The fire dissipates and the maze retreats.

In the eyes of all the people on the mountain corridor, it is still two people standing opposite in the cage

In the end, who wins and who loses?

Around, it seems to be quiet. The people sitting in the corridor were more nervous than the two in the cage, and even their backs were slightly away from the comfortable back of the chair.

Outside the cage, others who can't see what happened inside are also gathering in front of the dark iron door outside the cage.

They all kept silent, holding their breath, waiting for the moment when the dark iron gate opened.

"The machete is out of hand, and the black gun is broken. Who wins and who loses? " In silence, the flower master asked a question. Her voice was very low, but very clear, and reached everyone's ears.

Who won? Nature is the victory of muqingge!

There is no reason for her trust in Mu Qingge.

Even if Shen Bicheng is a monster, he can create his own fighting skills in his twenties, but he is not the opponent of moqingge!

In the cage, mu Qingge and Shen Bicheng stand opposite each other.

The mountain wind poured in from the top and made the two men's clothes fly.

"I lost." Accompanied by the mountain wind, Shen Bicheng spoke faintly.

There was no disappointment, no frustration, no reluctance in his tone. Yes, it's just a calm statement of the facts.

Mu Qingge did not speak, in fact, what she said at this time seemed inappropriate.


Shen Bicheng obviously doesn't need it.

What's wrong?

She didn't have that bad taste either.

She and Shen Bicheng are not enemies, but rivals in the same competition. It's normal to win or lose. There's no need to say more.

In the silence of moqingge, Shen Bicheng said again, "I'll find you again. Next time, I won't lose again."

His hands, now rubbed open by the shadow gun, did not show a trace of pain. After leaving this sentence, he strode to his green dragon Xiaoyue Dao.

When he came to Qinglong Xiaoyue Dao, he raised his bloody palm, grasped the handle and pulled it out from the ground. Then, stride from the side of Mu Qingge to the gate of dark iron.

Such calm and indifferent, let Mu light song eyes rise a little appreciation.

With a faint smile, she lifted her hand and emptily flicked her slightly disordered lapel. She also turned to go to the gate of dark iron.

Waiting for the public to wait outside, finally wait until the dark iron gate is slowly opened.

Shen Bicheng was the first to come out.

"It's the third youth of the Shen family!"

"It was Shen madman who came out first. Could it be that he won?"

"It's eight or nine. I don't think he's hurt."

"In these two days and nights, I have been able to avoid serious injury and walk out on my own. I can see that there is no one besides Shen San Shao."

"Haha, it is estimated that the young Baron from the third class country is beaten by Shen San Shao and is dying in his cage."

"Not necessarily."

"Why not? Now it's Shen San Shao who comes out first. He must have won! "

When Shen Bicheng appeared, all kinds of speculation came.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei look at each other. Although they don't believe these people's conjectures, they are also worried about moqingge, which has not appeared.

In these guesses, the sound of muqingge appeared after Shen Bicheng.

As soon as she appeared, she attracted people's attention outside the cage.

"Why? Is that Baron Mu coming out? It doesn't look like he was hurt

"Neither of them can see the clue. Who is the winner or the loser?"

"I think it's Shen San Shao."

Some people say for sure.

There are also many people with doubts.

These guesses, into Mu light song ear, she did not care about a smile.

This one, she had a good fight. Recognized Shen Bicheng this opponent, who wins who loses, why should go to explain to others?

See Mu light song appear, Zhao Nanxing and Feng in flying eyes are a bright, but also put down the heart of worry.

Shen Bicheng is standing outside the gate of the dark iron, his open eyes looking around him calmly.

Under his gaze, the tumultuous voices around him quieted down.

"I lost!"

This is the second time Shen Bicheng has said this sentence.

For the first time, he admitted to Mu Qingge. And the second time, it was to admit to everyone.

"What?! Shen madman lost? Is there any mistake? "

"Are you kidding? How many years has Shen madman been in the sky? He has never failed in his peers, and he is recognized as the strongest among the younger generation in Linchuan. Now he admits that he has failed. "

"It's impossible! Did your opponent play a trick? "

"What's the trick? Do we need such a despicable means for us, sir Feng Yufei can't help but retort.Zhao Angran immediately said, "it's not bad. If he won't win, would Shen Bicheng admit it? Don't you think he's a fool? "

A word with a hidden threat successfully makes the suspicion disappear.

