge. "Younger martial brother, my happiness depends on your efforts."

What's that called?

Mu light Song mouth a draw, "want to leave Linchuan, rely on all of us to work together is."

"Yes, yes, yes! Let's work together Zhao Nanxing said with a smile.

A few people similar smile, an agreement will be hidden in the heart.

At the end of the conversation, the five continued to walk in.

Mei Zizhong took out a palm sized instrument and said to the crowd, "according to the direction indicator, we are going to go to the Moon Lake and go there." He points to the front right.

Zhao Nanxing came over and looked down at the direction instrument. He said in an uncertain way: "can you believe this directional instrument? I remember that there were disciples who came in for training, and when they went out, they said that the direction indicator failed. "

"Believe it or not, we can only rely on it at present." Mei Zizhong said.

Mu Qingge raised his chin: "go inside first. We are not the only people who go to the moon lake. If we can meet other people on the road, we will know whether the direction is wrong

Several people jaw head, walk toward inside together.

Although there are many mists in the forest of dreams, they are not moist at all, nor are they dark and humid.

It feels like a huge maze.

"Be careful, everyone. Pay attention to whether there are animals around. If you meet some precious herbs, don't miss them. " Mei Zizhong is humane to all.

The five men walked in the form of arrows, and Mei Zizhong was in the front. Mu Qingge and Zhao Nanxing walk at the end of each side, while the two women are protected in the middle.

The forest of dreams is quiet and seems to have few animals.

However, no one relaxed their vigilance. Because Lou Chuanbai said that he once met the spirit beast of Blue Realm in the dream forest.

It can be seen that although there are not many spirit beasts in the forest of dreams, they are also very strong.

"There's movement on the right side!" Mu Qingge suddenly stops and his ears move.

The four immediately stopped and quickly gathered into a circle to cover each other. This kind of cooperation without training is really surprising.

Suddenly, a white shadow came towards them like lightning.

It was so fast that I couldn't see clearly that it appeared almost instantly from a distance.

In addition to moqingge, the eyes of the four people all shrunk and their faces suddenly changed. When the white shadow came to my eyes, it suddenly rushed in the direction of the purple perilla.

The purple perilla of Shang Dynasty subconsciously retreats, the green awn in the hand is ready to swing out.

Zhao Nanxing and the green light in his hand flashed, and he was going to catch the white shadow.

Zhu Ling's body twinkles with dazzling yellow light, while Mei Zizhong's body is full of light green light.

"Zhi --!"

Just as we were preparing for World War I, the white shadow suddenly stopped and let out a scream.

At this time, its appearance also clearly appeared in front of everyone.


A pure white fox animal, muqingge grabs its neck with one hand and pedals on all fours. His red gem like eyes glare fiercely at muqingge."What is this?" Zhu Ling was surprised.

However, others pay more attention to the speed of moqingge.

This animal is faster than her.

"Snow fox." Mu Qingge's voice is flat.

"Is this snow fox? It is said that the fox moves like lightning and has the ability to confuse Zhao Nanxing blinked his eyes and carefully observed the snow fox carried by mu Qingge in his hand.

Mei Zizhong's eye light also fell on the snow fox, the light way: "snow fox is born is the Yellow boundary spirit beast, with its growth, can grow into the purple boundary spirit animal."

"How wonderful! How lovely Zhu Ling looked at the snow fox, the girl's heart was captured by this little thing in an instant.

Mu Qingge said to Shang zisu: "elder martial sister Shang, the snow fox suddenly turns to your side. It seems that your breath is more suitable for it. No, if you take it as a spiritual pet, if you cultivate it well, it may become a great help in the future. "

Hearing the words of Mu light song, Zhu Ling looked at Shang zisu with envy and said, "zisu, take this little thing. It's hard for younger martial brother Mu to think of you in everything." Said, she provocatively looked at Zhao Nanxing.

The latter didn't care at all: "it's also right for younger martial brother to be filial to elder martial sister. This snow fox is really more suitable for women to raise. Take the Perilla. "

Mei Zizhong had a smile in his mouth. Although he didn't speak, the meaning was very obvious.

