"Dragon teeth guard, return to the team!"

The sound of Mu light song reverberates in the broken space of the land of God.

In the battle, the Dragon tooth guards quickly gathered and appeared beside mu Qingge. And this move, by those smart old monsters as a dying struggle, also did not stop.

"My Lord!"

"Little Lord --"

The three hundred dragon teeth guards, with their own injuries, are still invincible.

The blood red sword on their heads did not disappear, but looked more realistic.


Thunder came from the sky, and the shadow of the last battlefield finally separated. A streamer of light fell to Mu Qingsong, and the light retreated, revealing Jiang Li's body.

At the moment, Jiang Li has already been unable to control the demon body and restore the human body.

Although she does not seem to be hurt, but mu Qingge can clearly feel the vanity of her breath.

I'm afraid that if the war goes on, Jiang Li will not escape the fate of Shen Bicheng!

"Are you all right?" Mu Qingge asked in a low voice.

Jiang Li pursed his lips and shook his head. In his golden eyes, he was very dignified.

She stood side by side with mu Qingge, and the python, which turned into a scale against her, guarded the two of them. Longya Wei gathered in front of them and stood against the rest of the strong people in the spiritual period, the strong people in the purple environment, and the four people of blue Fei Yue and Tai Shi Gao.

Those who do not reach the purple realm of the blue family have all died. Of course, only a few of the people of Li and Yu were lying on the ground dying.

This is a very tragic stop.

If we really want to compare, it seems that the three forces who want to admire Qingge's life have more serious casualties.

They died a smart old monster, but also lost more than half of the purple realm. Blue Fei moon is broken again, and Tai Shigao is also seriously injured.

What about moqingge? The silver dust is hard hit, Yuan Yuan is OK, Shen Bicheng is severely injured and captured, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei are also captured. Although Jiang Li is not seriously injured, he is estimated to be unable to fight against the strong in the period of agility.

"What are you going to do?" Jiang Li asks mu Qingge in a low voice.

Mu light song a brilliant smile, that smile let her beautiful facial features become seductive and moving. "Jiang Li, are you afraid of death?"

Jiang Li is stunned and turns her eyes to see her. It seems that she has understood her idea.

"I'm afraid. How can I be afraid? But I'm more afraid of being a coward Jiang Li smiles back. The smile was so pure and beautiful that there was no complaint at all.

This smile made mu Qingge swallow the words "do you blame me?".

"Mu Qingge, do you still want to struggle when you are dying? Ha ha ha ha, I tell you, today is the God of heaven, Buddha down to the earth, also can't change your destiny that you must die! Not only you, but everyone who helps you, will die because of you The vicious curse of blue moon.

"It's a pity that I didn't get a chance to tear that stinky mouth." Jiang Li looks at the blue moon and laughs sarcastically.

"Ha ha ha ha!" Mu Qingge looks up and laughs. Her laughter echoed over the land of God, with no mortal fear or fear.

Instead, it is a kind of generous momentum, the kind of ambition against heaven and earth.

"Tell me, are you afraid of death --!"

"We are not afraid to fight for the baron."

Neat roar, as if after thousands of times of training, neat and powerful.

This kind of breath, lets them condense with the willpower huge sword to send out the terror breath even more.

"Good!" Mu Qingge called out. She said with a smile: "today, we will fight side by side, even if we die, we will also travel to Jiuyou hell together!"

"Go to Jiuyou together, to hell with you!"

"Go to Jiuyou together, to hell with you!"

"Go to Jiuyou together, to hell with you!"

The Dragon teeth guard's neat echo, the momentum soars to the sky.

Even if standing in front of them is like a mountain hard to cross, they still firmly believe that their little Baron can take them, as always, to overcome everything.

Even death makes the enemy afraid!

We must not weaken the name of muqingge Longya Wei!

Mu Qingge holds the Linglong magic gun and slowly raises his head with his eyes closed. His closed eyes open, and the fierce light shoots out from his eyes. "Kill!"




