Among the palaces of the ancient Wu Kingdom, the magnificent palaces did not arouse Mu Lianrong's interest at all.

Entering this palace has been enough for a moment, but she just stares at mu Qingge's side face and sighs.

"Sister Rong, have a cup of tea first." Xue Qiao brings a cup of hot tea and walks to Mu Lianrong. He whispers softly.

However, Mu Lianrong pushed aside and stood up and said to Mu Qingge, "Qingge, you come with me."

Mu Qingge raised his head and looked at his aunt with some surprise in his eyes. Seeing the seriousness of her aunt's face, she didn't say much. She stood up honestly and went to her aunt.

Shang zisu also stood up, looking at Xiangmu light song, but did not follow the past, just silently watching her.

Mu Lianrong looked at her and turned to a room inside the palace.

Muqingge follows closely. Just two steps later, Mu Lianrong stopped and told Mo Yang: "Mo boy, watch this place. No one is allowed to get close to it. Even if the queen of the ancient witch Kingdom comes, it won't work."

Mo Yang's eyes flashed, looking at Xiangmu light song. After seeing the latter, he nodded his head, and then led the Dragon teeth guard to guard around.

Xue Qiao seems to be a little worried and wants to follow the past, but he is stopped by Mo Yang's indifference. "Young Xia Xue, Miss Chang has something important to discuss with you. Please wait."

Xue Qiao's eyes moved to Mo Yang's body. Seeing that he seemed impossible to accommodate, he came back.

The people of longyawei are cold faced and hard to get close to strangers. Xue Qiao couldn't find out anything at all. He wanted to ask Shang zisu, but he found that she seemed colder, so he had to give up and return to his seat.

On the other side, mu Qingge has come to the inner room with Mu Lianrong.

After confirming that no one was eavesdropping, Mu Lianrong asked mu Qingge, "Qingge, how can you promise that the queen will follow her into the palace? You know you Well, you can't marry her at all

Mu Lianrong's tone is a little anxious, some puzzled, and some angry.

It seems that it is because of their own, just caused trouble, implicated niece.

"Of course I won't marry her." Mu light song calm way.

"Then you still..." Mu Lianrong really doesn't know what mu Qingge wants.

"Don't worry, aunt. I'll take care of it." Mu Qingge comforts Mu Lianrong with a smile.

However, where can Mu Lianrong put her heart down?

Seeing her like that, mu Qingge joked: "if aunt is worried, why don't you tell me the story of you and that young Xia Xue? I can see that he is very nervous about his aunt

Murianrong's face turned red, and she said, "no big, no small. He and I have nothing. What he said just now is just a temporary measure. "

"Oh?" Mu Qingge looks unconvinced.

"Why did I lie to you?" Mu Lianrong said with shame: "I met him in the ancient witch Kingdom, and the conversation was still speculative, so we should call him sister and brother."

"Since it was only a chance encounter, why did his aunt refuse to marry him?" Mu Qingge asked.

Seeing that mu Qingge was really misunderstood, Mu Lianrong said, "that's because it has something to do with me." Then, he told the original thing to Mu Qingge.

It turns out that Xue Qiao went to the arena because he bet with her.

They also inadvertently went to the challenge arena and saw someone competing on it. It happened that there was a good individual strength above, and Mu Lianrong praised a few words.

That Xue Qiao then young spirit way, oneself is stronger than him. Seeing that he suddenly had a child's temperament, Mu Lianrong deliberately refused to take over. Who would have thought Xue Qiao said that if she didn't believe it, he would go up and show her. If she lost, he would help her carry tea and water for a month. If you win, let Mu Lianrong accompany him. After leaving the ancient witch Kingdom, accompany him to the state of Qin.

The state of Qin was originally Mu Lianrong's home. This is her first time to go out for a tour, and she had no intention of staying out for long. At that time, it was planned to return to my father for peace about half a year.

Therefore, for Xue Qiao's gambling appointment, she accepted.

