"Whose little lady is so pretty?"

An unpleasant voice suddenly came in, bringing about the frivolity that made zisu uncomfortable.

Mu Qingge followed the reputation, and then saw several people, pushing aside the walking crowd, to them. Vaguely pick pick pick eyebrows tip, Mu light song quietly stood in front of the Shang zisu body, will block her behind him.

This subtle action, but let the cool eyes of zisu, a layer of warmth.

"Oh! This little Lang Jun is also good-looking! Tut Tut, it's a waste of money to grow this face on a man. " That group of people crowded over, see Mu light song's appearance, is in front of a light. Before the mouth light pick of the man, is the color Mi Mi Mi of the Mu light song and Shang zisu two people.

He is also looking at the song.

The three men, dressed in the same clothes, were embroidered with a golden "cast" character on their chest. But their arrogant appearance, the people who pass by are afraid to avoid, dare not provoke.

Eyes light a flash, Mu light song way: "originally is refining casting tower's disciple."

Casting tower?

This name is a little strange to the purple perilla of Shang Dynasty. She looked up at Xiangmu Qingge's back and recalled it carefully in her mind. Then she remembered that there were two towers in Linchuan, namely, the medicine tower and the refining and casting tower.

"Is this the disciple of refining and casting pagoda as famous as the medicine tower?" Shang zisu guessed in her heart.

"Oh! I have a little insight, and I also know the origin of the brothers. " The first man was mu Qingge one eye to see through the identity, but more straight chest.

Mu Qingge's eyes were slightly narrowed, and his mouth was filled with a smile, but it was very cold.

The onlookers all felt the chill from her, but the three people of the refining and casting tower did not know whether they could feel it or did not care at all. They said more and more arrogantly: "since we know our origin, it will save us a lot of talking. Let the beauty behind you come with us. "

"To where?" Mu light song's eyes squint only a line, tone with a trace of fun.

The leading man showed a wretched smile, and his manner was light and selective: "you don't have to worry about where to go. If it's not for my brother, I'm not good at masculinity, otherwise I really want to take you with me." With that, he actually stretched out his finger and hooked it to Mu Qingge's chin.

This scene, let stand in the Mu light song behind the Shang purple perilla eye light a cold, the hand green light appears.

However, before she could give her hand, the man who made the casting tower suddenly withdrew his hand and gave a painful "ouch.".

She was shocked to see the man bending down, holding the outstretched hand tightly and dripping blood on the ground.

The man was pale with pain, sweating profusely, and looked at Xiangmu Qingsong with malice in his eyes.

Looking at muqingge again, she seems to have nothing to do. She gently stroked the fingertips on her index finger and looked coldly at the three refining and casting tower people.

"You dare to hurt me!" The injured man's vicious way.

Two people behind him, one is busy to stop bleeding for him, the other draws out his weapon and points to Mu Qingge. His eyes are full of vigilance.

"Too soon! It's too fast! Just now they didn't see what happened, but they heard the scream of the elder martial brother. "

Mu light song eyes light cold as ice, voice cold way: "roll. You'll have your paws next time

The meaning of the words indicated that she had been merciful just now. Otherwise, it is not his hand that is cut, but his whole hand.

It's not that mu Qingge is afraid of things. If it happened in other places, she would have killed the people who dared to tease her. However, now that she came to Rongguo, she had important affairs in her body, and it was not easy to create extra branches. Therefore, she would give a slight warning and did not lay a heavy hand on it.

"You The threat of moqingge made the man look gloomy, and the only emotion in his eyes was resentment.

"Elder martial brother." The one who had been on guard against mu Qingge grabbed his elder martial brother and whispered: "this man has some means. You are injured now. Let's leave for treatment first. When we find out his origin, it's not too late for us to take revenge! "

Younger martial brother's words, as well as the pain from his palm, made his whole arm tremble.

He looked at the light song of Xiangmu, and his killing intention was obvious. He said in a cold voice, "hum, wait for me." Put down a cruel words, three people out of the crowd, quickly disappeared in the Mu light song and the eyes of the purple perilla.

After they had gone far away, Shang zisu looked at Xiangmu Qingge with a worried look and asked, "it's me who caused trouble."

Mu Qingge turned to face her and shook her head slowly: "they are not any trouble, elder martial sister, don't worry about it. Come on, let's go to the Inn and have a rest. "

They were on the main street of Yue City, with shops, restaurants and inns on both sides.

