"Don't be too happy too soon. This overpowering drug has only one stick of incense at most for robinets." Before they could get excited and escape from the babbler's mouth, muqingge said another word to kill people.

The crowd froze and stared at her.

Mu light song touched the tip of his nose, shrugged: "this is the strongest effect." If the babbler is so easy to deal with, can it live so long?

"In that case, let's go." He suggested.

The time of a stick of incense can't go far, but it's better than staying here and waiting for death.

But --

"Princess Yaya, our flying spirit beast has crashed." One of the adherents stood up to remind him.

She frowned slightly.

This is really a thorny problem. Without flying animals, they can't go far. And her little green is also very weak now, can't bear the weight to fly at all.

Unconsciously, she turned her attention to Mu Qingge.

"Since you have a way to get rid of the birds, you must have a way out." The path of the chiya.

Mu light song hook lip a smile, "escape method has no, but there is a risk may be worth a try." Her words, so that people do not understand the frown.

Mu Qingge was not busy with his work, but said to him: "of course, you don't have to stay here to take risks with us. You can leave now. Maybe there is still a chance of life. "

"It's easy to say, how can we leave now?" There was a murmur over there.

She turned her eyes and gave a warning with her eyes.

Then he looked back at Xiangmu Qingge, pursed his lips and said, "to tell you the truth, now we have lost the flying beast and can't leave. This sea area is so vast that there is no island to settle down temporarily. I'm afraid it won't go far if you fly with your spiritual power. Even if you escape the pursuit of the Robin babbler, you will run out of your spiritual power and fall into the sea. "

Suddenly, it seems that there is a difference between the two

She was stunned and didn't understand the meaning of her words.

However, Bai Xuan understood.

Mu Qingge refers to the fact that although the adherents also live in this sea area, they have not evolved to walk or even fight freely in the water like the sea demon clan.

"Well, in that case, let's make a bet together." Mu Qingge grinned and played with black charcoal in his hand.

"What is this? Black charcoal? " White line of sight falls on the black charcoal in the Mu light singer, the doubt asks.

She Ya looked at the same question in her eyes.

Mu Qingge did not explain to them, but took the black charcoal step by step, close to the Robin.

The Robin Plover sleeps heavily and breathes well. Close to, but also can smell the faint sweet smell, give a feeling of drowsiness. If Mu Qingge had not taken the antidote in advance and had abnormal constitution, I'm afraid he would have gone to sleep before he came to the Robin.

"White." Mu Qingge came to the bird and suddenly stopped to shout.

Bai Lin was stunned and immediately appeared in front of her.

Mu Qingge stares at the Robin and asks, "where is the key of this guy? I'm going to die with one shot! " She said, turning eyes to see white, eyes light slightly cold.

Bai Xuan looked at her in shock and lost her voice: "you are crazy! Without Xingsha xuanwujin, we can't break its defense at all. If rashly, I'm afraid it will also stimulate it to wake up immediately, and then it will be in great trouble. "

Mu Qingge was not satisfied with the way: "maybe we have it?"

Bai Lin's expression is stagnant, the sight falls on the black charcoal in her hand, the corner of the mouth gently pulls, "you won't tell me, this section of black charcoal is the star sand Xuan black gold?"

Mu light song eyebrow tip light pick, no comment.

Bai Yan slowly shook his head and said, "although the appearance of this thing is really similar to that of Xingsha Xuanwu gold, you should know that Xingsha Xuanwu gold is very rare, let alone such a long section? I advise you not to take risks! "

"You just tell me what it's all about." Mu Qingge said a line of sight again fell on the huge body of the Robin.

"Do you really want to?" White eye light in the faint some complex, again to Mu light song determined.

Mu Qingge nodded.

"You know, I wake up because of your blood. Once you're dead, I'll be free to end this bond. If you don't want to die, I can take you away. Even if the Robin wakes up, it may not catch up with you. And we can hide in your space and wait for three months, and then we'll come out after the birds sleep again. You really don't have to take risks. "

Mu Qingge raised her eyes and looked at her with a trace of indifference in her clear eyes. "Bai Bo, have I told you that I will not abandon anyone?" There was more anger in her voice.

