Two posts are placed in front of muqingge. In fact, the source of the two posts is the same, but there are differences.

After seeing off Jiang Li, mu Qingge looks down at two posts.

One, an invitation from the Vientiane house auction.

One is from Han Caicai.

Han Caicai, the evil spirit, is also in Tiandu, which makes mu Qingge quite unexpected. The two have not seen each other for more than a year and two years.

Mu Qingge thought about it and picked up the post in the private name of Han Caicai.

"Han Caicai asked me to meet tonight? When did he become so polite? " Once again, I read the content of the post once again, and I was surprised by mu Qingge.

In her impression, Han Caicai never takes into account other people's ideas when he wants to do things. He comes and goes whenever he wants.

Even if we were to meet her, we would never adopt this normal way.

"I don't know what happened." Mu Qingge left the post in his hand and muttered.

Then, pick up another post.

This is the invitation letter for the auction of Vientiane building. She believes that many people have received this invitation all day. Will the auction be held half a month later, that is to say, during the Linchuan meeting?

Mu Qingge calculated the time in mind. The Linchuan meeting will be held five days later for almost a month. After each round of competition, it will rest for three days.

And the Vientiane building auction was held just in the rest day after the end of the first round of competition.

"It seems that the people in the Vientiane building have calculated carefully." The way of murmuring to oneself.

Look down and open the invitation.

It just says the time and place of the auction, the names of the people invited, and some rules for participating. Nothing about the auction.

Mu Qingge frowned and hesitated.

The overall strength of third-class countries requires all-out efforts if they want to win more of the remaining four places. This all-out effort not only refers to cultivation, but also the calculation and deduction of various links.

What kind of effective platoon arrangement should be adopted to ensure the final victory to the greatest extent possible!

This time, mu Qingge naturally hopes that all three countries will be qualified. However, in this way, the pressure on the leaders of the team increased sharply.

She has to worry about Linchuan meeting all day long. She has no interest in the auction of Vientiane building.

After thinking about it for a while, mu Qingge murmured to herself: "I'll go to see Han Caicai first tonight."

Having said that, she will auction invitation and Han Caicai's post, put together.


At night, the sky seems to have changed.

The sky in the day, dignified atmosphere, like the daughter of a boudoir. The sky at night, but become enchanting and charming, full of their own amorous feelings.

Mu Qingge left the post house alone and didn't take anyone to the appointment.

As soon as she went out of the house, she felt some peeping eyes around her. Mouth if there is no Yang, Mu light song as if nothing happened to the night market.

During the day, she only left the palace and was summoned alone. I'm afraid many people have already lost their curiosity and want to explore it.

They were eager to know the relationship between her and his majesty, which mu Qingge knew from the time she left the palace.

The figure of moqingge is hidden in the stream of people in the night market, which immediately increases the difficulty of the spy.

There are a lot of peddlers and peddlers on the street, selling many strange things.

Beside the lake and the stream, there are fireworks and river lanterns, which are very lively.

Mu Qingge walks leisurely in front of her, but those who need to watch her secretly behind her are embarrassed to keep up with them and hide their whereabouts.

"Boss, how do you sell this mask?" Mu Qingge walks to a mask stall and points to a mask with strong ink and a ferocious image.

"Wuwen Eh... " The peddler raised his eyes and answered, but he lost his mind for a moment when he was on the face of the demon.

When he comes back to his senses, where is the charming face in front of him? Even the ferocious mask on the stall disappeared. Instead, five Wen money was thrown on the stall.

"Am I dazzled? Isn't it a pretty girl? " The peddler rubbed his eyes and muttered.

When he picked up the five Wen money, the real feeling made him feel that everything he had just experienced was real.

Just when he couldn't tell the dream from the reality, two or three people burst into his stall and looked around in panic.

"Well, sir, do you want to buy a mask?" The peddler sees business door, happy inquiry.

However, his lapel was suddenly grabbed by the visitor and pulled him to the front of his eyes: "I asked you, could you have a beautiful young man in red here just now?"

The vicious tone made the peddlers feel scared.

"He He left long ago... ""Gone? Damn it Get this news, that person throws the peddler to throw hard, together with other a few people rush into crowd again.

