
Huge waves were coming at the huge ship.

Strong forces, the ship's defense devices.

The transparent light shield, floating out of the hull, forms a huge arc to resist the impact of the waves.

The start of defense device reduces the pressure of muqingge.

She took the opportunity to look back at the sky, the Dragon teeth guards have been far away, suddenly, she heard a "click" sound.

Mu light song suddenly turn back, see the transparent light cover has appeared the fine crack. The original strong defense has become extremely fragile

Click! CLICK!


More and more cracking sound, those cracks with the naked eye speed, quickly covered the entire mask.


The waves of the bitter sea set off layer after layer, with the increasing power of the impact.

Even those long Ya Wei who flew far away began to follow the waves.


A loud noise destroyed the ship's defense.

Countless sea water, as if from the sky, want to devour everything in the world!

"Go Mu Qingge grabs her shoulder and pulls her body back.

The sea poured down like the sky into the great ships. The huge hull was torn by the sea, broke its waist and sank rapidly. A clear whistling sound came from the sea, only a blue light from the sea water, flying to the sky.

"Xiao Qing, let's go!" He called to the green bird.

The green bird flutters its wings and speeds up its speed.

And behind it, a huge wave was caught, swallowing its position.

"Make a detour on the right." The light from the corner of Mu Qingge's eyes swept over the weak waves on the right side, facing the path of Jieya in front of him.

She Ya nodded silently and gave instructions to the bluebird.

Qingniao's body inclined, turned a sharp curve in the air, and went to the right.

It's a sharp turn, leading to the Ya ran into the arms of Mu Qingge.

The sudden intimacy, so that she did not have time to think about it, immediately leaned forward and opened the distance between them.

Without resistance, the tsunami became more and more fierce and pushed forward.

The bluebird flies forward desperately, and the tsunami is chasing after it.

Between the pursuit and escape, there are many dangers, but they are also constantly approaching the mainland in front of them

"The tsunami seems to be smaller..." She looked back at her back and saw the weakening waves and the way of lingering fear.

All of a sudden, she looked awe stricken and said, "no! It's brewing a bigger Tsunami! "

With the fall of her voice, there was a huge noise in the sea of bitterness.

The sound was as terrifying as the collapse of the earth, and the whole bitter sea was stirred.

Mu Qingge looked back and saw the water of the bitter sea, as if pumped from the ground by giant force and poured into the sky, forming a tall water wall and advancing rapidly.

"Faster!" Mu light song eyes light a cold, to the way of Ya bite teeth.

Chiya clenched his lips and ordered the bluebird to speed up!

However, the Bluebird, no matter how fast it is, is just a spirit animal. Facing the power between heaven and earth, it appears to be extremely weak.

Qingniao gave out the Qingxiao, which raised its speed to the extreme.

The huge waves behind them, like inviolable giants, beat them hard.

In a trance, mu Qingge seems to see the water of the bitter sea, absorbed into the air, forming a giant standing in the sky. Those tsunamis are their huge hands!


The giant palm fell down, covering the heaven and earth, and took a picture of muqingge and Jieya on the back of Qingniao.

In an instant, mu Qingge's eyes seem to become a world of green sea water

The sun set and the stars sank. I don't know how long it took for the bitter sea to recover its calm gradually. Tsunami engulfed everything, as if sent away everything, leaving only the purity of the bitter sea.

After layers of fog, the outline of a continent gradually became clear.

Connected to the bitter sea is a gravel covered beach, behind the beach, there are jungle, cooking smoke. Several fishing boats were stranded on the simple wharf.

It seems that this is a small fishing village.

As night falls, there is no one here.

The sea, slowly beating the shore, very gentle.

In the crevice of a few reefs, two bodies are squeezed together, their bodies are wet by the sea water, and they are in great distress.

There was also a big blue bird beside them -

suddenly, the blue bird turned into a blue light and penetrated into one of the eyebrows.


A grunt came from one of them.

Lying on top of the woman in red slightly moved, hands into the sand, will support themselves.

Mu Qingge wakes up from her lethargy and leans against the reef. The smell of sea makes her very uncomfortable. She looked at the stars in the night and tried to think back to the scenes before her coma.She remembered that she and Tanya were riding bluebirds, and were finally photographed by the huge waves.