Who would have thought that this arena was actually the place where the ancient Witch Queen chose her husband, and Xue Qiao actually won the people in the arena and won the crown.

After that, there was the scene of refusing to marry.

Xue Qiao came to power because of gambling, and she didn't want to marry the queen of the ancient witch kingdom. Naturally, she couldn't stand by.

After the matter, mu Qingge also witnessed.

“…… So, I really have nothing to do with him. Don't get me wrong. " Mu Lianrong sighs at mu Qingge.

Mu light song staring at her, but clearly saw her eyes flash through the loss.

"Auntie, I don't think what he said just now seems to be an expedient measure. The situation at that time was related to life and death. Who would have said that in front of life and death? " Mu Qingsong's trial way.

"Light song! Stop it. " Mu Lianrong stood up in a panic, turned to avoid the sight of Mu Qingge, drooped her eyes and said, "I am so much older than him."

"Only five years old." Mu Qingge doesn't care about Tao.On the way to the palace, mu Qingge had already made it clear to Xue Qiao. I didn't expect that Xue Qiao actually came from Yu state, a second-class country.

Moreover, he was the son of a well-known aristocratic family.

However, he is not a legitimate son, do not need to inherit the family property, so he can travel around with his own mood.

Of course, mu Qingge will send people to check the authenticity of these information.

Anyway, according to her plan, the qianliejun and Longya guards will start to enter the second-class boundary to experience. It will not be difficult to find out the background of Xue Qiao.

"Don't say that. I'm so old. I don't think about it any more." Mu Lianrong shakes her head and refuses to deepen the topic.

See this, Mu light song also inconvenient to ask more, afraid to say more, but no help.

Mu Lianrong turned around and looked at Xiangmu Qingge. She said solemnly, "Qingge, when are you going to restore women's clothes?"

Mu light song a Leng, thought, how to have to pull oneself to change not to change the matter of women's clothing?

"Why did my aunt mention it? I don't think it's bad for a man to dress up and walk in the world. It's much more convenient. " Mu light song road.

Mu Lianrong sighed and shook his head slowly: "you are really in the fog. You can't really see it. Where are all your talents? "

Mu Qingge looks at a loss and is confused by Mu Lianrong.

Seeing her like this, Mu Lianrong had to continue to knock: "male identity, although conducive to walking outside. However, how many women have been harmed by your appearance? The merchant girl outside, and the queen of the ancient witch Kingdom, aren't they? I don't mention Changle before, yonghuan two princesses. You, you, how many women have to be upset for you before you realize it? What's more, you are going to get married and have children sooner or later. Isn't this identity open sooner or later? In the past, you hid your identity because you were worried about the crime of deceiving the monarch, which would harm the whole family. Now, you have become a general trend in the state of Qin. Even if you announce your identity, who dares to hurt you? I can't think of anything else you're worried about. "

Mu Lianrong's words made mu Qingge very confused.

She really didn't think so much, just as if she was used to the man's dress, so she didn't want to change. What kind of marriage and children

I don't know why, when Mu Lianrong said this, she could not help but come up with the illusion scene in the secluded sea.

It seems that they are not so resistant to marriage and having children.

Seeing her silence, Mu Lianrong went on: "at present, if you defeat her majesty as a woman, we can leave in a fair and aboveboard way. She can't force you to marry her. But what now? If you follow into the palace, it means that you have accepted the marriage. If your female identity is revealed, is it not the crime of deceiving the king again? "

"Aunt, I've written down everything you said. Let me think about it." Suddenly he began to sing.

She really needs to calm down and sort out her thoughts thoroughly.

Mu Lianrong said what she should have said, but did not continue to say anything more. With a sigh, she left the room and left muqingge alone.

In the room, only mu Qingge is left.

She went to the windowsill, where the view is very good, you can have a bird's eye view of most of the cities of Jiangcheng, and take in the scenery of Jiangcheng.

But now she didn't want to enjoy the scenery.

She followed Jiang Li into the palace. In fact, she was going to tell Jiang Li her identity after she entered the palace. She told her to give up and let them go.