The peddler was so scared that he didn't dare to continue his business. He packed up his stall in a hurry and ran away with his car.

Those several people were submerged in the crowd, but they ignored a person who had been standing beside the crowd with a ferocious mask on his face.

In the eyes of the ferocious mask, a pair of clear and thorough eyes are revealed. It seems that it can reach people's hearts without waves.

She watched the stalking tails disappear behind the crowd before turning in the other direction.

Wearing that ferocious mask on her face, not only did not make people feel terrible, but added a bit of enchanting mystery. It seems that, in the whole street, no one wearing a mask to play in the night market has her style.


In Tiandu City, there is a beautiful lake.

The lake is winding and beautiful, covering an extremely wide area. In the daytime, it is a favorite place for Tiandu people to visit. At night, it is a place where countless talented people meet and tell each other.

On the surface of the lake, a number of cruise ships are rippling in the night.

On the cruise ship, there was a faint sound of silk and bamboo, graceful figures, singing and dancing, drinking and drinking.

On the wide lake, there is a cruise ship which is very special.

In particular, it is not as busy as other cruise ships, it looks very quiet. There is neither graceful dancer nor intoxicating voice.

Its quietness makes it out of place.

However, it's just an appearance.

Mu Qingge is sitting in the spacious cabin, and her ferocious mask has been removed and thrown aside at will.

She looked around the cabin, pink background, gold carved gaudy gas, it is really in line with Han Caicai's style. I'm afraid mu Qingge will never forget. When I first saw Han Caicai, someone appeared from the open carriage.

I'm afraid that there is no one else except Han Caicai.

She appeared on the cruise ship ordered by Han Caicai, but the owner was not seen. Such impolite behavior seems to be in line with her impression of Han Caicai.

Suddenly, there was a figure shaking outside the veil.

In the blink of an eye, four or five beautiful maids came in with good wine and delicious food, and quickly filled the empty table in front of Mu Qingge.

When they're ready, they step back quietly.

From the beginning to the end, he did not look up at mu Qingge and did not speak.

After they leave, mu Qingge looks down at the table in front of him.

The mask she threw away was carefully put aside. The rest of the seats were covered with a gold silk brocade handkerchief. On the brocade handkerchief, there were seven or eight dishes and a pot of wine.

The bowls and chopsticks for dinner are all carved from high-quality lanolin jade. They are very exquisite.

Mu light song saw a few dishes, eyebrow tip does not leave a trace of light pick. Almost half of the famous dishes of the Qin and Yuan Dynasties should be the specialties of the rest.

This kind of attentive hospitality really makes moqingge feel flattered.

Eyes away from the dishes, mu Qingge did not move chopsticks.

She looked at the empty master seat, and her eyes narrowed slightly: "Han Caicai, I have come as scheduled, do you still intend to continue to play tricks?"

As soon as her voice fell, countless petals fell from the sky.

The rain of petals blurred her sight. Indistinctly, she seems to see a figure like a demon slowly landing, lazily sitting on the chair of the master.

The petal rain finally stopped and covered the cabin. The whole space, more add Sao powder gas.

Mu light song can't help but pull the corner of the mouth, eyes light cold to see Han Caicai.

The evil spirit finally appeared. He was still wearing his gaudy robe, with a slightly open front, and the attractive collarbone and chest line loomed.

I haven't seen him for a while. He seems to be more beautiful than a demon.

The smell of evil spirit seems to be more intense.

Just taste Mu light song still as always dare not compliment.

Unable to bear shaking his head, mu Qingge said: "every time you appear, you have to do this Is it special? "

Mu Qingge's disdainful tone didn't strike Han Caicai. Instead, he said with pride: "good food and wine naturally need beautiful scenery and beauties to accompany. How good am I to you? "

Mu Qingge couldn't bear to roll his eyes and broke down the stage and said, "I admit the delicious food and wine, but what you won't say is the invincible flower rain, and yourself?"

Han Caicai's long and narrow eyes narrowed slightly, and there seemed to be a dangerous light flickering between them. His lazy voice lowered a few minutes, warning: "Mu light song, don't spoil my efforts."

"Oh, thank you very much." Mu light song embraces the fist, perfunctory way.