However, Shang zisu shook her head and refused: "I don't need it."

Her choice made people wonder.

Zhu Ling asked, "why? Don't you like it? "

Shang zisu bit her lip and whispered, "I like it. But its eyes are too fierce. I don't want to have foxes. "

Her words, let everyone look at snow fox.

Snow fox seems to be able to understand people's words, showing pitiful eyes, but only when he looks at Xiangmu Qingsong, can he hide a trace of ferocity in his pitiful begging for mercy.

Several people are not stupid, naturally saw this, suddenly all silent.

Shang zisu said: "I'm not a master of Tiantong, and I don't know how to control the spirit beast. It's better not to

Zhu Ling thought for a while and said, "I think it has a grudge against Mu younger martial brother. In order to avoid future trouble, it is better to kill it."

"Cheep! Squeak Snow fox immediately eyes light fierce matchless look to Zhu Ling, grinning to show sharp teeth.

Zhu Ling was scared to step back, shook his head and said, "the purple perilla is right, this is a spirit animal, we are difficult to tame. If it is not handled properly, I am afraid it will retaliate. "

With that, she looked at Xiangmu light song.

The other three also watched Xiangmu Qingge.

Mu light song droops to look at the snow fox in the hand, it is no longer hiding itself at the moment, the Mu light song reveals a strong hatred.

Mu light Song said to it: "I am just self-protection to restrain you, you little thing so hate me. It seems that I can't keep you

As soon as the voice fell, a little panic flashed in the eyes of snow fox, chirping, as if begging for mercy.

Mu Qingge shook his head and said, "the fox is cunning by nature. If I let you go, I'm afraid I will get your revenge. If it's normal, I don't have time to tangle with you in this dream forest. "

After that, mu Qingge's five fingers tightened violently, crushing the snow fox's neck and taking its life.

Snow fox will be taken out of the core, the body thrown on the ground, Mu light song to the four: "go."

Four people nodded and passed by the body of snow fox.

Soon, the five disappeared in place, covered by heavy fog. No one noticed that, deep in the fog, there were blood red and cold eyes, full of hatred, staring at where they had left.

A white mist drifted over the body of the snow fox. When the fog cleared, where was the body of the snow fox?


That night, mu Qingge five people found an abandoned cave as a resting place.

The cave is not big, but it is more than enough for five people.

In the middle of the cave, there was a bonfire.

Five people sat on the ground around the campfire, and each of them meditated with their knees crossed, replacing rest with practice.

The fire reflected on the five people, bright and dark, and the whole cave was covered with fire. Five people's appearance is extremely outstanding, each has charm. If there are ordinary people who break into it by mistake, I am afraid they will think that they have broken into the immortal cave.

A burst of white fog quietly into the cave, from a few people flow, gathered in the Mu light song body week.

Gradually, the white fog formed a big cocoon with a little transparency, and wrapped the moqingge in it. Suddenly, the cocoon turned into a filament and penetrated into mu Qingge's body.

Mu Qingge, who is practicing meditation, is suddenly stunned, frowning and calming again.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that her handprint has been slightly loosened

Where is this place! Mu Qingge seems to be in a world of white fog, surrounded by thick white fog.

Her hands waved away the white fog, but to no avail.She uses her spiritual power, only to find that the spiritual power at the peak of Blue Realm seems to have disappeared.

At this time, she found that the dense white fog around her gradually faded, and her sight became clear.

"One, two, one, two, one, stand!"

The familiar voice of exercises rings in my ears.

Mu Qingge was shocked.

The white fog completely dispersed, when mu Qingge saw clearly the scene in front of her, she was stunned in situ, eyes full of disbelief.

All around, there are square teams arranged in order.

The soldiers in training were wearing dark green camouflage uniforms that she was familiar with.

This training ground is her memory of more than ten years. She is so familiar that she can't even remember a weed on the ground.

"Longya, what are you doing here? Have you returned to the team and started today's basic training? " All of a sudden, there was a severe blast from behind.

Mu Qingge suddenly turned around and saw the people coming to her. She was shocked and said, "drillmaster!"

