The secluded sea is like a place of broken stars, with countless stars in the blue.

Here, it seems to be the same color from the sky to the earth. It is a sea, but it is more like a barrier.

It is said that those who left here never came back.

It is said that there is another world hidden in the secluded sea

In fact, the secluded sea is just a land full of countless illusions. In which, people will no longer be able to distinguish between the halal and the unreal, perhaps forever wandering in the sea, floating, until the end of life.

The boat to cross the sea is also different from other ships.

A nuclear oval ship is quietly floating into the deep sea. The oars protruding from the bottom of the ship are rowing through the blue stars and moving forward at a very slow speed.

The high side of the ship blocked the scenery on both sides of the river, and could only see the front.

It is said that this is to block the invasion of some illusions. However, illusion is an omnipresent sea, but such a design is of little use. More, just seek psychological comfort.

Inside the ship, the cabin was built on the side of the ship, which was as high as a cliff. The deck in the middle was flat and unimpeded. A high mast, standing in the center of the hull, over the side of the ship. The white sails on it control the direction of the ship.

At the bow of the boat, mu Qingge stands with his hands down, enjoying the scenery of the secluded sea.

In fact, the scenery of the secluded sea is very simple, and those tiny changes may not be discovered by you, and they will pass in a hurry. But she still stood there, motionless for two hours.

Beside her, squatting a snow-white fox, the fox has nine tails, behind it forms a fan-shaped, floating in the air, dancing at will.

This fox is very beautiful. Its eyes are as red as a gem. The enchanting Rune in the eyebrow adds to its mystery.

When mu Qingge goes to Youhai, Yinchen finally wakes up from promotion. In this promotion, it has reached the qualification of breaking up and upgrading to the divine beast. Only when the life and death robbery is lowered, can it be born into a divine beast.

The promotion of silver dust, as the master of Mu light song, also got benefits.

The sequelae caused by the use of Qiankun secret array in Wanfeng city has been completely eliminated. She has recovered the spiritual power cultivation of the middle level of purple realm, not only that, because when she lost her spiritual power, she made her spiritual power higher and touched the barrier of purple realm.

Such a terrible training speed, in addition to her is no one!

"Silver dust, what do you think the illusion in the deep sea will be?" Suddenly murmured the murmur.

Her eyes because of the color of the sea, was dyed a layer of deep blue, those broken stars fell in her eyes, it seems that her eyes are more bright.

Silver dust looked at her and said after a while: "master, people's hearts are different, so are illusions. In fact, there are no illusions in the secluded sea, only a kind of dream building ability. It can let the person who enters, unconsciously, enter the dream that his heart most expects, and then does not want to wake up again. Even if you escape from one dream, you will enter another. Under the cycle, you will not be able to tell whether the dream is true

"What can you do?" Mu Qingge means an unknown question.

But Yinchen understood. It's blood red eyes, staring at Mu light song way: "I can drive that kind of power, let the master, let the people on this ship, keep awake, the course does not deviate, sail out of the dark sea, into the ancient witch kingdom."

Mu Qingge finally moved her eyes to it and said with a smile on her red eyes: "what do you do so seriously? I'm just asking at random. "

"The master wants to experience the illusion of the sea?" Silver dust pierced mu Qingge's mind.

Mu Qingge bowed his head, fingertips touched his nose, and made a fake cough: "anyway, it's boring. It's hard to travel to the secluded sea. It's a rare opportunity."

She was really curious about what she was thinking.

"Master silver, master silver. If you are bored, come in and bring your children." In Mu Qingge's mind, the voice of Meng Meng's protest suddenly exploded.

In an instant, the image of crying without tears appeared in her mind, with a baby bigger than herself beside her!

No, it's Hunyuan tianjiyan!

Well, mu Qingge has given him a nickname, Yuan Yuan.

As for the big name or something, mu Qingge said she would think about it when she was free. Anyway, Yuan Yuan will not grow up for a while, so the name of milk is enough.

It seems that in order to show the unity of the front line, Yuan Yuan Yuan around Meng Meng also has a look of aggrieved "hem". The meat is so cute that you can't wait to pick it up and take a bite.

But Su!

Mu Qingge is very clear, what are the consequences of doing so!