After telling the result of the duel, Shen Bicheng left the valley without paying attention to the people or the rest of the four families.

As soon as Shen Bicheng left, everyone's focus was on moqingge.

The first battle between mu Qingge and Shen Bicheng in the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire saw very few people with their own eyes. Even if it was later spread out, many things deviated from the facts through word of mouth.

Even said that war, mu Qingge and Shen Bicheng draw.

However, for the first-class and second-class talents, they prefer a genius who has been under pressure for a long time to win, rather than mu Qingge, a black horse born in the sky.

That kind of psychology, is very uncomfortable, but also rare has a kind of common hatred against the enemy.

"Did he really beat Shen Bicheng?"

"Although I don't want to believe it, Shen Bicheng said it himself. Is it hard to believe it?"

"My God! What is the evil spirit from these third class countries? Is he really from a third class country? With him around, we people have become foil. "

"Is it possible that the geomantic omen turns around, and that it is the turn of the third-class countries? It seems that I will take time to visit the boundaries of third-class countries. "

"Call me when you leave. I'm also interested in geomancy in third class countries."

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei go to muqingge, and have not yet waited for their inquiry. Mu Qingge then said, "is the game over?"

She asked, of course, the whole second stage.

Zhao Nanxing nodded, "it's over. The results will be announced three days later, before the third stage

"In that case, let's go." Mu Qingge nodded her head, and Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei would not object to her decision.

Without greeting those people on the corridor, mu Qingge takes people back to the post house directly.

After she left, even the onlookers on the porch also planned to disperse.

Today's news has an impact on their respective families.

Especially black wood and floor dark iron two people.

Shen Bicheng has been famous for a long time in the first and second class countries. They are familiar with it. However, he didn't want to. He was young, but he was able to create his own combat skills, and his power was not weak.

This is enough to make them look at each other.

However, Shen Bicheng, who has taken out all the things at the bottom of the box, is still defeated by mu Qingge.

This made them reevaluate the fighting power of muqingge.

They exchanged eyes in secret, and their vigilance was obvious.

When they were ready to leave, Jiang Li's eyes fell on them. At this time, the female officer who had been sent out by her to inquire about the news returned and reported to her ear.

However, the information found out made Jiang Li very dissatisfied.

"Nothing?" Jiang Li frowned and his voice was a little more cold.

The female official lowered her head and said with uneasiness, "yes, your majesty. I have scattered all the spies in the ancient witch kingdom in Tiandu, but they have not found out anything after they come back. "

Jiang Li's eyes narrowed slightly, and the luster between the eyes became colder. "Continue to investigate. The more you can't find out, the more ghosts they have. Keep a close eye on them, and report to me as soon as there is any disturbance. "

"Yes, your majesty." The female official drooped her eyes and retreated.

Jiang Li stood up, the game was over, and mu Qingge also left. Naturally, she had no need to stay.

What's more, the report just made her feel rather upset.

She can't be enlarged by anything. In general, she doesn't feel the danger.

Jiang Li raised his hand and covered his heart lightly.

There, the beating heart has the blood of different races. The divine beast has always been more sensitive to the crisis than the human.

Jiang Li knew this from an early age. So, since her heart told her that danger was approaching, she had to follow her heart and find out.

"Queen Jiang." Suddenly, huangfuhuan comes to Jiang Li.

Jiang Li quietly put down his hand and raised his eyes to see the noble man coming towards her.

In his capacity as huangfuhuan, it is not too much to say that he is the most respectable man among the young generation in Linchuan. If it was a different time or a chance encounter, maybe Jiang Li would be more pleasant to him.

But now, her worry is still unsolved. Where can she have something to do with huangfuhuan?

"Queen Jiang, the second stage is over. I don't know what the queen plans to do for the next three days? " Huang Fuhuan offered an invitation.

It seems that after his confession, his behavior and speech become more bold and straightforward.

"Sorry, your highness. My kiss song just came out of the cage. I have to stay with her for three days, and I don't want to go anywhere"So..." Huang Fuhuan is not surprised by Jiang Li's words. He was not angry, still kept a smile, and said to Jiang Li, "well, Huan won't disturb you. When her majesty is free, he will invite her majesty again. "

After that, he turned and left without any hesitation.

