In the distance, there is a faint outline of the forest.

At the foot, is the continuous grass, with the terrain and ups and downs. The wind blows, waving a layer of green waves.

The air here, with the smell of green grass, is particularly clear and refreshing.

Taking a deep breath, mu Qingge sighs in his heart: "is this the world of testing space?"

Behind him, there are footsteps.

Mu Qingge turns to look and sees the figure of Jiang Li.

"I saw someone standing here from a distance, and I thought it must be you." In front of him, Mu Li said with a smile.

Mu light song clear eyes, flash a trace of doubt. "You and I came in with my front and back feet. How could you be so far away?"

Jiang Li didn't feel strange and said, "it's normal. In the process of space torsion, the position shifts."

Mu Qingge pursed her lips and thought about it. Looking around, she found that among the people they came in with, no one was seen except her and Jiang Li. Not to mention the people who came more advanced than her.

"The landing space should be random, and those approaching the entry time will be slightly closer. Come on, let's meet them first. " Mu Qingge said to Jiang Li.

"Don't you look for the token first?" Asked Jiang Li.

Mu Qingge slowly shook his head, "the map of the trial space is only a few leaders have, I read it before I came in. The whole trial space, only the middle is safe, and the forbidden zone is marked all around. If we don't find them in time, I'm afraid they will break into the forbidden area by mistake. "

Jiang Li nodded, "then let's walk around."

Jiang Li looked around for a week. The scenery in front of her made her feel comfortable and her nervous tension relaxed. "The scenery here is really good. I really want to lie here and have a good sleep. "

"This is not a resort." Mu light song cold voice reminder.

Just now, she also had this feeling of relaxation, but when Jiang Li appeared, she woke up with a start.

Jiang Li looks at her.

"When you came here just now, I didn't realize it until you got close." Mu Qingge said a word.

Jiang Li's eyes flashed, and the pleasant smile on his face converged instantly. She is not a fool, mu Qingge's words let her understand. In such a place, if perception and reaction are slowed down unconsciously, the relative danger will be magnified.

Just imagine, if it was not her who approached mu Qingge just now, but the fierce spirit beast in the space. I'm afraid the attack will be successful if you are not found out until you get close.

She and mu Qingge's will is still the same, if other people

Jiang Li suddenly felt a chill on his back and was afraid of it in his heart!

"Let's go first." She said in a solemn light.

It seems that some dare not continue to stay in this picturesque place, afraid that they will unconsciously relax their guard.

Mu Qingge nodded and walked with her towards the edge of the grassland.

Because of the previous experience, both of them were extremely vigilant.

Once you feel a little relaxed, you will remind yourself to wake up in time and don't immerse yourself in this comfortable environment.

After walking to the grassland border, the feeling of feeling relaxed gradually disappeared. Jiang Li was relieved. Looking back at the grassland, he sighed: "I can't imagine that under such a beautiful appearance, there are killing opportunities."

Mu Qingge reflected the feeling just now, and said faintly: "maybe, this is the place to test the mind. If the mind is not strong, I am afraid it will continue to sink here for some time, and I do not know what will happen if we continue to sink. "

"This place is very strange. It seems that such a beautiful place is full of hidden dangers. We have to be careful. " Jiang Li's way of lingering fear.

She almost fell in here just now!

"Wait till I look at the map." Mu light Song said a, from the arms out of the map, determine their own location.

When she looked at the map, Jiang Li automatically took on the alert, paying attention to the movement around.

After a while, mu Qingge put away the map and looked at her for a long time.

She saw the bottom of her heart numb, Jiang Li can't help but ask: "what's the matter?"

Mu Qingge did not answer, suddenly attack.

Dark Purple strong spiritual power condenses into a light blade, which directly cleaves towards the ginger glass.

Mu Qingge's sudden move makes Jiang Li's golden pupil shrink suddenly. He wants to dodge, but the speed is not as fast as mu Qingge. He is cut off by the purple light blade.

Jiang Li, who was hit, was shocked on his face, and his body turned into pieces.

It's like a broken mirror.

At the same time, not far from the left side of muqingge, there was a clear sound.

She followed the reputation to see another ginger glass, in front of her also like a broken mirror like crystal scattered.

When she found Jiang Li, Jiang Li also found her.

However, both of them had vigilance and examination in their eyes.