Han Caicai waved, and the glass on the table was photographed and fell into his hands. He held a glass of wine, to Mu Qingge a distant respect, "welcome to Tiandu."Mu light song is not coy, holding up the wine cup in front of him, the same distant respect, "thank you." Finish saying, then extremely natural and unrestrained will cup of wine in a drink.

Her attitude, let Han Caicai eyes more than a few points of unknown luster.

Drink up the wine in your cup thoughtfully.

After drinking this cup of wine, Han Caicai said: "in order to meet you, I specially invited famous chefs from the state of Qin. Please try to see if these dishes are authentic."

Mu Qingge's eyes light again fell on the special dishes of the Qin state, some strange in the heart.

Although she and Han Caicai are not enemies, they are not good friends either. Why does he make love to himself again and again?

Last time, he suddenly appeared in the state of Qin to help her retreat.

Then there was a trial of words, which made her feel that her secret seemed to be known by him.

After that, the two were busy, and there was no intersection.

This time, his admiration is strange again.

Thinking in his heart, mu Qingge still picked up chopsticks and took a small bite of each dish. After putting down the chopsticks, he nodded and said, "well, it's good."

Her answer seems to make Han Caicai's eyes light a little more smiling.

"What do you want me to do?" After putting down the chopsticks, mu Qingge looks directly at Han Caicai and asks.

She asked, let Han Caicai eyes smile slightly coagulation.

Voice also cold a few minutes: "come to talk to you heart, chat casually, have a meal not OK?"

Mu Qingge shook his head, "not no, but this is not your style of Han Caicai."

"Hum." Han Caicai snorted. His narrow eyes slightly droop eyelids, long eyelashes block the real mood in his eyes. "You have a lot of peach blossom debts. Many women are in love with you, but you don't look up to them. Is there something hidden that can't be achieved?"

If you don't hear it, why do you hear it?

Moreover, Han Caicai did not intend to conceal his intention at all.

Mu Qingge sneers in her heart. This man is really calculating himself. No matter what he wanted to know about his gender, she was not going to admit it in front of him.

With a smile, she answered calmly, "how can you force feelings? If everyone likes you, you have to repay. I don't think Han Shaozhu has time to drink with me now

"Such a fierce counterattack is indeed mu Qingge." Han Caicai's smile is enchanting.

He leaned over slightly and asked in a languid and ambiguous tone: "did you not meet someone you like, or did you not?"

Mu Qingge's cheek suddenly turned red and returned to normal quickly.

She sneered: "can I, also need not explain to you?" She stopped for a moment and squinted curiously at Han Caicai: "why is Han Shaozhu so concerned about my private affairs?"

"As a friend, it's normal to care about it." Han Caicai squints and smiles.

Mu Qingge raised eyebrows: "friend? When did I become friends with Han Shaozhu? In my opinion, we are partners at most. "

"It's cruel of you to say so." Han Caicai shakes his head and says slowly.

There was no joy or anger in his voice.

Mu Qingge spread out his hand and said with a smile: "I have never been in love with you. How can I say it mercilessly?" Mu Qingge is telling the truth, she and Han Caicai from the beginning is to calculate each other.

Even if there was cooperation later, it was just a matter of mutual benefit.

Although, in the state of Qin, he did help himself. But after the event, although she refused, she still sent a modified grenade gun to the Vientiane building, which was a thank-you for his help.

What's more, she doesn't want to get something from her.

For example Is she a man or a woman.

Since we have never been frank with each other, how can we have any friendship?

"Muqingge, has anyone told you that you are really ruthless." Han Caicai's tone suddenly became dangerous.

Mu light song but don't care about the way: "thank you for your praise."

"If you call me to care about my personal feelings, then I'm going to leave. Thank you for your hospitality Mu Qingge took a look at the delicious food without moving a few chopsticks and stood up without nostalgia.

"Wait a minute." Seeing that she was going to leave, Han Caicai made a voice to stop her.

His tone of voice is much more normal than before. At least, in Mu Qingge, it is more in line with Han Caicai she knows.

"Are you in such a hurry?" Han Caicai narrowed her eyes.

Mu light song shakes his head and says: "urgent pour is not urgent, just don't want to waste time in some boring things."

