"Well, you can hide!"

After seeing mu Qingge's first surprise, the blue moon couldn't help laughing.

Mu Qingge picked her eyebrows and swept a circle of blue moon behind her. Apart from the disciples of the blue family, there seems to be no one wait! incorrect!

Mu light Song Mou Guang a Ning, aware of the blue family seems to be some more.

The number of people entering the family is four. Now, there are more than 100 people following the blue moon, at least 30 or 40 more!

"Who are these people?" Mu light song clear eyes flash a light, smell out a trace of wrong.

"Blue girl looking for me?" Mu light Song Silent hook lip smile way.

But blue Fei Yue's eyes were cold, and she said haughtily, "of course, I want to find you. This is the only purpose for me to enter the trial space. If it's hard, what token do you think I'm looking for

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly.

Jiang Li got close to Mu Qingge and said in a low voice, "the blue moon is not good! It seems that our guess is correct. "

At this time, blue Fei Yue finally saw the people standing in the side of Mu Qingge. Her eyes slightly shrink, frown way: "Shen Bicheng, Huaqin heart, how are you here?"

I don't know it's just a coincidence. It's really the will of God.

After her words fell, there were several sides of people suddenly appeared in the land of God, especially around them.

The sudden appearance of these people, suddenly saw so many people standing, most of them were startled, almost pulled out their weapons.

Mu light song in the eyes of light swept past, eyes light and dark a few minutes.

I really didn't expect that the three countries of the second-class countries, as well as the Jing family and others I met before, all arrived. However, she didn't see several flower girls who had been arguing with her before in the team of Jing family.

It seems that in the later experience, I couldn't bear to leave the trial space with the teleportation symbol.

In this way, almost all the people who have entered the trial space have arrived at this moment.

It seems that the final snatching process may start at any time.

Suddenly came out of the people, let blue moon cold eyes across a trace of displeasure. In her opinion, there are too many people here, which will only get in the way.

"I want to settle personal grudges with muqingge, and those who have nothing to do with it will step back!" Blue Fei Yue's straightforward way.

Jiang Li's eyes filled with doubts and murmured: "who gave her so much confidence? Is it hard for her to forget the experience of drawing blood from you

"There are dozens more on her side." Mu light song is as fine as the sound of a mosquito.

Being reminded by mu Qingge, Jiang Li's eyes shrink and immediately search for it in the blue family's camp.

Blue Fei Yue's words, let the several sides that appear behind are all stunned.

But soon, the people of Rongguo, just like watching a good play, stepped back a few steps. The leader of the team, hugged LAN Fei Yue and said, "Miss LAN wants to settle personal grudges with Lord mu. Naturally, it is not easy for us to interfere. However, Baron Mu must have tokens on him. These tokens... "

He didn't finish, but the meaning was well known.

It doesn't matter. In any case, the ultimate goal of the countries that come in to compete for the qualification is token.

Even if there is no blue Fei Yue, they will fight against mu Qingge alone.

"I don't need a token." Blue moon disdains the way. The implication is that whoever loves to take it.

The leader of Rongguo smiles and takes a step back.

Rong state, has made a good plan to stay out of it. No matter what happens next, it's just a good play for them.

What's more, in the Linchuan meeting, mu Qingge led the third-class team, all the way forward. Now some people are willing to teach, why not?

With the withdrawal of Rong state, the state of Yu also stepped back a few steps and opened a distance.

The rest of the di country, the leader once had a meeting with mu Qingge, and had a slight affection for her. But after thinking about it, he also took the people of Di to the periphery.

Blue Fei Yue came here under the banner of "personal gratitude and resentment". Their friendship with mu Qingge is really not good. What's more, even if they want to help, people don't necessarily need it.

After weighing, people in the second-class countries have unified their choices, not going through this muddy water.

The withdrawal of the second-class country makes blue Fei Yue feel proud. She moved her eyes to Shen Bicheng, Huaqin heart and Jingtian.

"As long as the three families do not interfere, today is the end of Mu Qingge's life!" Blue Fei moon's eyes reflect a cruel.

Zhao Nanxing gathered behind mu Qingge and asked in a low voice: "let her go on like this?"

Mu Qingge purses his lips.