Standing in place and silent for a while, Jiang Li came to her and asked, "are you real or fake?"This sentence, let Mu light song's eyes squint, ask: "are you true or false again?"

Jiang Li at the foot of a meal, the corner of the mouth gently pulled, "it seems that we have the same experience."

Then, she walked quickly to Mu light song, put down the guard in her eyes.

"There is no purple stud on the left ear of fake muqingge." Jiang Li walks to the front of Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge also raised his lips, "really ginger glass, the depth of golden pupil, is black. Not dark green. "

Jiang Li laughed, his eyes bent like crescent. "You've discovered all the subtle differences I've made?"

Mu Qingge nodded.

After a few rounds of banter, they let each other know what had just happened.

Jiang Li, clinging to Mu Qingge, restrained his smile on his face and asked in a low voice, "what happened just now? I'm clearly by your side. How can a fake suddenly come out?"

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and said, "I just looked at the map. This grassland is called mirror grassland. It's hard to tell the truth from the false. It's a closed area. This place, even if it is classified as a safe area, is full of traps. Its security is only relative to the forbidden area. We seem to have come out of the grassland, but we are still in it. "

Jiang Li said with a bitter smile: "just came in and fell into the trap. Are we lucky?"

Mu Qingge raised his hand and touched the earring on his left ear, "since we have known the difference between the true and the false, we will not be confused. The trap here has no meaning for us." Mother gave her a magic device, or gave her a surprise, can't be mirror copy!

Jiang Li nodded, "how can we leave now?"

"Keep going. In the map just now, the place connected with the mirror grassland is called blood devil valley. Let's go and see if there are any of our people there. Besides, there are five tokens hidden there. " Mu light song road.

"What are you waiting for?" Ginger glass eyes in a bright.

What happened just now made her a little hairy. Continue to stay in this strange place, she does not know whether the moqingge around her will quietly become a fake.

As the map shows, they continue to walk forward.

The scenery around seemed to have changed, but it did not seem to have changed. Fortunately, both of them were once punished and would not be easily deceived. The rest of the way is still safe.


The scenery in front of me is totally different from the mirror grassland.

But it's not the valley.

"Are we coming out?" Jiang Li asked the light song of Xiangmu.

Mu Qingge frowned, and the scene in front of her made her uncertain.

After thinking about it, she decided to go ahead and try

Jiang Li has no objection to this.

They both step at the same time and take a step. In an instant, their surroundings changed. The original mirror grassland retreated and disappeared like water waves.

Instead, it was a valley with steep cliffs and sharp swords.

"This is..." Jiang Li looks at everything in front of her in shock.

Haze sky, instead of pure blue. Gray, so that the line of sight has become blurred.

They were standing on a ground of gravel, with sharp rock walls on both sides. Stones, like sharp swords and axes, hang down and fall, ferocious and terrifying. There was only one way ahead of them.

This road seems very narrow, only enough for one person at a time, both sides are covered by black fog, can not really see.

"It's so bloody." Mu Qingge frowned.

Jiang Li moved his nose and nodded: "good. It's bloody. Moreover, the source seems to be ahead. " She raised her hand to the dark corridor ahead.

"It seems that this is the blood devil valley." Mu Qingge says his own judgment.

"How did we get here all at once?" Jiang Li raised his head and looked at the hazy sky. The cliffs that rise to the sky extend infinitely, as if to break through the sky.

The two of them stood on the ground, looking very small.

"Maybe, some prohibitions. Or maybe it's something we don't know about. " Mu Qingge's general answer.

Her clear eyes are also full of doubts.

This trial space does not seem to be as simple as she initially imagined. At the beginning, when she knew that this place existed, she doubted whether the space was a space fragment of a small world, or a space magic instrument. However, after coming in, she began to doubt her initial guess.

At least, the space represented by Meng Meng is not so weird. It gives people the feeling of heaven and hell.

Jiang Li complained to her, "when you go out to see his majesty, please help me solve my doubts." Then, in her golden eyes, she lit up a flame of excitement again, "it's really exciting here!"

This unwilling to be lonely, let mu Qingge shake his head and smile.

Looking at the only way forward, she said to Jiang Li, "since there is only one way, let's go ahead."With that, she had taken the first step.

Jiang Li followed, and the two moved, and the scene in front of them changed slightly.

The dark fog that blocked the road faded to both sides, exposing the real road to their eyes.