The Dragon teeth guards roared from their souls, and without hesitation, they rushed to the strong men in the period of agility.

Jiang Li's blood in his heart is also inspired by mu Qingge. She did not say a word, but with the scale of the python, rushed to the other strong agility.

And moqingge?

The light in her eyes flashed, and those thin lights appeared outside her body and passed on to the Linglong gun.

Silver Linglong gun, gradually become dark blue.

Mu Qingge rushes to the ground directly and points the gun point at the blue family old monster."Muqingge, don't you worry about their lives?" See Mu light song toward their own direction, too high fear of the road.

Zhao Nanxing looked up to the sky and laughed, "since they are all about to die, how can Qingge be blackmailed by you?" With that, he yelled to Mu Qingge: "muqingge, you are the little Lord of Qin State and the absolute pride of our third class country. Don't be weak in front of these old dogs!"

"The young sir will win!" Feng Yu Fei also yelled.

"You two want to die!" Black wood backhand to Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei to attack.

Zhao Nanxing and Feng are in Fei's heart. They vomit blood and fall to the ground, dying.

Shen Bicheng looked at this scene, drank a lot, suddenly burst out of potential, from the ground up, toward the nearest blue Gang attack. It seems that he is going to kill LAN Gang today.

Mu light song move, another smart period old strange, immediately launched an attack. Mu Qingge throws out the bronze mirror in his hand. The attack falls on the bronze mirror and immediately reflects back, hitting the old monster who makes the move.

However, the bronze mirror is also broken into pieces.

In an instant, mu Qingge has fallen to the ground, and Linglong spear stabs at the old monster of the blue family.

The old monster of the blue family cleaved to Mu Qingge and said with a grim smile: "hum, your mirror has broken. I think you can resist any more."

Mu Qingge, however, seemed not to care at all, and continued to rush to him.

However, when she was about to arrive in front of the blue family old monster, she suddenly turned around and swept the gun tail, provoking Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei out of the battlefield.

However, in this way, she had no defense behind her back. She was hit by the old monster of the blue family and rushed forward.

"Would you rather take a blow from Laozi than save two useless wastes?" Blue old strange see Mu light song intention, can't help but wonder way.

Mu Qingge gets up from the ground and coughs up a mouthful of blood.

This is the difference between her and the animal Even if she wants to die, she can't let Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei die as captives.

Hearing the abuse in Mu Qingge's mouth, the blue old monster's eyes glared at him and said, "look for death!"

Mu Qingge's exquisite gun technique is used quickly, and countless electric currents interweave among them, and the attack is enhanced several times.

"Ah! what is it? How can there be the power of thunder and lightning! How can you have the power of thunder and lightning? " During the battle, the old blue monster was shocked.

However, mu Qingge will not help him.

Si Mo once told her not to use thunder power easily. After she grew up, her accomplishments increased, so that she did not need to use the thunder ability.

However, today, in the face of an unprecedented enemy, she must use this last card!

The old monster of the blue family was restrained by the thunder and lightning power of Mu Qingge, so he couldn't get it for a while. The old monster of the beast clan and the refining and casting tower couldn't see it, so they joined the battle. Three smart old monsters licked their faces to deal with a descendant at the peak of purple world!


In the fierce battle, mu Qingge suddenly heard a pathetic animal song.

Mu Qingge takes advantage of the gap to see the scale of Jiang Li's Python is broken, and the smart old monster's attack also forces Jiang Li himself.

If hit, Jiang Li will die!

In a hurry, mu Qingge pulls out the red pendant on his neck and throws it to the strong one in the smart period.



With a loud noise, there was a scream.

The old monster who attacked Jiang Li turned to ashes. The blood Pendant of muqingge also turns into a fuzzy and strong figure and disappears in the air.

Jiang Li is saved!