Teeth suddenly came from the pain, as if by fire. She raised her hand and rubbed her cheek.

As a result, she won't be able to get close to Yuan Yuan any more! Hmmm!

"That Although it seems calm here, many dangers are hidden in peace, and we must not be careless. " Mu Qingge stares at Youhai with righteous words, as if in response to Meng Meng's protest."Wow, the eldest mother doesn't want Yuan Yuan any more - wow!" Yuan yuan, a steamed bun, immediately burst into tears.

In an instant, Meng Meng standing beside him was frozen into a popsicle by the cold air he released.

Mu light song extremely unkind will two back to the space, oneself continue to install righteousness awe inspiring standing in the bow to see the scenery!

"Brother mu."

Just after sending Meng Meng and Yuan Meng, mu Qingge hears the voice of Shang zisu.

Looking back and turning around, mu Qingge said with a smile to Shang zisu: "what's the matter with elder martial sister Shang?"

Shang zisu shook her head slowly and came to her. I watched her for a while, but I didn't say anything. I just stood by her side and moved my sight to the secluded sea.

She and Moyang have been waiting for muqingge for a long time in the secluded sea.

Even, while waiting, they saw a wanted notice about muqingge in the city near Youhai.

She didn't know why she was worried and afraid. The mood didn't improve until she saw muqingge. However, without waiting for her to say anything, mu Qingge ordered the boat to set out.

Just now, she clearly wanted to ask mu Qingge why he was wanted and whether he was injured, but what kind of danger did she encounter.

However, when she saw muqingge standing in front of her, she couldn't ask anything. Just want to stand by her side like this, even if a word doesn't have to say.

"It's beautiful here." Gazing at the wonderful scenery of the secluded sea, Shang zisu's sincere way.

"Yes, it's beautiful." The way that mu Qingge echoed.

Silver dust raised her head and took a look at them, trying to disappear automatically.

However, as soon as it moved its tail, it felt pain.

When you look down, you can see that mu Qingge's feet trample on one of its tails. Silver dust blood red eyes moved to the face of Mu light song, on her raised sneer.

"Ah Hoo!" Silver dust's sharp ears drooped down, lowered his head and squatted down to the side, continuing to be a "light bulb.".

After stopping the silver dust's leaving, mu Qingge raised her head and looked at the Shang zisu, then put her eyes on the secluded sea.

The water of the secluded sea, as if falling from the sky, those tiny starlight, mingled in the blue light, gorgeous and mysterious.

After watching for a long time, Shang zisu couldn't help but stretch out her hand and wanted to catch the light from the sky.

However, when her hand just reached the side of the ship, it was suddenly seized by mu Qingge and pulled back.

Shang zisu was surprised to see Xiangmu light song.

However, mu Qingge said solemnly: "there is some mysterious substance in the sea that can cause people to have hallucinations. The reason why we have nothing to do is because on board, there is silver dust protection. If elder martial sister reaches out, what will happen is hard to predict. It's better not to take risks easily. "

Shang zisu's eyelashes trembled for a while and whispered, "I was careless." Her eyes fell on the hands of the two, slightly distracted.

Mu light song along her eyes light a look, busy loose hands, look some embarrassed way: "sorry."

As soft as boneless hands fall from the air, Shang zisu's drooping eyes are faintly lost. She shook her head and said, "it's OK."

The back of the two men standing in the bow fell into the eyes of Moyang standing behind the mast.

There was no emotion in his features.

However, a dragon tooth guard came from behind. After seeing the picture of the bow of the boat, he joked: "our little Lord's charm is really lost. Can we teach these real men how to live?"

Mo Yang turned his head and gave him a cold look.

He immediately straightened his back and restrained his playful expression.

Seeing that he was no longer talking nonsense, Mo Yang slowly withdrew his sight.

However, the Dragon tooth Wei is not afraid of death and whispers: "boss, why are you so nervous? Are you in love with the business girl during this period of time? "

"Is it itchy?" Mo Yang cold voice of the road.

One eye, sharp as a knife swept over.

The Dragon tooth Wei, who was not afraid of death, immediately acknowledged his advice and retreated with a smile.

Today's Moyang has entered the initial stage of the blue realm, and they are the higher level of the green realm. How can they send the door to find abuse?

After Longya Wei retreated, Moyang looked at the bow again.