Seeing everything in front of you, mu Qingge and Jiang Li's eyes shrink at the same time.

At present, the narrow road that can only be passed by one person is actually a stone bridge floating in the endless darkness. Around the stone bridge, it was as dark as an abyss.

After being shocked, mu Qingge and Jiang Li subconsciously lowered their heads to the bottom of the bridge.

In the dark, it seems that blood red eyes are constantly flashing, watching two people.

"You say, what happens if you drop it?" Jiang Li narrowed his eyes and said.

"Just try it." Mu Qingge waves his hand, and a piece of beast's hind leg meat comes out of nowhere and falls into the abyss. This is the grain prepared for silver dust. At this time, take it as an emergency.

Jiang Li's golden eyes were fixed on the piece of hind leg meat.

As the hind legs spin down, when it becomes as small as a fist in sight, suddenly two blood red shadows rush out like lightning, holding the hind legs and sinking.

“……” Mu light song.

“……” Ginger glass.

In the dark, there is no shadow of hind legs. Those red eyes are still hidden in the bottom of the abyss flashing.

"What is that?" Jiang Li asked.

This sentence, she is not asking Mu light song, but an exclamation.

The two red shadows came so fast that they disappeared in an instant and could not see their faces clearly. The only thing that's certain is that something that's interested in food like hind legs should also be some kind of creature.

"It's called the blood devil valley. What do you think those things are?" Mu light song eyes light quiet, looking around the road.

"Blood devil? Never heard of it. " Jiang Li frowned.

Finish saying, her subconscious turn eyes, but suddenly stare big eyes.

"Mu light song." Jiang Li yelled.

Mu Qingge followed with a look back, when she and Jiang Li's line of sight converge, the pupil also shrinks.

The road they had gone before disappeared!

Behind them, there is only endless darkness, which seems to devour everything at any time. And in those darkness, the blood red as if the eyes of things, also constantly flashing.

Taking back his eyes, mu Qingge calmly said, "it seems that we have no other choice but to go forward."

"We have been standing here for so long that the blood demons hidden in the dark have not come out to attack. Does that mean that as long as you don't fall, nothing will happen? " Jiang Li Road.

Mu Qingge nodded, "with the current information, your inference is right in theory."

Without further delay, they went on.

Sure enough, the unidentified creatures hiding in the dark did not attack them.

And once they move forward, the road behind them will disappear, giving them no chance to turn back. Under the foot of the stone bridge, become more and more narrow.

The gravel on the pavement is smooth and has poor adhesion. If you don't pay attention, you will slip under your feet and fall into the dark abyss, and become the food for those unidentified creatures.

They walked on the stone bridge one after the other, and they were very careful in each step.

That quiet, let fear begin to magnify, as if surrounded by thousands of eyes staring. The way you look at yourself is like looking at delicious food.

Under the foot of the stone bridge, can not see the end.

It can only be judged that the narrower the stone bridge is, the closer it is to the exit.

After all, this is a trial space, and it is not a forbidden area on the map, so it is not a dead end.

"If the mirror grassland is a test of mind, what about the blood devil Valley? Is it a test of courage? " Jiang Li opened his mouth to break this uncomfortable calm.

"I agree with you." Mu Qingge talks with Jiang Li while moving.

In such a scene, people who are not brave enough or calm down may fall down after a few steps.

"There are five tokens in it? How can I find it? " Jiang Li glanced around and frowned.

In this regard, muqingge is very calm. "Now that they can put the token in, we can find it and take it away."

Jiang Li nodded, "that in addition to paying attention to the foot, but also pay more attention to the surrounding."

Mu light song light um a, continue to move forward.

After walking for a while, they seem to have gradually adapted to this oppressive environment. Except that the stone bridge under their feet is as narrow as that of an adult man's arm, everything can no longer affect them.

"The smell of blood seems to be getting worse." Jiang Li sniffed and frowned.

Suddenly, mu Qingge stopped, frowned and asked, "do you hear any sound?"

"Is there a sound?" Jiang Li held his breath and distinguished carefully.

Mu Qingge is also silent. After her body has been modified by genetic modification agent, her five senses become much more sensitive than ordinary people. She was sure that she had no problem with her ears and that there was a fight in front of her."It's like Is someone fighting? " After a while, Jiang Li opened his mouth indefinitely.

With Jiang Li's words, mu Qingge is more sure that he has not heard wrong.

