Sangzhi City, in the courtyard bought by mu Qingge, stands under the tree in white, graceful and graceful. Her head seems to be looking at the leaves on the branches and thinking about something through the leaves

Mu Qingge takes Lou Chuanbai's warrant and returns from the medicine tower. It is such a picture.

She slowed down, as if she didn't want to break Feng Niang's thoughts at the moment.

Quietly into the room, the room, young lotus and Flower Moon are waiting. In addition to the second daughter, Mo Yang also came back. Months have not seen, Moyang's breath has become more icy. Qingjun's facial features are more resolute, with a taste of iron and blood.

"My Lord."

"My Lord."

When mu Qingge comes in, Youhe and Huayue get up to meet him.

Mo Yang also stood up, looked at her, lips tightly pursed for a while, then saluted: "little Lord!"

"Back." Mu light Song Mou Guang swept on his body, went to the first place in the room and sat down.

Mo Yang's jaw head: "after receiving the order of the young Lord, I quickly assembled three hundred dragon teeth guards to come quickly, and I'm going to exterminate the mountain bandits tonight. The remaining 200 people were too far away, so their subordinates did not recall them. "

"Well." Mu light song light should a, lift eyes to see to him: "I give you the task is to bring back Phoenix Niang, murder is not your task."

“……” Mo Yang pursed his lips. He didn't know how to answer the question. It's impossible to say what you really think in your heart He wanted to see her earlier, so he would go all day and night to pick up Feng Niang and finish her other arrangement.

"Well, since you are here, you can lead the team in this mission."

Mu light song's not investigating, let Moyang heart secretly relieved.

Mu Qingge tapped the table top with his fingertips and said to Mo Yang, "you can communicate with Youhe yourself about the enemy's intelligence. Tonight, I want a result. "


"Yes, sir."

Mo Yang and Youhe answered in one voice.

Mu light song lightly jaw head, to two people: "you two go down to decorate, this matter I won't interfere."

Moyang and Youhe are ordered to leave.

After a while, mu Qingge said to Hua Yue: "go and call Feng Niang in."

Hua Yue bends over and exits the room.

After an instant, Feng Niang appeared alone outside the door of the house, while the flower moon disappeared.

Feng Niang stood at the door, did not take the initiative to come in, but with the room Mu light song. That pair of Phoenix eyes, inside the eye light calm calm, calm atmosphere.

"The eldest princess, please come in." Mu Qingge cocks her legs and smiles, inviting her.

Feng Niang smiles bitterly and comes into the room. "I was still recognized by the baron."

"Sit down." Muqingge refers to the seat on the right.

Feng Niang enters according to the words and sits on the seat designated by mu Qingge.

There was already a cup of hot tea and several plates of delicate snacks beside the table. Feng Niang took a glance and did not move.

It's not that she is afraid of muqingge's putting in these foods, but that she has no appetite now.

When Moyang finds her, she can choose not to come. However, she did not want to give up any hope related to Muyi. Therefore, even if you guess that mu Qingge, the little Lord of Qin, has already known her identity, she still follows Moyang without hesitation.

"As for your identity, you have to be glad that Sir Ben is a man of great integrity. Since I have received your thanks, I will be loyal to others. I am also very surprised that the affair of Zha Muyi was found in the princess of Li state. " Mu light song expression of the road.

Feng Niang looks calm and can't see what she is thinking now.

After mu Qingge finished, she was silent for a while, then calmly opened her mouth: "I'm no longer the princess of Li, I'm just an ordinary woman waiting for her husband to go home."

"I didn't come to you to confirm your identity. I have to say that the affair between you and Muyi aroused my interest. One of my biggest problems is that once I am interested in someone or something, I will try my best to find out the answer Mu Qingge looks at her way.

Feng Niang looked at her and pursed her lips.

Mu Qingge then said, "I have already guessed seven or eight about you and Muyi. What I want to know now is why in the story between the princess and the chivalrous men, chivalrous men are so highly cultivated that they still disappear in the sunset forest? "

Feng Niang laughs with a sense of loss. Her eyes seem to follow the words of moqingge and fall into the memories of the past. "It's all my fault. If I don't provoke him, he won't be in the situation where life and death are unknown. "

"What was the story then?" Mu light song eyes light lock in Feng Niang body.