"You said it!" "However, you have excellent talent and great luck, and you are destined to be a great character. Are you willing to take such a risk for others? Even if you're going to lose your life here? "

Mu Qingge looks at her and laughs silently. After laughing, she said in a firm voice, "if I can abandon those who follow me before danger, how can I become a strong man?"Bai's body vibrated slightly, and his heart seemed to be hit hard by something.

"Tell me, it's deadly." Mu light song deep voice.

The white bunting's eyes were very complicated, and finally he gave in to the Robin's flat head: "its core is hidden in the brain. As long as you can dig it out, it will die."

Mu Qingge looks at the head of a robin

The head of a robin is a foot long. Where is the core?

"Between its eyes." Bai Bi pursed his lips and added.

Mu Qingge looked at her, read the worried color in her eyes, and said with a smile: "don't worry, have confidence in me."

Then she went to the head of the bird and stood between its eyes.

Mu Qingge's eyes lock the position of the Robin's eyebrows, holding the black charcoal in both hands.

"If you really kill it and get its core, as long as you absorb the energy, it's also very good for you." White suddenly said.

Is it good?

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, and a light flashed through his eyes.

Suddenly, she poured spiritual power into the black charcoal, and her hands fell down.

Pooh Hoo!

Blood spatter!

Through the sound of stabbing, let the nearest white suddenly open his eyes, shocked to see Xiangmu light song. No, to be exact, it was shocked to see the black charcoal in xiangmuqing singer.

"Is it really Xingsha xuanwujin?" Bai was shocked.

At the same time, in the back, the adherent's people were also surprised: "he's going to kill the robin!"


The sharp pain wakes the Robin from its shallow sleep.

As soon as it wakes up, the momentum around it suddenly increases. The pressure, like a huge mountain, shocked the people on the island can not stand, can only kneel on the ground, spit blood.

And the first to bear the brunt is muqingge.

She was the closest to the babbler, and when the bird woke up, the roar almost deafened her ears.

The babbler looked at her, eyes stained with blood. But it does not damage the breath of its killing, as well as the hatred of muqingge.

Mu Qingge bit his teeth and held the black charcoal tightly. He pulled hard to enlarge the wound.

This time, the pain makes the Robin warbler roar again, rises from the ground, and also brings the moqingge into the air.

"Light song!" The white bunting wanted to save mu Qingge, but it was overthrown by the strength of the robinet and flew several feet upside down.

"Little Lord --"

"Light song!"

On the ground, people's exclamations came.

Even guaya couldn't help worrying about muqingge.

Mu Qingge is very small in front of the birds. Small body, was suspended in the air, relying on her hands to hold the black charcoal support, she did not fall.

The blackbird shook her head violently, trying to drop her.

However, mu Qingge is as if it is stuck on it, and it can't be thrown away.

The angry Robin bunting tossed his long tail like a steel whip and whipped it hard on mu Qingge's back.

Just once, mu Qingge's back clothes were torn, revealing a piece of back skin. However, the skin is not as delicate and smooth as the imagination, but flesh and blood.

This blow, let Mu light song send out a dull hum.

And the people on the ground turned pale and hung their hearts.

Naturally, what the adherents are most worried about is not the safety of Mu Qingge, but about her failure to kill the Robin. Then all the people here will be buried with them.

The pain on my back is burning.

Mu Qingge looks colder, and holds it more tightly instead of letting go.

This made the birds angry.

Its tail whipped on mu Qingge, trying to force her to let go. Mu Qingge is holding the black charcoal, biting his teeth, trying to send his body up.

When her hand touched the wound in the center of the Robin's eyebrows, she did not hesitate to insert her hand into it, grabbed the animal's core inside and pulled it out violently!


The fear of death, the anger of being attacked, and the pain of leaving the animal's core, make the Robin flutter in the air with the light song.

Its slender tail, wrapped around the body of muqingge, with force.

It seems that it wants to cut mu Qingge into several pieces!