Mu light song a Zheng, she did not expect to use Si Mo's blood condensation out of the pendant, can actually kill a smart old monster.

Think of Si Mo, Mu light song heart across a loss.

In the end, she still did not wait for him to come back, and had no chance to make their relationship clear.

"What is that?" Blue old strange frightened way.

Loud noise, so that the trial space began to collapse.

The people of the three forces are pale.

They came to kill mu Qingge, not to accompany her to die. However, they are not willing to leave without killing mu Qingge.

In particular, under such heavy losses.

Before the war, none of them thought that such a line-up would be launched and it would be so difficult.

Is the life of muqingge so hard to take?

This is a hard bone to chew!

Mu light song suddenly to a move, let besieged her three smart period old strange, quickly retreat. It seemed to be afraid that she would throw something again and destroy them.

As soon as they retreated, Lou xuantie said, "the space is about to collapse. We have to leave." Although, did not personally see mu Qingge die, did not get the Linglong gun in Moqing singer, let him very unwilling.

"You want to go? I'm afraid you can't help it! " Mu Qingge stands in the air, throwing the Linglong gun into the air, standing on top of her head.Hands spread, countless electric current from her body, spread to the entire trial space.

At this moment, her eyes have turned into a blue color

In the distant time and space, an unknown continent is barren and lifeless.

On the ground, everywhere are ferocious looking monsters, black stinking blood infects the dry land.

Si Mo a white clothes, spotless, and such an environment is incompatible.

In front of him lay the body of a humanoid monster. The monster's eyes widened as if he were dying. And Si Mo, but look indifferent, holding a white silk handkerchief, carefully wipe his fingers.

The lonely cliff came to him and said respectfully, "master, the demon emperor is the master of this domain. Once we die, we can occupy this area. This area is rich in mineral veins, and for us, we can form a new army! "

"Well." Si Mo light should a, the white silk handkerchief of finger floats from his fingertip, cover on that demon emperor's face.

Lonely night also came to Si Mo at this time, looked at a corpse on the ground and said, "these things are just the derivatives of the last war, which should not have existed in the world. But I don't want to let them grow into this state without having time to manage them. If it had not been for the master himself, I'm afraid our people would have been killed and wounded in this battle. "

His voice dropped, this piece of barren land, a faint appearance of a fierce army.

"When it's over, it's time to go back." Si Mo light way.

Suddenly, a bloody red shadow broke the space, fell from the sky, and flew into the heart of Si Mo's eyebrows.

His body was stunned, and his eyes suddenly burst out a fierce incomparable light. "How dare they

Without an explanation, Si Mo disappeared in situ.

Lonely cliff and lonely night a Leng, also quickly chase.

When the three of them leave.

In the distance, a voice came from the army, "where's the king?"


In the trial space, moqingge seems to have turned into an electric person, wrapped by the blue lightning power. The power of thunder and lightning from her spread throughout the space.

By the force of lightning, the collapsed space becomes more unstable.

"What is this?"

Tai Shigao's frightened way.

"Let's go!" Lou xuantie said that he had crushed the transmission symbol in his hand.

However, after crushing the teleportation symbol, he still stood in place and did not leave at all.

Lou xuantie's face changed greatly. He lost his voice and said, "why is this?"

"It's the power of thunder and lightning that changes the space and makes our teleportation invalid."

However, he knew only one of them, not the other.

Mu Qingge is not only a thunder power, but also a space ability.

Although her space has been eaten by Meng Meng, she still has a keen sense of space. Therefore, when she uses the force of lightning to accelerate the collapse of space, she can use the space ability to slightly change the orientation of the space.

Teleportation, like coordinates.

As soon as the coordinates change, the teleporter will be invalid.

"Mine, too! What to do, I don't want to die here yet! " Blue Fei Yue looks at the hand is crushed transmission symbol, panic way.

People from the three sides have cracked their own teleportation symbols, but none of them helps.