However, when she was about to fall into the sea, she suddenly squeezed out a little effort to feed the bluebird. Then the blue bird burst out a dazzling blue light, speed increased several times, rushed out of the sea, far away from the sea.

They were almost chased by the waves for a day and a night, and finally the bluebird fell from the air. The two of them fought with the tsunami for a long time with spiritual strength. After the bluebird recovered a little, they took them to escape.


Mu Qingge shakes her head. What happened behind her is not clear. In a word, before coma, they saw the shore.

Mu Qingge ended the memory, and then the line of sight fell in front of me.

Beside her was a coma.

Her clothes were wet by the sea, and her hair was a little messy.

By the night, mu Qingge saw her pale face.

Cu frown, Mu light song for her pulse, found that she is forced out of the aftereffect of hard work, then relax.

"Is this the Middle Paleozoic Nanzhou area?" Mu Qingge glanced at the surrounding environment and guessed in his heart.

After thinking about it, she carried her back on her back and stepped on the sand and stones soaked in sea water and walked towards the shore.

Mu Qingge did not rush to find others, but found a cave in the woods that could be temporarily rest. The cave is not big enough to hold only a few people, and it is dark and dry.

Only when she put down her body did mu Qingge notice the change of her body shape.

She raised her hand and touched the stud on her left ear. There was a crack on it, which was slowly repairing.

Take out a pill and feed it into the mouth of Xiya. Mu Qingge waves her hand, and Bai Xuan appears beside her.

"Mu Qingge, if you are like this next time, I will be angry. You face such a great danger alone As soon as Bai Bi appeared, he criticized mu Qingge with the sound of milk.

Mu Qingge is unable to entangle with her at the moment.

She pointed to the earth's guaya, and said to Bai: "then change your suit for her. I'll go first and change my clothes." Then she disappeared into the cave.

Bai Bi stamped his feet in anger, but he was helpless.

The masters of other families are in danger, they run first, leaving their servants to delay time. It's better to go to Mu Qingge here. It's the opposite. It's actually the master's son pad, and his servants go first!

Bai Yu was angry and moved.

The longer she gets along with mu Qingge, the more she seems to realize the loyalty of longyawei to muqingge, which is not for no reason. Because muqingge is to treat them with heart, they naturally return their sincerity.

Helpless sigh tone, white according to the words take out their own suit of clothes, for the Ya change.

When she changed her clothes for Xie Ya, mu Qingge appeared again. There was no confusion on her body, but there was still a trace of fatigue between her eyebrows.

"Why not have a good rest?" Bai Bi's way of blaming anger.

Mu Qingge slowly shakes his head, takes a look at Jianya, sits down cross legged, takes out the jade card, taps a few times on it, and closes his eyes. After a while, she opened her eyes, and there was a trace of gravity in her clear eyes.

"Why?" he asked? Can't get in touch? "

Mu Qingge nodded, "I thought it was in the space and couldn't communicate with them. It seems that this is not the reason. I can sense their breath, but they have not responded to me

"Maybe they're in a coma, or they're not paying attention." Bai Bi some clumsy comfort Mu light song.

In fact, she is good at killing people, not good at comforting people!

Mu light song a light smile, look at the white way: "hope so." She knew that she could not be anxious now, she could only wait patiently for the news to return.

Silent, Mu light song to Bai He said: "you go back first."

"White Xuan a Leng, shake head immediately," can't! I will stay by your side and protect you

Mu Qingge explained, "if I am not wrong, we have stepped on the land of the middle ancient world. We are not clear about the situation of the medieval world, you are my card, can not easily appear. And have you forgotten what he said

Mu Qingge's "he" character makes Bai's body a Zheng.

He, of course, refers to Si mo.