The suffocation in her body makes mu Qingge's face purple. She clenches her teeth and uses her last strength to break the final connection between the animal's core and the Robin.


A cry of despair came from the babbler's mouth, with reluctance and anger.

On the broken Island, the pressure on the people suddenly reduced, making them regain the ability to act.

"Light Song --!"

"Light Song --!"


"Little Lord --"

Almost in the moment of resuming the action, people related to muqingge rushed out.White and silver dust, as well as Yuan Yuan Yuan all jump into the air, to Mu light song rushed!

"He really killed the blackbird!" She Ya looked at the body of the bird that fell from the sky. Her eyes were full of disbelief.

The corpse of the Robin babbler is smashing to the sea.

When it fell into the sea in the moment, the queen of the bereaved family arrived on a Luan bird. At the same time, a thin red figure also fell with the bird.

But different people rushed to catch the red figure.

What happened!

Surprise flashed in the eyes of the queen.

But soon, she found her daughter's figure on the island, which was destroyed by the Robin.

"Chiya!" She snored softly, riding a Luan bird to the island.

"Light song!" Bai Lin grabs mu Qingge's body.

"Cough." Mu Qingge coughs up a mouthful of blood, his body has been soaked in blood, and his back is even more bloody. In her hand, she also held the black charcoal and the core of the Robin.

White with Mu light song, rapid landing.

At the same time, she also noticed the phoenix flying in the distance.

She looked at Yinchen, who nodded silently and looked at the comer warily.

"How are you, boss! Wuwuwu... " Yuan yuan a small face, cry miserably, looking at Mu light song embarrassed appearance, very aggrieved.

Mu Qingge pulled out a smile and said to them, "I'm ok, just need a rest."

She could feel that the wound was slowly mending at the moment.

However, the Robin babbler is really cruel enough to almost strangle her internal organs and break her bones.

"I'll take you back to the cave and rest." Bai said a word, and then went to the other direction with Mu light song.

The queen of the bereaved family noticed this, but only looked at it and focused on her daughter.

"Chiya!" About to arrive at the island, the queen of the bereaved family called out excitedly.

She ya, standing on the island, was surprised to see his mother's appearance, and immediately met him. "Mother!"

"Shiya, are you ok?" The queen of the adherent family took the hand of Fuya and looked up and down nervously.

She shook her head. "Mother, I'm ok." Her tone had regained her composure, and seemed to be the elegant and pure Princess of her family.


The soldiers of the bereaved family, seeing their queen, immediately came to salute.

The queen of the bereaved family glanced at them and said, "you have worked hard."

Then, she looked at the Dragon teeth guards standing on the other side with a cold look.

Five hundred purple realm, let her eyes in a tiny contraction.

It seems that she wants to find the answer from her.

"Mother, they are..." He will go through the simple way.

"I see." After hearing this, the queen finally understood the story. "It seems that the man who came to see the fall should be the master of these people."

In the face of the babbler, the master comes forward to protect his subordinates behind him. Such a human, is really rare to see!

With a smile, the queen said to him, "since you have received the favor, we must be grateful."

She said to the queen, "mother, I promised that if I could escape this robbery, I would ask my father as a guarantee to let them go through the sea."

The queen patted her on the back of her hand and said, "I'll talk about it later."

Why talk about it later?

She frowned slightly and didn't seem to understand her mother's perfunctory tone.

The queen went to Longya Wei, looked around, and her sight fell on Moyang.

Suddenly, two lights fell from the sky, silver dust and Yuan Yuan appeared around Moyang.

They two people's appearance, let Queen's eye light slightly Lin for a while.

Suddenly, she smiles, "don't get me wrong. Your master has saved my daughter and the hundred warriors of the bereaved family. I am here to express my gratitude

"Our master is not here. What does the queen have to say later?" Mo Yang answered coldly.

In fact, he was cold to anyone except for a little convergence in front of muqingge.

His reply made the queen smile slightly stiff in the corner of her mouth.

At this time, she Ya came over and took her mother away.

After walking far away, she asked, "what do you want to do, mother?"

The queen of the bereaved family looked at her daughter and said to her, "these people have the ability to kill the Robin. Their strength is not to be underestimated, and the origin is not simple."