But as if she had not noticed, Feng Niang told the story of her and Muyi: "I was 18 in that year. He is in the prime of his life and has great ambition. At that time, I was proud in everyone's eyes, and I was used to being the focus of the crowd. Until he appeared... "In the story of Feng Niang, at the beginning, it is just a proud princess who meets a stinky man who doesn't see himself in his eyes.

It was the man who told her that no one should be the leading role and no one should be the supporting role.

People live to move and live as they please. Instead of living in someone else's eyes, living for what they want.

They looked at each other disagreeably, to the final oath, for Feng Niang, it was like a dream.

However, the dream is incomparably true.

She decided that this man was worthy of her life. So she went to her father and told her decision. She wanted to be with him, even if she had to give up the right to the throne.

She thought it was an ordered marriage.

However, she did not want to, when she put forward her own request, it met with unprecedented opposition.

“…… At that time, I didn't know why my father and Emperor opposed it. Not only he, but even my mother came to persuade me to give up Muyi. Muyi is very excellent. It is different from other disciples of aristocratic families. Why can't my father, emperor and empress see it? I don't understand. I can only resist and insist on what I want. Because, I want to live with my own heart as Muyi said. Later, my father saw that he could not change my mind and had to compromise. I thought that I had won and was preparing for the wedding with great joy, but I didn't want my father and emperor to carry me on his back and sent out many experts of the royal family to kill Muyi Feng Niang said this paragraph, her eyes showed a complex hatred.

"There was a lot of movement during the first World War. I was trying to get married in the Imperial Palace, but I felt flustered. I rushed out of the palace at all costs after feeling the fighting breath from the distance. Later, when I arrived, I saw the bodies of countless imperial masters lying on the ground. The only person standing was Muyi. But he was also seriously injured. I know that, with his skill, even if he suffered such a large-scale ambush, he would not be injured so much. Because of me, he didn't want me to be difficult to do, so he didn't kill him at the beginning. He was more passive in defense. At the moment I saw Muyi, I was already crazy. I didn't think that my father, whom I respected, had done such a thing. I don't blame Muyi, but I don't think I deserve to be around him... " With the recollection, Feng Niang seems to have experienced the past again. The painful tears fall from Feng's eyes.

Mu Qingge did not interrupt her, just quietly listening to her narrative.

In fact, the story of Feng Niang is similar to the rumors of the outside world, but there are differences in some details. For example, in those days, the emperor of Li agreed to marry before he killed Muyi. Another example is that Muyi killed the imperial master, but he was seriously injured.

"After that, I didn't want to go back to the palace, and I didn't have the face to stay with Muyi. Every day I was in pain, even thinking of death. Until one day, Muyi found me and asked if I would like to go with him. From then on, she was no longer the princess of Li state. She gave up all her fame and wealth and traveled with him in the world. " Feng Niang raised her hand and wiped away the tears on her cheek with the back of her hand, revealing a charming smile.

That kind of smile, only by the lover wholeheartedly loves the woman, can have.

At that moment, mu Qingge seemed to be touched by the feelings between fengniang and Muyi. In such a moment, she wondered whether there was such a man in the world who could contain her in any situation and keep her close.

Just, I don't know why, when she thought so, the figure of Simao old monster suddenly flashed in her head, which scared her to an exciting spirit and slapped the inexplicable idea to the corner.

"You agreed." Also do not know is to cover up their own heart, Mu light song suddenly way.

Feng Niang nodded slowly, showing a happy smile: "how can you not agree? The appearance of Muyi let me know that, regardless of the throne or the power, it can't defeat his smile and every moment with him. I went to my father and told him what I thought and let him set me free. If he didn't want to forgive me, it would be regarded as having never given birth to my daughter. I know that I am selfish. For the sake of Muyi, I gave up my father's efforts. But I can't disobey my will. My father refused angrily. For the first time, I saw him so angry. I felt that at that time, he wanted to kill me, and he didn't want me to be with Muyi. On impulse, I asked him why he didn't agree with me and Muyi. "

Feng Niang suddenly stopped.