Before leaving Linchuan, Si Mo once said to Bai Dan and Yinchen. The spiritual pressure of the middle ancient world was different from that of the Linchuan realm. Their cultivation Association got a comprehensive promotion after entering the middle ancient world, and the opportunity could not be wasted.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and said: "Mengmeng is a strange space. In Linchuan, although the aura in the space is more abundant than that in the outside world, the spiritual pressure is the same as that in Linchuan. After entering the middle ancient world, I just went in and found that the spiritual pressure inside had changed. I asked Meng Meng. She said that after she came to the middle ancient world, the spiritual pressure of the space was adjusted automatically, consistent with the outside world. Therefore, you and silver dust both stay in the space to practice. When I need you, I will release you all. "Bai Jun looked at her plaintively, but he didn't insist on it any more.

She said to Mu Qingge, "well, I'll go back to practice and try to make Xiuwei wake up more." "But don't try to be brave when you are in trouble. If you run into danger, let me out immediately."

"Don't worry." Mu Qingge smiles.

In the end, Bai Cai reluctantly returned to the space.

After Bai Xuan leaves, mu Qingge looks at the comatose chiya by the moonlight outside the cave, and falls into meditation.

Finally enter the medieval world, then the first thing to do is to be a musician!

Mu light song clear eyes, pan out cold light.


Night, gradually passed.

The sun dissipated the darkness, and the sun poured into the cave, illuminating the entrance of the cave, and enveloping the sleeping Longya.

Perhaps it was the warmth of the sun that made her long eyelashes tremble and wake up from her lethargy.

She opened her eyes to the dark cave. And she, in the only place where the sun shines, is covered with warmth.

"Where is this place?" She Ya was shocked.

Looking down at her own body, it is not her own clothes. The style of the white skirt seems familiar. It seems that She saw him go through.

"You are awake." A low voice came.

"Who?" he asked

She looked at the dark cave, and finally saw a vague figure, hiding in the dark corner, sitting cross legged.

"Little Lord?" He asked tentatively.

She is with moqingge, wake up, there are people around, she naturally think of is moqingge. Just, your voice seems a little strange, like him and don't want him.

"Well." Mu Qingge responds in the dark.

She didn't give him too much time to think. She said directly, "I'm going to break through. You help me protect the Dharma."

Breakthrough! Break through again!

Tanya is surprised. If she remembers correctly, muqingge has made a breakthrough in dule island! How can we break through again after only three months?

"She knows." Although he was puzzled, he stood up and walked out of the cave.

Outside the cave, is a forest, sunlight from the branches, with warmth and comfort.

She was bathed in the sunshine and dispelled the haze in her heart.

After she left, mu Qingge slowly closed her eyes. She didn't sleep all night, and her phantom was not completely restored. Most of all, she felt that she could not suppress the spiritual power in her body.

Those spiritual powers compressed by her countless times, after a night's adaptation, will finally break out in advance.

Convergence of mind, Mu light song began to practice.

In muqingge's body, the purple gray spiritual power is running wildly, and a cyclone forms in the Dantian, which pulls back all the spiritual powers in her meridians and integrates them into the elixir field.

When all spiritual powers are taken back, the purple gray spiritual power begins to change color, and the purple gradually decreases and the gray gradually increases. At first, gray is close to ink, and the color is very rich.

Gradually, the gray becomes lighter and the color becomes lighter.

Gray, from the beginning of the rich as ink, gradually light, to white transition. Finally, the color of moqingge's aura stopped in light gray.

When the color of aura is stable, mu Qingge's Dantian erupts layer by layer, impacting her body, washing her meridians, bones, skin and muscles again and again.


Mu Qingge's body is like a volcanic eruption, and the compressed spiritual power erupts out, impacting her realm -

the peak of the spiritual period!


A layer of gray!


The second floor of grey land!


The third floor of grey land!


The fourth floor of grey world!


The fifth floor of grey world!

Outside the cave, a calm, not because of the breakthrough of moqingge, and caused any movement. The breakthrough of the realm seems to be only produced in the body of muqingge.

She stood outside and waited in silence until the afternoon and dusk when she felt the sound of footsteps behind her.

She turned to look, but met Mu light song to come out of the appearance.

He is still the handsome young man in red who is crazy and unruly. It was as if heaven and earth could not make him bow down.

She Ya was slightly lost in her mind and seemed to be lost in the amazement of moqingge.

But then, her eyes suddenly shrunk, lost voice: "little Lord, your cultivation!" What does it mean that she can't see clearly the cultivation of muqingge? It shows that the person in front of her is far superior to her.