However, being reminded by her aunt, she didn't seem to think about Jiang Li.

A woman, who is also the king of a country, has been refused marriage twice in a row. I'm afraid that no matter how generous she is, she will not be able to bear it. Moreover, if she spreads it out, she will have a bad reputation for Jiang Li.

Mu Qingge bowed his head, reached out and rubbed his swollen eyebrows, and said with a bitter smile: "I'm really not good at dealing with emotional matters. I've made a mistake this time."

She once missed it at Qin Yiyao, so she can't make a mistake again.

"Speaking of my identity..." Mu Qingge recalled it carefully and then laughed bitterly again: "not the old monster of Simao, but also Shuiling, meizizhong, and even Han Caicai's fellow also has many temptations It seems that quite a few people know it. "

Take a deep breath, Mu light song spit out the chest depression. She said to herself: "it seems that the convenience of men's wear in the future is hard to enjoy. However, what should be said today is still to be said. "

After making a decision in his heart, mu Qingge turns around and leaves the room with a brisk and firm pace.

She opened the door, and Shang zisu immediately stood up and came to her.

"Brother mu, are you ok?" Shang zisu asked.

Mu Qingge looks at her and recalls Mu Lianrong's words.

Indeed, she is a cold elder martial sister. She can't say a few words a day. It seems that after being with her, her words have become more and more.

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine." Mu Qingge is the first to Shang zisu's jaw.Shang zisu also slightly jaw head, pursed lips.

I don't know why, she always felt that the Mu light song at this time gave her the feeling, became a little strange.

As soon as they finished speaking, Jiang Li changed his clothes and took the maid to the palace. In her eyes, she seemed to have only the existence of the light song, and said happily, "light song." And quickly walked to the Mu light song.

The gold mask on her face and the drooping tassels swayed with her steps, making a clear and pleasant sound.

"You're just in time. I have something to tell you." Mu Qingge looks at Jiang Li with a smile on his lips.

"You don't want to learn from your uncle's repentance, do you?" Jiang Li looks at her warily.

These words made people look different.

Standing beside mu Qingge, Shang zisu is slightly frowning, Xue Qiao is embarrassed, and Mu Lianrong is even more flushed.

"Just follow me." Mu light song deep voice.

Then she turned and went back to the room.

Jiang Li said to the female officer who came with him: "you stay here and wait for me. No one is allowed to come in and disturb me without my command. Oh, by the way, give them something to eat. Don't neglect them. "

After that, she ignored the embarrassment of Mu Lianrong and Xue Qiao, and quickly caught up with mu Qingge and followed her into the room.

Mu Qingge closes the door in person and exchanges a look with Mu Lianrong at the moment when the gate is closed.

Mu Lianrong guessed what mu Qingge wanted to say, and she was worried about what might happen to Mu Qingge.


"What do you want to say to me?" In the room, as soon as he came in, Jiang Li couldn't wait to ask.

Mu Qingge turns to look at her, is about to speak, but is interrupted by Jiang Li.

"Wait a minute. Don't say it. In order to prevent you from refusing to marry again, I will take off the veil first With that, Jiang Li turned his back to Mu Qingge and took off his golden mask.

She turned around and showed a face full of exotic feelings and incomparable beauty.

It's definitely the face of any male animal! The beauty of ginger glass, with a kind of weird aesthetic feeling, three-dimensional deep facial features, pan golden eyes, dark blue long hair, white skin. Her beauty can not be described in normal words, but with a fatal attraction.

"Well, am I beautiful? It's not lucky that Xueqiao refused me! You will not and will not be blessed? " Jiang Li is satisfied to see the amazing color on mu Qingge's face and complacent way.

"Of course, I also think you are very beautiful. Even compared with the people in my ancient witch Kingdom, you belong to the unparalleled kind. Therefore, the combination of our two, the future generations will be more demon Yan confused, so you have to consider carefully, whether to marry me or not Jiang Li raised her beautiful chin and showed her perfect neck curve.