This is her instructor when she just joined the army and was elected to the special forces. At that time, before the country had set up a special ability department, she and other comrades in arms with ability were broken up and trained in special forces.

Mu Qingge looks down at his body and finds himself wearing a camouflage training suit. The dress was familiar to her, but why did it appear?

"Not yet! You want to be punished, don't you? Don't think that you are different because of your special abilities. " The drillmaster's severe reprimand came.

Mu Qingge trance to the training team, with doubt, with puzzled, very familiar with the training.


The night passed quietly.

In the early morning, the bonfire in the cave was long gone. Sunlight came in through the hole and dispelled the darkness in the cave.

Mei Zizhong was the first to finish the cultivation and wake up. His light eyes swept over the faces of the four people. Finally, he stayed on the face of muqingge.

Inexplicably, he looked at mu Qingge's appearance daze, as if attracted by her unique color.

The second thing to wake up was Zhao Nanxing, who stretched himself as soon as he woke up.

This action awakened Mei Zizhong. He drooped his eyes, and his long curled eyelashes blocked his confusion.

After covering up his good mood, he looked at Zhao Nanxing and said, "younger martial brother, you are awake."

Zhao Nanxing grinned: "good morning, elder martial brother."

While they were talking, Shang zisu and Zhu Ling opened their eyes almost at the same time.

The four eyes meet, and they all turn their eyes to Mu Qingge who is still closed.

"Why is younger brother Mu still practicing?" Zhao Nanxing stands up and goes to Mu Qingge.

Mei Zizhong said in a hurry: "don't disturb Mu's cultivation."

At this time, Shang zisu found something wrong with mu Qingge's hand: "why is the handprint made by younger martial brother Mu loose in practice?"

Her words immediately attracted the attention of three people.

Mei Zizhong and Zhu Ling also walked past, four people stand around mu Qingge.

There seems to be nothing wrong with the symmetrical breathing of muqingge.

Zhao Nanxing frowned and said, "did younger martial brother Mu sleep in practice?"

Shang zisu shook her head slowly: "even if I really fell asleep, I should wake up at this time."

"There is something wrong with it." Zhu Ling pondered. "Even if he fell asleep, we surrounded him like this and talked about the conversation. He should be startled to wake up."

"Is it ill?" Zhao Nanxing said again.

He looked at Mei Zizhong.

Mei Zizhong came forward and squatted beside mu Qingge, calling softly: "Mu Shidi, Mu Shidi, wake up."

However, mu Qingge, like a statue, has no reaction at all.

"Elder martial brother, please feel the pulse for younger martial brother mu." Shang zisu suggested.

Mei Zizhong nodded, turned over the hand of muqingge and put it on her pulse

All of a sudden, he suddenly released his hand, his eyes were shocked.

That kind of emotion, broke his previous calm, as if his world suffered a great impact.

"What are you doing, elder martial brother? Is Mu's pulse so strange? " Zhao Nanxing looked at the stunned Mei Zizhong and stretched out his hand to feel the pulse for mu Qingge.

However, before he touched mu Qingge's wrist, his hand was suddenly caught by Mei Zizhong.

Zhao Nanxing did not understand to look at him. Mei Zizhong has already restored his old look, and gave him a light smile: "I'll come." After that, he released his hand and put his fingers on the pulse of muqingge.

"Female! This is a woman's pulse! How can younger martial brother Mu have a woman's pulse! Unless... " Mei Zizhong showed that he was calm, but his heart was as turbulent as the waves.

This secret, let him do not know how to express, but clearly know, can not say!

Although he didn't know what kind of method muqingge used to disguise it vividly, it must have her reasons since she chose to show people as a man."It's wrong for me to break it by accident. I can't make this secret public." Mei Zizhong said to himself in his heart.

For a long time, he released his fingers and looked up at the three people waiting.

Maybe his reaction was so strong that they all looked at him with curiosity and worry.

"Younger martial brother Mu has a steady pulse and doesn't seem to be infected with a disease." Mei Zizhong said his own inference.

"Then why didn't he wake up?" Zhao Nanxing raised his doubts.