However, if someone looks into his eyes at the moment, he will find that, in fact, he is only looking at one person

"Don't think about what you shouldn't expect. Otherwise, I'm afraid I can't even have my present seat. How can I look at her like this? " Mo Yang said to himself three times in his heart, then dropped his eyes and turned away.

On the bow, it is not clear whether Shang zisu accompanied mu Qingge or mu Qingge accompanied Shang zisu. After standing for more than an hour, the two men returned to their own cabins.

Silver dust continues to stay in the bow, continuing its mission.

Mu Qingge's room, of course, is much better than the giant ship from Mucheng to yaota general hospital. Even though the ship is not big, because of her identity, she gets the best.This is not her request, but Moyang had arranged it when he built the ship.

In addition to her room, as a guest, shangzisu naturally enjoys better resources. On the contrary, Moyang and Longya guards are just simple cabins without too much decoration and fancy.

In the spacious and delicate, comfortable and tidy cabin, mu Qingge lies on her big bed.

Actually, she's not sleepy.

After talking with silver dust, she was a little itchy.

Last time, silver dust "returned" her previous life to the earth with her fantasy. I wonder if you can have the same effect?

And she always felt that she knew her heart. But recently, she found that some of them could not understand and could not see through.

It seems that something is out of control.

She needs to know what it is and get it back in her hands!

Moqingge seems to give itself a good reason.

She sat up from the boat and said to silver dust in her heart, "silver dust, silver dust." She has a contract with silver dust, even if they are far apart, they can also make contact. Besides, just on a boat?

Soon, silver dust had a response. "Master?"

"Silver dust, I want to feel the illusion of the sea. If the situation is not right, you can pull me out. " Mu Qingge said frankly.

"Is the master sure?" Silver dust frowned. It seems that she doesn't agree with mu Qingge's decision, but she doesn't want to go against her will.

"Well. Try it Mu Qingge points the way.

See Mu light song has decided, silver dust will no longer dissuade.

Silence for a while, it just said: "I will put a little bit of the force of the sea in, the master will stay in the room."

Suddenly, mu Qingge palm more than a trace of Golden Fox hair.

The voice of silver dust came again: "if the master can walk out of the illusion by himself, it will be very beneficial to the refinement of spiritual consciousness. If you're trapped, throw out the hair in your hand, and I'll bring the master out

"Good." Mu Qingge clenched the hair in his hand.


On the bow of the boat, silver dust closed his eyes, and the rune in the center of its eyebrows was suffused with a kind of enchanting golden light.

Outside the ship, a layer of golden light shield slowly appeared. Outside the light shield, many stars wanted to invade, but they were blocked out.

All of a sudden, a crack appeared on the mask, and some starlight took the opportunity to squeeze in.

After that, the mask recovered and disappeared.

And those who sneak into the stars, but the silver dust into the room.

Suffused with blue star light, floating, like a ribbon, into the room of moqingge, under the gaze of moqingge, drilled into the tip of her nose.

Even though mu Qingge had been prepared, she still felt stunned.

Gradually, her eyes appeared a kind of blank color, the whole person slowly fell back, fell on the clothes, closed their eyes.

Mu Qingge feels as if he is in the starry sky, surrounded by endless darkness. Those twinkling stars, leading her forward.

She felt her body become very light, like a kite, floating in the wind.

But, in the direction that she can control.

"Is this the illusion of the sea?" Mu light song in the heart.

After flying for a while, mu Qingge asked himself in his heart, "is there anything that confuses my heart?"

Suddenly, she felt a heavy fall, dare to attack, with her body rapid landing.

She opened her mouth in surprise, but could not make a sound.

Then, a flower in front of her, she was in a dark.

Muddleheaded, mu Qingge did not know how long he was in a coma. It may be just a moment, or it may be a day or a year.

As if, time is no longer important.

When consciousness gradually recovers, mu Qingge opens her heavy eyelids.

Line of sight, from blurred to clear.

The scenery is so familiar that she can recognize it at a glance.

"Mu Fu!" Mu Qingge suddenly sat up.

After checking again, she found that she had returned to the home of Mu Fu.

At the moment, she was lying in her own bed, with no change in the furnishings around her.