This kind of magnanimity is something to appreciate.

Watching huangfuhuan leave, Jiang Li also left the valley of the game. Instead of returning to her own post house, she headed for the third-class country.


Back in the post house, mu Qingge didn't say much to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei, so he went into his room.

Close the door of the room, mu Qingge turns around and disappears in place, into the space.

In space, everything seems to be the same as usual. Yuan Yuan is still playing in the reeds and grass outside. Silver dust is quiet practice.

The only thing less is the cute figure.

"Mother, boss!" See Mu light song appear, Yuan Yuan immediately SA Huan ran to her.

Meat ball into the arms, mu Qingge quickly stretched out his hands to catch.

After eating the eight wasteland emptiness inflammation yuan yuan, now is three or four year old child's appearance, suddenly jumps over, or lets mu Qingge's arms sink.

"Mother, I miss you. How can you come here? " Leaning against mu Qingge's arms, Yuan Yuan rubs her skirt intimately. The smell from mu Qingge makes him close his eyes comfortably.

For children, moqingge has no experience.

Dealing with children is rare.

Even if Yuan Yuan is not an ordinary child, he is abnormal fire. Hunyuan tianjiyan, the first one on the list of different fires in Linchuan.

But now he's just a little kid, and he's precocious.

Feel yuan yuan in front of his chest to rub to rub, even if there is a phantom camouflage, or let Mu light song Shua red face. She picked up Yuan Yuan Yuan's collar and threw him out of the room without politeness. She asked calmly, "where is Meng Meng?"

Yuan Yuan was wronged to get up from the ground and knead his meat puffing buttocks, "she knew that her mother's boss was coming, so she hid."

Mu light Song mouth faint a draw, to Lei Chi, dropped a sentence: "let her to Lei Chi see me, otherwise the consequences are self-sufficient."

After the war with Shen Bicheng, she was tired, which was the best time to train her body. Naturally, she would not miss it.

Entering the thunder pool, mu Qingge sinks her body into it. The thunder and lightning force in the thunder pool continuously swam on her body, making a "crackling" sound to temper her skin, flesh and bones.

Mu Qingge was immersed in practice. After a week's running in her body, she opened her eyes and two lightning like powers shot from her eyes.

In the corner of the Bank of Lei Chi, Meng Meng squats there, holding a small stick in his hand and stabbing it on the ground.

"Meng Meng." Looking at her, mu Qingge opens her mouth.

Suddenly heard the sound of Mu Qingge, Meng Meng threw away the stick in her hand, and suddenly stood up with her hands behind her.

Her appearance, let Mu light song pick eyebrows, the corners of the mouth raised a playful smile: "what are you nervous about?"

"No, it's nothing." Meng Meng's eyes are flighty and dare not look at mu Qingge.

Her guilty look made her sneer in her heart. She restrained her facial expression and asked in a deep voice: "I asked you, when I was fighting with Shen Bicheng, you suddenly said what is the meaning of congenital fire spirit root?" If she remembers correctly, when she first came to the strange world and used the thunder power, she was seen by Si Mo and said a sentence of Lei Linggen in surprise.

"Ah! I didn't say, did you hear me wrong? The baby god horse did not say Meng Meng shakes her head.

"Really not?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed dangerously. "Well, I don't have any more pills for you."

"No --!" Meng Meng gave a shrill cry.

Although, taking pills can not improve her strength, but there is a thing, once addicted, it will be like the maggot of tarsal bone, can not be thrown away, can not be abandoned. Once it's gone, it's killing you.

Meng Meng, with a sad face, said, "the master silver is good or bad! Every time I threaten such a cute baby! "

Mu Qingge raised his hand, and his fingertips flowed through a thin snake like arc and fell to Mengmeng's feet on the bank, which exploded a small pit. Meng Meng is scared and jumps back to avoid danger.

She looked at xiangmuqingsong in horror.

Mu Qingge was indifferent and said: "a lot of things, you always refuse to tell me that I haven't learned how to cultivate. But you have to make it clear that I am your master and you have to obey my orders. What's good for me and what's bad for me is up to me, not you. "

"Master silver..." Meng Meng stares at mu Qingge.

This kind of moqingge is something she has never been exposed to.