Mei Zizhong shook his head slowly, stood up, and said to Sanren: "maybe younger martial brother Mu is practicing something we don't know. Let's not disturb her, and then wait."

Zhao Nanxing and Shang zisu did not refute his words. They all sat back to eat Bigu Dan to solve the problem of food and clothing.

Zhu Ling went to Mei Zizhong and asked anxiously, "are you OK, elder martial brother Mei?"

Mei Zizhong's cold eyes fell on Zhu Ling, politely and estranged: "sister Lao Zhu cares, I'm fine."

“……” Mei Zizhong's estrangement made Zhu Ling open her mouth. Finally, she did not say anything and returned to the side of Shang zisu and sat down.

Mei Zizhong simply sat down beside mu Qingge and meditated with his eyes closed.

Under his seemingly calm appearance, his heart is very agitated. It was as if he was digesting the secret he had inadvertently acquired.

I'm afraid, mu Qingge also did not think that he would be a secret. The phantom can cover the human eye and change her appearance to be the same as that of a man, but it can't change her body structure, her pulse and internal breathing.

Or perhaps, she did not know, but never thought that one day, someone would pulse for themselves, through their own pulse beat, know that they are the secret of the daughter.

In the cave, the quiet waiting was restored.

However, mu Qingge is getting deeper and deeper in another "illusion".

"The dragon's teeth come out."

"Come on Mu Qingge takes a step forward and steps out of the line.

The instructor looked at her and said coldly, "some items in your physical examination report are unqualified. Now go to the team doctor to report."

"Yes Mu Qingge has no refutation or hesitation.

Hands up to the waist and trot to the team doctor's infirmary.

Before we got to the clinic, there was a smell of disinfectant. Mu Qingge went to the door and stood at attention and called out to the door that was closed: "report for duty!"

"In." A very nice male voice came.

The voice with a noble, but also a bit of arrogant and lazy.

Mu Qingge pushed the door into the room and saw a tall figure in a white coat besides the white room.

The back is very beautiful, like a European model, with perfect proportions.

He seems to be playing with something, moqingge came in, he put down his hands and slowly turned around.

When he turned around, a trace of surprise flashed in Mu Qingsong's eyes.

How beautiful this man is!

Long and narrow fox eyes, as if there is a kind of inherent charm. High nose, shallow lips, every line seems to be a masterpiece of God.

Even if it is the unity of men in the army, it does not damage his charm.

However, in the eyes of his enchanting fox, there is a kind of indifference. Behind the indifference, there is a layer of ice.

"Go to that bed and lie down. There are some problems in your medical report. I need to check it myself." The man slowly way, the tone is permeated with a kind of noble elegance.

"Yes." Mu Qingge did not doubt that he turned to the hospital bed.

The snow-white sheet, the faint smell of disinfectant, did not make people resist.

Mu Qingge lay silent on it, staring at the energy-saving lamp on the ceiling calmly.

Suddenly, a shadow came.

Mu light song eyes light light shift, saw the handsome doctor to go to his front. In his hand, with a sharp scalpel.

There was a faint smile in the corner of his mouth, which seemed to have anesthetic effect. It could paralyze people's nerves and relax their vigilance. Mu light song in his smile, eyes light some lax.

"Your report says your heart is cold. I'll open your chest and check it carefully." The doctor's voice seemed to have a hypnotic effect.

After listening to Mu Qingge lying on the bed, there was no resistance at all.

The scalpel dropped slowly, and the doctor zipped down the jacket of moqingge to reveal the sling vest inside.

Under the white skin, the heart is beating

Just as the scalpel touched the skin, a drop of red blood gushed from under the skin.

This drop of blood makes the doctor's smile worse and more cruel.

In the eyes of the enchanting fox, there is a kind of revenge pleasure and madness.

Just as he was about to scratch the skin of moqingge, he suddenly felt that his wrist was tight and could not move.

Shock flashed in his eyes, directly on mu Qingge's icy eyes."You Besides shock, the emotion in his eyes was more incredible.