At this time, a pretty maid came in and saw her sitting up. She said with a smile: "Sir, you are awake."

She knew this servant girl naturally. "Young lotus?"

Youhe went to Mu Qingge and served her out of bed as usual, "why is the little Lord so surprised? How can I not be happy to see the maid? Then I'd like you to exchange the flower moon for me

"No, you..." Mu light song thoughts become a little confused, in the mind, it seems that something has been forgotten by her.

But she seemed to know that everything in front of her should not be like this.

She raised her hand and hit her head.

It hurts!

"Sir, what are you doing?" Youhe grabs her arm in shock to stop her self mutilation.But mu Qingge said, "do you feel pain? Isn't this an illusion? "

"What an illusion? Have you lost your sleep, sir Young ho stamped his foot in a hurry.

Mu Qingge gently shook his head and said, "maybe."

In a daze, mu Qingge is pulled aside by Youhe and dressed her.

She had been thinking about some of the memories she had lost in her mind, and she didn't notice what Youhe had put on her. I just vaguely knew it was the red she always wore.

After getting dressed, she is taken by Youhe to the dressing table and sits down.

"Who is this?" Mu Qingge saw himself in the mirror and cried out.

Youhe was startled by her, "Sir, is this you? What's the matter with you? Are you sick? "

Mu Qingge looks at the gorgeous woman in the mirror in disbelief. But the problem is, she has been showing people in men's clothing, how can suddenly appear in real appearance?

She saw her skirt in the mirror, looked down, and found that she was wearing a woman's skirt.

She looked up again, touched her left ear, only to find that the purple stud that covered her identity was missing!

"Where are my earrings?" Mu Qingge turns to ask Youhe.

Youhe looked at her anxiously and replied, "ear stud? Don't you take it down and give it to your uncle when you show your love to him

Uncle? Show love?

Mu Qingge opened his eyes and refused to believe what Youhe said. "What uncle? Show love? What a mess? "

When Youhe saw her like this, her expression became tense. Grab her arms and try to explain, "Sir, what's wrong with you? My uncle is your husband. You married only a month ago! At that time, the whole Linchuan was celebrating it, and it was very lively. Half a year ago, it was you who brought the Dragon teeth guard and the bride price that lasted for hundreds of miles to my uncle. You took off the earrings and exposed your female identity to the world. You said you would marry your uncle back to Mu Fu! Have you forgotten the scene? Innumerable women are heartbroken for you, and countless men fall for you. The matter that you ask for marriage from your uncle shocked the whole Linchuan. Countless people are laughing at your silly dreams, but my uncle agreed and gave them a good face... "

"Is this her? Is she really the person in Youhe's mouth? She ran to a man to make love? And he said he would marry him home? " Mu Qingge covers his cheek with both hands, and can't believe what Youhe says.

However, in my mind, because of Youhe's words, the vague pictures appear, which seems to confirm the authenticity of these words.

If she did these things, she really wanted to die!

Mu Qingge raised his head and looked at the young lotus.

Her shocked eyes startled young lotus. "Who am I asking to marry?"

"To me." Suddenly, a familiar voice came from the door.

Mu Qingge suddenly turned her head, dressed in white, tall and tall figure, such as jade on the street, Fengyi out of the world, the peerless childe appeared in her eyes.

"How, how, how can we possibly..." Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk and stammered.

"What's wrong with Xiao Ge Er? You proposed to me in person on that day. Do you want to repent now? " Si Mo's deep and beautiful eyes narrowed dangerously.

In an instant, he came to Mu Qingge's front, and put his arm around her waist and pulled her into his arms.

Mu light song because of panic and suddenly open eyes deep, reflecting the shadow of Si Mo white, for a time actually forget the resistance.

The young lotus sees Si Mo to appear, covers the lip to smile lightly, unexpectedly abandons the Lord to flee, left Mu light song a person to face Si Mo alone.

"You, you, you..."

The danger in Si Mo Mou turns into a smile, and says in a low voice: "how can one night pass and my wife become stuttering? Is it possible that she was tired last night? "

Ambiguous words, let mu Qingge's cheeks become hot like fire.

She pulled off Si Mo's hand around his waist and jumped out of the man's arms, staring at him with vigilant eyes.