At this moment, they finally understand the meaning of murongge's words. They want to leave, but they don't have to say it.

"Muqingge, if you don't stop, I'll kill them!" The old monsters of the blue family and the beasts clan rushed into the Dragon teeth guards and killed more than a dozen dragon teeth guards in an instant.

"Pledge to protect the young Lord!" The remaining dragon teeth guards, without hesitation, rushed to them.

This is not afraid of death playing, so that the smart period of the old monsters crazy.

"Ah! Looking for death --! "

Longya Wei died in front of Mu Qingge one by one. Her blue and indifferent eyes shed two drops of blood tears.

"Light song..." Jiang Li has no combat power, lying on the ground, looking up at mu Qingge in the air, with golden eyes, and heartache.

Comrades in arms, friends, one by one died in front of muqingge.

People from the three major forces want to stop mu Qingge from destroying space because they don't want to die.

But those who die for the sake of admiring light songs do not want to let themselves become a drag and die generously.

It was a battle of great strength, but it was extremely hard.

One by one, the dead body of muwei is dead.

Zhao Nanxing, meteorite!

Phoenix flying, falling!

Shen Bicheng, meteorite!

Jiang Li Meteor

When all the people are dead, only mu Qingge is left, the people of the three major forces also fall into the fear of death.

They attack muqingge most fiercely, but it is useless.Mu Qingge's body is burst by the force of thunder and lightning introduced from the thunder pool of space. The blood drops on the ground, which embellishes the ruins.

Mu Qingge's blood has permeated his own space.

Meng Meng sits in the space, and the silver dust and Yuan Yuan are in a coma.

The space that has been activated seems to be sleeping again.

The sky in the space has become blood color.

The blood of muqingge, which permeates into the space, flows to every place. The colorful egg lying quietly in the palace continuously absorbs the blood, and finally a crack breaks out on the eggshell, which has the trend of hatching

"Those who kill me, I will also drag you to hell!" Like thunder god's Mu light song, with a cold tone light said a word.

With the fall of her voice, the trial space around began to explode, countless vigorous wind involved, tearing the space, to tear the space into pieces.


People of the three forces, the way of fear.

When the trial space is broken, they will also be involved in the space gap.

Either, be crushed, or be banished forever in the dark.


The sky above the palace of the holy Yuan Empire, which was regarded as colorful auspicious clouds by the common people, suddenly collapsed, revealing a terrible and ferocious black whirlpool.

The whole day, all along with trembling, as if to be inhaled by the vortex.

People began to fear, began to panic, like the end of the day, so that the sky fell into chaos. Under the command of huangfuhuan, the general in charge of maintaining order in the city quickly pacified the people, but it was of no great use.

The sky of Tiandu suddenly fell, as if in a chaos.

Huangfuhuan quickly ordered, looked up at the sky, can not say what kind of mood he is at the moment.

In the Vientiane building, the sky suddenly falls, which makes Han Caicai, who is searching the files, into a dark place.

He was stunned. He raised his stiff neck and looked out of the window at the black whirlpool facing the palace. The file in his hand fell to the ground with a sound.

The blue family, the master of the blue family, was in a trance after he left Huangfu Haotian.

After the sudden fall of the sky, he looked up numbly and couldn't see what the expression was.

The old ancestor of the blue family called the servants and asked, "are they back?"

The servant replied cautiously, "never."

This answer, let the blue family ancestor slowly close his eyes, "go."

In the palace, Huangfu Haotian and the three family owners are already pale. They exhausted all their efforts, and in the end nothing was saved. The trial space is still broken and collapsed.

The people in there

"Are you going to die again?" With the power of thunder and lightning, muqingge felt that he was in a dark.

She can only vaguely feel those who died for her, with the last strength to pull their bodies to their side, even if, therefore, the hidden vigorous wind crushed her arm, her leg.

When the last body is pulled to his side, mu Qingge seems to have completed the most important thing, and his consciousness is completely dispersed

"Little song!" A voice came out of the sky after the consciousness of muqingge dissipated.