Blue Fei month dare to do so, naturally is prepared to come. An unprecedented strong sense of crisis, shrouded in Mu Qingge's heart. She can't match the details of the four big families. What's more, there are also the shadows of wanuzong and Lianzhu pagoda?

"Get out of here, too." Thinking for a moment in my heart, mu Qingge is determined to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yu Fei Dao.At the same time, she moved her eyes to Jiang Li.

However, Jiang Li knew what she was going to say and directly interrupted: "I don't mind if you let them go. But don't try to drive me away. I came in for you. "

Jiang Li's words moved mu Qingge. "You don't have to."

Jiang Li, however, said with a smile: "If today's change is someone's trouble for me, will you leave?"

A word is silent.

Because, in that case, her choice must be the same as today's Jiang Li. How can she persuade others if she can't convince herself?

Helpless, she can only say in a low voice: "be careful, the situation is not good, then pinch the symbol to leave."

"Well." In Jiang Li's smiling eyes, a little more dignified.

"Qingge, are you going to let us be deserters?" Zhao Nanxing finally found a chance to speak. There was a little anger in his tone, which seemed to be very angry. Muqingge said something to them just now.

Feng Yu Fei is also cold face, did not obey the arrangement of Mu light song.

Mu light song eyes slowly moved to the blue side, light way: "this is not called desertion, called strategic transfer."

"Come on! In a word, I will fight with you in any case. You can't drive me away! " Zhao Nanxing's tone is firm.

Feng Yufei also said: "you still need to help me find Muyi. It seems that hope is about to be achieved. How can people want your life?"

"You..." Mu Qingge can't cry or laugh.

However, it is warm and moving in my heart.

She can feel the threat from the blue family. She doesn't believe the three people can't feel it. But they, in front of the strong enemy, still resolutely choose to stand by her side, advance and retreat with her.

Mu Qingge's eyes and light sweep to his dragon teeth guard, 300 people, each face is resolute and resolute. They never want to retreat, only think about how to fight and protect muqingge!

Mu light song's lips suddenly raised, the bottom of my heart a burst of pride, with the momentum of righteousness. It seems that even if there is a more powerful role standing in front of her, she can't be defeated!

Mu Qingge's mood changes, did not let blue Fei month notice. She just looked at the leaders of the other three, and saw them all standing indifferent and said, "what? You three want to step in? "

Hua Qin Xin sneered and stood up and said to the blue moon, "blue moon, now it's Linchuan club, it's not the time for you to solve your personal problems."

The first one to challenge her is Hua Qin Xin?!

Blue Fei moon's cold and harsh eyes swept to her, and her expression was haughty: "what kind of thing are you? Is it worth teaching me? "

"You Blue Fei Yue's attitude changed Huaqin's heart. "Blue moon, don't overdo it! Do you really think you are the Golden Phoenix leaving the palace? But it's just a chicken that his majesty detests! "

"You want to die!" Blue Fei Yue's eyes become fierce and incomparable. When I raised my hand, I saw a flash of silver. The fierce spirit went straight to Huaqin's heart.

The cultivation of women in the flower family is never cultivation.

Hua Qin Xin's talent is not as good as blue Fei Yue, and her cultivation is not her opponent at all.

Blue Fei month suddenly shot, that kind of ruthless force directly toward her face, scared her on the spot issued a scream, almost crushed his own transmission symbol.


There was a loud noise over the land of God.

Blue Fei moon's attack on Huaqin heart is taken over by mu Qingge in the middle of the way and turns into nothingness.

Flower Qin heart secretly relaxed, toward Mu light song cast a grateful look. Unfortunately, mu Qingge did not look at her at all. She did it just because Hua Qin Xin was the blue Fei Yue who offended her.

What's more, Hua Qin Xin's comparison to blue Fei Yue is very popular with her.

Well, depilated chicken, that's a good description!

When the attack is blocked, the facial features under the blue scarlet moon veil are faintly distorted. He looks at Xiangmu Qingsong with a ferocious look on his brows and sneers: "Oh, it's really a romantic species. Before how can I begin to cherish the fragrance and jade?"

Mu Qingge is too lazy to argue with her.

Jiang Li did not do it. She said with a smile: "I am not jealous of this lady. How can miss LAN begin to be jealous? Are you jealous of her beauty or that she doesn't like you? "

"Nonsense Blue moon hate voice of the road.

However, the heart is a little guilty.