She adjusted her breath, then continued: "at that moment, I knew the secret of Muyi. It turned out that he was not from Linchuan, but from the outside world. The father said that he didn't mean to me, he just played with me, and then left Linchuan, but I would never find him. I don't believe it. I don't believe that Muyi's intention to me is just rhetoric, and I don't believe the reason his father said. Later, I went to ask Muyi, who admitted that he was not a Linchuan person, but a young master of the wood family in the middle ancient world. I don't know what the medieval world is, and I don't know how the wooden family existed in that world. I only know that the reason why Muyi came to Linchuan was that he didn't want to cause his brothers to turn against each other because of the dispute between clan leaders. He said that he did not cherish the position of patriarch, he wanted to travel around. Therefore, he left the family and came to Linchuan through the secret law, thus meeting meFeng Niang looked at Xiangmu light song and said to her, "you don't know how incredible I was when I knew all this at that time. After knowing the identity of Muyi, I repeatedly thought about the reasons why my father and Emperor prevented us from being together. Is it just because Muyi comes from outside Linchuan? At that time, Muyi saw my tangle, and he told me that maybe my father and Emperor misunderstood that his appearance was purposeful. He said that there are indeed many families in Linchuan who want to control some forces in Linchuan for the purpose of expanding family power. Perhaps, my father and Emperor thought that he was with me because he wanted to use marriage to put Li into the influence of the Mu family, so he would stop us. "

"Did you believe it?" Mu light song suddenly said.

Feng Niang Leng Leng, beyond the expectation of Mu light song, she shook her head. "I believe in Muyi's conjecture, but I don't believe that my father is so simple. At that time, I finally found that after some experience, you will know more and more about the people closest to you. Muyi He is too good-natured, too easy to use kindness as the starting point for others to do evil. "

When mu Qingge smiles, the wisdom of the eldest princess of Li does live up to those rumors about her.

"No matter how much my father opposed it, I finally insisted on my choice. Since my father didn't want to let go, I had to leave secretly. Before I left, I went to see my mother. The empress knew that I had decided to go. She didn't dissuade me any more. Instead, she gave me the dagger that the royal family had always been regarded as the treasure of the country. She said, the dagger was taken as a dowry for me. Muyi and I quietly left, also know that my father sent a large number of troops to look for us. And to the outside world, I have taken the treasure of my country. "

Feng Niang chuckled and said, "Muyi and I avoided tracking and entered the sunset forest. That day, Muyi said to me, let me wait for him in situ. He's looking for something, and if he can find it, it's still useful, and we can get out of here and go somewhere else. However, I have been waiting for ten years... "

Feng Niang's story is finished. She can guess the following things without saying mu Qingge.

After Muyi, fengniang must have searched the sunset forest many times, but there was no news. She didn't want to leave because she was afraid that Muyi would not come back to find her or stay in the state of Li. So she went to sunset town of the state of Qin and opened an inn.

While waiting for Muyi, she inquired about Muyi's news through past adventurers.

It's a pity that ten years later, no news has come.

"Don't you think he left you behind?" Mu Qingge asked.

Feng Niang shook her head firmly: "from his disappearance to now, I have never thought of it like this!"

"You are infatuated." Mu light song smile way.

Feng Niang looked at her with a serious look in her eyes: "I'm afraid the young Lord hasn't met someone who really likes him. If he did, he wouldn't ask me such a question today."

Mu Qingge took a puff of his mouth and felt that he had been ridiculed.

Well, she really does not understand what love is, why there are so many crazy men and women in the world for this word and desperate. Think of the world she used to live in, there are a lot of people who break up and divorce husband and wife. Isn't that true love?

What a mystery!

"The young sir wants to hear the story. I have finished. I want to know if the little Baron has asked me to come here. Is there any news about Muyi? " Feng Niang bit her lips and looked at her with expectation in her eyes.

Mu Qingge raised her eyes and looked at her. Incomparably calm way: "No."

Short two words, let Feng Niang in the eyes of the expectation of instant disillusionment, strong disappointment wrapped her.

"Although there is no definite information, there are some speculations." Mu Qingge added another sentence.

"Speculation?" Feng Niang's eyes lit up hope. Even if there is no definite information, it's good to speculate.

Ten years ago, without knowing it, Feng Niang's expectation for Muyi has changed from the initial return to his safety.