He also understood this.

But what she didn't understand was what it had to do with their descendants?

To the adherents, these people are just passers-by.

They are just passing by here. Maybe they don't even have the chance to see each other again. Why trace their background?Muqingge has not been away for a long time.

She just changed into a clean dress, and then took a pill to help her recover. She returned to the shore with her white hair.

The robinish's core is temporarily left in the space by her.

Although Bai said that after absorbing it, there will be great benefits, but it is not now.

Bai Bi said that before it seemed that there were adherents who arrived, and riding Luan birds, they should have a long history. Her dragon teeth guards are still left on the shore, and she has to rush to see them.

"I didn't expect that you killed the Robin." On the way, Bai Xuan still can't believe this fact.

Mu Qingge is not satisfied with the smile, "no life is eternal, they all have weaknesses, as long as we grasp the weaknesses, it is not difficult to kill them."

"It's easy for you to say at the moment. Do you know that we were all sweating for you at that time?" Bai Bi complained.

If it wasn't for the special constitution of muqingge, how could it stand the destruction of robins and babblers?

Although mu Qingge seems to be ok now, in fact, she just looks good on the surface. If you start again, you can't even lift your spiritual power.

"It's all over." Mu light Song mouth raised a faint smile, smile is full of relief.

Every seemingly fatal situation, after breaking through, looking back, will feel nothing.


On the shore, although the queen of the adherents was stopped by guaya, she was still thinking about the origin of these people.

From their direction, they should come from Linchuan.

In Linchuan, what is the background of the people who can take 500 purple guards to rush into the bitter sea together? Besides, it seems that the other two are not simple either.

Silver hair and blood eyes, not ordinary people can have.

There is also a small doll carved with powder and jade, which is awe inspiring in front of her, and is definitely not an ordinary child.

"Mother, they are not human beings." She said in the Queen's ear.

This point, did not let the queen doubt, her heart had been so conjectured.

"The man, should be the king of snow fox, that child, seems to be the fire." He said another sentence.

"Snow fox king! Strange fire This time, the queen of the bereaved family was shocked.

She added, "there are nine Jue swallow day python."


The queen took a cold breath and looked at him. She asked in a low voice, "are you sure it's nine Jue tuntian Python?"

She nodded seriously.

"Nine Jue swallow day python, snow fox king, strange fire, and these are not weaker than our warrior. What is the origin of this man The queen whispered to herself and narrowed her eyes slowly.

"My Lord!"

The sudden voice interrupted the Queen's thought.

She raised her eyes and saw the dazzling red dress.

Yes, the one she saw when she came.

Mu light song side, followed by white, when the Queen's line of sight to see, she also cold hum a look back in the past.

The eyes, with a strong hostility, let the Queen's eyes cold.

To approach, she will look back on the Mu light song body.

When seeing her appearance, her eyes suddenly shrunk, as if by Mu light song to amaze.

However, the next second, she felt the blood in her body suddenly hit, a feeling similar to the feeling produced when she first saw muqingge, rising from the bottom of her heart.

In front of Mu Qingge, she even raised a kind of impulse to kneel down and submit!

This kind of feeling may not know what it means. However, the queen of the adherents is not only the queen of the whole ethnic group, but also the Southern General guarding the southern waters.

She knows clearly what this unprecedented feeling comes from!

"What's your surname, sir?" The queen suddenly opened her mouth to Mu Qingge.

In her voice, there was excitement and other emotions.

Mu light song a Leng, eyebrow tip faintly stir up.

She looked at the queen of the bereaved family and saw the excitement she tried to hide, but she did not understand.

"My name is mu." There's nothing to hide about surnames. It's impossible. These adherents were once enemies of the Mu family. Now when the enemies meet, they should take revenge!

As far as she knows, no one has left since she moved from Mujia to Linchuan.

How can we possibly have a feud with the adherents?

"Mu! It's really Mu! " The queen of the bereaved family showed a happy and complicated look.

Mu Qingge is confused. She doesn't understand that Mao's surname will make the queen of her family react like this.