Demon face bewilders the public?

It's really descriptive.

In my heart, there is no language but a smile.

She said to Jiang Li, "I admit you are beautiful, but I still want to say what you don't like to hear."

"Why?" Jiang Li's eyes showed a trace of anger.

Mu Qingge did not say anything, but raised his hand and took off the ear stud on his left ear.

Nothing is more convincing than seeing is believing!

In Jiang Li's golden pupil, mu Qingge's appearance begins to change slightly. The lines are softer, the figure is more slender, and the legs are more slender and straight, connecting with the slender waist of Yingying grip. Beautiful facial features, although still with heroic spirit, but can distinguish at a glance, this is a gorgeous woman, not a man!

"This How could this be... " Jiang Li was shocked to open his eyes and looked at the change of muqingge in disbelief.

Mu Qingge put on the earrings again after she saw it clearly.

In an instant, she turned back to that charming young Baron!

"What kind of magic is this?" Jiang Li comes to Mu Qingge's body and reaches out his hand directly to touch the laryngeal knot on his neck.

Mu Qingge didn't avoid it, but let her do it.

The real sense of touch makes Jiang Li more confused. He raises his eyes in shock to the clear eyes of Shangmu Qingge.

In that pair of weird and beautiful golden eyes, he kept asking, "why, why, why?"

Mu light song back slowly step back, opened the distance between the two people. "It's the only thing my mother left me, and I don't know why it changed my gender. Wearing it, I am a man in the eyes of others. "

There are illusory cover up, Mu light song at the moment to speak voice, with a man's more magnetic.

Jiang Li was shocked to listen, and didn't rush in.

Her attitude at the moment is undoubtedly the best for muqingge. If she doesn't agree and orders the palace guards to take her down, or to fight directly, then she won't say anything more and fight directly.

"My mother left me very early, and I heard she had left in search of my father's body. And I have been disguised as a boy by her since I was born, and it is said that I want to keep the safety of my family Mu light song peaceful way."Keep the family safe?" Jiang Li frowns without understanding.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and asked, "as the queen of the ancient kingdom of witchcraft, even if the ancient kingdom of witchcraft doesn't ask about the world, you should know about the Mufu of Qin?"

Jiang Li's golden pupil shrank abruptly and lost his voice: "are you the famous little Baron of the Mu mansion of the state of Qin?"

Mu Qingge laughs: "at most, it is the third-class national boundary. Well, I haven't made it to second class and first class. " Even if she became the chief wanted criminal in Rong state, the other party didn't know her real identity, so she was not famous.

"You're funny." Jiang Li glanced at her bitterly.

Mu light song pick eyebrow, smile way: "you also make me surprised, I thought you in know my identity, will draw a knife against me."

Jiang Li curled his lips and said angrily, "am I such a unreasonable person? I can't kill you again. Maybe I'll kill both. Even if I really beat you, I can't marry you? I won't do it at a loss! "

This words, let Mu light song to her greatly increase. "You are special. If someone else refused to marry twice, I'm afraid he would have been angry and killed. "

"So I am the queen, and they are not!" Jiang Li Ao Jiao's way.

Mu Qingge began to smile, and the smile was very relaxed.

She suddenly found that she was very happy chatting with Jiang Li.

Jiang Li frowned and pondered, "before the situation of Mu Fu, a boy was needed to stabilize the morale of the army. I can understand that. The best thing is that the boy is an uneducated dandy. You have also done this. But later, you overthrew those ambitious men in the state of Qin. Why did you continue to hide it? "

She raised her eyes and looked at muqingge, waiting for its explanation.

"Used to it." Muqingge gives the most popular answer.

She said: "after being a boy for more than ten years, suddenly one day, you will be asked to stay at home in a skirt. You will not get used to it if you don't go out of the door She's not lying about that. In her previous life, she was in the barracks, where would she be divided into men and women? She has never experienced the days when she goes shopping with exquisite make-up, sexy short skirts, high-heeled shoes and brand-name bags.