Muqingge looks for it at will and sees the sign of the inn not far away.

From the appearance, the inn is not bad. It won't be too luxurious or too stingy. It's kind of elegant.

"Let's live there." Mu Qingge points to the inn from afar, to zisu road of Shang Dynasty.

Naturally, zisu would not have any objection, so she followed mu Qingge to the inn.The bartender of that Inn happened to witness the scene of the conflict between mu Qingge and the disciples of refining and casting pagoda just now. Seeing them coming towards the inn, they called the innkeeper in a hurry.

"My guest, do you want to stay?" The shopkeeper, who is called in a hurry by the second, smiles at mu Qingge and zisu.

What happened just now, Xiao Er has told him briefly.

Naturally, he also knows the purpose of this.

"Shopkeeper, two rooms in the room." Mu Qingge throws a ingot of gold directly onto the counter.

Seeing the ingot of gold, the waiter couldn't help but swallow his mouth greedily. That chubby shopkeeper is also a jump in the corner of his eye, stupefied for a moment.

Mu Qingge's generous hand, let them some hesitation before the decision.

The waiter secretly pulled the shopkeeper's clothes behind his back. The shopkeeper regained his mind, moved his eyes from the gold, and said with a smile to Mu Qingge: "to be honest, my guests, the upper room of the shop is no longer available. Please find another place. "

Struggling for a moment, the shopkeeper still chose to protect his life rather than money.

"No room?" Mu light song lip corner ponders a hook, the clear eye looks around a circle. There is only one table in the lobby of this shop, which is not like the appearance of full guests and full rooms.

"Yes It is... " The shopkeeper nodded with a smile.

Mu Qingge sneered, picked up the gold on the table, turned and walked out.

Shang zisu followed closely and said to her, "the shopkeeper lied."

"I know." Mu Qingge is a quiet way.

"But why..." Shang zisu didn't understand.

Mu Qingge looked back at the waiter and the shopkeeper who secretly raised their sleeves to wipe off the sweat on their forehead, and said to zisu: "Yue city is very close to the refining and casting tower, just like the relationship between the branch of medicine tower and Sangzhi city. People here are naturally respectful and afraid of the disciples of the casting tower. Just now we had a conflict with the disciples of the refining and casting tower. Naturally, they did not dare to let us live in the shop, for fear that they would annoy the refining tower people and bring trouble to themselves

After listening carefully, Shang zisu said in a low voice: "so it seems that the identity of some of the three people just now is not simple."

Mu light song agreed to nod.

So what? Is it difficult, because their identity is not simple, she has to tolerate each other's insults? Would you like to smile and let zisu go with them?

Naturally, it is impossible. In this case, what should we worry about?

A warning, if you do not know how to come up again, then she will have to kill.

Mu light Song Mou bottom refracts a cold and sharp eye light, but fleeting.

"Younger martial brother mu, it's really unexpected that you know so much about Linchuan daluzhi that Yue city is near the refining and casting tower." Shang zisu admired the way.

Although she has also read the Linchuan chronicles, she has only a cursory look at places too far away. It's not as careful as muqingge.

Mu Qingge smiles and doesn't explain it.

Since she was going to work in Rongguo, she had to do her homework in advance.

What's more, after her rebirth, when reading books, the most frequently read book is Linchuan continental records, in order to thoroughly understand the difference between this world and her original world.

"Come on, let's find a place to eat first, and then go a little farther away to live." Mu Qingge suggested.

Shang zisu nodded.

Two people walk side by side, not far away, still looking for a nearby food shop.

See two people come in, prepare to meet the waiter, immediately face a bitter color, look to the shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper of the shop naturally understood the dilemma of the second. He came to Mu Qingge and politely said, "you want to..."

"We're just having a meal. The three shouldn't be back so soon." Mu Qingge said directly.

She said that, even if the store is trying to catch up with customers, it is difficult to speak. With a sigh, the shopkeeper had to tell the waiter, "take the two guests into the elegant room upstairs."

"Yes, shopkeeper." After getting the shopkeeper's instructions, the shopkeeper is back to normal and takes mu Qingge and Shang zisu to the elegant room on the second floor.

"What would you like to eat, gentlemen?" The waiter asked, and then he had to report out the dishes in the shop.