Naturally, she would not like moqingge, even if he was excellent. In blue Fei Yue's heart, can become her husband's person, from beginning to end only Si Mo one person.

However, she felt guilty about Jiang Li's words.

Her cold and sharp eyes swept the matchless face of Mu Qingge, and jealousy rose in her heart.

How can this face be more beautiful than her?

Is this the face that confuses his majesty?

Destroy it! Must destroy it!

Blue Fei Yue felt that there was a voice in her heart shouting at her madly. At that moment, she could hardly control it. The whip in her hand was directly thrown at mu Qingge's face.She suddenly burst up, let Mu light song on this side of the people, look a coagulation.

Mu light song but slightly side, easy to avoid the attack of blue Fei Yue. When the whip, which was thrown out, returned from the rear to attack mu Qingge's vest, she caught it again.

"Oh? A new whip? " Mu light song line of sight falls on the whip, fix an eye to have a look, sarcastic way: "the blue family is really rich."

Blue Fei moon's new whip is still a treasure!

And the grade is not lower than the previous one.

The whip is caught by mu Qingge again, and blue Fei Yue feels that she has been humiliated unbearably. Actually, he poured his spiritual power into the whip and broke it.

As soon as the crackling sound passed, a brand-new treasure tool whip became several sections.

But blue Fei Yue's face turned white. Obviously, the behavior of breaking the whip just now also made her feel bad.

All the people present looked at her in surprise, and many of them said, "money and willfulness!"

Mu Qingge looks at the whip on the ground with regret, and looks down on the behavior of blue Fei Yue.

At this time, blue Fei Yue said coldly, "whatever you touch, I won't want it again." In the tone, slowly dislike, as if moqingge is a mobile virus with germs.

Mu Qingge blinked and raised his hand to touch the tip of his nose.

If it is really like this, Si Mo doesn't know how many times have been touched by himself, and will blue Fei moon still be?

Of course, the thought only flashed through her mind, not for a moment.

"Miss, don't forget the business!" Suddenly, in the crowd of the blue family, someone lowered his voice to remind him.

This sentence, let blue Fei moon's eyes become sober some.

But it also caused the suspicion of Mu Qingge and others.

They looked at the man who spoke, but the man was hidden in the crowd and had no idea who it was. What's more, mu Qingge has a new discovery this time, that is, the people in the blue family, the breath seems to be very chaotic.

What is the reason for this?

Mu light song does not leave a trace of the frown.

Blue Fei Yue calms down and stares at Huaqin heart with a warning. The latter does not want to be outdone and glared back, as if to say, if blue Fei moon dare to hurt her, the flower family will not let her go and so on.

Then, blue Fei Yue moved her eyes to Shen Bicheng, who kept silent all the time, and said in a slightly cold tone: "Shen Bicheng, you always only care about the cultivation, some personal gratitude and resentment, you won't interfere." Among the four families, Shen Bicheng is the most taboo of her. As long as he withdraws, she is one step closer to the life of Qingge.

However, she seems to forget that mu Qingge was the one who defeated Shen Bicheng.

Shen Bicheng changed his eyes, but the pair of sharp but introverted, calm eyes to the blue moon.

In his line of sight, blue Fei Yue felt inexplicably a jump in her heart. She has been reluctant to admit the gap between her cultivation talent and Shen Bicheng. However, at this moment, she was surprised that she could not mention the courage to fight Shen Bicheng. His eyes are so terrible that it seems that this kind of person is born to fight.

Besides fighting, there will be nothing more, no one will affect his heart!

It is said that people who are focused are terrible.

Blue Fei Yue finally has this experience.

"Shen family, step back. The pinch blast teleport leaves. " Shen Bicheng finally spoke.

This sentence, let a lot of people surprise, also let blue Fei Yue happy, Mu light song just means to pick eyebrows.

Retreat is understandable, but why exit the trial space?

Do you need to be so determined?

Those second-class elites who had already stepped aside to watch the opera looked at Shen Bicheng suspiciously.

Shen Biyi and Shen Bicheng are not allowed to speak. Therefore, after his voice dropped, the Shen family, without hesitation, broke the transmission symbol and disappeared in place.

"It seems that the teleport is OK." Jiang Li secretly sings to Mu light.

Mu Qingge did not open her mouth. She always felt that the blue family's card had not yet come out, and it was not appropriate to act rashly.