"Mu!" She was also puzzled. All of a sudden, she suddenly reacted and opened her eyes to her mother. "Mother, is it..."

The queen took her hand and interrupted.

She pursed her lips tightly and looked at Xiangmu Qingge in shock, and her expression suddenly became complicated.The queen took a step forward and said to Mu Qingge, "since you want to cross the sea, you'd better go to dule island with us first. After such a great war, Mr. Mu killed the birds again. In addition to one harm for us, we should give thanks to our descendants. Mr. mu can take your people with you, cultivate in our all Le island for a period of time, and then continue to go. "

Mu Qingge looks at her suspiciously, as if thinking about the true meaning of her words.

She nodded slowly. "That's good." If you want to cross the sea, you have to pass through the descendants. Now that the other party has invited me, what's the matter?

Both sides reached an agreement, mu Qingge released the ship, and a group of people boarded the ship. Even the queen of the deceased family gave up the Luan bird and went on the boat with them.

After getting on the boat, Bai Xuan quietly said to Mu Qingsong, "have you found that after you say your surname, the Queen's voice has a trace of respect."

This point, Mu light song also felt, so will be confused. "Perhaps it was the ancestors of the Mujia family who owed them a favor?" This reason is far fetched, but it seems to be the one that can be explained at present.

"Anyway, I think they are strange. You should be careful. Don't be obsessed with beauty Bai Xuan finished, but also looked at the Yao Ya vaguely.

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, to white of helpless way: "if say beauty, I want to fan is also the first mini ah!" With that, she nudged his sharp chin.

"Good! I can't get it. " White eyes full of enchantment, soft as boneless Xiangmu light song to rely on.

Unfortunately, mu Qingge did not have a twinkle of pity, and avoided Bai's embrace.

White fluttered an empty, can only be coquettish stare Mu light song one eye.

The boat is very big. The adherents and the people who admire light songs are basically separated. Not because of sitting in a boat, and become harmonious.

But it is the queen of the adherent family. It seems that the exploration in the eyes is not hidden at all.

With the guidance of the adherents, mu Qingge's boat gradually approached dule Island, the main island of the adherents.

When they arrived at dule Island, the silence was amazing.

She looked at the queen.

Mu Qingge also looked at the queen.

The queen explained, "I left dule because the high priest reckoned that the babbler was awake. At present, they should not have heard of the death of the babbler. They are still in the underground palace

After the explanation, the queen told him, "go and ask your father and the high priest. I will take Mr. Mu to the palace and wait."

"Good." She Ya should a sound, and looked at Mu light song, just call out the green bird. At this time, the bluebird also recovered a lot and flew to dule island with the help of chiya.

After seeing off Xie Ya, the queen said to Mu Qingsong, "go with me, master mu. Your people will be arranged. "

Mu Qingge smiles and says to the queen, "I've got the beauty of the queen. But I have too many people. If I go to the island rashly, I'm afraid it will cause some unnecessary disputes. It's better to stay on the ship first. "

The queen gave a smile, but did not force it.

They just arranged for the adherents, who were responsible for greeting the Dragon tooth guards.

And mu Qingge followed the queen to get off the boat.

"Light song, I will accompany you." Bai Bi blocked their way.

Mu light song deeply looked at her, a smile, "you stay, I am at ease."

The words "I'm at ease" made Bai's body dazed.

She understood the meaning of muqingge and did not insist on it. Just warn her with your eyes. Be careful.

The interaction between the two, the Queen's eyes. She didn't say much, just looked at mu Qingge with a smile all the time.

Mu Qingge left and boarded dule island with the queen.

Dule island is very big. If it is not surrounded by the bitter sea, the people standing on it will think that they are standing on the mainland.

The people on the island, as the queen said, hid in the palace below, avoiding the birds and birds. So the whole island is very empty, not a bit popular.

In the middle of the island, there is a big palace.

It should be the king's residence in dule island!

"Mr. mu, please." The queen led the way in front of her and brought muqingge into the palace.

The architecture of dule island is not too luxurious, but it has a profound heritage. Those decorative patterns, or layout, have a long-standing flavor.