Mu Qingge put a ingot of gold on the table and interrupted him.

The bartender's eyes were staring at the gold on the round table, and he couldn't help swallowing.

"Four or five dishes are enough." Mu light song road.

"Four or five dishes would not cost so much money," he said with a smile

Mu Qingge shakes his head: "this money is not food money, it is for you."

"For me?" Xiao Er looks at Xiangmu light song.

Mu Qingge nodded, "I just want to ask a few questions."

The waiter hesitated for a moment, but he still couldn't resist the temptation of gold. He gritted his teeth and said, "my guest, if I know what I want to ask, I won't hide it."

Mu Qingge raised his lips with a smile: "my question is very simple. Did you see the dispute between us and the disciples of the casting tower just now? "Xiao er's face was stiff, but he still nodded.

"Do you know the three?" Mu Qingge smiles even more.

However, the bartender felt a kind of creepy feeling.

"Who are these three, and why are you all afraid?" Mu Qingge asked her the last question.

As long as the bartender answers, he can take the gold from the table smoothly.

After swallowing his saliva, the bartender whispered: "these three are all disciples of the refining and casting tower, but the other two are irrelevant. The first one is the proud disciple of an elder in the refining and casting tower. It is said that the elder is very protective and has a strange personality. He only cares about refining tools and his precious apprentice. I can't see his apprentice suffer a little bit of injustice. " As he said this, he seemed to have opened the conversation box and approached: "you don't know. Last time, Ding Mao fell in love with a young lady from a small family in the city, and he had to go back to be a warm bed girl. The young lady of that family is also a fierce temper and refuses to accept death. In the struggle, he scratched the back of Ding Mao's hand with his hairpin

As he said this, the waiter's face suddenly changed, and his eyes were filled with fear: "in fact, with that young lady's ability, he can't hurt Ding Mao at all. The hairpin just left a faint red mark on his arm. However, Ding Mao insults the young lady to death. That's not enough. When he went back, he showed the injury on his arm to his master, who protected his short legs. The elder actually came out of the casting tower and slaughtered nearly a hundred people in that small family overnight. "

The bartender's face was so pale that he seemed to recall the picture at that time, and his voice trembled: "you didn't see that scene. In the yard, there were corpses, and the blood flowed all over the floor. The bloody smell could be smelled in the whole street. The most terrible thing is that he cut off the head of the master of the house and hung it at the door to warn others that no one should provoke his disciples

Will know finish, the shopkeeper's legs have been soft, standing instability.

"How cruel they are The purple perilla of Shang Dynasty frowned lightly. The breath on my body is colder.

Mu light song easily from her eyes with thin ice, saw a layer of anger.

The bartender wiped the cold sweat on his head, calmed down and said to Mu Qingge: "I think you two are from other places. Please leave after dinner. Otherwise, I'm afraid it will be troublesome when Ding Mao comes back. " With that, he quickly picked up the gold on the table and retreated.

This action, let the thin anger in Shang zisu's eyes disappear. She smiles, the melting iceberg moving, fascinating. "I've been so scared that I don't forget to take the gold."

Mu Qingge chuckled: "it's just human nature."

Astringent light smile, Shang zisu eyebrows between some dignified: "if it is true as the shopkeeper said, it seems that we have to avoid its edge."

Mu light song but don't think of the way: "we don't cause trouble, but things found up, but will not hide."

Seeing that he had made up his mind, Shang zisu said nothing more.

The cruelty of the master and apprentice really made her angry.

And, in her opinion, it's a big deal to give the name of the drug tower. The medicine tower is as famous as the refining and casting tower. However, she did not know that mu Qingge did not want to expose the identity of the drug tower.

Compared with other countries, Rong's power was more complicated.

In Rong state, in addition to refining and casting tower, there were also ten thousand animal families that could tame spirits and beasts. The Tiantong division could control some spirit beasts to fight.

As a person of medicine tower, she suddenly appeared in Rong state. If she was known by these two forces and suspected of her purpose, wouldn't it be a waste of time?


Their dishes were served very quickly. In a short time, five dishes and one soup were placed on the table.

But in fact, neither of them belongs to the type of big stomach king. After eating, the dishes on the table still seem to have not moved.

When they were full, they checked out and left.

The bartender and the shopkeeper almost bent down to the ground to send them off.

Then, they strolled in the city for a while, then found an inn to stay in another street.