Si Mo wears a broad white robe, tall and tall figure appears in the dark.

At a glance, he saw the moqingge in the center of the corpse heap.

She was covered with blood, and her left ear stud had broken and recovered her daughter's body. She lay there quietly, her beautiful facial features calm and calm, her mouth raised a faint smile.

"No This scene, let Si Mo send out the roar of pain.

He immediately came to Mu Qingge and held her in his arms. He protected her carefully. However, he could no longer feel the anger from the villain. Some of them were just lifeless.

Lonely cliff and lonely night immediately arrived, saw this scene, also immediately was shocked.

They are only away for a while. How could this happen?

At the moment, the master son -

the lonely cliff and the lonely night can't help holding their breath. They have already felt the despair and anger from Si mo.

"Xiaoge'er, I won't let you die!" Si Mo suddenly makes a voice in silence.

His words, let alone cliff and lonely night listen to be frightened.

Seems to expect how he will do, two people at the same time, kneeling in front of Si Mo on one knee.

Quite strange: "Lord, you are so weird. At the moment, it seems to be dead, but there may be a turning point. Please don't be impulsive

Lonely night also followed: "the master shoulders the great cause of our rejuvenation, please think twice!"

"Solitary cliff." Si Mo cold way.

The solitary cliff lowered his head.

Si Mo's voice was cold as a knife: "do you want to let me use fluke to exchange for xiaoge'er? No, I want to be sure. I don't dare to bet. "Then, he said to the lonely night, "she and I are more important than everything."

For the first time, he felt afraid.

Afraid that moqingge will really leave, let him return to a lonely person.

"Reverse, turn!" Two words with supreme power, just like forbidden incantation, spread from Simao's mouth.

As his voice sounded in the dark, a force that did not belong to this world suddenly fell on the whole Linchuan land, even the middle ancient world, and even higher plane

Si Mo Po SE's eyes turn into a piece of pitch black, no eye, white distinction.

The breath that spread from him gradually dyed his white robe black, and continued to spread, turning everything into black. The black, overflowing from the black whirlpool in the sky, spread to the whole palace, the whole Tiandu, and even the whole Linchuan.

"Reverse the forbidden spell Is he willing to do this for you when he comes back? " Han Caicai stood in the Vientiane building. When he was enveloped in darkness, he felt the ability to reverse and play a role in him.

"My God! Is the sky falling? "

"This is God's anger! This is God's anger! What have we done to offend the gods and make us suffer so much! "

"Is today the end of the day?"

In the streets and alleys of Tiandu, those people hiding in their homes were once again shrouded in darkness, which made them cry out in despair.

In the palace, the terror in the dark makes Huangfu Haotian and others sit on the ground.

"It's his majesty. His Majesty must be back! He's angry and wants to kill everyone Huangfu Haotian looks pale.

Under this force, all the old monsters in Tiandu all came out of the closed gate and fell down on their knees in despair.

Except for a few people who know it, no one knows what happened.

What is the reason that Tiandu, the largest city in Linchuan, will suffer such destruction.

This strong black, with endless phagocytosis, with the power of darkness, with a kind of extreme sadness, infects the whole Linchuan land, rivers, mountains, sky, and even everyone

The state of Qin, Luodu.

The sudden fall of the sky engulfs everything and chaos.

Qin Jinchen stood outside the hall with all the officials. Everyone's expression was extremely frightened and nervous. All the people outside the imperial city fell to their knees and begged for forgiveness.

Although, they did not know how to offend God.

Coagulating those black, Qin Jinchen suddenly grasped the lapel of the heart, startled the ancient teacher around him and called out in a low voice: "your majesty!"

Qin Jinchen tightly pursed the lip, slightly light quiver, slowly way: "I don't know why, I suddenly feel good pain in the heart."

"Your Majesty, take care of the dragon!" The ancient master told me.