"You say I'm bored?" There is danger in Han Caicai's tone.

Well, if it's not possible to have a fight with Geng mu, it will be boringThe power between her and Han Caicai, from the first encounter, has a feeling of equal strength. When she can have a good fight with Han Caicai, she has some expectation.

Especially after meeting Shen Bicheng, the madman, she felt that sometimes a kind of equal competition would make people more refined.

For mu light song, Han Caicai but disdains a cold hum.

There was no intention of meeting her demands.

"I heard that people from the flower family came to you, but you refused? What is the relationship between empress Jiang and you Han Caicai asked suddenly.

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed, slowly sat down again, and said with a smile: "it seems that the news of the Vientiane building is really smart!"

She did not forget the famous saying of Vientiane house: "know everything, just give money."

"Flattering." Han Caicai's tone is finally a little more proud.

"What else do you know?" Mu Qingge asked with a smile.

Han Caicai casually spread out his hand and said lazily, "I know what you want me to know, but what you don't want me to know. For example, you are in the city gate, such as what you did in the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire, such as the war between Shen madman and you, and even the rockery in the imperial garden of the Yuan Dynasty was broken by you. For example, when you leave the palace today, you are left alone by his Majesty the king... "

Speaking of the back, his eyes before the banter become serious.

He looked at xiangmuqingge and looked at it carefully for a long time before he said, "Mu Qingge, how many secrets do you have? Why do things are so thrilling? Even the holy king looks at you differently

He didn't want to show that there was a trace of fear in his heart in front of muqingge.

Especially after he learned that she had been summoned by his majesty alone, his fear was even worse. He knew for a long time that mu Qingge came to Tiandu, but he didn't find her, but because of the news that came today, he couldn't wait to find it.

What are you afraid of?

I'm afraid even Han Caicai doesn't know. It's just a secret that I'm careful to hide. It's going to be made public. The feeling that the baby was publicized to the world and attracted countless people to fight for it made him feel very uncomfortable.

However, there is another one that he can't resist!

"What? Are you envious of me Mu light song pick eyebrow way.

"I'm not kidding you! If you want to play with fire, I won't stop you, but you should be careful to play with fire and burn yourself! " Han Caicai changed his previous attitude and suddenly became serious.

Mu Qingge frowned: "why am I not serious?"

“……” Han Caicai was silent.

After staring at mu Qingge for a long time, he said in a deep voice: "you can not care about many people, but some people are not what you don't care if you want to. What is your relationship with his majesty? Before, I saw a person by your side, I felt vaguely familiar. Later, I found out that he was the black servant of his Majesty's side, solitary cliff. Why does he appear beside you and obey your orders? Is it just because his Majesty the holy King favored you when he passed through the state of Qin? Now, you come to Tiandu and leave the palace to see you, but you are left alone. Why? "

Han Caicai's problem is some sharp, let mu Qingge frown and shake his head, "sorry, no comment."

"You Han Caicai's narrow eyes were tinged with a thin layer of anger. He said in a deep voice, "I'm helping you."

His appearance of "don't be ungrateful" made mu Qingge laugh: "help me? What can I do for you? "

All of a sudden, Han Caicai's figure disappeared in place, and then came to Mu Qingge. The distance between the two noses was only two fingers.

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, the body quickly back, opened the distance between the two people.

"What are you doing?" she said sharply, with a cold face

Han Caicai ignored her anger, but said solemnly: "Your Majesty is the existence you can't afford to provoke. Don't play with fire!"

"What do you mean?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

Han Caicai took a deep breath and said to her, "don't you understand my words? Your majesty, you can't be provoked, so don't go near him. He was not from Linchuan, nor from the middle ancient world. He came from a more powerful place. If you provoke him, you don't know when you'll lose your life. "

Si Mo is not a man of the Middle Ages?!

He comes from a stronger place!

This news, will Mu light song stunned. She thought that Simao might be a powerful ancient clan from the middle ancient world, but she didn't think that he was not.

What's more, what does Han Caicai mean?

What is provoked Si Mo, life when lost do not know?

Suddenly, mu Qingge's calm heart lake is disturbed by Han Caicai's words.

"What do you mean by provocation?" Mu Qingge asked with a cold face.