She quickened her pace, and there was a steady stream of gravel sliding down the abyss. "Since there are battles, there are people. Let's go and have a look."

Jiang Li naturally did not refute.

They speed up and head for the fight ahead.


Gee! Gee! Gee!

The closer you get, the more sound comes.

Mu Qingge and Jiang Li look at each other, and the information in each other's eyes is very clear.

Because, in addition to the sound of weapons, there is another sound.

"Yu Fei, be careful!" All of a sudden, a voice came nervously.

Mu Qingge and Jiang Li Mou congealed, immediately determined that the voice is Zhao Nanxing.

"They're in front!" Mu light song deep voice. One jump at the foot, the man has disappeared in front of Jiang Li.

Jiang Li keeps up closely. When he sees mu Qingge again, he finds her standing at the end of the stone bridge.

"I'll go! It's a trap In front of the scene, let Jiang Li immediately stop the forward momentum.

She stood behind mu Qingge, two people's bodies, because of the rock bridge under the foot, and constantly swaying.

The end of the stone bridge is as thin as a finger.

The front, as if into an open and deep dark abyss. In the dark, there are stones of different sizes, as if they are the continuation of the stone bridge.

At this time, on some stones in front of them, some people are fighting against their bloody creatures.

Those "creaky" sounds come from the mouths of those creatures.

Mu Qingge and Jiang Li are no strangers to the warring human beings. In addition to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei, there are also some elite members of Longya Wei and their two countries.

The number of people is about 150.

It seems that they fell directly into the blood demon valley.

Just now, if Jiang Li didn't stop in time, I'm afraid he would have fallen into the abyss. That's why she said "entrapment.".

Who would have thought that the end of the stone bridge will connect with such a place!

Mu Qingge's figure flashed and disappeared in front of Jiang Li's eyes. When it reappeared, it was already on a floating stone. Then she disappeared again, and when she reappeared, she was closer to the people in front of her.

Without delay, Jiang Li also jumped onto the stones and kept jumping on those stones to get close to the crowd.

"Light song!" Zhao Nanxing, who is at war, is surprised to see mu Qingge appear in the corner of his eyes.

Because of this distraction, the bloody creature who was fighting with him stretched out his sharp claws and grabbed at his eyes.

Mu Qingge fingertip a purple light hit in the past, hit the bloody creature's neck, instantly took its life. It howled, fell from the air and fell at Zhao Nanxing's feet.

Mu Qingge also fell on the stone where Zhao Nanxing was, and finally saw the appearance of this bloody creature.

It's ugly, it's like a monkey. His face is sharp and his eyes are like a baby's fist. Outside the lips, there are two sharp fangs, limbs withered and thin, abdomen as big as a ball, ribs are clearly visible. On the back there is a meat wing, and the bone knife is cold at the joint of the meat wing. Nails are sharp and strong like daggers.

Moreover, the whole body blood red, but by mu Qingge hit the position, but outflow of green stinky blood.

"Light song, I wish you were here!" Zhao Nanxing's joyful way.

Mu Qingge looked at him and made sure he was not hurt. Then he said to him, "how can these monsters attack you?"

However, before Zhao Nanxing had time to answer, a blood demon came again and interrupted their conversation.

Mu Qingge took out her own improved version of the beast nuclear gun, aiming at those blood demons, a shot in the head.


The sudden noise of the gun shocked the people who resisted.

The blood demon who was hit by the head fell directly into the abyss in the public's sight.

When people were shocked, mu Qingge's cold voice came: "is the grenade gun you are equipped with is used as decoration?"

Eighty or ninety of them were awakened in an instant. Immediately take out his own grenade gun, aiming at the blood demon that pours on is a shot.

The sound of gunfire kept ringing in the dark.

Mu Qingge is a gun, each is a blow.

All of a sudden, it caused the blood demons' anger and kept rushing towards her.

Jiang Li kills the blood demon around him, grabs Feng Yufei's clothes, flies towards mu Qingge and falls on the stone where she is.

With the addition of grenade guns, the pressure on the human side has been relieved.

The elites from Li and Yu looked envious as they watched the Dragon tooth guards wielding weapons they had never seen before and reaping the lives of blood demons.

Even Jiang Li was staring at mu Qingge's pistol in his eyes and said curiously, "what kind of treasure is this?"Mu light song while beating blood demon, return a word at the same time, "want?"