Mu light song nodded, "originally there are still some uncertainties, but after listening to your story today, I think it is still very possible."

Feng Niang said eagerly, "please tell me about it."

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head: "in fact, these guesses you have been thinking of for so many years. It's just that there's a problem in your way. "

Feng Niang looked at her and did not speak.

"You dare not leave. You are afraid that once you leave, Muyi will come back suddenly and miss you again if you can't find you." Mu Qingge tells the knot in Feng Niang's heart.

Feng Niang said with a melancholy smile: "what can't be concealed from your eyes."

Mu Qingge did not pay attention to her compliment, but said: "in fact, it is not difficult to guess where Muyi is going. He once said to find something to help you leave. It should be what he used to come to Linchuan. Judging from his words, it is a kind of expendable treasure. If you use it once, the strength will be reduced once. Even if it is unstable, there will be some dangers. Therefore, he is not sure whether it is still useful. This may also be the reason why he left alone, afraid to disappoint you and don't want you to follow himMu light song words, let Feng Niang silence down.

"If we are sure Muyi will not leave you. Then, there is only one possibility that he found the thing, but an accident happened and took him away from Linchuan passively. Whether it was returned to the middle ages or somewhere else is unknown. However, after such a long time, he did not come back to look for you. If he did not change his deep love for you, there were only two possibilities. Either dead or trapped. " Mu Qingge tells his own speculation.

Feng Niang who listens quietly is still very calm. As mu Qingge said before, it is impossible for fengniang to guess these possibilities in ten years.

Mu Qingge looked at her and said after a long time: "I found you. In fact, I just want to say a word. You can't get out of Linchuan, and I can. The middle ages are also where I have to be

Feng Niang suddenly raised her head and looked at Xiangmu Qingge. Her eyes were full of shock.

She understood the meaning of Mu Qingge's coming to her.

Mu Qingge is willing to continue to help himself find Muyi and find out the whereabouts of Muyi. Whether Muyi is dead or trapped, she needs an answer.

But --

"what do you need me to do?" Feng Niang's voice is firm.

Mu Qingge laughed. It's good to deal with smart people!

She held out a finger and said to Feng Niang, "I can return your dagger. Let's change the deal. " In fact, it's not very useful to leave the dagger with her. It's better to be generous.

However, Feng Niang shook her head and refused: "since it has been given to the young Lord, I will not take it back. If you find Muyi in the future, it will be a keepsake that you and I know. "

Mu Qingge thought, did not insist.

Feng Niang asked again, "what do you want me to do?"

"Do you know Feng Yugui?" Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, ask a way.

"Phoenix at home?" Feng Niang's complexion flashed and pulled the corners of her mouth and said, "how can you not know? My third brother. "

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "in my intelligence, the relationship between your mother and his mother is not very good."

Feng Niang's eyes flashed for a moment and looked at Xiangmu's light Song: "yes. My mother has something to do with his mother. "

Mu Qingge laughed: "that's easy. You should also like to revenge for your mother, and also want to thoroughly understand why your father and Emperor obstructed you and Muyi. And I have a grudge against Feng Yu Gui. "

Feng Niang does not speak, seems to be waiting for the next words of muqingge.

Mu Qingge leaned over to look at her: "I want you to go back, as the eldest princess of Li state, sit on the throne of Li's grand daughter and become the queen of Li state!"

Feng Niang's eyes suddenly widened, and her expression was very unexpected.

Mu Qingge laughs a bit languid: "Feng Yugui wants this seat very much. I don't want him to get what he wants. When you go back to the palace, you can find the answer you want by yourself, and you can take revenge. It can be said that it is an instant match. "

Feng Niang was silent for a while, then said: "at the beginning, my father announced that I was no longer a Royal Princess. Now it is very difficult to go back and win the throne."

"It's your business how to return to the palace of Li state and restore your identity as the eldest princess. And I, when you need, will help you to ascend too female seat. What I want is the life of Feng Yugui after everything is over Mu light song road.

Feng Niang suddenly laughed: "I'm really curious how Feng Yugui provoked you so unkindly."

Mu Qingge shrugged: "I don't understand. He has been asking me for trouble again and again. In order to stop the trouble, I have to kill the source of the trouble. "

The smile on Feng Niang's face gradually converged. "I promised Muyi not to take that seat."