The Shen family disappeared in the trial space, which made blue Fei Yue feel relieved. However, when she saw Shen Bicheng still standing in place, she could not help but frown and said, "Why are you still here?"

Shen Bicheng is calm to Mu light song, he did not pay attention to blue Fei Yue, but to Mu Qingge explanation: "you are a rare opponent, I did not beat you before, you can not fall."

Then, he looked at Jiang Li and said something that surprised her. "Huang Fu Huan asked me to take care of you."

Jiang Li and Huang Fu Huan?

Mu Qingge's eyes flash a cunning light, she seems to smell a taste of adultery.

"Don't think about it! I don't think much of him Jiang Li understood mu Qingge's eyes and twisted her waist.

She did not speak with a smile.

She said to Shen Bicheng, "you don't have to stay, and I won't die. Don't worry, I'm waiting for your challenge. "However, Shen Bicheng is stubbornly standing beside mu Qingge, coldly watching the blue home.

In this scene, the blue moon was full of smoke, and a silver tooth almost broke.

Shen Bicheng's words are just hitting her in the face!

With Shen Bicheng's leader, Huaqin heart also ordered: "the people of the flower family listen to the order and leave without disobedience. After going out, she will tell the owner what happened here, and let her go to the blue master and say well

"Little Lord!" The beautiful ladies of the flower family are not the Shen family who are well-trained.

Hua Qin Xin's decision made them worry.

However, under the hardline attitude of Huaqin heart, they left the trial space one by one.

Similarly, this scene also stimulated the blue moon.

She was up and down in her chest, complaining that her father was not cruel enough. If she had agreed with her proposal, she would have let all the people here bury mu Qingge!

What is too broad to be suspicious? What can't offend other families at the same time and make the blue family the target? All are excuses for women's kindness!

The blue moon almost exploded.

However, at this time, Jingtian, the king's family, began to speak. "The people of the king family listen to the order and leave."

He also chose to stay.

Jingtian's choice, let mu Qingge a little surprised, not only she, even Zhao Nanxing also puzzled to look at Jingtian, eye dew thought deeply.

Jingtian slowly came to Mu Qingge and stopped. Instead of looking at the purple face of blue moon, Jingtian said to Mu Qingge, "I don't stay because we are the people of medicine tower at the same time. But I believe in my father's words. It's better to have a good relationship with you than to have a feud. Since we want to have a good relationship, it is far better to give a helping hand in time than to add to the icing on the cake. "

Mu light song has not yet spoken, blue Fei moon on the ferocious way: "send charcoal in the snow? Jingtian, aren't you afraid to lose your life? "

Jingtian replied faintly, "I still have the transmission symbol." The implication is that he can fight with mu Qingge, but he doesn't intend to die with mu Qingge.

It's so frank, it's really speechless.

In terms of pride, Jingtian and blue moon are almost the same level. Even now, he has no desire to compete for moqingge, but he still keeps a light arrogance in his tone.

However, this arrogance is not as annoying as it used to be.

Jingtian's words, let Mu light song to say the words, and swallow back.

Since Jingtian takes the moment's stand out as an emotional investment and a benefit exchange for her, she doesn't need to persuade any more or even express her gratitude.

It's hard for her and Jingtian to be friends, but it's not impossible to be partners in interests.

For a moment, everyone was divided into three camps.

In addition to the two sides of the confrontation, the rest are the second-class spectators.

They can't leave because they all covet the tokens on muqingge.

Therefore, they must stay and wait until the battle between the two sides has a result, and then they will act according to circumstances and snatch the token.

The same plan was circulated in the hearts of Rong, Yu and di. Each other looked at each other in the eyes, are full of implicit hostility and vigilance.

"Shen Bicheng, huaqinxin, Jingtian. If you are sure you want to go through this muddy water, don't regret it! " Blue red moon shrieked.

Shen Bicheng's expression did not waver in the slightest, but a proud smile.

Hua Qin Xin is not dead hearted to Mu Qingge with a look of love, it seems that through this life and death together, will let her win the favor of Mu light song.

"Blue moon, what do you want?" Mu Qingge finally opened his mouth.

Blue Fei month to kill the heart, from the beginning has not hidden. What she wants to ask is how does blue Fei Yue want to kill her?