"That is, don't have any relationship with him, whether it's good, bad or anything." Han Caicai's solemn warning of Xiangmu Qingge."Why?" Mu Qingge frowns slightly.

Han Caicai suddenly said vaguely: "there are some things you don't know yet. But you'll know later. I just don't want you to regret and get hurt when you know it in the future. "

"Why do I have to regret it?" Mu light song cold voice.

Han Caicai's long and narrow eyes suddenly shrunk and asked, "how do you say that there is a relationship between you and His Majesty the holy king?"

He was afraid that moqingge would nod and admit.

"No, it's none of your business. You are kind enough to remind me to keep it in mind, but it doesn't mean I have to do what you say. I just want to have a clear conscience, and I will not change my mind because of unnecessary things. " Mu Qingge finished and stood up again.

"You know you can't do it!" Han Caicai was angry.

Mu light song Turn eyes to see him, clear eyes calm and firm, "that I also like to enjoy."

After that, she said to Han Caicai, "thank you for your hospitality, and leave."

"You must attend the Vientiane house auction in half a month." When mu Qingge is about to leave the cabin, Han Caicai suddenly says.

Mu light song stopped, turned his eyes to see him, the tone jokingly way: "why?"

Han Caicai slowly moved her eyes and fell on her, "because this auction has a map of the middle ancient Xizhou."

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, looking at Han Caicai's eyes a little more examined.

The medieval Xizhou, the mother's father, seems to be in that area. So coincidentally, the map of Xizhou in the middle ancient world appeared in the Vientiane building?

"I can only assure you that the map is true, and the person who put it up for auction has nothing to do with my Vientiane building." Han Caicai road.

"I see." Mu light song take back sight, before leaving, whispered a sentence: "thank you."

Seeing mu Qingge leave, Han Caicai remains in place for a long time.

After leaving Han Caicai's boat, mu Qingge returns to the post house at night. When he was about to arrive, he stopped suddenly and turned to the post house of the ancient witch kingdom.


On the comfortable big bed, Jiang Li is sleeping soundly.

All of a sudden, she suddenly opened her eyes, and a fierce killing thought flashed through her golden pupils.

It was only after seeing clearly who was sitting beside her that her killing intention, which seemed to be the essence, dissipated into the invisible.

"How did you get to my bed in the middle of the night?" Jiang Li covers the quilt, sits up, looks at Mu light song murmurs.

Mu light song white her one eye, "I just sit by your bed, have not climbed on your bed."

"Do you want to experience it?" Jiang Li patted the empty seat beside him, and his eyes were charming and moving, so he sent out an invitation to Mu Qingge.

She was teasing mu Qingge, but unexpectedly, mu Qingge actually took off her shoes and got into her quilt and lay beside her.

Jiang Li gaped at her and couldn't speak for a long time.

Mu Qingge took a glance at her and said calmly in her eyes: "you invited me?"

"Cough." Jiang Li coughed fiercely, and said strangely and angrily, "then you should take off your earrings first. If you lie by my side like this, I'm afraid that I will not be able to control it, and I will bring you to the right place."

Mu light song speechless way: "don't worry, you don't have that chance." With that, she still took off her earrings and restored the woman's appearance around Jiang Li.

Looking at the Mu light song that restores her daughter's body, Jiang Li lies down at ease.

Two people lie flat on the bed, the atmosphere is permeated with a strange feeling.

Shaoqing, Jiang Li looked sideways at her: "what's the matter with you?"

"I was told just now not to provoke him." Mu light song light road.

She and Si Mo matter, in her side of the people, Jiang Li is the only informed. After being disturbed by Han Caicai's words, her first thought is Jiang Li.

Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, and immediately responded: "Your Majesty the king?"

Mu Qingge nodded, "the man said, his identity is very mysterious, beyond my imagination. If I want to get involved with him, I will lose my life. "

"Who is so alarmist! Is it easy for you to see a man? As soon as this sign came out, someone came to destroy it! You tell me who it is? I'll beat him for you Jiang Li's angry way.

Mu Qingge looks at her, corrects her brain circuit: "now the question is, who is he?"

Right! She wants to know who Simao is, will have the accurate direction of struggle, and not blind.