"Guaya, do you know the cultivation level of the middle ancient world?" Mu Qingge asked.

"I heard the high priest say that the middle ancient world was divided into gray, silver and gold. Each realm is divided into six levels, with the change of aura color as the standard. For example, the lighter the color is, the closer it is to silver, the higher the level of grayMu Qingge squints and ponders, "do you distinguish it by aura color? So she should be on the fifth floor of the gray world. " This result is the most gratifying result after the tsunami.

Mu light song in this moment, seems to understand Si Mo told her to try to compress spiritual power, control not to break through the benefits of what. After entering the Mesoproterozoic, we should make use of the different spiritual pressure between the Mesoproterozoic and Linchuan to break through several realms at one stroke.

Seeing mu Qingge's silence, she continued: "in the middle ages, the purple realm was the starting point. It is said that the people who could enter the gray realm basically reached the standard of selecting talents for the family. The high priest also said that there is a watershed above the golden realm, which divides the practitioners into God and man. "

"There is still a watershed?" Mu Qingge is curious.

She Ya nodded, but did not continue to say, "when the little Lord reaches the Golden State, he will know."


Mu light song silent smile.

How many times has she heard such things since she was born again? From muddleheaded to gradually stronger. As if, no matter where she grows up, there will be a place that she can't touch temporarily waiting for her.

Gradually, she was used to this kind of waiting.

Without questioning her, mu Qingge said to her, "how do you feel? Is there any sign of breakthrough? "

He lived in the bitter sea, and his cultivation was limited by the pressure of the bitter sea spirit. Now that he has entered the middle ancient world, he should have made a breakthrough. Moreover, Si Mo has told her clearly that there is no boundary in the flexible period.

For example, agility is like a big water tank.

Its function is to keep accumulating spiritual power.

Gradually, people divided the different water levels in the water tank to the flexible period.

The spiritual period is a spiritual period. When the spiritual pressure changes, it will be broken through and enter a new field. The water in the water tank will also be transformed into new spiritual power.

The difference is that the more spiritual power you accumulate during the agility period, the more likely you are to make continuous breakthroughs.

Generally speaking, they can break through to the gray level. If, during the period of agility, the spiritual power has more and more pure reserves, it may break through to the second and third layers.

It is unique that mu Qingge has broken through five layers.

The main reason is not only her talent problem, but she conscientiously listened to Simao's words, but also strictly implemented.

Mu light song words, let the Yaya light jaw head.

In fact, she had a sense of breakthrough for a long time, just because mu Qingge is breaking through, so she has been pressing the breakthrough.

"In that case, you go in and practice, and I will protect the Dharma for you." Mu Qingge said to her.

She Ya had no affectation. After nodding to Mu Qingge, she got into the cave.

Mu Qingge stood outside the cave and touched his left ear.

Purple earrings, in her breakthrough success, automatically recovered. She became a man's dress.

As for her real gender, she didn't mean to hide it. However, she felt that the adherents had something to hide from her, as if they were still hiding some secrets behind their inexplicable attachment to her.

Mu Qingge didn't want to know too much about himself before he made clear the hidden things.

To put it bluntly, trust is not enough!

"The middle ages! I'm here at last. I hope that my arrival can solve some puzzles that have troubled me, my grandfather and my aunt Murmuring to himself.

Take back the mind, Mu light song and take out the jade card, knock on it a few times.

After that, she watched the change of jade.

This time, did not let her wait for long, the jade card began to appear flickering light.

This let Mu light Song Mou bottom burst out surprise, immediately on the jade card to knock up.

She asked Longya Wei, Youhe and Huayue in secret language.

Yupai there also quick response.

Originally, they also lost, each scattered on the ground, not together. Youhe and Huayue are separated and follow different dragon teeth guards.

Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The birds' eggs brought out from the trial space and the flying spirit animals hatched played a great role. They left the bitter sea and entered the middle ancient world with the Dragon teeth guard.

Before, they did not respond to Mu Qingge because they were all in the process of breakthrough.

After nearly a year's cultivation, continuous compression and accumulation, together with the help of the best spirit stone, they all successfully promoted to the gray world.

But most of them are on the first and second floors.