The two rooms are adjacent to each other.

Mu Qingge sits cross legged on the bed, silently calculating the distance between Yue city and the refining tower.

There is also a burning forest between Yue city and casting tower. It should be said that the refining and casting tower is in the burning forest. Yan Lin, in fact, can not be completely called forest, because it is only near the side of the holy Yuan Empire, there are trees and forests. But belongs to Rong country this side, actually is full of red gravel, has the strange stone accumulation.

Therefore, the burning forest is half forest, half is stone forest, or can be called Gobi.

That Ding Mao was injured. In addition to the time for healing the wound, he returned to the refining and casting tower to find his master, who was protecting the short guard. If he came and went, he would have to go to the door to find fault and wait until dawn.

"At least it can make the purple perilla sleep soundly." Murmuring in the heart.

After starting from the medicine tower general hospital, mu Qingge has used special means to inform Moyang. After two days of rest, she will take the Shang zisu to meet with Moyang, and let them go to the Youhai to wait for her. She then enters the endless swamp alone to look for the whereabouts of Hunyuan tianjiyan.Si Mo tells her that Hunyuan tianjiyan is in the endless swamp. She never doubted that.

When did you start to trust Si Mo so much? Mu Qingge frowns with headache every time he thinks of this problem.

Si Mo let her consider the matter, she when its ostrich. But also let the lonely Cliff spread words, he did not have that aspect of mind. However, that strong man, really will retreat?

Thinking of this, mu Qingge suddenly felt a little irritable.

Upset, mu Qingge has no heart to sleep.

She went to the window and pushed it open, as if trying to sober her up with the cool night wind.

However, when she opened the window, she unexpectedly saw a few dark shadows, cat body, along the wall slowly approaching.

Mu Qingge's clear eyes light a Lin, hiding his body in the shadow, quietly looking at those dark shadows

"Keep your voice down, don't disturb anyone!"

"Don't worry, elder martial brother. The store has already said hello, no one will come. "

"Are you sure they live here?"

"No mistake!"

"Good! I must give that boy a taste! And the cold little lady... " While speaking, there were some lewd laughter.

Their conversation is very subtle, but moqingge is effortless to listen to these contents in the ear.

"I really underestimated you." Mu Qingge sneers and looks at their eyes. She had thought that Ding Mao would return to the refining tower and ask his master for help. But I don't want to, this guy is so timid that he turns back.

"It seems that the lessons given to you in the daytime are not enough." Mu light song in the heart.

It seems that several dark shadows did not act until they had found out clearly. In the dark, they accurately touched the window of Shang zisu, and one of them took out a pipe from his arms.

He was about to point the bamboo tube at the gap in the window, but was stopped by Ding Mao.

Ding Mao lowered his voice and asked, "are you sure this is useful? I think these two people are practitioners. I'm afraid ordinary medicine will not work for them. "

The man said confidently, "don't worry, elder martial brother. My medicine is very strong. Unless the girl inside is purple, even if she is an iceberg heroine, she will become a slut under the influence of this medicine

Finish saying that, he also lewdly smile a few.

His promise brightens Ding Mao's eyes, and he can't wait to say, "don't blow it!"

The man again aimed the bamboo tube at the gap in the window, and was about to blow out the powder in the bamboo tube. However, the door of the room was suddenly kicked open. Shang zisu, dressed in white, stood by the door like a goddess under the moon, with a pretty face and a cold stare at those who were against her intention.

A few people saw that their tracks were exposed, and they immediately stood up and did not panic when they saw the Shang zisu.

Ding Mao comes out and pulls the veil off his face to reveal his frivolous face. On his left hand, there are traces of gauze bandage. It seems that he just went to a hospital and bandaged it casually, and then came back to continue to look for trouble.

Shang zisu tightly pursed her lips, her eyes filled with anger.

Obviously, she heard what several people said under her window just now, so she got angry.

"The little lady hasn't gone to sleep? Are you waiting for me? Why, how can your little husband be willing to let you, a great beauty, stay alone in an empty room When Ding Mao finished, all his men laughed.

"Dirty!" Shang zisu's voice is cold and piercing, spitting out two words.

But Ding Mao didn't care. He went on: "that guy looks like a showman. It's better for the beauty to follow me and promise you to die day and night, and forget that little white face in a few days."