Jiang Li was stunned and was silent for a moment, then said: "in the records of the ancient witch Kingdom, there are not too many records about the origin of the holy king. Linchuan seems to exist in mainland China. This is why he is respected by all the people and forces in Linchuan. Perhaps the man was right. His majesty came from a more powerful place, but what does that matter? As long as you continue to be strong, one day, you will narrow the gap between strength and him, and will not become a drag on him, and fight side by side with him. "Jiang Li's words calmed mu Qingge a lot.

"Yes! As long as I keep growing stronger, I can shorten the gap between us. " Mu Qingge says to himself in his heart.

"Who on earth is chewing his tongue in front of you?" Jiang Li's brain circuit suddenly returned to the origin.

"Han Caicai." This time, mu Qingge did not hide from her.

"Han Caicai? Young master of Vientiane building Jiang Li had some accidents.

Jiang Li's intelligence ability has always been admired by mu Qingge. She looked forward: "what do you know about the Vientiane building?"

Jiang Li disdained to smile, "it's just the abandoned son of the Han family in the middle ancient world, who was exiled to Linchuan and died by himself." She said, her eyes slightly coagulated, and said: "however, even the abandoned son of the middle ancient world, can also become a giant in Linchuan."

"Do many people know the origin of the Han family?" Mu Qingge asked in surprise.

Jiang Li shook his head and said, "I don't know how many people know about it, but a Han family member has sprung up in Linchuan mainland for thousands of years. Naturally, it will cause inquiries from various forces. In the real power of the middle ancient world, it was no secret at all. Some secret information can always be found out with some thought. "

So it is.

Mu Qingge once again feels the essential difference between the third-class countries and other countries.

"However, Han Caicai seems very unconvinced and exiled. He is determined to return to the middle ancient world and find his place. In the near future, I will be waiting for him in mainland China. " Jiang Li threw out another piece of explosive news.

Mu Qingge's eyes widened. It seems that from Jiang Li's intelligence, he felt Han Caicai's determination to devour huoyun Yangyan.

All of a sudden, Jiang Li turns over and lies down beside mu Qingge, and she looks at her with eyes of Yiyi.

That naked eye light, see Mu light song creepy. "What are you looking at?"

Jiang liche stretched out his hand and lifted mu Qingge's beautiful chin. "Do you say that Han Caicai knows you are a woman, so he will say that to you? I'm afraid you've been abducted by his majesty? "

Mu Qingge looks embarrassed and reaches out to knock down Jiang Li's strange hand, "don't talk nonsense!"

Jiang Li quickly took back his hand, widened his eyes and said, "I'm bullshit? I'm not talking nonsense. You're a slow emotional guy. People like you and you can't see it. It's hopeless. "

Mu Qingge is speechless.

She is really insensitive, but she will not believe that Han Caicai will like her anyway!

How could that cunning guy like someone easily?

"Come on, don't think about it. Go to bed. " Mu Qingge turns over, with his back to Jiang Li and pulls the quilt to cover himself.

Jiang Li took a puff from the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but pat her for a while, muttering: "who is in the end dreaming?"

Then she lay on her side and pulled the quilt.

A quilt, pulled by two people each other, no smoke, but more fun between the boudoir sisters.

If you are shocked by the Dragon teeth guard or other people who have been shocked by mu Qingge's domineering side leakage, how many people will be shocked when they see this scene among young girls, how many chins and how many eyeballs will fall.

"If you are worried, when you see his majesty, will you ask him clearly?" Suddenly, Jiang Li said.

Already closed the Mu light song of double eyes, open eyes, "say again." Then he closed his eyes.

"Since this person has been decided, what does it matter who he is? If it's too far away, she'll try to get closer. " In the heart said this sentence to himself, moqingge gradually fell asleep.

The next day, early morning.

Mu Qingge wakes up and leaves from Jiang Li's room.

The maids who were going to wait for Jiang Li to get up, as well as the guards in the post house, were so frightened that they fell all over the floor.

When did you come to the post house? How did they get out of their Queen's house?

Hum, is her Majesty's innocence destroyed?

The female officials of the ancient witch Kingdom rushed into the room with grief and indignation. Jiang Li, who was still sleepy, woke up and roared angrily: "get out of here!"