Lodu, Mufu.

Darkness enveloped the house of mu.

Compared with the chaos outside, Mufu is much more orderly. The servants just follow the housekeeper's orders to light a lamp in the mansion to disperse some darkness, and then they return to their rooms in order to wait.

They don't know what to wait for.

But it's better than being scared.

Mu Xiong sat alone on the rocking chair in the courtyard, looking up at the dark sky. The heavy feeling made him almost breathless.

A kind of inexplicable sadness lingered in his heart, how could it be lingering, so that he completely lost interest in everything.

Yuguo, yaota Branch hospital.

Trapped in the dark medicine Tower Branch Hospital, some Dan masters are immersed in the alchemy room, do not know the changes in the outside world.

Shang zisu and Mei Zizhong stood side by side under the eaves of the house. The sky was black and their eyebrows were dignified.

"Elder martial brother, why do I always feel that something bad is happening?" Shang zisu's way to Mei Zizhong in a soft voice.

Mei Zizhong tightly pursed his lips, some worried in his eyes, "I don't know how the situation of Qingsong's party to Tiandu is, whether everything is smooth or not."

Shang zisu pursed her lips and pinched the cuffs with her hand hidden in her sleeve.

Second class country, the border of Yu state.

A man and a woman were blocked by the suddenly darkened world. They stopped on the mountain road and looked up at the sky in doubt.

Suddenly, the man looked at the woman's cheek and said in panic, "Lianrong, how did you cry?"

Mu Lianrong was stunned. Subconsciously, she raised her hand to touch her cheek and asked, "did I cry?" Her fingertips stained with tears on her face, that kind of moist feeling, let her confirm her husband's words.

"Xueqiao, I don't know why, but suddenly I feel sad." Mu Lianrong wiped off the tears on her cheek and raised her eyes to him.

The appearance of Mu Lianrong made Xue Qiao feel distressed.

He put his arm around Mu Lianrong's shoulder, held him in his arms, pressed his chin against her hair, and said gently, "don't be afraid, everything has me. It is estimated that the day suddenly changed, just let you a little sad. I've heard that pregnant women can become sentimental, and that's what you think. "Mention this stubble, Mu Lianrong some sad facial expression, just some ease, show a trace of tenderness.

She believed her husband's explanation and looked at her flat stomach with a sweet and expectant smile.

Sergio took her hand, clasped it with his own, and laid it lightly on her abdomen. There, is pregnant with a small life, which belongs to the Mu family, but also belongs to the Xue family, representing the crystallization of their love.

On the rugged and steep mountain road in the border mountains between di and Yu, hundreds of people have joined the surrounding scenery. They are like hunting wolves, quietly crawling, breathing very low.

Even if someone passes by, they won't find them.

"Mo team, here we are." In the darkness of the front, when some green light suddenly appears, a dragon tooth guard beside Moyang whispers.

Mo Yang was stunned and calmed down.

He was distracted at that moment? This has never happened.

Just now, he felt impetuous, that kind of inexplicable feeling, let him appear a moment of trance.

He closed his eyes and readjusted his mood. When you open your eyes again, your eyes have returned to their former immersion. When the prey entered the ambush circle, he ordered: "kill!"

Two hundred dragon teeth guards, in an instant, came out to fight with the unicorn wolf.

Almost in an instant, the fierce, swift and violent one horned wolves in this area were annihilated and sprawled in the dark grass.

Dragon tooth guards are trained to clean up the battlefield, dig out the core and clean up the remains.

After everything was over, they gathered around Moyang.

"Mo team, where are we going next?" One of the Long Wei's team leaders asked.

Mo Yang is silent for a while, just frown way: "go to the day all!"


Longya guards were surprised. They all knew who was in Tiandu.

It is their greatest glory to be able to fight with Sir Alex.

This decision excited the two hundred dragon dental guards.