"What do I want?" Blue Fei Yue grinned coldly and drew out the Xumi bag on her belt.

Not only she, but also more than a dozen people in LAN's family also took out their Xumi bag!


Outside the trial space, it is in the forbidden area of the imperial palace of the holy Yuan Empire.

This is the entrance and exit of the trial space.

Huangfu Haotian and Huangfu Huan immediately paid attention to the withdrawal of the four families.

When they arrived with seven offerings, the owners of the other three families also arrived one after another, and asked their children questions with unshakeable faces.

Huang Fuhuan did not find Shen Bicheng, huaqinxin and Jingtian in the crowd, so he frowned.

"Shut up Huangfu Haotian finally got angry because of the mess around him.

With a black face, he swept to the people standing outside the forbidden area.

He raised his hand to one of the Shen family and asked, "what is the situation in the trial space now, why do you quit and where is your little master? Answer me

The Shen family's disciples secretly looked at their master and nodded, and then they said, "tell your majesty, we were searching for the token in the land of God's heritage, but miss Fei Yue of the blue family suddenly brought someone to come and said that he wanted to make trouble for the little Lord mu. Our little Lord asked us to come back first, but he stayed behind."The fact was roughly the same as they had guessed.

At this time, the people of the flower family and the people of the Jing family also said so.

"Why is Qin Xin so wayward? How many accomplishments did she dare to help? " With that, she flashed a shred of resolute cruelty at the bottom of her eyes, and said to the emperor of Yuan: "Yuan Huang, if the little girl is hurt in the trial space, my flower family is bound to be irreconcilable with the blue family!"

Huangfu Haotian said calmly, "don't worry about the leader of the flower family. It's not far from the destruction of the blue family."

"Since our children have made a choice, your majesty, we should not hesitate any more," said Shen The meaning of his words is to fight directly with the blue family.

This proposal made Huang Fu Hao's heart jump.

Shengyuan Empire belongs to his family. Tiandu is his territory. If we really want to go to war, apart from the blue family, the biggest loss can only be the Huangfu family.

Fortunately, the king's master said in time: "now the trial space can't be opened. We and the blue family can't help. The top priority is to find a way to open the door of the space and bring out all the people inside. After ensuring their safety, they can go to the blue family to settle accounts. "

Huangfu Haotian nodded and said, "not bad. At present, several of the royal family's offerings are confronting the ancestors of the blue family. If you want, you can also ask the ancestors of the family to put pressure on the blue family. But the way to open the space... "

At the mention of the most headache, Huangfu Haotian couldn't help frowning.

Huangfuhuan then said: "father, open the space by force!"

His words made other householders look at him.

Huangfu Haotian also turned his eyes and looked at him and said, "huan'er, there are still two days to go before the space is opened again."

Huangfuhuan shook his head and said: "the key has been cooled for five days, and it should be able to open the space reluctantly."

"Huan'er, do you know what you are talking about? If it is forced to open the space, it may lead to the collapse of the space, and the whole space will disappear! " Li Huangtian.

Huangfu Huan said: "father, this is not the time to think about gain and loss. Since the whole trial space is obtained by his majesty, as long as the Lord Mu is OK, his majesty will make another trial space. Once the Lord Mu is really hurt by the blue family, who can bear the anger of his majesty

Huangfu Haotian's expression was clouded by Huangfu Huan's words.

If the trial space is destroyed, the royal family will suffer the most. For other families, it doesn't have much impact.

For a moment, the other three owners all put their eyes on the emperor. Similarly, they have some admiration for huangfuhuan's courage. It's not easy to see the relationship between gain and loss when you are young.

Perhaps, huangfuhuan's talent for cultivation is not the best among Tiandu's younger generation. But he has a decisive balance, and his mind is the best of the younger generation.

Even these old people have a feeling that they can't compare with.

In the tangle, Huangfu Haotian gritted his teeth, looked up at seven offering, and said to him, "seven offering, please go to the blue house and take out the key that is in the blue house."

His words have already represented his decision.

Then, he looked at Huangfu Huan and said, "huan'er, you can go to leave the palace again and see if your majesty has come back."

Huang Fu Huan nodded and left without any hesitation.

Huangfu Haotian has decided to open the trial space ahead of time. Naturally, the other three owners should go back to get their keys.