"Presumptuous!" Shang zisu where was such a molestation, immediately angry and ashamed and angry. I wish I could kill some people in front of me!

Suddenly, the next room opened, mu Qingge also dressed neatly came out.

She was dressed in red, and she was particularly charming in the moonlight.

As soon as Shang zisu saw her, she seemed to have found the backbone, and her eyes were filled with joy.

"Oh, little white face didn't sleep." Seeing mu Qingge come out, Ding Mao's voice is a little cold.

The wound on his hand, as if because of the appearance of moqingge, become more painful, remind him of the humiliation he received in the day!

"You really like to die." Mu Qingge's indifferent way.

Ding Mao's face sank, and filled with hatred, he said to Mu Qingsong: "you stinky boy, don't be proud! Do you think you can run? I tell you, tonight, I will sleep your woman in front of you! And then pick out your tendons and feet and throw them into the kiln to trample on those who like to be male! "

This vicious language made zisu's face even colder.

However, when she heard Ding Mao say that she was a woman who admired Qingge, she felt her cheek burned slightly.

"Filthy mouth!" The cold voice of the purple perilla of the Shang Dynasty.

Mu Qingge seems to have no influence on the language of his words, but after he has finished speaking, the light way is: "where do you come from with confidence?""Where is the confidence?" Ding Mao sneered and suddenly raised his hand.

At this time, Shang zisu and mu Qingge found that they were holding a vase with the stopper removed in his hand.

A faint blue smoke is rising slowly.

Ding Mao grinned: "do you know what this is? When we came, we took the antidote. Now we feel weak. " Speaking of the back, he looked a little more proud.

Mu Qingge's eye light swept lightly from the bottle in his hand and said, "Musk smoke can make people feel powerless and lose all their spiritual power. Generally speaking, its effect can last for three hours, but unfortunately, this bottle of musk smoke is impure, which can only play half the effect at most. Do you want to take out such inferior poison? "

The man who uses poison to deal with the drug tower is a stupid pig!

This musk cigarette is not only useless for muqingge, but also useless for zisu. When the medicine tower disciple wanders in the lake, who can't take some things to avoid poison?

The words of Mu Qingge make Ding Mao feel cold.

A bad feeling came to my mind. He didn't want to believe mu Qingge's words and looked at Shang zisu. Musk smoke is supposed to have worked.

But don't want to, Shang zisu is still cold standing in place, a face cold.

Mu Qingge's face is also full of satire.

Ding Mao's men surrounded him. One of them, some guilty way: "elder martial brother, they can guess musk smoke, it seems that poison is useless to them!"

Ding Mao is cruel in his heart, and throws the porcelain vase in his hand to Mu Qingge. He says in a voice of hatred: "poison doesn't work, do it! I don't believe it. They can beat the four of us

The bottle full of musk smoke has not yet hit mu Qingge, it explodes in front of her eyes. Dark blue smoke gushed out, scattered in the invisible.

After the bottle, Ding Mao's attack has arrived.

He held a thin sword in his hand and stabbed at mu Qingge's eyebrows.

The other three immediately took away zisu.

The eyes of the purple perilla of Shang Dynasty were shining sharply, and the green spiritual power was scattered from the body.

And the three men also released their spiritual power. They are all in the middle of green environment. Although they were all green areas, it was very difficult for the purple perilla of Shang Dynasty to take one against three.

And Ding Mao, who attacks muqingge, also has a dark blue light.

He has obviously entered the late Qing Dynasty.

He seemed to have confidence in his sword, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Seeing that the sharp point of the thin sword was about to pierce mu Qingge's eyebrows, she did not move. In Ding Mao's eyes, it was as if she was frightened by her fierce attack.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge hands up and flicks his finger on his sword, breaking Ding Mao's sword.

A huge force flows back along the thin sword, which makes Ding Mao's wrist numb, and his whole arm seems to be broken, which is hard to say.

With a "ah" sound, the sword fell to the ground and stepped back a few steps.

"High level spirit." Mu light song back hand, light way.

Just a contact, has let her know the level of Ding Mao thin sword.

Weapons can be divided into weapons, spiritual weapons, precious weapons and artifact. Of course, there are higher levels above, but for Linchuan, artifact is already the peak.

In this continent, weapons are the most, followed by spiritual tools, and precious and artifact are extremely rare.