"What's wrong with Xiao Ge'er? All blame me, these days tired you. But your grandfather talks about his grandson all day long. I'm not a good son-in-law, is he? " Si Mo and Mu light song closer to a step, said in the mouth, to Mu light song feeling is "shameless"!

"Don't come here!" Mu light song raised his hand to block two people directly, the other hand covered his head, "let me calm down first!"

All of a sudden, she felt a light under her feet. She was actually picked up by Simao and walked towards the bed.

"What are you doing?" Murmuring the frightened way.

Si Mo looked down at her, deep eyes full of love: "tired, more rest. I promise I won't bother you today. "

Mu Qingge felt that his mouth was constantly twitching, staring at Si Mo, did not know how to react.

Why, why, those confused memories in her brain, because of Youhe's words, Simao's words, automatically make up the picture? That kind of reality, like her original memory.Si Mo was held in his arms, the kind of exotic fragrance on his body, constantly floating into the tip of Mu Qingge nose, awakened her deepest memory. This kind of exotic fragrance, nobody can imitate, he is Si mo.

Mu light song suddenly calm down, close to Si Mo's chest, listening to his heart from the "plop" sound.

"I see." Mu light song suddenly said.

Si Mo looked at her, with a trace of doubt in his eyes, as if to ask her "know" what.

Mu Qingge spread out his left hand, inside lay a snow-white fox hair. She raised her head and looked at Si mo. The other hand, slowly raised, stroked Si Mo's impeccable facial features. "You are my heart."

Si Mo to her, showed a shallow smile.

That smile with indulgence, with indulgence, with boundless love.

Mu Qingge sat up from his arms, looked at Si Mo, looked at him with an unprecedented seriousness, and said to him, "wait for me, I will find you!"

With that, the fox hair in her hand glowed with gold, which instantly wrapped muqingge, making her figure become blurred.

"Xiaoge'er, I'll wait for you." Si Mo suddenly laughed.

And his words, but let disappear in the Mu light song raised eyes!


The ships in the deep sea are moving slowly.

Mu Qingge's cabin suddenly flashed a golden light. After the golden light disappeared, mu Qingge suddenly sat up from the bed.

"It's impossible!" There was an incredible expression on her face.

Mu Qingge frowned and said to himself, "it's clearly my illusion, it's my heart. He couldn't have reacted like that! It's all fake, just according to my heart. "

She admitted that she had Si Mo in her heart.

Admitting that the immortal old monster really moved his heart, but that was all.

However, in the illusion, Si Mo's illusion said that sentence, what is the meaning? At that moment, mu Qingge even felt that it was not an illusion at all, but Simao himself!

But is it possible?

"Master?" It seems to be aware that moqingge wakes up from the dreamland, the breath is unstable, and the voice of Yinchen's worry comes over.

This sound, like a lifesaver straw, let mu Qingge firmly grasp. "Silver dust, can anyone enter other people's illusions?"

She asked eagerly.

Silver dust was silent for a while, and said definitely, "of course. Have I ever been in the illusion of my master

"That's not the same." Mu Qingge denied: "you are self-conscious. You made up the environment according to my memory and let me in. What I want to ask is that if I am in a dreamland, can someone appear in my real life? The man I thought was an illusion of his own, but he was real? "

Mu Qingge's words are not easy to understand, but silver dust still understood.

This time it was silent for a longer time, and seemed to be thinking about the possibility put forward by mu Qingge. After a long time, it gave the answer of moqingge: "unless that person is very strong, and has mastered some rules. Moreover, he knows that the master's breath can sense the sudden change of the master's breath, and follow it and enter the illusion. But such people, in my inheritance, are generally called gods


Mu Qingge was stunned. The appearance of Si Mo appears in my mind.

Isn't he as strong as a God?

"What is the mutation of breath?" Mu Qingge asked.

This time, silver dust did not silence, but directly gave the answer: "people fall into illusion, the breath will change. Ordinary people don't feel it, but God can easily catch it. "

Mu Qingge is now completely calm down. She said calmly, "well, if that God enters the illusion, can he change the development of the illusion?"

"In theory, yes. Because God is too powerful, he can invade consciousness and change illusion. Small ones are fine-tuning, while big ones may change the whole illusion and confuse the original mind Silver dust road.

"I see. I'm a little tired. Take a rest first Mu Qingge finished, lying on the bed again.