Mu Qingge slowly stood up from the thunder pool and walked to the shore. He came to Meng Meng's face and looked down at her: "now, I ask you, what is the innate fire spirit root."Her face was covered with a shadow. The expression between the eyebrows was as cold as ice.

Meng Meng Leng in situ, looking up at Xiangmu light song.

She has always thought that moqingge is just growing up, even if she is not weak now, is still a small shrimp. But at this moment, she felt the strong and incomparable heart of muqingge.

"Perhaps, the strength of the main bank is not enough. But Su, her heart is incomparably powerful! " Meng said in her heart.

"Congenital fire spirit root is a person's chance. This chance determines the height he can reach in the future. " Meng Meng finally speaks.

This time, she also reduced her usual cute image and became more serious.

She raised her head solemnly, looked at the moqingge standing in front of her and covered her with shadow, and said like a little adult: "in Linchuan, it is almost impossible to have a congenital spiritual root. The master is a special case, so is Shen Bicheng. "

A few of the cute words in her mind.

She asked: "what is the difference between this innate fire spirit root and Han Caicai's fire blood?"

Meng Meng frowned and tilted her head, as if thinking about how to answer the question of Mu Qingge.

In a short time, she said: "it can be understood that people with innate fire spiritual roots can control all the flames in the world once their spiritual roots are awakened. Even his blood is a flame. Those who have the blood of fire can only say that they are naturally close to fire. Ten people with fire blood don't necessarily have a fire spirit root. "

Mu light song slightly frowns, she purses lip silence. It seems to be digesting Meng Meng's words.

Seeing that she still had doubts in her eyes, Mengmeng added: "the master can understand this way. Those who have innate spiritual roots are qualified to become gods. "


God again!

Mu Qingge's eyes shrunk.

"Those who have the innate spiritual roots have the qualification to become gods." Murmured this sentence silently.

Meng Meng nodded, "good! Chance is predestined from birth. People with innate spiritual roots can be said to be the beloved of heaven. They have excellent talent and are qualified to be gods. However, for those who have some special blood, even if they are evil, they can only stop at God. It is not hard to break through that barrier. People who don't even have special blood vessels are even worse. They can't even touch the edges and corners of gods. "

Linggen, blood

Mu Qingge was shocked.

What Meng Meng said is really not what Linchuan can touch.

Lingen, she doesn't know if her thunder ability counts. She had the ability of thunder and space. After that, the storage ability of her spatial ability was engulfed by sprouting, which activated this small world like space. She didn't know whether it was counted.

Blood, she has the blood of the smelter from her mother.

Talent After the original waste material constitution was transformed by genetic modification agent, her potential was ten times that of normal people.

It seems that, these unique conditions she has, waiting for her is just out of a road against the sky, set foot on the peak.

However, she felt vaguely in her heart that things were not so simple.

People, are they really divided into 369 grades from birth? Are those who have spiritual roots and blood ties destined to be the favored ones?

Maybe mu Qingge never thought she was born noble, so even if she had the talent that others wanted, she still didn't think she was a genius.

She just felt strange that if everything was doomed according to Meng Meng's words, wouldn't people lose the heart of struggle?

"Master silver, you don't have to think too much now. Many things, I also very difficult to explain to you one by one. When you get to that height, you will understand Meng Meng's voice became soft again.

Mu Qingge spits out a mouthful of turbid gas and nods.

Meng Meng is right. Now she knows that these are enough. At least she doesn't feel confused.

"Someone once told me not to expose your own Lei Lingen easily. Why?" Mu Qingge raises this question again.

She asked Meng Meng a long time ago, but Meng Meng refused to answer because she was too weak.

Now that she mentioned the question, she would ask it again.

However, Mengmeng's soft and cute face suddenly became serious again, warning mu Qingge: "not only in Linchuan, even if the master entered the middle ancient world, he could not be exposed without absolute self-protection ability." "No, it's better not to expose it at any time. Once the news comes out that the Lord silver has a congenital spiritual root, it will lead to countless troubles. "

Meng Meng still did not say why, but the tone of her words let mu Qingge know. I'm afraid that in the middle ages, the matter of spiritual roots would be more taboo.

Without further questioning, mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw.