"Now, you fight for that seat, in large part, because of him. After you become the queen of Li, you will have more power to look for him. Besides Linchuan, you will have my help to find his whereabouts. " Mu light song road.

Feng Niang tightly pursed her lips and seemed to be seriously thinking about the words of moqingge.

She is not thinking about whether to answer mu Qingge's request, but thinking about how she can return to her former home.

After tea time, Feng Niang raised her eyes and said to Mu Qingsong, "OK, it's a deal."

She stood up and said to Mu Qingsong, "one month later, fengyufei, the eldest princess of Li state, returned to the imperial palace of Li state."

"Half a month later, the Third Prince of the state of Li will be expelled from the medicine tower and return home in a mess."

Feng Niang smiles and nods and turns to leave.

After Feng Niang left, Hua Yue came in and said to Mu Qingge, "little Lord, fengniang has gone alone."

Mu light song stood up, stretched a stretch, indifferent way: "let her go." If Feng Yufei doesn't have the ability to walk back from here to Huandu, he doesn't have to go to the palace to die.

Mu Qingge walked out of the house and looked at the big tree that Feng Yufei had seen before, and whispered in a soft voice: "Feng Yugui, I hope you hope I specially prepare this great gift for you."

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows, will fall on the ground of the leaves rolled up.Mu Qingge gazed at the leaves drawn into the air by the wind, and said in his heart, "Li Kingdom, the wind is about to rise."

That night, some forces in the vicinity of Sangzhi city were exterminated overnight by unknown men and horses, and no one survived. The next day, someone saw it and said, "the corpses are everywhere, and the mountain stream is full of blood." Some people also said: "the fire all over the sky, burning the sky, lighting up the night before dawn."

Although the light Moyang song appeared in front of him, it was still light when he was washed.

"When the task is completed, quit Sangzhi city. During this time, you take a group of people and horses, and they are around. A month and a half later, you help me send a man back to the state of Qin. Remember, you have to hide your whereabouts and keep a low profile to ensure her safety. " Muqingge to the Moyang road kneeling on the ground.

Mo Yang nodded and retreated.

After finishing these things, mu Qingge will return to the medicine tower to close down.

Now, everyone is actively preparing for the selection, and she can't be too slack.

When mu Qingge returns to the medicine tower, some news is also introduced into the medicine tower.

"Hum! Waste, it's all rubbish Hua Cangshu was so angry that he broke the table in front of him, and his face was gloomy and ugly.

Diao yuan knelt in front of him, and his face was very poor.

The forces that had been killed were all hard won by him, but they were wiped out overnight. Who in the world has such ability?

The most hateful thing is that all the forces killed are related to him. Those forces that have nothing to do with him have not been affected at all.

Don't bother to know that the other party's goal is to target him!

These forces not only belong to him, but also he compiled them according to the instructions of his master. Rely on, in addition to his intermediate Dan division, naturally there are Chinese Cangshu this senior Dan division.

At present, many years of painstaking efforts have been swept away. It is conceivable that the master and apprentice are depressed.

"Who is it? Did you find out? " The way of Chinese Atractylodes to Diao yuan's harsh voice.

Diao yuan hard shake his head, "get the news too late, the other party has already left, and the scene is cleaned up very clean, can't find any trace at all."

"If you dare to move these people, it must be because of you and me. Can anyone who is against us have such ability? " Hua Cangshu asked.

Diao yuan frowned.

Those who can eliminate these forces overnight by such violent means may have an army with extremely terrible fighting capacity. Among the people he knew, there seemed to be no one with a similar background.

The only one who can mobilize the army is Zhao Nanxing. However, he was surrounded by only a few experts from the palace to protect him, and there was no army.

Who is it?

Diao yuan kept asking himself this question.

"Is it him?" Diao yuan suddenly thought of a man.

However, he immediately denied: "it's just a guy with no background and a little talent. How could he have such a powerful means?"

Diao Yuan said to Chinese Atractylodes: "master, what's going on there?"

Hua Cangshu looked at him with a gloomy face and said in a harsh voice, "do you ask me? I also want to ask you. Why can they come back safe and sound after the giant Jiao has been out? Even bring back the magic moon bud? "

Diao yuan is silent. He really doesn't know.