Mu Qingge held his wrist, turned over and got out of bed and sneered: "I'm curious why I'm not confused by you? Snow, Fox and king. "

The doctor's eyes shrunk, and his eyes were even more shocked. All kinds of complex emotions were finally replaced by strong hatred.

Mu Qingge did not care at all: "your fantasy is very real, and even found my deepest memory. However, I do not remember that there is such a beautiful team doctor in my army

Snow fox King thin lips tightly pursed, indifferent eyes, reflecting the figure of Mu light song, that kind of hatred is not concealed.

"I almost believed it. But you lose in your confidence. " Mu Qingge held his hand, slowly close to his ear, whispered in his ear: "do you think I'm an idiot?"

Check your heart with a scalpel?

What's the difference between this murder? Do you really think he can confuse her?

"Well, you know what? You still can't get out of my fantasy Snow fox Wang Mou light cold Li sweep, the other hand into sharp fox claw toward Mu light song attack.

Blue light, Mu light song a palm in the chest of snow fox king, will he fly.

He hit the wall violently and fell, covering his chest in disbelief and asking, "how could you..."

Mu Qingge looked at the blue light on his hand and laughed jokingly: "the fairyland is an illusion after all, and can't be true. Since I have understood that this is an illusion, how can I continue to be confused by your illusion? My spiritual power has never been lost. "

Snow fox King Mou son shrinks, corner of mouth overflows blood, hate voice way: "I still underestimate you."

"I'm flattered." Mu Qingge's smile is particularly charming against the brilliant blue light.

"Master silver, shut it in the space." Meng Meng's voice suddenly rings in Mu Qingge's mind.

Mu Qingge was stunned and asked, "why?"

Meng Meng said excitedly, "I can smell a trace of supernatural beast on it. Let's lock it up, torture it slowly, trample it, destroy it, and let it submit to you. It's your spiritual pet!"

Mu Qingge's mouth twitches.

Get such a beautiful pet? However, snow fox King's ability is really good.

Mu Qingge is a little excited and asks Meng Meng, "how can I lock it up?"

"As long as master silver catches it, all the rest will be handed over to Meng Meng!" Meng Meng is confident.

Mu light song eyes flash, instantly disappeared in place, and when it reappeared, it had caught its paw in the shock of snow fox king.

Suddenly, a silver light, snow fox King disappeared in her hands.

Mu Qingge looked at the empty hand, also disappeared in place into the space.

"Meng Meng." As soon as he enters the space, mu Qingge shouts.

Meng Meng appears in front of her in an instant, unfolds the flesh Du Du's hands to beg to embrace. "Master silver, baby should be hugged!"

Mu Qingge slapped her and asked, "where is the king of snow fox?"

Meng Meng was extremely aggrieved, drooping her eyes to cry: "the main silver bad, with the new forget the old."

"Don't you want sugar pills?" Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, threat way.

Meng Meng Jiao body a shock, yield in front of the lead: "come with me."

Mu Qingge follows Meng Meng to a house that has never been in the future. In the middle of this room, there is a snow fox of adult size, lying in front of her. It seems to be in a coma, its huge fox tail is covered with a faint golden light, and there is a golden Rune in the center of its eyebrows.

"How did you turn it into a fox?" Murmur and frown. Compared with the fox, she still thinks that the king of snow fox is more eye-catching.

Meng Meng said: "this is what it was originally like. Now it is the middle level of the Blue Realm and can only be transformed into human form in the illusion. When it breaks through the purple realm, it will have a chance to transform into a mythical beast, and then it will be transformed into a real human form. "

Mu Qingge nodded.

Mengmeng then said: "of course, if it is willing to submit to the master silver and become the master silver's spiritual pet. Then after the main silver promotion, it can also get benefits, can speed up the cultivation speed

Mu Qingge grinned and said hopelessly, "look at the way it wants to dig out my heart. Is it likely to surrender to me?"

However, Meng Meng pretended to be mature and said: "when children are young, they are always disobedient. It's good for the master silver to spend more patience."

Mu Qingge glanced at the snow fox king and said to Mengmeng, "let's lock him up here first. I'll go first. I'll talk to him again when I have time. I'll reshape his three outlooks. "

Finish saying, Mu light song turns to walk.