The sound of silver dust disappeared in her mind.

Silver dust words, let Mu light song again confused. If the Simao in the illusion is not her illusion, is the fact reflected by the illusion true?

Belong to her, or belong to Si Mo?

Mu Qingge thought that she finally saw her heart in confusion and entanglement, but she didn't want to let her confused again.


After half a month's wandering on the quiet sea, the faint outline of land finally appeared in the distance.

Three days later, mu Qingge and others finally got off the ship and landed in the ancient witch kingdom.

Because almost no one can pass through the deep sea, the wharf here is already rotten. After getting off the boat, mu Qingge put the boat directly into the space and took the people to Jiang City, the capital of the ancient witch kingdom.Ancient Wuguo is the most special country in Linchuan.

It is special not only because its southernmost side is the barrier of the mainland, the bitter sea. It is also said that among the blood of the people in this country, there is the blood of the divine beast in the sea.

It is said that long ago, the people of the ancient witch Kingdom combined with some powerful transformed animals in the bitter sea, and their offspring not only retained the appearance of human beings, but also possessed some power of divine animals.

They have a strong ability, talent is very high, just like mu Qingge in the past life saw those perfect hybrid, excellent appearance, super high IQ.

They become detached because of their special blood.

They also love peace, only like in the ancient witch Kingdom, rarely go out to walk, not to mention war.

There is also the most special point, their ruler is a woman, is the queen! The surname of the state is Jiang! Jiang is an ancient surname. He has the power of a witch and is respected by women.

"Younger martial brother mu, I heard that people in the ancient witch kingdom had eyes of different colors from ours, and even the color of their hair was a little different." It's a little curious about the business.

Mu Qingge said with a smile: "we will soon return to Jiangcheng, and then we will be able to verify it with our own eyes."

With that, she told Moyang, "my aunt said that she would come to visit the ancient Wu Kingdom. Please see if she has contacted the Dragon tooth guards or qianliejun near the ancient witch kingdom to see if she can find out about her."

Moyang quickly passed down the orders of muqingge.

There are only a few thousand people in the ancient witch kingdom. Most of these people are living in the capital of the state, so outside Jiangcheng, there are few people in the ancient witch kingdom.

Instead, you can see people from other countries who have come to visit.

There is another thing, muqingge in mind.

That is, the branch of the refining and casting tower was set up in the ancient witch kingdom.

However, its branch school is different from the medicine Tower Branch and does not recruit students from outside. It's just that the general hospital will send people to take turns to guard them every few years.

The branch of refining and casting tower was established here, and the precious materials in the bitter overseas sea area were coveted.

Although she left Rong state, mu Qingge did not forget that she was still the wanted person of refining and casting tower. No one knows whether her portrait has been sent to Lianzhu Tower Branch, so we should be careful.

The ancient kingdom of witchcraft is not too big, but after two days' walking from the shore, people came to the capital of ancient Wu state, Jiangcheng.

Looking at the arc-shaped city wall of Jiang City, mu Qingge knows that Jiang city is a circular city. In fact, such a round wall will have stronger resistance to attack.

The city wall, which is nearly a hundred feet long, is erected high, wrapping up the scene of the city inside, like a cylinder. On top of the city wall, there are magnificent buildings decorated with corals, just like the underwater world.

Outside the gate of the city, the guard of the guard seems to be only checking the foreign people, but not the domestic people.

"Sir, the news that Miss Chang recently came is that she was in Jiangcheng five days ago." Mo Yang walks to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song a few can not check nodded, to the people: "then we go in."


Jiang City, Qionglou Yuyu, beautiful. People in the ancient Wu Kingdom seem to love the curved lines and gorgeous colors. The city is full of buildings with different styles from other countries, decorated with pigments and shells.

The service of ancient witch kingdom is different from other places.

Most of the men wear sleeveless cardigan, short jacket, loose trousers, waist and legs, ankle with silk satin tie, foot wearing clogs.

Women are more diverse, but most of them are mainly to show their graceful figure. Their waist and abdomen are exposed, which is particularly attractive.

Enter the city, the small face of zisu Shang has been suffused with light red.

It seems that it is not suitable for the open style of ancient witch people.