He asked, "why don't we go to ask the giant Jiao?"

Hua Cangshu looked gloomy and shook his head: "now is not the time to investigate this matter. The selection competition will start soon. I can't leave for the dream forest. Besides, Lou Chuanbai, the old man, has been following me these days. It seems that he has doubts

Diao yuan was silent.

Chinese Atractylodes in the room pace a few steps, the body that kind of xianfengdaogu temperament, has long been yinzhe breath destroyed clean.

Diao yuan's smell of Yin stinging was more chilly.

"Hum!" Hua Cangshu snorted coldly.

This time, it's really bad luck.

First of all, the well-designed trap was completely ineffective, and on the contrary, it helped to raise the enemy's arrogance. Now, outside the Sangzhi City, the forces have been swept away, but he still can not find the murderer. What's more, Zhu Ling, the stinky girl who eats inside and outside, actually hides and turns into the alchemy room.

What a mess!

"Zhu Ling hasn't come out yet?" The voice of Chinese Atractylodes is fierce.

Diao yuan shakes his head: "I always send someone to stare at outside, she has not come out."

Hua Cangshu's eyes narrowed fiercely and said to Diao yuan, "OK, all these things will be put aside for the time being. If you go down and concentrate on preparation, you must win the first place in the selection contest. "

Diao Yuan said: "the apprentice has recently felt that he has touched the bottleneck of the senior Dan master. Once it is broken, the disciple is confident that he can refine the quality that Mu refined when fighting Dan that day."

Hua Cangshu sneered: "do you think the best is so easy to come out? Mei Zizhong has not refined the quality of the best, so it's up to you? "Diao yuan was cold in his heart.

What he hated most was that he was compared with Mei Zizhong.

Mei Zizhong can't, he can't?

"Well, who made you my apprentice?" Hua Cangshu took out a small bottle from his arms and threw it to Diao yuan. "The liquid in this can improve the quality of pills to the greatest extent. I brought it from the general hospital. There is only one drop in it. At the critical moment, you can rely on it to win."

There is such a magic baby!

Diao yuan was surprised and squeezed the small bottle in his hand more tightly.

At the same time, his heart is also dark hate. There is such a good baby, but the master never said, now to the critical moment, he was stingy to give a drop, really hateful!

"Go down." Chinese Atractylodes some flesh pain looking at Diao yuan in the hands of the bottle, sent him to leave.

Diao yuan retired.

Chinese Atractylodes but frowned, thinking about who in the end is, with such ability, killed so many people in one night. He knows the best about those people. If not fierce, he would not choose them among many forces.


Half a month later, the medicine tower.

"Come on! Someone stole Dan -- "

A sharp cry broke the silence of the night.

Countless medicine tower disciples came out of the tree house and rushed to the place where the sound came out.

A dark shadow, galloping in the night, seems to be escaping from something behind.

There was a trace of tension in his face as he stumbled. The things in his arms made him feel that he could not speak.

He had just been released from the water prison, and before he could find Fu Tianlong and mu Qingge's misfortune, he found that he woke up in the middle of the night and lay at the door of the zangdan Pagoda with a pill in his hand.

At this time, someone heard the cry of stealing Dan.

Flustered, he subconsciously wanted to leave, but forgot to put the pills in his hands.

All of a sudden, a bright light appeared in front of him.

He stopped abruptly and looked at the man in front.

"Feng Yu Gui, how dare you steal Dan!" The leader is Zhao Nanxing, the second disciple of master Lou. He led a dozen medicine tower disciples to block Feng Yugui's way.

The fire reflected on Feng Yugui's face, covered his pale, only let people see his panic appearance.

That look, with the same guilty conscience, more firmly opposite the idea.

"No! I didn't! " Feng Yugui tried to explain.

However, he forgot, in his words, and just took out the pills.

Zhao Nanxing's words are still in your hand

"It's not mine!" Feng Yugui explained.

Zhao Nanxing sneered: "of course not yours. This pill belongs to the medicine tower. If it's yours, is it still called stealing? " He said the word "steal" very clearly and despised.

"You! Slander me? " Feng Yu returned to hate the voice.

He was calculated by others, and his intuition told him that the one who calculated him must be mu Ge!