The sudden change of the sky didn't affect the mood of the Longya guards. They only cared about their little Baron, and everything else had nothing to do with them.

San Yuan Empire, medicine tower general hospital.

Among the alchemists, the original strong smell of medicine wafted out of the furnace. Suddenly, a black smoke came out from the top of the furnace, and the smell of medicine was replaced by the smell of burning.


Zhu Ling frowned and sighed in her heart.

The little medicine boy beside her also said with chagrin: "how did you fail? This time it will be done

Her words made Zhu Ling's lips slightly pursed.

Xiaoyaotong cleaned up the stove and was ready to get new herbs for refining again.

"Boy, that's all for today." Zhu Ling stopped her movement.

The little medicine boy looked at Zhu Ling in doubt and said, "what's wrong with elder martial sister Zhu? Isn't it that you must refine the bitter Xuan pill today? "

Zhu Ling slowly shook his head, "I always feel restless, such a state of state is not good for Dan. I'll wait until I'm quiet. " Come on, she went to the door and opened the closed stone door.

However, the dark eye, but let a Leng, the whole person stayed in place.

The little medicine boy who followed her said in panic: "what happened? Why are they all black? "


The endless black, wrapped up the entire Linchuan boundary, penetrated everything.

In the broken space, the lonely cliff and the lonely night kneel on one knee, the cold facial features are full of dignified and worried.

At the moment, the Si Mo, seems to have been merged with the dark, he holding Mu light song, coagulating her, slowly way: "little song son, wait for me!"

With his voice down, all around suddenly broke into the colorful beam, will absorb everything.

Time It's going back

Large and small interface, because of Simao reversal command, time reversal, obliterate everything that happened before.

Once happened, as if by an invisible invisible hand, forcefully erase, pull everything back!

The broken trial space is back before the collapse. Mu Qingge has not yet aroused the power of thunder and lightning to accelerate the collapse of the space. Three hundred dragon teeth guards are not dead, Jiang Li is not dead, Shen Bicheng is not dead, Zhao Nanxing is not dead, and fengyufei is not

When those dead elites of Li and Yu were about to be reborn, Simao in the void space suddenly took a breath of blood.



Lonely cliff and lonely night cried nervously.

And Si Mo still closed his eyes, but his figure has become very light. Lonely cliff and lonely night are the same, after an instant, three people disappear.

The reversal force disappears, and the time of all planes reverses to an hour ago.

Han Caicai blinked. He was still standing in the forbidden area of the imperial palace.

In the sky, the key just fell into pieces."Go, follow me to leave the palace!" Han Caicai grabs Huangfu Huan's collar and yells at him.

But Huangfu Huan said with a bitter smile, "what's the use of going without your majesty?"

After that, he returned to Vientiane building to find other ways to open space.

At this time, the sky of Tiandu was still clear, and the people gathered together to discuss the "colorful auspicious clouds" above the palace.

In that unknown interface, a brutal battle is unfolding.

It seems that the army of human beings is entangled with countless powerful monsters and reaps their lives!

In the distance, their king is fighting with a huge, terrifying looking monster. The monster made a manic cry, but still could not get close to the attack on the city in white.

All of a sudden, the Si Mo body in the battle is stunned, the eye light of Perot color flickers a few times suddenly. When his eyes again on that demon emperor strange pupil, has been full of fierce color.

The demon emperor's sharp claws had reached in front of him, and he could have easily avoided it.

However, he did not do so, but moved forward.

His abnormal behavior made the demon emperor stunned for a moment. Also scared away from his nearest lonely cliff and lonely night two people.

They don't know what's going on. They're going to put the master at risk.


The attack of demon emperor falls on Si mo. Si Mo a mouthful of blood from the lip overflow. However, he also broke the neck of the demon emperor at the same time, took out its heart with bare hands, and instantly pinched and exploded.

The huge body of the demon emperor fell from the dark sky.

Once it died, the strength of those monsters was greatly reduced, allowing the army to slaughter!