Meng Meng goes out with her. At this time, the snow fox king with his eyes closed slowly opened his eyes, revealed his scarlet eyes, coldly looked at the direction of Mu Qingge's departure, and said in his heart: "despicable human, if you want me to submit to you, you will die that heart!"


In the cave, when mu Qingge opened his eyes, it was already noon.

As soon as she woke up, Mei Zizhong announced her departure, as if nothing had happened.They do not ask, Mu light song is naturally not willing to explain.

However, after leaving the cave, Meng Meng suddenly reminds mu Qingge: "Lord silver, baby forgot to tell you. When you were pulled into a dreamland by the king of snow fox, that plum Zhong took the pulse for you. "

This news, let Mu light song heart liver tremble, subconsciously to walk in front of Mei Zizhong.

Naturally, she knew that there were differences in pulse patterns between men and women.

"It seems that more people know my identity." Mu light song slowly droops the eyes, collected the mood in the eyes.

However, since Mei Zizhong did not take the initiative to ask her, she was not good to ask what, so as not to say more.

They walked in the forest of dreams for a few days. In addition to encountering some spirits and beasts, everything was quite calm. Anyway, in the end, the core of the spirit beast fell into mu Qingge's pocket, and all the medicinal materials met also entered the pockets of five people.

Along the way, the four seem to have a new understanding of the strength of muqingge.

Alchemy talent demon, young is a senior Dan teacher. Her spiritual cultivation was unpredictable, resourceful, and beautiful. She was so angry that all the good things happened to her.

In the end, Zhao Nanxing had to envy mu Qingge: "brother mu, a perfect person like you, live very hard!"

Finally, five people came to the moon lake.

It's just unexpected that they didn't meet other people in the drug tower along the way, but they met Diao yuan and a group of people here in the moon lake.

As soon as they met, both sides were on the alert.

Mei Zizhong whispered in the side of Mu Qingge: "the magic moon bud is said to be growing at the bottom of the Moon Lake, so we need to dive in to find it."

Mu light song a few can not check the nod, the same deep voice way: "then solve the people on the shore first." Otherwise, even if you get the moon bud, you will inevitably be robbed.

As he spoke, Diao yuan came to the five men with him.

His dull eyes swept over Zhu Ling without leaving a trace, and finally fell on Mei Zizhong: "elder martial brother Mei, I didn't expect that we met here."

The two sides stood on the edge of the Moon Lake, like a crescent Moon Lake, calm and calm, like a mirror, reflecting the people's figures.

Mei Zizhong said with a faint smile: "it's really surprising."

Around the Moon Lake, there are no trees and are covered by grass. It seems to be a natural arena for both sides to fight for each other by force.

"Now that we've hit each other, who should we give the moon bud? There is only one magic moon bud growing at a time. Let's make it clear first, so as not to be embarrassed. " Diao yuan's smile is cruel.

"Heaven's material and earth's treasure are obtained by fate." Mei Zizhong's tone is gentle.

Diao yuan burst out laughing: "who is predestined to get? What a lucky man! In this case, I'll kill you first, and then I'll pick the magic moon buds. Then I'll be the one who has fate

Mei Zizhong and Zhao Nanxing's eyes light at the same time a Lin, look alert to Diao yuan.

Zhu Yinmei suddenly began to smile

As soon as his voice fell, Zhu Ling, who followed Mei Zizhong and Shang zisu, began to use his spiritual power and waved to Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge seems to be aware of it and turns around to avoid the attack.

"Zhu Ling!" Shang zisu looked at her friend in disbelief.

But Diao yuan sees Zhu Ling stealthily attack failure, the smile of the corner of the mouth slowly converges, the eye light is more gloomy a few minutes. "Useless waste!"

Mu Qingge's palm fell on Zhu Ling's shoulder and lifted her whole body to Diao yuan's direction.

Diao yuan avoids, the person behind him, but subconsciously catches Zhu Ling's body.

Zhulingyuan's Vest fell to the ground again, and zhulingyuan shot hard.

This scene shocked Mei Zizhong and the people over Diaoyuan

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