The topic goes back to Shen Bicheng, "so, Shen Bicheng's future achievements will never be low."Meng Meng nodded: "that's what I said. But it also depends on him. If he doesn't have the determination to become stronger, he is just an ordinary genius. "

"Innate fire spirit root! No wonder he can be so evil that he can reach the peak of purple realm at this age without opening and hanging. What's more, they can create their own combat skills. " Mu light song tone envious way.

Meng Meng said with disdain: "please, master silver. He has the innate fire spirit root, creates a war skill god horse, is very ordinary ordinary good! Other people's combat skills are always others', and only those created by themselves are their own, and they can exert the greatest power in combination with themselves. That's what the boy did

Mu Qingge heard the sad way: "I also have Lei Linggen, for Mao I did not create war skills?"

As a result, Meng Meng despised him and said, "master silver, can you reflect on yourself? That boy can create his own combat skills, that's because from his birth to now, he has been immersed in cultivation, regardless of anything else. How about you, Lord? He was haunted by common affairs all day, ran around, put out fires in all kinds of ways, and used them with one mind. The most important thing is, master silver, have you forgotten that you really began to practice more than four years ago? "

Mu Qingge blinked and noticed what Meng Meng said, which seemed to be right.

She avoided the cute and resentful eyes and laughed awkwardly.

Temporarily lifted the doubt in the heart, mu Qingge and Meng Meng walked out of the minefield.

As soon as I came out, I saw Yuan Yuan Yuan squatting outside, looking at them pitifully. As soon as she came out, Yuan Yuan stood up in surprise, his face full of deep attachment.

Before mu Qingge could speak, she felt Meng Meng grabbing her clothes and quickly climbed into her arms. Hands tightly grasp their lapels, proud to the Yuan Yuan declared sovereignty: "master silver the most painful baby! New comers, line up

Mu Qingge's face turned black and said in a deep voice, "what are you doing?"

Meng Meng winked at her and whispered, "Lord silver, baby, this is early education. Don't let the boy of Yuan Yuan develop a arrogant temperament from childhood, thinking that all people should spoil him

Mu Qingge is completely speechless.

A Meng Meng, who is not yet a Yuanyuan university student, says that early education should be carried out?

This picture, how to think, how funny.

At the corner of his mouth, moqingge pulls Meng Meng down. Alone to bite the lips, to cry in front of yuan yuan.

Yuan Yuan's appearance, let Mu light song heart a soft. He took out a porcelain vase from his arms and handed it to Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan immediately changed his face and took the porcelain vase with both hands. The soft voice said, "thank you, my mother, boss!" Then, the demonstrator gave Meng Meng a look.

Meng Meng stands behind the two, her teeth itching with anger.

Mu Qingge turns around and throws out a porcelain vase and falls into Mengmeng's arms. "Cute."

Suddenly, Meng Meng's face showed a smile.

At this time, mu Qingge said to Yuan Yuan and Meng Meng: "since we are destined to be together, it is a family. The whole family should love each other, the muzzle of the gun should be consistent with the outside world, and we should not be disorderly in the nest... "

Mu light song crackled a sermon, the two little guys said when the head is bloated, turned away from the space.

Busy at the place where mu Qingge disappeared, Yuan Yuan and Meng Meng looked at each other blankly.

Little eyes are accusing each other --

"what does the main bank want to say

"What does the eldest mother say?"


Fleeing from the space, mu Qingge stands in his room in the post house and can't help rubbing his eyebrows.

Sure enough, she is not suitable for education.

She wants to educate Meng Meng and Yuan Yuan to love each other and stop being jealous. Swollen? When it comes to the back, she doesn't know what she's talking about? Make oneself so embarrassed to escape the space.

Practice in the thunder pool has made mu Qingge recover from fatigue.

When she opened the door and went out, she found it was dark outside.

Feeling the hunger in the stomach, mu Qingge goes to the front hall.

Before approaching, I could smell the smell of a meal, which floated over from the front hall, and attracted her to quicken her pace involuntarily.

"It's so sweet!" Moqingge follows the fragrance and comes. As soon as he enters the hall, he sees three people on the round table enjoying a whole table of delicious food.

As soon as her eyes lit up, she immediately called out, "OK! They eat delicious food on my back

As soon as she made a sound, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei immediately looked at her.

Only Jiang Li, whose long-standing curtain mask has been removed and put aside. He was buried in the bowl fighting with the bones.

The cylinder bone, the size of her face, was amazing.