It's not easy for a general disciple's weapons to reach the spirit weapon level. Besides the refining tower, the only weapon that can possess high-level spirit weapon is her dragon tooth guard.

Meng Meng once said that a weapon refiner without blood can only make precious weapons even if he has more talent.

We can see from the two points of the light weapon.

1、 It's the rich and generous of refining and casting tower.

2、 It is Ding Mao's master who really dotes on him!

When he takes off the sword, Ding Mao resists the pain in his right arm. His left hand takes something out of his arms and throws it at mu Qingge.

However, after throwing a fine metal ball, it is like a ball of fine metal.

With a flash of interest in Mu Qingge's eyes, he raises his hand, and the flying needles, which are as thin as ox hair, roll back immediately, not only to Ding Mao, but also to the three people who besiege zisu.

These three people mainly trapped Shang zisu and could not hurt her. Otherwise, Shang zisu could not support it at all.

The flying needle fell like rain, and the four suddenly turned pale and hid in confusion.

It seems that they know that these flying needles are powerful.

Shang zisu took the opportunity to come to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song looked at her lightly and asked, "why not poison?"

Shang zisu was stunned by her question.

Mu Qingge also said: "poison is one of our means."

Just a word, can let the Shang zisu understand.

Mu Qingge stared at those flying needles and whispered: "I really didn't expect that someone could make such a delicate concealed weapon here."Of the four, two of them were unable to escape and were put into the body by flying needles.

Those flying needles as thin as cow hair easily penetrated the protection of their aura and entered their bodies.

Then, I saw the two men tumble on the ground in pain. The little flying needle seemed to bring them endless pain.

"How powerful is this hidden weapon?" Shang zisu was shocked and looked at the two people rolling with their heads on the ground.

Ding Mao gets up in a panic. He looks at Xiangmu Qingge and Shang zisu with dim eyes and says in a cold voice, "this flying needle is my master's masterpiece. Once it enters the body, it can follow the human body's meridians, destroy the meridians and enter the brain. I didn't expect it, but you escaped! "

"How vicious Shang zisu heard a cold heart.

She is also a practitioner. Naturally, she knows the pain of damaged meridians.

However, what made her feel even more terrible was Ding Mao. His younger brother was hurt by his concealed weapon by mistake. He was so miserable that he could speak with indifference.

He didn't seem to care about his younger brother's injury, but it was a pity that mu Qingge was not hurt.

"They are in pain." Shang zisu frowned and said.

She didn't know why she said it.

However, after she had finished this sentence, Ding Mao suddenly sneered: "is beauty in love? Well, I'll help you put an end to their suffering. "

After that, he flew out of his hands two Green Mansions, directly stabbed into the eyebrows of the two people on the ground, and instantly took their lives.

This scene is so cold that Shang zisu's face changes and her eyes are full of vigilance.

However, the person around Ding Mao seems to have been used to it for a long time. He doesn't show any opposition to Ding Mao's behavior or even show any fear.

"I still have a lot of them. Can you avoid the first time? Do you think you can avoid the second and the third time Ding Mao sneers and takes out a metal ball from his arms.

Mu Qingge shook his head slowly, as if laughing at his ignorance.

When she turned her hand, there was something more in her hand, which was strange in shape and could not be seen as sharp.

This thing is strange to Ding Mao, but it is very familiar to Mu Qingge. This is a pistol she refined according to the principle of a modified grenade gun.

One of the bullets is also derived from the power of nuclear transformation.

Mu Qingge holds the gun. The black muzzle of the gun is aimed at Ding Mao, and his finger is already on the trigger.

Shang zisu opened her eyes and looked at the movement of muqingge, unable to understand.

Ding Mao and his younger brother frown even more. They don't know what the MuQing singer is holding.

"I don't know if you still have a chance to throw the concealed weapon in your hand." Mu light song shakes the gun in the hand, hook lip dangerous way.

Ding Mao's eyes light a Li, "you dare to look down on me!" The first and the last of the Mu songs are not forgotten.

Ding Maoyang starts to throw the metal ball.


The sound of a gun shot scared Shang zisu and suppressed Ding Mao.

Ding Mao only felt his wrist tingle. He could no longer hold the metal ball and let it fall to the ground.

He looked up and found that his wrist had a blood hole the size of a finger, and his body's blood was constantly emerging from the blood hole.

"What's going on?" Ding Mao was shocked.