The roof of the whole post house shook three times.

Mu Qingge returned to the post house. In the next few days, she did not leave again.

After five days, Linchuan meeting will be held soon.

Early in the morning, the Imperial Palace sent people to deliver the rules of the Linchuan association to the representatives of various countries and forces in each post house.

Strictly speaking, the Linchuan meeting is just a competition between the third and second-class countries. Other forces and the Shengyuan empire that have already obtained the quota are just sitting on the side watching the opera.

Therefore, the general assembly rules for three rounds, with group scores for elimination, the final four countries won the last four places.

However, when mu Qingge got the rules, after reading, there was a little doubt in my heart.

"What's the matter?" Zhao Nanxing saw mu Qingge look different, then asked.Mu Qingge hands the rules to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei, frowning: "this time, the four families will also participate."

"What do they do for fun?" Zhao Nanxing was surprised.

Feng Yufei is more concerned about the allocation of quota. "If they win, will they be allocated a place?"

Mu Qingge shook his head and said, "this is the strange place. In fact, every time the four families meet in Linchuan, they will occupy the quota of Huangfu royal family, so they will not participate in Linchuan meeting. Although we have participated in this time, we are only participating, and we are not competing for places. "

Zhao Nanxing also nodded, looking at the rules and saying: "the rules say that the people of the four families attend the Linchuan meeting only to give the family disciples a chance to experience."

"So strange? There's no good for the four families? " Feng Yu Fei also doubts.

Mu Qingge thought carefully, pursed his lips and said: "it's not without benefits. If in the Linchuan meeting, the greatest consumption of the power of other countries, in the later exploration of ancient relics, the beneficiaries are also them. "

"But it's far fetched to say so." Zhao Nanxing hesitated.

Mu Qingge frowned and nodded, "this is what I feel strange about. Now I don't understand. Maybe I will understand it gradually in the Linchuan meeting. "

"Well." Zhao Nanxing nodded and agreed with the words of Mu Qingge.

Anyway, it's a foregone conclusion for the four families to participate, even if they oppose it.

Zhao Nanxing carefully studied the rules of the game, and then handed the rules to Feng Yufei. Looking at Xiangmu Qingge, he said: "the competition is divided into three rounds, each time for seven days, and then rest for three days, and then continue. In the first round, the six countries competing for the number of places held the six arena respectively, and the people brought by each country were divided into two teams: one defending, one attacking. If the national team is in charge of the ring, the team will stop. The attack team is responsible for attacking other countries' challenge arena, but it has no influence if they lose. Three points can be obtained for one successful defense, and two points can be obtained for winning a challenge attack. The competition time is not divided into day and night for seven days. Once it starts, it will be finished after seven days, and finally the score will be ranked. It is very clear in the rules that the final elimination of those two countries depends on the total points of the three rounds. "

Feng Yufei also finished reading the rules and said with a smile: "if within a hundred moves, those who occupy the arena are considered to have failed in defending the challenge and have been suspended for a cycle. If you can only win the challenge after a hundred moves, you can continue to challenge other challenges, and the one who keeps the challenge is not a failure. "

Mu light song began to tap on the table with his finger and reminded them: "so we should remember this rule clearly. If you want to stop the opponent for a cycle and lose at least 10 points, you must kick the opponent out of the arena within 100 moves. "

"It's a point system. If our people can suspend other countries as much as possible, their points will be affected Phoenix in the flying path.

Zhao Nanxing, however, made a deduction in his heart and shook his head and said, "no, we can't just look at the results of this round. There are the next two rounds, this first round, we have to try our best to win points

Mu Qingge agreed: "good. Now is not the time to win or lose, we have to take our own points steady. Therefore, the key is the candidate to defend the challenge. They must be able to withstand the attack of the three second-class countries. They should not be suspended and lose the time to get points. As long as the candidates who attack the challenge can ensure that they can effectively score points for each attack. "

It doesn't sound difficult, but it's really implemented

Feng Yufei and Zhao Nanxing look at each other and smile bitterly in their hearts.

Although the people they bring in are elite in the country, there is still a certain gap between them and those from second-class countries. It seems that both defending and attacking are not dominant. , the fastest update of the webnovel!