Zhao Nanxing sneered: "slander you? I have no hatred or resentment with you. Why should I slander you? What's more, we are ordered to capture the elixir, and now the stolen pill is in your hand. Why? Do you want to tell me that the pill was given to you by the thief who stole the pill

"That's the truth! I had a rest in the house, but when I woke up, I found that I had this pill in my hand and that I had been moved to another place Feng Yu returns to the road.

Zhao Nanxing laughed: "still debating! It's clear that someone saw you sneak out of the tree house and sneak into zangdan pagoda. More people saw you come out of the zangdan pagoda, and then they called the police. We chased after you all the way, and we didn't see any other suspicious people. "

"Hum! This is a trap, a trap of Mu! " Feng Yugui roared.

"Feng Yugui, don't talk nonsense! Who is slandering who? Younger martial brother Mu is in seclusion for improving alchemy. Everyone in the tower knows that. She doesn't know what's going on tonight. How can she set a trap for you Zhao Nanxing's righteous words. But in my heart, I am the one who designed you! Although I was also assigned by younger brother mu.

"You're all in one. Want to slander me! Dream. " Feng Yu Guijian explains incessantly, in the hand green awn big work, Lingli directly to Zhao Nanxing and other more than ten people.

Zhao Nanxing eyes a congealing, to other humanity: "Feng Yu to steal Dan one thing to expose, also dare to the same door in the tower, let's take him down together."

A dozen people rushed into the crowd.

And Zhao Nanxing raised his head and yelled: "disciple Zhao Nanxing, the villains are rampant. Our disciples are not opponents. Please take down the villain by the elder guard tower!"



The angry Feng Yugui knocked all the besieged people to the ground.

He looked at Zhao Nanxing fiercely in his eyes, ready to fight him. However, a blue figure came down from the sky. The man's feet fell directly on his shoulders. Suddenly, it was like the top of a mountain, and half of his body was directly trampled into the ground.What's wrong with Yu Chengfeng?

He was furious in his heart and roared, trying to use his own spiritual power to shake off the man who stepped on his shoulder.

Feeling his action, the eyes of the man who stepped on his shoulder glared, and his feet exerted force again. Suddenly, Feng Yugui stepped into the ground for a few minutes, leaving only the part above the chest on the ground.

Feng Yugui couldn't move, and an unprecedented sense of shame hit his heart.

More than a dozen people who were hit by him stood up and pulled out weapons one after another and surrounded Feng Yugui.

Zhao Nanxing quickly walked over and saluted the man standing on Feng Yugui's shoulder: "thank you for your help. Otherwise, we will let the villain escape."

Looking at Feng Yugui at his feet, the elder of the pagoda snorted coldly and said to Zhao Nanxing, "why do you stay in the medicine tower? As soon as I came out of the water prison, I thought of stealing Dan. Maybe I will burn a torch medicine tower next time. "

This tower guard elder happened to be the one who put Feng Yugui into the water prison at the beginning. He was deeply impressed by him.

"If the elder teaches me something, I will report it to the master and to the dean. I will deal with the thief seriously." Zhao Nanxing is busy.

The pagoda elder nodded haughtily and left.

As soon as he left, Feng Yugui was immediately pointed at by countless knife tips. Those sharp sharp sword tips and knife tips were against his body, so that he did not dare to have any changes.

"I want to see President Hua and ask him to be fair," he said

Zhao Nanxing said with a smile: "naturally you will see the president. After all, he has to wait for him to punish you."

Feng Yugui's eyes shrunk. From Zhao Nanxing's smile, he seems to feel a trace of bad intentions.

Sure enough, when he was bound to see the Chinese Atractylodes, and saw the tower guard elder standing beside the Chinese Cangshu, he knew that he was doomed.

The evidence of his theft of Dan is conclusive.

And he said he was slandered, but there was no evidence.

Under the watchful eyes of the tower guard elder, Hua Cangshu made a decision.

The next day, in the medicine tower, came the news that Feng Yugui was expelled from the medicine tower. This news is being transmitted to Li at a very fast speed.

I'm afraid that by the time he came back to Li in a mess, the whole state of Li was already well known. Their third prince's son was expelled from the medicine tower for stealing pills! , the fastest update of the webnovel!