The disciples of all families were taken away. Before the forbidden area of the Imperial Palace, only the Huangfu family were left.

Until this time, Huang Fu Hao's genius gritted his teeth in horror and said, "the blue family, there are also the beast clan and the refining and casting Tower!" At the moment, in his eyes, these three forces are just like his father's enemies, and they can't be eliminated.

"Somebody Huangfu Haotian calls in the palace's confidants. He said to him, "give me an imperial edict to order the capture of all the people in Rongguo by issuing an imperial edict, instigating dissension, plotting to frame up and destroying the trial space! Kill them all

The confidant raised his head in surprise and began to think: "Your Majesty, with the power of the Rong state court, I'm afraid it's not the rival of wanuzong and Lianzhu pagoda."

"I don't care! If they dare to do anything wrong in my heaven, I will make them become the dogs who lost their families! " Huangfu Haotian's wayward way.

Confidants had no choice but to step down. He quickly sent the will of Huangfu Haotian to Rong state.


In the trial space, blue Fei Yue and a dozen blue family members have drawn out their Xumi bags.

The Xumi bag is familiar with Mu Qingsong.

However, before she could think of where she had met her, LAN Feiyue and others opened Xumi's bag, and several figures appeared from the middle --

suddenly, there were more than 50 people in the blue family's camp.

Originally, there were 30 or 40 more people in the blue family, but now there are more than 50 people. The total number is about 200.The most important thing is that when mu Qingge and Jiang Li see those people coming out of the Xumi bag, their eyes shrink.

Muqingge is to feel the strong breath of them.

Jiang Li recognized their identity. "These are the immortal elders of the beast clan. How can they appear here?"

This sentence, let Mu light song heart is a Lin.

If you can be a master of beasts at this level, you can guess from black wood that at least you should be above purple. And among them, three or four people give her a feeling, which is far beyond the feeling given to her by black wood, and the strength is unfathomable.

Then there is only one possibility. These people are the strong ones in the smart period!

The rest of the dozens of people, at a glance, can see through the strength, the lowest is the first stage of the purple realm, and the higher reaches the same strength as blackwood.

At this time, the blue family, there is a strong momentum.

Mu Qingge and others looked at the past, but they were all the more than 30 or 40 people.

Some of these people, like the three or four people before them, feel unfathomable. The rest, it seems, are all in purple.

All of a sudden, there are so many strong people in purple environment that people in second-class countries take a breath.

In the legend, such as the rare Purple strong people, actually appear here so many? Is this all the strong people in Linchuan?

"The man who made the tower!" Jiang Li said coldly.

Those who have changed their looks seem to have some changes, and their familiar Lou xuantie stands among them, smiling coldly towards mu Qingge.

Mu light song's eyes are slightly narrowed, and there is a more dignified point between the eyes.

Tear and pull! Tear and pull!

The subtle voice came, blue Fei moon stood behind the children of the blue family, actually tore off the face of the camouflage, revealed the original appearance.

"Lan gang." One of them, Shen Bicheng after seeing, eyes flash, slowly spit out a name.

"Lan Gang?" Hearing the name, Hua Qin Xin's face became extremely ugly. "It is said that ten years ago, the most gifted cultivator of the blue family, he had already stepped into the stage of flexibility with one foot and left Linchuan. I didn't expect that he was still in the blue family, hiding for ten years! "

"Lan gang has never left the blue family, but he is just practicing in the closed door. Five years ago, I challenged him and lost in a hundred moves. After that, I realized my own fighting skills. " Shen Bicheng introduces LAN Gang to others in a deep voice.

In fact, he is introducing mu Qingge.

Because in his opinion, in addition to themselves, only muqingge can fight LAN gang. However, it is hard to say whether it will win or not.

In addition to LAN Gang, there are other people in the blue family. Many of them are talents who have long been out of the family or passed away. Unexpectedly, these people have been in the blue house, secretly guarding, did not leave at all.

Among the 100 members of the blue family, there are only less than 50 young people who are really younger than those who pretend to be their descendants.

The three forces, hundreds of purple territory, and the eight or nine people who are strong enough to crush everything and sweep the whole Linchuan continent. However, now, the only purpose of these people appearing here is to deal with muqingge!

Among those who tear off the mask, there are two people who are familiar with muqingge.

It's Blackwood and taishigao.