"Light song, you have a good rest?" Zhao Nanxing said with a smile.

Feng Yufei also said to Mu Qingge: "little sir, we have just sat down. I know the young sir needs to rest, so he didn't disturb him

Mu Qingge comes over and sits on the empty seat. In front of her, Feng Yufei has arranged the dishes and chopsticks for her.Looking at Jiang Li, he was so busy that he didn't even have the Kung Fu to look at her. Mu Qingge couldn't help saying: "what? Didn't you prepare food for the post house of the ancient witch kingdom? Is empress Jiang going to come to our third class post house to eat? "

Jiang Li peels a piece of meat from the bone with his teeth, chews it in the mouth and swallows it. This has time to look up at Xiangmu Qingge, her unique, enchanting and enchanting face, exposed in front of the three people, let them flash in the eyes of amazing.

To tell you the truth, Jiang Li's face is not only eye-catching, but also an eye-catching face. The more you look at it, the more charming you feel.

Ignoring the amazing in the eyes of three people, Jiang Li stretched out his tender tongue and licked the oil stains on the corner of his mouth. He looked at Xiangmu light song with disdain, "you are wrong."

"Am I wrong?" Mu Qingge looks at her in surprise.

At this time, she didn't notice Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei's expression, both showing a trace of embarrassment.

Jiang Li picked up the silk handkerchief to wipe the corners of his mouth. He nodded and said, "these delicacies are brought by me. If you want to say that you rub against me, you are the one who rubbed me. "

Mu light Song mouth a smoke, clear eyes swept Zhao Nanxing and Phoenix in the fly. It seems to be saying to them, "what do we eat? She's so disgraceful. "

The two laughed and avoided her knife. They picked up their chopsticks and stretched out to their coveted delicacies.

Alas, the relationship between mu Qingge and Jiang Li is not something that outsiders can participate in.

Even at the beginning, I felt that the two people matched each other and hoped that they could make a pair of Phoenix Yufei. After this period of contact, it was also found that the relationship between mu Qingge and Jiang Li was not what was rumored in the outside world.

Mu Qingge picked up the chopsticks in front of him and took a bite of the dishes in front of him. He said to Jiang Li, "how did you come here?"

While Jiang Li continued to fight with the bones in the bowl, he said, "I'd like to express my sympathy to the younger generation of Linchuan today, the first expert!"

"Linchuan youth first master?" Mu Qingge looks at her in surprise, even the dishes on the chopsticks are forgotten to pass into the mouth.

Jiang Li nodded, but didn't seem to have time to pay attention to Mu Qingge. He raised his hand and pointed to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei and said, "let them explain to you."

Mu Qingge puts down his chopsticks and looks at Zhao Nanxing.

Zhao Nanxing smile, also put down his chopsticks, mu Qingge short explanation: "Shen Bicheng was the default Linchuan youth first person, now you win him, this name naturally fell on your head." After the explanation, he picked up his chopsticks again and began to eat hard.

Mu Qingge is a little speechless.

She just took a break. How could there be another rumor about her in the sky?

Now, she is No. 1 on the topic list of tiandujing. Ah!


After a meal, Jiang Li did not leave. But followed mu Qingge into her room and poured a cup of hot tea for herself.

Mu Qingge looked at her and asked, "what's wrong?"

At this time, Jiang Li was restrained from the casual manner when Zhao Nanxing and Feng were flying in front of them. She was full of golden eyes and coagulated the tea floating on the water surface of the tea cup. She said solemnly: "I always think there is a conspiracy between the beast sect and the refining and casting tower that is not conducive to you."

Mu Qingge's eyes flashed. He poured himself a cup of tea. After sipping it lightly, he looked at her and said, "what did you find out?"

Jiang Li shook his head slowly.

Can't find out?

With Jiang Li's means, can't you find any trace?

Mu Qingge eyebrows light Cu, she has full trust in Jiang Li's ability. If she can't find out anything, there are only two reasons.

The first is that there is really nothing between the beast sect and the refining and casting tower. All they do is guess.

The second is that they are too deep to be found. This shows that they need to be very careful because of their big plot.

Is it the former or both?

Looking at Jiang Li's expression, she is obviously more inclined to the second possibility. Mu Qingge also felt that there was an invisible undercurrent behind the quietness of the beast sect and the refining and casting tower.