The only one that reaches the third floor is Moyang.

Youhe and Huayue are still at the peak of purple realm, but they are confident that they will be able to enter the gray world in the near future.

After understanding the general situation, mu Qingge told them that they had their own activities in the middle ancient world to understand the situation of the middle ancient world.

When she finds out where the music family is, she will inform them to meet.With the news of Longya Wei, mu Qingge's hanging heart is finally put down.

"It's just a pity that I can't keep my grandfather safe." Mu Qingge looks at the starry sky and whispers the way.

For a long time, she looked down at the bell on her waist. Hold it up by hand, mu Qingge smiles and shakes the palace bell twice.

Gong bell, through time and space, fell into someone's ear.

After a while, the palace bell of muqingge rings, and the clear bell rings constantly, reverberating in the ear of muqingge.

This reminds mu Qingge of Simao's saying, "if the bell keeps thinking, it means he wants to miss her very much."

Once the memory, let Mu light song's eyebrows and eyes soften up, she clenched the palace bell, let it no longer make a sound.

When she was calm, she picked up the palace bell, slowly shook it once, and then quickly shook it three times.

This is her and Si Mo's agreement.

One long and three short means that she has arrived safely in the middle ages. Let him not read!

Soon, the palace bell of Mu Qingge rang twice slowly.

This means "peace".

It is Si Mo's charge that she should let herself be safe.

A kind of unspeakable sweetness comes out from the heart of moqingge. When the night wind blows, she lifts up her clothes and hair. She takes a deep breath and suddenly feels that she is missing someone's arms.

Put down the Gong Ling, mu Qingge began to seriously appreciate the night sky in the middle ancient world.


One night later, she did not come out of the cave.

When the sky is slightly bright, mu Qingge's ears move and hear the sound of footsteps coming from the woods.

She turned her eyes and looked at the weeds. After a while, there was a young man of eleven or twelve years old who came out of the weeds. He had a woodcutter in his hand, a bamboo basket on his back, and a fat rabbit tied to his waist.

The rabbit had a drooping head and seemed to have been dead for some time.

The boy came out of the weeds and suddenly saw a man standing outside the cave in front of him. He was startled. He held the sickle in his hand and cried, "who is it?"

Mu light song looked at him, eyebrow tip slightly pick, no reply.

Without response, the young man bravely took two steps forward, as if to see the appearance of moqingge.

When he saw Chu mu Qingge's face as he wished, his eyes widened and his chopper fell to the ground. "Brother, you are beautiful!" he said

Dressed in men's clothes, praised beautiful

Mu light song slightly frowns.

Her face, no, just like the face of the young man, is like a panic It's the elder brother who looks very good-looking. I've never seen such a good-looking person like my little brother

His eyes are clear and sincere, and there is no pure miscellaneous thoughts.

Mu light song slightly raised lips, light way: "thank you." Thank you for the compliment.


Young people may have never thought that moqingge would open their mouth to speak, suddenly a Leng, a time do not know how to respond.

Mu Qingge looked at him and saw that he was dressed simply and plainly, which could even be called poverty. However, the clothes are washed very clean, not a bit dirty. In the bamboo basket on his back, there are some firewood and some common herbs.

"Are you from this village?" Just wake up, mu Qingge once guessed that this is a small fishing village, and the scale is not big.

At the moment, when I met this young man, I just wanted to know something about him.

The boy showed a pure smile and nodded: "yes! I grew up in the village. Is my brother from other places? "

Mu Qingge smiles and nods.

Seeing mu Qingge nodding, the young man said happily, "I'll tell you. The village is so small that I know how many people there are. But I've never met my brother

"What can I do for you, brother?" The young man asked enthusiastically.

Mu Qingge responded simply, "passing by."

The boy suddenly realized and nodded, and did not continue to ask.

Just looked at mu Qingge, then looked at the cave behind her, and suddenly said, "brother, are you going to rest in this cave? There's no food or water around here He looked around and said to Mu Qingge, "brother, why don't you go to my house and have a rest." After the invitation, he was embarrassed to scratch his head, "however, my home is very simple, brother don't dislike."

The young man's invitation made mu Qingge think about it seriously.