Si Mo lands from the air, the lonely cliff and the lonely night appear in front of him instantly, tense way: "master son!"

The red bloodstain still remained in the corner of Simao's mouth, even the lapel was also dropped a few points.

The master is injured!

The discovery of this fact made the lonely cliff and the lonely night burst into horror.

How many years?

Have not remember thousands of years, or tens of thousands of years, master and son are no longer injured. Never, only he hurt people, no one hurt him again.

And now, the master is hurt?

If it is sent back, I am afraid that how many people want them both to die.

Si Mo raised his finger and wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth with his thumb. With a trace of urgency in the expression of the way: "here you take care of the aftermath."

After that, it disappeared in place.

Lonely cliff and lonely night in Si Mo left, suddenly feel the same pain in the head.

Some images came to their mind.

A sense of shock, a look at each other.

The force of reversion did not happen to Simao. The lonely night and the lonely cliff also remember what happened in the time when Simao was forced to erase it.

Remember, they knew that the reason why the master was injured was to end the battle ahead of time.

He's going back to save the man!

"It seems that we are really going to have a hostess." Lonely night sighed to the lonely cliff.

Gu Ya was not surprised at all. He just worried: "the master used the forbidden mantra, and his accomplishments have been erased for thousands of years. I was attacked by the demon Emperor just now. I'm afraid... "

Lonely night serious way: "this matter must not spread out, otherwise..."

Both eyes are full of dignified.


In the dilapidated trial space, the war is suspended.

Mu Qingge and Jiang Li stand side by side, and the snake scale Python stands behind them. The three hundred dragon teeth guards stood in front of them, confronting the people of the three forces.

Shen Bicheng, Zhao Nanxing and Feng Yufei were captured.

"Muqingge, if you don't want them all to die in front of you, you'd better kill yourself?" Tai Shigao's wild proposal.

Mu Qingge holds the Linglong magic gun and slowly raises his head with his eyes closed. His closed eyes open, and the fierce light shoots out from his eyes. "Kill!"




The Dragon teeth guards roared from their souls, and without hesitation, they rushed to the strong men in the period of agility.

Jiang Li also takes a snake scale Python to rush to a smart old monster.

In the space of moqingge, it seems that the space has been fixed, and it starts to wake up slowly. The space soaked with her blood suddenly rained with blood.

The blood dripped down, and the sky and earth returned to their original color.

And those blood rain gathered a line, quietly into the palace on a colorful egg.

The blood is continuously absorbed by the colorful eggs, and the cracks on the eggshell make a "click" sound, and there are more cracks.


A weak whimper came out from the gap.

Meng Meng, who kneels down on the grass in space, is free from being fixed. What happened with a big blinkThen, she suddenly opened her eyes and exclaimed, "someone has used the reverse curse!" Then, she turned her eyes and said with a smile, "so, cute baby doesn't need to change the main silver!"



In the fierce battle, mu Qingge suddenly heard a pathetic animal song.

Mu Qingge takes advantage of the gap to see the scale of Jiang Li's Python is broken, and the smart old monster's attack also forces Jiang Li himself.

If hit, Jiang Li will die!

In a hurry, mu Qingge pulls out the red pendant on his neck and throws it to the strong one in the smart period.



With a loud noise, there was a scream.

The old monster who attacked Jiang Li turned to ashes. The blood Pendant of muqingge also turns into a fuzzy and strong figure and disappears in the air.

Jiang Li is saved, and mu Qingge is relieved.

She did not expect that the original Si Mo left a drop of blood, will have such a great power.

All of a sudden, she regretted that she didn't get a few more drops of blood. She was afraid of these shameless old dogs?

Before, the thought of the attack has not dissipated.

She reluctantly resisted, but there was a clear sound in her ear. It seems that the purple earrings are cracked.

At this time, a terrible voice suddenly fell from the sky --

"you want to die!"

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