The two men came out and stood among the experts of the beast clan. Taishigao said grimly to Mu Qingge: "Mu Qingge, didn't you think of it?"

After his injury, he has been hiding, not because he is afraid of her moqingge, but because of waiting for today!

The appearance of Tai Shigao also makes mu Qingge suddenly think that the Xumi bags which are taken out by blue Fei Yue are not the ordinary Xumi bags for storing things, but the bags specially made by wanuzong to store spirit animals!

These people, in order to deal with her, sneak into the test space, and are willing to aggrieve themselves and hide in the storage bag of the spirit beast!

The people of the beast clan entered the space by using blue Fei Yue and other blue family people.

What about the people who made the tower? And why come out without any reason?

It seems that in order to answer mu Qingge's doubts, Tai Shigao complacently said: "in order to deal with you, we wanuzong, Lianzhu tower, and the predecessors of the blue family really took great pains. If we didn't bring enough bags to store spirit animals, otherwise you would think that the only people who came here to kill you would be like this? "

From his words, muqingge has been heard. The man who made the pagoda was also brought in by the blue family with the help of the bag of beasts.

And they appeared ahead of time, perhaps because they did not understand the skills of the beast sect and could not stay in the beast storage bag for too long. After entering the space, they came out.

"Mu Qingge, now that we are here, do you think you can escape? I advise you to hand over all the things we want. Maybe you can die more happily. " Lou xuantie said with a grim smile.

Mu light song purses the lip not to speak, the eyebrow is permeated with dignified.

This battle is the battle that she is facing the biggest gap after her rebirth. It's an unprecedented crisis!Even though she is the majority, in terms of combat effectiveness

Although the strength of Longya guards has been improved a lot, they are hard to resist these old monsters who have been famous for a long time. Not to mention Li and Yu, who have just crossed the green border.

Mu light song eyes light swept a circle, standing behind her, in these old strange momentum under the crush, everyone breathing hard, pale face.

"How about it? Jingtian, Shen Bicheng, huaqinxin, do you regret your choice when you see this situation? " Blue Fei Yue sneered.

Shen Bicheng is silent, Huaqin heart is pale face, a pair of legs can't stop shivering. Jingtian's face is also very ugly, even the temples are faint perspiration.

However, in the face of blue Fei Yue's inquiry, he tightly pursed his lips and did not speak.

This battle, the strength is too different! No wonder blue Fei Yue is so confident that today is the death of moqingge!

"Am I wrong?" A little hesitation flashed in Jingtian's mind.

But in the end, he made a firm choice. However, he quietly pinched his own teleportation symbol in his hand in case of emergency.

His movement, mu Qingge saw, but did not say anything.

In fact, if it was not for her, she would choose to leave without looking back.

This is a battle with no chance of winning.

"Let's go, everyone!" Mu light song deep voice.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yu Fei are stunned and look at her at the same time.

Jiang Li understood mu Qingge's intention and quickly explained: "we are not rivals here. When we leave here, they are not convenient to start!"

Almost when mu Qingge finished speaking, all the people on her side pinched the transmission symbol in their hands.

After Jiang Li explained, the people suddenly wake up and immediately pinch the transmission symbol in their hands.

However, the people in the blue family all looked at them jokingly, without any intention of stopping them.

Touch! Touch!

After the two voices, Huaqin heart and Jingtian's figure disappeared, while others stayed in the same place.

Mu Qingge looks at the powder of the rune in his hand, and the people on their side have not been transmitted. The reason why Shen Bicheng left behind was that he didn't pinch the transmission symbol at all.

"We've made a rune in their hands Jiang Li hates the way of gnashing teeth.

Mu Qingge a pair of cold eyes suddenly lifted up, looking at the direction of the blue home, beautiful face cold as ice, full of sharp feeling.

Each other's calculation, has forced her into a dead end, so that she can only fight!

At this time, the second-class countries and three countries standing nearby also realized that the battle was beyond their imagination. Several leaders of the team exchanged eyes, all tacit understanding of the teleportation symbol.

Once they get out of control, they leave immediately.

Although the token is important, it is not as important as one's own life.

Blue Fei Yue laughed wildly: "Mu light song, do you still want to run? You know what? In order to prevent you from running away and someone to save you, we have made great efforts to help you choose such a place to bury your bones! "

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