"Good stuff, who doesn't want it?" Jiang Li's way is not graceful at all.

"When you get out of here, I'll get you one." Mu Qingge finished, saw Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei look forward to, immediately added a sentence: "everyone has a share."

This answer is satisfactory to all.

With such a reward, the killing of blood demons is just like killing blood.

Gradually, we also wake up from the ferocious and terrifying appearance of the blood demon. It's not hard to kill, except that it's scary and fast.

If you have enough ability, you can handle it by yourself. If the strength of a slightly weaker person, in pairs, can also protect themselves.

Cooperation, tacit understanding in battle.

"It's no way to kill like this. The number of blood demons is endless, but we are exhausted. We must find a way to leave! " Zhao Nanxing sings to Mu Qing.

This point, of course, muqingge is clear.

She said, "elder martial brother Zhao, give us some pills to replenish your physical and mental strength. We're going forward and the exit should be right ahead. "

This is the advantage of the medicine tower disciples. They have more pills than ordinary people. They don't have to worry about exhaustion and spiritual overdraft in battle.

Zhao Nanxing immediately action, will take on the body of the pills.

Longyawei naturally didn't have to worry about it. They all had moqingge's regular standard pills. What's more, their bodies have been transformed and recovered faster than ordinary people, and their accomplishments consume no more than others.

"Sir, I have found the token!" Suddenly, a surprise voice came.

Mu Qingge looks up and sees his dragon teeth guard. His hands are full of green blood, holding a token.

The green mucus was dripping from his hands, which was really disgusting.

Mu Qingge looked down from his hand and saw the body of a blood demon. Its abdomen was broken by a grenade gun, and the token came out of the wound.

The Dragon tooth guard is probably excited, and regardless of his nausea, he directly reaches out his hand to take out the token.

"How could the token be in the blood demon's stomach? In this way, isn't it necessary to kill all the blood demons and tear them one by one to find five tokens? " Zhao Nanxing frowned.

He and Feng Yufei have maps in their hands. Naturally, they know that there are five tokens hidden here.

Zhao Nanxing said, Feng Yufei also frowned, "such a hard and thankless thing, who thought of it."

"We all find it hard to understand, and even less so for people who put tokens." Mu light song road. Then she told the Dragon tooth guard to put away the token.

Jiang Li then said, "I think the token should be on these pumice stones. Maybe the blood devil swallowed it by mistake."

Her conjecture is more reliable.

"What now?" Feng Yufei looks at Xiangmu light song.

Mu Qingge made a decision at once, "continue to find out the mouth to leave. If you meet the token, you can take it. If not, we don't lack these pieces."

Indeed, it's not the final time to fight for the token.

At the end of the day, if they don't find enough tokens, they can grab them from other places!

Tokens can be snatched from each other, which is one of the rules of the game.

So she doesn't have to spend all her time on these five tokens.

After determining the purpose, the Dragon teeth guard scattered around, covered with grenades, the rest of the people, along the pumice.

After walking for a long time, they finally came out of a hidden hole.

"What is this place?"

Many people are looking up at the new environment.

Here, is a thick virgin forest. The trees in the forest are so huge that they seem to have been growing for thousands of years. The thinnest trees need to be surrounded by three people hand in hand.

Strangely enough, these trees are special.

Their branches are straight and there are no extra branches except for the dense canopy at the top.

The trunk is too smooth to climb.

However, on the ground, where the roots of trees and the land border, they are luxuriant, interwoven and interspersed.

There is no end to the forest. No one knows how big it is.

People trapped in the blood demon valley are still climbing out of the cave.

Mu Qingge stood outside, unfolded the map again, carefully compared the surrounding environment to determine where they were.

her fingers moved lightly on the map and whispered: "from the map, we walked out of the blood devil Valley and should enter the Indus forest. There are twenty tokens placed in it. "

"So many tokens? Is it because it's easier to find it here Feng Yu Fei was surprised.

"Wrong!" Jiang Li's voice retorted. "It should be the Wutong forest is very large, so there are more tokens placed."

Feng looked down at his map, and sure enough, this Wutong forest was very large. It's almost the size of ten blood demon valleys."How many tokens have we found?" Mu Qingge asks Zhao Nanxing.

Zhao Nanxing replied: "blood demon Valley five tokens, we found a total of four." Except for the piece that the Dragon toothguard took out from the bloody devil's belly, the remaining four tokens were found on pumice stones.