"Habit?" Jiang Li repeated these two words in his mouth, and suddenly nodded his head and said, "I have a little sympathy for you."

"It doesn't have to be. I'm really enjoying myself. Man's identity, let me less a lot of constraints, can let me do a lot of things I want to do Mu light song shrugs a way.

Jiang Li but disdained a cold hum, stabbed her: "including colluding with good girls?"

"Cough." Mu Qingge was choked by himself and coughed twice, and his face was embarrassed. She raised her hand and said seriously, "I swear, I really don't have one."

Jiang Li looked at her plaintively. For a long time, he couldn't help laughing. He sighed, "maybe it's because you are a woman that you understand what women are thinking. With extra care, many women fall in love with you. I have heard the story of the two princesses of the state of Qin and you. "

Mu Qingge had a bitter smile and did not refute it.

At that time, she couldn't explain too much. She tried to stay away from her fate, but she did not escape the fate, resulting in the tragedy of Qin Yiyao and Qin Yilian.

She was guilty to both of them.

Qin Yilian, she realized her dream. But for Qin Yiyao, the princess she owes the most, it seems that she has not heard from her for a long time.

"Do you know that Qin Yiyao once came to the ancient witch kingdom." Jiang Li suddenly said.

Mu light song raised her eyes and looked at her. "When?"

Jiang Li thought for a while and said, "about a year ago. She seemed to have come in company, but had a quarrel with one of her female companions. During the quarrel, the other party called out her identity. After that, she left alone. "

Mu light song heard frown, "after there is no news of her?"

Jiang Li shook his head and said, "I also heard the female official report this incident at that time. After all, the former Princess of the state of Qin suddenly appeared. Naturally, I should pay more attention to it. Anyway, she must not be in the ancient witch Kingdom now, but I don't know whether she went to another country or crossed the sea. "

"Crossing the sea?" Mu Qingge is a little surprised.

Jiang Li nodded, went to the window, looked out the far coastline, and said to Mu Qingge: "the reason why the ancient witch kingdom is mysterious is that no one dares to invade it all the time. Half of our blood comes from that sea, which is said to be connected to a more advanced continent

Mu Qingge walks to her side and looks at the sea as well.

"The bitter sea is boundless, looking back is the shore, this sentence, was engraved as a warning at the crossing. However, for thousands of years, countless people have left in order to seek a higher level of cultivation and to see another continent. I can't count the number of people who have entered the bitter sea, but I can know that less than one in ten thousand people have really arrived at the other side. " Jiang Li said a terrible data.

In fact, she is telling mu Qingge that if Qin Yiyao just went to another country, it would be OK. If you cross the sea, I'm afraidAll of a sudden, a huge wave in the distance lifted up and beat hard to the sea.

It seems to confirm the horror of bitter sea in Jiang Li's words.

That kind of huge, irresistible force in nature, it's frightening!

Mu Qingge purses her lips and is silent. She can't help worrying about Qin Yiyao.

For a long time, her expression just a pine, light way: "this is her choice, with her."

Jiang Li turned his eyes and looked at her seriously. Then he said, "has anyone said that you are cold-blooded and merciless?"

Mu light song self mockery smile, "said the person is really many." Of course, those were her enemies, who had died in her hands.

Jiang Li is silent, and she seems to be able to understand mu Qingge's mood.

Some choices, not the best, have to be made. How many things in the world can be satisfactory?

Perhaps it is their own thought of the matter in their hearts, two people are tacit understanding of silence down.

After a long time, Jiang Li began to ask, "do you intend to live as a man all the time? If you choose this way, I suggest that you should wear an ugly mask when you go out in the future, and then don't talk to women or even meet with each other. "

Mu light song a corner of the mouth, heard the sarcasm in her words. Bowing his head, he said, "I have been taught a lesson just now. Please hold your hand high."

What's like a friend at first sight?

Mu Qingge and Jiang Li are. Obviously, it is the first time to meet, but there is a feeling that there is nothing to talk about. There is no strangeness, nor a trace of estrangement, as if they have known each other for a long time.