Mu Qingge stood in the temple and looked at it, and was curious about the origin of the adherents.

From the mouth of the sea demon Talisa, she knew that the adherents were not born and raised in the bitter sea, but moved here only thousands of years ago.

But why did they come to settle in the sea of misery? Where did they come from?

In the confusion of moqingge, the sound of footsteps came from behind her.

She turned and looked, and heard the queen standing beside her called out, "king of the clan."

There are three people coming.One of them, he was guaya.

And the other two people, a jade tree facing the wind, elegant atmosphere. The other was gray haired and thin. From the front and back of their walk, it is easy to tell who is the king.

When muqingge looks at them, they also look at muqingge.

At the first sight of muqingge, the eyes of the king and the high priest suddenly shrunk, showing a color of shock.

The king even raised his hand unconsciously and covered his heart.

It seems that the impact of his blood can be felt there.

Two people's reaction, let Mu light song slightly squint.

If it's just the queen, that's all. But as king of the family, and according to the Queen's command, the old man with white hair was the high priest of the family. Two status is not simple, why to see her after the same?

Is it difficult for mu Jia to be involved with the adherents?

Mu Qingge is thinking in my heart.

"This..." The king looked at his queen in shock.

The queen nodded her head, walked from mu Qingge to the king and the high priest, and said in a low voice, "the name of the son is mu."


This surname, which had been hidden in the heart for thousands of years, appeared again in front of them. The king and the high priest could not help but take a breath and widened their eyes.

She Ya stood behind the three of them, looking calm, just silently watching mu Qingge, with complicated eyes.

The king of the family looked at the high priest, who was shocked.

He nodded his head to the king of the clan, came to Mu Qingge and said, "dare to ask where the son of Mu came from?"

Mu light song pressed the heart doubt, replied, "Linchuan."

Linchuan! Linchuan!

The high priest's hand, which was hidden in his sleeve, trembled faintly. Then he asked, "is your ancestor from Linchuan?"

Mu light Song Silent down, her eyes clear looking at the high priest, in his expectation, light spit out a word, "yes."


In the eyes of the king and the queen, a little disappointment appeared, and she blinked. In his heart, there was a complex feeling of relief and disappointment.

"Yes?" The high priest frowned. He slowly shook his head and said to himself, "that feeling can't be wrong." With these words, his tone became more firm. To Mu light song way: "childe don't have to think much, we won't harm you."

His words sparked hope in the eyes of the king and queen.

Mu Qingge is more confused.

She asked, "mu, what does this family name mean to you?"

However, the high priest did not answer. Instead, he took out a small white bowl, which was as warm as jade and crystal clear. He did not know what material it was made of. He held his hands in front of muqingge and asked, "would you like to drop a drop of blood in it?"

"Blood dripping?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed slightly. What the hell are they doing?

"Don't worry, sir. It will never do you any harm!" The high priest seems to be afraid of murmurong's refusal, and hastens to say so. Seeing mu Qingge's indifference, he added, "I heard that the young master came to Kuhai to go to the middle ancient world. If you are willing to cooperate with us, I will ask the king of the clan to let you go."

This temptation, for moqingge, is still big.

If a drop of blood can be exchanged for passage, it is also quite cost-effective.

It's just, can the old man decide?

Mu Qingge looks up at the king of the clan.

The king of the clan was looked at by her, and immediately said, "don't worry. No matter what the result is, I will release it."

Mu light song eyes light light lift, line of sight from a few people swept one by one.

Finally, in their expectant eyes, they lifted their right hand behind them and put them on the small bowl. A little surprise flashed in the eyes of the high priest with the fingertip on her right index finger.

Mu Qingge used the sharp point of his fingertip to scratch on his thumb and make a small wound.

The red blood flowed from the wound and dripped into the small bowl.

Muqingge's blood dripped into the small bowl, and the high priest took it back with great care.

"Guaya, heal the young master quickly." The king of the clan gave orders to Xiya.

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, refuse a way, "do not need. It's not a wound. "

The high priest stared at the bowl in his hand, too nervous to miss a single detail.