But I can't help but look at those silver, red, blue, black hair, and those exotic looks.

"They all look good." Shang zisu gave its own evaluation.

Mu Qingge's nod of approval.

No matter which one has the genes in his heart, he exclaimed Even though some of these ancient sorcerers have scaly luster on their necks and some have sharp ears, they still do not damage their aesthetic feeling.

Men are handsome, women are beautiful, which is almost a summary of the appearance of the ancient witch kingdom people.

The market streets in ancient Wu state were not too wide, but not narrow.

In addition to shops on both sides, there are also temporary markets built out of cloth sheds. When the sun shines down, the shells on those buildings are shining, as if the whole city is shining.

People here, almost all smile, eyes do not have too much luxury, seems to be very satisfied with the present life. Such a calm and simple country, so that mu Qingge's heart of the good will suddenly rise up.

All of a sudden, many people passed by them in a hurry in the same direction."What's up ahead?" Mu Qingge raised eyebrows and asked.

Moyang immediately grabbed a man to inquire about the situation.

Soon, he came back and said to Mu Qingge, "there is a square in front of him, which is the place for the important gathering of the ancient witch kingdom. It is said that today their empress chose a husband there and took a fancy to one, but someone stopped him. The man seemed reluctant. It is said that the queen of the ancient witch kingdom is beautiful and moving, and is a special creature in the world. Few men can refuse it, so everyone dares to go to see the fun. "

"The queen was refused marriage, but the people went to see the fun?" It's kind of weird.

This is a wonderful country!

"Brother mu, we'd better not go there." After listening to Moyang, Shang zisu suddenly sang to Mu Qing.

Mu Qingge looks at her suspiciously.

In Mu Qingge's eyes, Shang zisu bit her lips and said, "in case What if you go after the queen

"Ha ha!"

Mu light Song mouth pull.

Moyang and Longya Wei look strange.

Shang zisu put forward this possibility, but they knew that mu Qingge would never marry the queen of the ancient witch kingdom.

"Isn't it that the queen has taken a fancy to it? It's OK. Let's squeeze in the crowd. Nothing will happen Mu light song touched the tip of his nose, embarrassed way.

Since she seldom came to the ancient witch Kingdom and met such an interesting thing, how could she not satisfy her curiosity because of some inexplicable worries?

What's more, since there is already a precedent of being rejected, I'm not afraid to be rejected again!

Mu Qingge is full of confidence in her appearance. She never thought that the queen would not look down on her!

Of course, this is also because too many facts have proved the lethality of Mu Qingge's appearance, which makes her have to be confident!

After being dissuaded by the merchant zisu, they could only follow mu Qingge and others, and follow the crowd to the square.

At this time, the battle of seizing husband was really staged in the square --

on the circular square, there stood a tall spire, in which stood a noble and graceful figure.

Under the square, a man and a woman stood in confrontation with her.

Around them were the bodyguards of the ancient witch kingdom. They were wearing Lin armour and holding bone spears, facing the man and woman.

Among them, the woman said to the woman on the steeple with indignation: "you are the queen, why do you want to make people difficult? He has definitely rejected you, but do you want to rob now? "

"He won the arena and he was my husband." On the spire, there was a tone of pride and indifference.

The woman said angrily, "but you didn't say at the beginning that it was for you to choose your husband. Now it's just cheating!"

"Everyone here knows that." The empress of the ancient witch Kingdom on the spire is still arrogant.

At this time, the man stood up and blocked the woman behind him. He raised his head and said to the queen of the ancient witch Kingdom: "I said, I will not marry you."

"No one asked you to marry me, but you married me." The Queen's domineering response.

The man was embarrassed and said, "that's impossible!"

"Come with me or die." The queen gave two ways.

But these two roads, for this man and a woman, are no doubt hopeless.

At this time, mu Qingge had already taken zisu, and they crowded into the crowd. Dragon tooth Wei silently in their two people outside a circle, to prevent others crowded, interfere with them.

Soon, mu Qingge was crowded to the front seat.

Just heard the Queen's overbearing declaration.

She looked up at the spire, the reflection on the spire, so that she could not see the queen. Then she turned her eyes to a man and a woman in the square.

However, her eyes shrank as she saw the woman.

Ear, also came Mo Yang shock voice: "long miss!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!