That kind of inexplicable trust, neither of them could tell.

Both of them were obedient people, so they were allowed to go.

"When are you going to find out? You must inform me in advance that I am going to see the fun. " Jiang Li was so excited that he looked forward to saying, "I'm really looking forward to it. People all over the world will know that the young Lord of Mu's house in the state of Qin is a woman. What kind of expression will he have?"

"You really have a bad taste." Mu Qingge silent Tao.

Jiang Li's mentality is really different from ordinary people.

"Tell me!" Jiang Li excitedly pulls mu Qingge's hand and shakes.

Mu Qingge thought about it and said, "wait a minute. I want to see someone before I think about it. " She will go to see Si Mo, the matter between two people, thoroughly solve.

"How long will that take?" Ginger glass Du mouth way.

“……” Mu Qingge is silent for a while. See, she said that Jiang Li's focus is different from ordinary people. When people heard this, they were concerned about who to see, but what she cared about was how long she had to wait.

"Why do you choose a husband in public?" Mu Qingge suddenly asked.

Jiang Li didn't want to answer: "because I am old enough to get married, so I have to choose a satisfied husband for myself."

"What now? Are you going to re-election? " Mu Qingge asked.

After all, this matter was destroyed by ourselves. We should be responsible for it!

"Otherwise? Or as like as two peas or brother, brother, you can introduce me to me. Jiang Li looks at her bitterly.

"Cough, if I had, I would not be a little baron." Mu light song uncomfortable false cough two.

"Alas Jiang Li hung his head in disappointment.

"What are you going to say to the public? For your reputation, I don't mind you slandering me! " Mu Qingge is serious.

Jiang Lijin's eyes turned, showing an evil smile: "I said, you have married a wife, now although the wife is dead, but I can't be the empress to fill the house for you. What's more, my wife died at a young age. My queen suspected that you were cheating on your wife, so I gave you up! "

Mu Qingge thought about it and nodded: "yes."

"You take it seriously." Jiang Li is surprised to see Xiangmu Qingge.

Seeing her puzzled looking at herself, Jiang Li just laughed: "I was just teasing you. I am the queen. Who dares to refute what I said in the ancient witch kingdom? If I don't want to marry, I will not marry. Who should I give you? "

This despotic manifesto, let Mu light song admire unceasingly. She nodded, and she gave Jiang Li a thumb.

"Well, since everything has been said. This evening's banquet will be held as usual, but the engagement banquet will be changed into a reception banquet. " Jiang Li vomited out a mouthful of turbid gas, lazily stretched a waist, charming incomparably.

Mu Qingge smiles and nods, but does not brush her kindness.

"Yes. When you were still in the ancient witch Kingdom, it was better to live in the palace than to live outside. " Jiang Li invited.

"I'll be sorry." Mu light song smile way.

Jiang Li shook his head in disgust: "it's too hypocritical to be polite."

All of a sudden, she turned her eyes and said to Mu Qingsong, "the wedding things are actually ready. Anyway, it's a waste to put them on. It's better to send those two outside to the new house!"

Of course, mu Qingge knows which two people she is talking about.

However, she can not immediately agree, can only smile: "this, we should ask the hero and heroine's wishes first?"Jiang Li did not understand the way: "before in the square, the surname Xue was not proposed?"

"But my aunt has not answered! What's more, my aunt should tell my grandfather about the marriage. " Mu Qingge shows his hands.

Hearing this, Jiang Li frowned and said, "you are really in trouble! Unlike our ancient witch Kingdom, as long as both men and women agree, they can hold a ceremony and become husband and wife. "

Mu light song, laugh but not speak.

Xue Qiao's details still need to be confirmed, and her aunt's intention has not been confirmed. We must not be impatient in this matter.

"Thank you, anyway." Mu light song road.

A hum of disappointment.

such an attitude of her really makes her wonder if she is too busy.

They stayed in the room for more than an hour.