The people around him were even more shocked. Because, he just saw that strange thing moved and rang, and then his elder martial brother was injured.

This speed, let him color change.

He felt that if the blood hole was not on the elder martial brother's wrist, but on his brow, he would be just a cold corpse.

"You! What the hell is that Ding Mao covers his wrists, which are bleeding continuously. He is frightened.

Mu Qingge took a gun and approached him step by step. Look indifferent way: "you just said, want to waste my tendons and tendons?"

Ding Mao took a cold breath and pressed his lips tightly. He did not dare to open his mouth.

There's something strange in the other person's hand, enough to shut him up. He didn't want the next blood hole in his mouth.

Those who know the current affairs are the heroes. He knows this truth!

Suddenly, Ding Mao bends his knees and falls to the ground.

The people behind him, seeing that he did so, immediately learned to kneel down.

"I don't know Mount Tai. Let me go! Childe, I promise, will not appear in front of you again, please let me go Ding Mao pleaded.

He didn't want to die, and he couldn't.

As long as he gets through the night, he has plenty of revenge!

"Do you think I'll believe you?" Mu Qingge laughs and points his gun at Ding Mao again. This time, she aimed at the brow.

Being pointed at by a gun, Ding Mao's heart is inexplicably tight, and a chill attacks his whole body.

Suddenly, his legs become muddy, a smell of urine slowly spread.

Seeing this scene, Shang zisu frowned and turned over her body.But Ding Mao didn't know it. His lips trembled and he begged for the light Song: "I I won't lie to you Please believe me once If I deceive you and trouble you again, you'll blow my head with this thing

He was very positive and sincere.

"But you disturb my sleep." Mu light song slightly slants the head, seems to have some hesitation.

Ding Mao immediately picked up the thin sword that fell beside him and stabbed a few swords at him. The blood hole in his body immediately flowed blood and wet his black clothes.

If he can't get timely treatment, he will lose blood and die sooner or later. In front of Mu Qingge, he did not dare to stop bleeding with spiritual power.

After a while, Ding Mao was dyed into a bloody man. The bloody air spread in the air, making Shang zisu frown uncomfortable.

"Enough Is that enough... " Ding Mao raises his head and looks pitifully at Xiangmu's light song.

Mu Qingge looked at him for a long time, then joked with a smile, with the muzzle of his forehead, light way: "remember what you said, if you do it again, you will become headless corpse. Of course, before you die, I will let you enjoy the price of betraying your promise. Get out of here. "

Mu Qingge takes back the gun. Ding Mao and he help each other and run away.

"Wait a minute." Suddenly, two people started to sing.

Mu Qingge pointed to the two bodies on the ground and said, "take them away, don't pollute the place where I live."

Ding Mao and another person quickly drag the corpse on the ground and leave the inn.

From the beginning to the end, no one appeared in the inn. I don't know whether it was Ding Mao who deterred them by means or made them dizzy with overpowering drugs. But now, it can also be regarded as saving the trouble of moqingge.

After Ding Mao and their departure, Shang zisu goes to Mu Qingge and looks down at the gun in MuQing's singer. Instead of asking questions, she says, "his words are not believable."

Mu Qingge nods.

Naturally, she knew that Ding Mao's words could not be believed.

However, if she killed Ding Mao, she would surely attract his short-lived master. At that time, things will get worse and worse, and even affect her plans.

Moqingge is a person with strong purpose. Once a plan is made, it will try to finish it.

This time, her purpose is Hunyuan tianjiyan, so everything else is not important. The release of Ding Mao does not mean that he does not believe that he will come to trouble again, but that he does not want to make a big fuss. Ding Mao has no brain. She also hopes that there will be some people with brains in the refining and casting tower to stop Ding Mao's idiotic behavior.

Mu Qingge can conclude that Ding Mao will return to the refining tower with a wound and tell his master everything. From Ding Mao's words, his master should be able to judge that she is not easy to deal with.

However, if he was still stubborn, she would not mind fighting with the refining tower.

Mu light song eyes light a cold.

"Younger martial brother, we might as well leave overnight." After thinking for a moment, Shang zisu suggested to Mu Qingge.

Leaving all night? This is really a way to avoid the trouble.

Mu Qingge calculated the time agreed with Moyang in his heart, and said to Shang zisu, "have a good rest tonight, everything will be discussed tomorrow."

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