It's also a pity that they have enough people. Otherwise, if they miss those pumice stones, it is estimated that there are less than four tokens.

"I suddenly understood why there was no limit on the number of participants in the third stage." Jiang Li suddenly said.

Sometimes, how many people can really decide everything!

"Since there are twenty tokens here, it will take us some time to stay here." Mu Qingge keeps a good map and is humane to all.

Jiang Li nodded.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei also nodded.

"Let's have a rest first." At the command of muqingge, a hundred people sit around and have a rest.

The environment here is much better than that in the blood devil Valley, which can also make them relax a little.

After sitting down, mu Qingge has time to ask Zhao Nanxing about their situation.

"As soon as we entered the trial space, we fell into the blood devil valley. Before reaction, those blood demons attacked. The rest of them, presumably, have fallen elsewhere Zhao Nanxing said to Mu Qingge with a bitter smile.

"Well." Mu Qingge nods. "Jiang Li and I analyzed that the falling place was related to the time of entering. The rest of the people should be in this Wutong forest.

"what a surprise. These are not Indus trees. Why is it called Indus forest?" Jiang Li looked up at the old trees, and his tone was puzzled.

No one can answer this question.

Mu Qingge was curious, "Jiang Li and I came from the mirror grassland and entered the blood demon valley without being attacked. Why do blood demons attack you alone

"I don't know. However, to be sure, we did not do anything, and those blood demons became restless and rushed forward Zhao Nanxing shows his hands.

"Is it because we are too many people gathered together and our blood is too heavy that we have attracted the attention of the blood demon? Since that monster is called blood demon, it should be more sensitive to blood gas and other things? " Feng Yufei tells his speculation.

She was casual, but let mu Qingge three people focus on her body.

"What's the matter?" Feng Yufei was startled.

Jiang Li looked at her seriously, "I think what you said is very reasonable!"

Anyway, before getting the official answer, Feng Yufei's speculation is more reliable.

She and mu Qingge two people's movement and blood gas, naturally can't compare with them hundreds of people. It's natural that the blood demons don't attack them.

"Time seems to be passing slowly here." Mu Qingge looks up at the sky of the gap in the tree crown, and suddenly says.

Her words caught the attention of others.

Jiang Li also followed: "when we came in from the forbidden area of the Imperial Palace, it was in the morning. After that, Qingge and I fell on the mirror grassland and walked for a long time to come out. At that time, it should have been noon. After that, I broke into the blood demon Valley and walked on the stone bridge for a long time. I met you again and walked a long way together. Judging from the distance of our feet, it should be night now... "

However -

people, looking at the gaps in the dense canopy, those fragmented sky is still pure blue, even as static.

"Either the time flow is not right, or we spent the whole day in the blood demon Valley?" Feng Yufei put forward his own ideas.

However, this time, it was obvious that they could not persuade the public.

"Blood devil Valley Blood devil Valley... " Mu light song repeatedly read, thinking.

"What's the matter?" Jiang Li's puzzled way.

Mu Qingge frowned and said, "what we enter is the blood demon Valley, not a cave. Why are we surrounded by endless darkness? And it's coming out of a cave. If the blood demon Valley is a huge cave, would it be better to call it blood demon cave directly? Why is it called Valley

Mu light song words, as if in the tangled trial space name.

But in fact, if you chew carefully, you can tell the true meaning of her words. What she is struggling with is not the name of space, but the essence of space.

The connection between different regions in this trial space seems too strange.

It's very abrupt, there's no continuity.

Zhao Nanxing was silent for a while and said, "it's useless to think about it now. Now that there is a strange place everywhere, this Wutong forest is never good. I just don't know what kind of trap crisis is hidden in these ancient trees and dense forests. "

Mu Qingge took a deep breath, narrowed his eyes and said, "this is only a safe area. How dangerous are those places that are forbidden and not allowed to approach easily

"You don't want to get through it, do you?" Jiang Li's eyes brightened, staring at her.

Mu Qingge looked at her and said with a smile, "your expression doesn't seem to persuade me not to be involved in danger."

"AhSuddenly, a cry of surprise came.

There was fear in the voice, and it came through the air.

The rest of the crowd, have stood up, instant into the alert state.

Mu Qingge's four men also stood up from the ground and looked up at the direction of the sound.