During this period, the most nervous people were Mu Lianrong and Shang zisu.

The former is worried about whether there will be any danger after mu Qingge tells the truth. However, the room has been very quiet, not like fighting, in the end what happened, tangled her restless.

The Shang zisu is in a room with only one man and one daughter. If the customs of the ancient witch kingdom are so open, can something irreparable happen in it.

Several times, she couldn't help but try to break in.

However, every time, she was forced to hold back.

Finally, the closed door slowly opened. Mu Qingge and the queen of the ancient witch Kingdom quietly came out.

Jiang Li put on the golden mask again. As soon as she came out, she said to the female official who was guarding outside: "announce it. The wedding will be cancelled. But tonight's dinner will go on as usual. "

Hearing the cancellation of the wedding, Shang zisu was inexplicably relieved.

Mu Lianrong's hanging heart also fell back to its original place. The latter shook her head and looked at her with a smile.

And those female officials in the ancient witch Kingdom, you look at me, I look at you, a face muddled.

I don't seem to understand why the queen made such a decision.

However, Jiang Li seems to be used to being domineering.

Instead of refuting her words, the female officials backed down to prepare everything.


The banquet was held in the palace of the ancient witch kingdom.

Mu Qingge, they tasted the strange food of the ancient witch kingdom in the banquet. Yes, the songs and dances belonging to the ancient witch kingdom alone, and appreciate the different customs and feelings of other countries.

It was not until late at night that they returned to the palace where they lived.

And in the palace, they had already prepared hot water for them to wash and rest.

"Just a moment, Lord mu." Just as soon as he got back to the palace, Xue Qiao stopped singing mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge stops and turns to look at him with a question in his eyes.

Mu Lianrong came up and said, "Xue Qiao, what can I do for you

Xue Qiao waved to her, just looked at mu Qingge and said, "I call your aunt Rong elder sister, so I would be your elder. Can you call you Qingge?"

Mu light song eyes light flash, light nod: "at will."

"Xue Qiao, you are drunk. Go to rest first." Murianrong's heart was inexplicable, and she quickly stopped it.

Xue Qiao looked at her and said seriously, "sister Rong, I'm not drunk. I'm just daring to say what I want to say in my heart. I know, what I say in the square during the day, you think I'm just lying to get out of trouble. But I want to tell you now, I didn't, every word I said is true

Mu Lianrong's whole person is fixed in place, with a blank head looking at Xue Qiao.

Mu light song eyes light down, guess what Xue Qiao wants to say to her. So to Moyang and other Longya Wei, and Shang zisu said: "Moyang, Shang elder martial sister, you go back to have a rest."

This matter is mu Qingge's housework. There is no reason for them to leave.

So, without much delay, a crowd left in a hurry, leaving only the three of them standing in the temple.

Xue Qiao's eyes moved from Mu Lianrong to Mu Qingge, and said sincerely: "I've been to the third-class countries for some time. I've heard the name of the little Lord of Mufu in the state of Qin. In fact, I decided to leave the ancient Wu Kingdom and go to the state of Qin just because I wanted to see with my own eyes whether the little Lord of Mu's house was like the legend. However, I didn't expect to meet elder sister Rong in the ancient witch Kingdom, and she was actually the eldest lady of the Mu family, and I didn't expect to meet you here. As soon as I see you today, you really deserve your reputation. You are definitely the leader of this generation of young people! "

Then he looked at the stunned Mu Lianrong and said affectionately, "sister Rong, do you still remember our agreement? In fact, no matter win or lose, it's me who takes advantage. If I lose, I can stay by your side for a month. If I win, I can go back to the state of Qin with you and propose marriage in front of my husband and the people of Qin. "

"You You... " Mu Lianrong is totally stupid.

I don't know whether he was shocked by Xue Qiao's words or by his feelings for himself.