Mu Qingge eyebrows light frown, really do not understand what they did for what?

"Melt! Melt Suddenly, the high priest was ecstatic. He held the bowl in front of the king and queen of the clan, and let them witness the changes in the bowl.

Mu Qingge is also curious and wants to know what happened to his blood, which makes them so surprised.

However, without waiting for her to look around, she felt two lines of sight falling on her.

She turned her eyes and looked at her bright and transparent eyes.

EH ~! What are you looking at her for?Mu Qingge doesn't understand the meaning of the expression in the eyes of Jian ya.

On the other side, when the king and queen saw the changes in the bowl, they were also very happy.

"Yes! It can't be wrong! " The king's voice was trembling.

The queen was also very moved, holding the king's hand, "we have finally arrived!"

"Hello..." Mu light song a face muddled force, can't help but way.

The high priest turned and looked at the light song.

His thin facial features became a little twisted and ferocious because of excitement, but he was scared by mu Qingge.

"Young master, look..." The high priest, with a smile and a small bowl, came up to Mu Qingge.

Look? What are you look at? It's her blood.

Mu light song heart stomach Fei, but still curiously looking down.

Suddenly, her eyes shrank and said, "shit! What about her blood? " In the small bowl, it is clean and there is no blood at all.

Mu Qingge raised his head, his face was cold, staring at the high priest, and the cold light appeared in his eyes.

"Don't be angry! Listen to me The high priest was busy.

"What's going on?" Mu Qingge frowned and asked in a deep voice.

The more contact this adherent had, the more strange and inexplicable she felt. If she could, she would really like to say, "a group of snake diseases!"

The high priest took a deep breath and calmed down.

Just handed the small bowl to Mu Qingge again, and said to her, "this is a bowl made of bone. Only blood with the same blood can be integrated into it."

Mu Qingge's eyes shrink.

She understood the high priest. That is to say, the person whose bone is made into a bowl has a blood relationship with her?

Suddenly, her face sank, "did your adherents kill my ancestor of Mu family?" Otherwise, how to explain the bone bowl in their hands? It can't be made of their own bones, is it?

"No! Absolutely not! We dare not! " The way of the high priest's terror.

At this time, the king stood up and suddenly knelt down in front of muqingge.

Mu light song eyes a stare, naturally avoided his this kneeling.

The king looked at Xiangmu's light song and said with sadness in his voice, "young master, we are waiting here for thousands of years, and finally we are waiting for you!"

What the hell!

Muqingge seems to have been shocked by ten thousand points. With a calm face, her eyes moved slowly from the king to the high priest, then from the high priest to the queen. Finally, she swept away from Fuya and fell back to the king.

"You I'm not sick Qingqing, Mu light song tone bad said a word.

If someone else said this, I'm afraid it would have been shot dead here.

Regardless of the clan king, they all seem to be the highest accomplishments in the period of flexibility. That's because the bitter sea has a state of repression. No matter who comes here, the cultivation will be suppressed in the smart period.

Of course, people who have not reached the period of flexibility will naturally retain their original accomplishments.

However, this with offensive words, is mu Qingge said.

They can only suffer!

"Young master, there are many things you may not understand now, but you will understand later. As long as you know, we will not harm you, only help you, that is enough! " The king's way to Mu Qingge's "affectionate money".

Mu Qingge narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer, "I never accept any unexplained kindness."

Her answer, the king of the family, the queen and the high priest were stunned.

Mu light song cold face, to a few people: "should ask, should see also see, if nothing, let us leave."

In the face of a group of snake diseases, mu Qingge still thinks it's better to leave!

"Wait!" The king stopped.

Mu Qingge sneered, "what? Do you want to go back on it? "

"No!" The clan King quickly explained. "You can go, but please take Xie Ya with you."

Sleeping trough!

Mu Qingge felt as if her head had been squeezed for a moment. She was surprised to see that she pursed her lips and was silent. Then she looked at the king of the clan and said, "by, what, what?"

Looking at Xiangmu light song, the king of the clan also replied firmly: "because she was born to be your man!"

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