Both of them were silent, as if they were just tasting tea quietly.

Out of the window, the night wind blows through the small garden in front of Mu Qingge's room, blowing off the petals, wantonly in the air. It is a beautiful scene on a good day.

"I'll keep people watching them." Jiang Li put the cup in his hand on the table and sang to Mu light.

Seeing her care, mu Qingge doesn't want her to carry too much for herself. He advised: "don't be too reluctant. If they don't want you to find out, why bother? "

"I can't find out what they're up to. I'm not at ease." Jiang Li frowned seriously.

Jiang Li's concern makes mu Qingge silent.

She couldn't refuse Jiang Li's kindness.

Just like, today, when she exchanges with Jiang Li, she will plan everything for her just like Jiang Li.

"So far, I only find out that they have been to the blue mansion once after you hurt blue Fei Yue. To the outside world, they claim to be delivering medicine to blue moon. However, they have nothing to do with the blue mansion. What kind of courtship should they offer? What's more, the blue house and you are now also a feud. If they get together, there will be no good Jiang Li's deep voice."They know there's no good enough." Mu Qingge holds the teacup in his hand and droops his eyes.

Long eyelashes block her eyes mood, let people see not really what she is thinking.

Jiang Li said: "this is not enough. We don't know what their plans are yet? How and when to do it to you. "

Her tone of voice was suddenly excited.

Mu Qingge reached out her hand, grabbed her hand on the table and said in a deep voice: "Jiang Li, calm down, don't worry. This is the holy Yuan Empire, not the ancient witch kingdom. If they have the intention to hide, even the Huangfu people may not be able to find out, how can you find out? As a queen, don't you know that controlling a country is not as simple as it seems? A lot of things are too deep to be seen. "

Jiang Li raised his eyes and looked at her, with golden eyes and a trace of stubbornness, "my feeling tells me that the danger is nearby. This intuition never goes wrong, so I can't take it lightly. It's just a little bit that I can't think of. By leaving you alone in the palace, your majesty has hinted to everyone that you are different to him. If he provokes you, he will be offended. This is a talisman for you to walk in Tiandu. Why do they dare to stand up and take risks? "

Mu Qingge releases Jiang Li's hand and looks calm. "Sometimes desire can drive people into madness. By luck, it can be very daring. "

She has long understood the intention of Si mo.

In addition to arranging for Huangfu's family to take care of her secretly, she also deliberately made such a move. She knew that she had too many enemies and wanted to ensure her safety in his absence.

But the human heart is the most difficult to understand.

People's greed, hatred, resentment, will be unlimited adult courage.

Jiang Li has calmed down. She looks at Xiangmu Qingge and asks, "is this passive waiting?"

Mu Qingge said with a frank smile, "so what? If you want to take my life, you must be ready to die! "

Seeing her appearance, Jiang Li felt relieved for some reason.

After the second round of the stage, the rest of the three days, mu Qingge all stay in the post house. Jiang Li is still inquiring about the beast sect, the casting tower and the blue family.

Three days later, the final stage is coming.

In the early morning, it was light.

Mu Qingge's three men, together with three hundred dragon teeth guards, and Li and Yu states were integrated. A hundred warriors above the green border left the post house and went on a pilgrimage to the imperial palace of the Yuan Dynasty.

The channel to open the trial space is in the forbidden area of the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire.

So all of them are going to the palace.

In addition to entering the trial space, opening the third stage competition is to announce the score ranking of countries after the second stage.

Jiang Li came to the palace very early, waiting for mu Qingge and others.

Not long after she stood, huangfuhuan came to her and said to her, "these days, I have sent someone to keep an eye on the blue family, and found that they are in secret collusion with the beast sect and the refining and casting tower, which may be harmful to Lord mu. In the trial space, there is a limit to the realm. It should not be too dangerous to admire the young sir. I think they will do it after the game, when he is physically and mentally exhausted

Jiang Li raised his eyes and looked at him. Two days ago, when mu Qingge was practicing, she asked huangfuhuan for help.

Now, the information that the other party brought her made her feel a little relieved. So, she said to huangfuhuan sincerely: "thank you."

Huangfu Huan said with a smile: "I didn't expect that the first word you said to me was to admire the baron." , the fastest update of the webnovel!