"Sister Rong, I believe you are affectionate to me during our time together. All you care about is that you are a few years older than me. But what is it? Where are we? Ancient Wu Kingdom, their people, even if their age difference is more than ten years old, as long as they love each other, they can be together. Why are we not polite? Besides, I never think you are older than me. You are like a simple little girl in my heart. You need to be loved, protected and cared for. " Xue Qiao's breath, with some wine gas, smoked Mu Lianrong a little drunk.But he continued: "tonight, I call Qingge, just to let him prove for me that I Xue Qiao will marry you mu Lianrong as my wife in this life!"

"My aunt can't tolerate concubines, even wives and husband's infidelity." Mu light song suddenly said.

Xue Qiao turned his eyes and looked at her. He burst into a smile, cut his palm, held his head high, and said in a loud voice: "I, Xue Qiao, only love Lian Rong in my life. I only want to be a double person with her for the whole life. If you disobey this oath, all the people will spit, the gods and demons will abandon together, and all the arrows will pierce the heart and die!"


The clear night, suddenly came a thunder.

The blood in Xueqiao's palm suddenly turned into a red light and flew into his body.

This strange scene makes Mu light song's eyes shrink.

"Who swore in the ancient witch kingdom?" Jiang Li's voice suddenly chaos into, her people also appear in Mu Qingge side.

"Why did you come?" Mu Qingge frowned.

But Jiang Li didn't pay attention to her. Instead, he stared at Xue Qiao's palm and made a "tut tut" voice. "The mystery of the ancient witch kingdom lies in that anyone who swears here will be verified. That is to say, if he really breaks the oath, then his end will be as he said, even more miserable

"Xue Qiao, why are you so stupid?" Mu Lianrong wakes up from shock, grabs Xue Qiao's hand and cries.

This is the first time that mu Qingge has just arrived in the ancient witch kingdom.

She looked at Jiang Li and asked, "is it really so amazing?"

Jiang Li is quite proud to raise his chin, gently point the jaw head, and temptation way: "do not believe, you try?"

Mu light Song mouth a smoke, and did not plan to test the law.

However, Jiang Li was still seriously explaining to her: "you must remember to use blood in your palm when swearing. Because people's fate is in both hands, so swearing with blood in the palm will directly affect the fate. "

"Sister Rong, no, Lianrong, I'm serious and will never regret it!" Xueqiao shook his head slowly.

Mu Lianrong's nose was sour. She never expected to have such a feeling.

All of a sudden, she also quickly opened her hand and raised her voice: "my Mu Lianrong swears that she will never part with Xue Qiao in this life and death. If she disobeys this oath, heaven and earth will be destroyed, and it will not be easy to die!"

"Auntie!" Mu Qingge wants to stop it, but it is still a step too late.

Watching the red light of blood into Mu Lianrong's body.

Jiang Li looked at her with a smile: "it seems that the wedding things I prepared carefully can be used out!"

Mu Qingge sighs in his heart and looks at Mu Lianrong and Xue Qiao's affectionate appearance. What else can he say? She can't blame her aunt for being too impulsive, can she?

"Do you have an intelligence network in Yu? I want to get all the information about Xue family and Xue Qiao in Yu state as soon as possible. " Mu Qingge uses the way of transmission to communicate with Jiang Li Dao.

Originally, she was going to let her own people into the state of Yu and then check it slowly. Anyway, Mu Lianrong's appearance was not in a hurry. But who would have expected to come to such a place tonight?

Even though Xue Qiao has made an oath, she must know about the Xue family in Yu state!

She didn't want her aunt to be wronged when she got married.

Jiang Li blinked his eyes, understood mu Qingge's worries, and immediately assured him, "I'll give it to you in three days."

Thank you very much Mu Qingge's sincere way.


This night, there were two thunders over the ancient Wu Kingdom.

In another part of the ancient witch Kingdom, a piece of information entered the branch yard of the refining and casting tower.

"What? The guy with the silver gun appears? " The dean of the refining and casting Tower Branch hit the table and suddenly stood up!

On the table in front of him was a wanted notice about muqingge, which came from Rong state. , the fastest update of the webnovel!