Suddenly, those quiet tree crowns suddenly turned violently. In the gap between the dense canopy, there are large areas of cloud, covering the sky.

"What happened there?" Zhao Nanxing said.

As soon as his voice dropped, he saw figures in the ancient trees and dense forests.

Suddenly, dozens of people poured out and ran in their direction. They looked frightened, as if there were demons running after them.

"Those people who seem to be Jing's family!" Jiang Li's sharp eyes distinguish the people who suddenly come out, and their clothes.

"And our men!" Feng Yu Fei followed the way.

Sure enough, the clothes of those who rushed over were not uniform, as if they were from different forces. Most of them are dressed in Jingjia's clothes.

And mu Qingge has had a relationship with the Jingtian also among them.

A small part of them were wearing dragon teeth guards and elite clothes of Li and Yu states.

In this group, there are seven or eight young girls whose clothes are from Huajia.

At the moment, the people of the Jing family and the flower family looked frightened and frightened. People in the states of Yu and Li also looked pale. They fled this way and looked back.

Mu Qingge fixed an eye to see, after the break is actually her dragon teeth guard!

After the Dragon teeth guard, like a strong wind, the shadow of those chasing people finally exposed.

"What is that monster?"

Seeing what he was chasing, Zhao Nanxing couldn't help crying out.

But mu Qingge stares at Longya Wei, almost spurting fire in his eyes!


He stands in the palace of emperor Haoyuan.

The entrance of the trial space has been closed for most of the day, and now no one has left. No one knows what is going on inside.

If there is a smart period master sneak in, it is really a conspiracy against muqingge. If Mu Qingge is hurt or even killed, then he

At the thought of this possibility, Huang Fu Haotian's hand in his sleeve trembled and his face turned white.

He could not face his Majesty's anger at all. I'm afraid the Huangfu family will also be buried here!

This possibility makes him hate those who design moqingge in his heart.

"Somebody He cried out suddenly.

Soon, the commander of the guard appeared in front of him.

"Immediately lead the army to encircle the beast sect and the post house of the refining and casting tower, and arrest taishigao, heimu and louxuan iron for me!" Huangfu Haotian issued the order of emperor.

The commander of the guard immediately ordered him to retreat.

Huangfu Haotian then said, "where are the six offerings?"

As soon as his voice dropped, a figure gradually appeared in the corner of the palace.

Seeing him, Huangfu Haotian looked more respectful. He said to Liugong: "six offerings, that blue family is bold and reckless. He is afraid that his Majesty the holy king will be offended. Please come forward and help me to put pressure on the blue family."

Then he gave a general account of the incident.

After hearing the six offering ceremony, he frowned and said, "is it really worth fighting for a third-class child?"

Huangfu Haotian said with a wry smile: "six offerings, the relationship between the Lord Mu and his majesty is probably extraordinary. The holy king himself asked my Huangfu family to take care of him secretly. Now if he is killed in the trial space, I'm afraid our whole Huangfu family will be in bad luck. "

"Is there any news from the palace of departure?" Six offering asked lightly.

Huangfu Haotian sighed: "it's hard to leave the palace, but there's no news about the seven offerings. But in any case, in order to avoid his Majesty's anger in the future, the attitude of our Huangfu family still needs to be done. "

Six offering was silent for a while, then said: "I know." Finish saying, then disappear in place.

After arranging everything, Huangfu Haotian felt a little more stable.

However, there are still concerns about the trial space.

Half an hour later, huangfuhuan was carried back to the palace by seven offerings.

Huangfu Hao, in the light of the sky, rushed forward and asked, "what does your majesty say?"

"We haven't seen his majesty at all," he said

"What Huangfu Haotian was shocked.

Huangfu Huan thought for a while, and said to his father with a deep sadness in his eyes: "father, I suspect that the holy king is not in Linchuan at all."

Huangfu Haotian's eyes suddenly shrunk and looked at Huangfu Huan in disbelief.

Huangfu Huan then said: "if he was in Linchuan, Tiandu, and leaving the palace, how could he let the Huangfu family take care of Lord Mu secretly? Wouldn't it be better for him to brush the photo himself? What's more, seven offering and I went to leave the Palace this time, and we didn't even see the black servant. "Every word he said seemed to prove the fact that his Majesty was not there.

However, this fact, for them at the moment, is the last thing they want to happen , the fastest update of the webnovel!