In front of the youth, although only in a small fishing village. However, the understanding of the middle ages is certainly far better than her. Since the other party gave her a chance to inquire about the news, how could she waste it?

"That's a nuisance." Mu Qingge looks at him with a smile.

Hearing mu Qingge's acceptance of the invitation, the boy was pleasantly surprised and said, "don't bother, don't bother at all. My brother is willing to go to my house. I have no time to be happy. "As soon as he finished speaking, mu Qingge heard the movement behind him.

After a while, she came out of the cave like a fairy in the moonlight.

She was stunned when she saw the boy.

And her sudden appearance, also let the young people look stupefied.

Seeing Xiangmu Qingge, she seems to be asking about the origin of his youth.

However, before she opened her mouth, the teenager woke up from the surprise and said to Mu Qingge lenglengleng: "brother, this beautiful sister like a fairy is your daughter-in-law?"

The word "daughter-in-law" comes out of the youth's mouth, and she subconsciously wants to explain it.

However, her wrist was caught by mu Qingge.

She looked at Xiangmu Qingge with doubts, but muqingge smiles at the youth and says, "yes! She's my daughter-in-law. We went out to play, and we got here by accident and lost our way. "

Mu light song words, let the Ya instantly understand.

I smile at the young man's song. That gesture, as if she was really the daughter-in-law of moqingge.

"I see! I'll tell you, a good-looking brother and daughter-in-law must also be a beautiful sister! " The young man was smiling. Delicate face, blooming with a tender and astringent mood.

Mu light song to see to Xie Ya, soft tone way: "little brother invited us to his home."

This sentence, let you more clearly Mu light song intention. Her eyes light from the Mu light song body moved to the youth body, light bit jaw first way: "have the labor."

"No, no, don't be so polite to me. My name is Jinghai, and my brother and sister call me Xiaohai Young Jinghai to Mu Qingge and guaya Dao.

"My name is mu." Muqingge to jinghaidao.

Did not say the name, is she felt that Yu Jinghai, himself is just a passer-by, just a moment in his life, there is no need to remember too much.

"It's brother mu." Jinghai also did not care about Mu Qingge, did not say the full name, his eyes smile like a crescent, the eyes in the seam of the eyes just like a little bit of starlight, dazzling.

"Come on, I'll take you home." Jinghai said. Then, he mentioned the rabbit tied around his waist and beamed at them, "I'm lucky today. I'll make you braised rabbit meat when I go back."

"Brother mu, sister, I tell you, my braised rabbit meat is delicious..." On the way, Jinghai's voice has been constantly.

He said all the trivial things related to himself, which seemed to express his enthusiasm and welcome to muqingge and Jieya.

Jinghai's home, in a small fishing village.

However, it is somewhat biased. There is also a distance from the nearest family.

His home, as he said, was very humble.

There were only two shabby rooms.

Mu Qingge noticed that the house here is high, leaving a certain space at the bottom. To get into the house, you need to take a few steps up the stairs.

Such houses seem to be designed to prevent the tide on the beach.

Jinghai's home, because of its partial location, brought two strangers with outstanding appearance, and did not disturb the villagers.

"Brother mu, sister, come in quickly. The house is simple, but I clean it up Jinghai leads the way ahead, turning to Mu Qingge and guaya road.

Mu Qingge and guaya followed him up the crooked stairs, went up the corridor and stepped into the room.

Looking around, mu Qingge has brought Jinghai's home into his mind.

These two rooms, one is the kitchen, the other is the bedroom and dining place.

The room, basically no furnishings, only a bed, a desk, a dining table, there is a wardrobe.

Although simple, but as Jinghai said, he cleaned up very clean, there is no dust in the room. All the things are put in order.

Jinghai brought them into the room, then turned to pour water, carrying water to them, and apologized: "I'm sorry, brother mu, I don't have tea in my house, only these clear water."

"Enough water, thank you." Mu Qingge takes over the bowl in Jinghai's hand with a smile, without any suspicion.

She also took over the bowl of water.

Jinghai see they do not mind, hanging heart, just secretly landing.

"You have a rest. I'll cook the rabbit first." Jinghai grinned, to Mu light song two humanity.

"No hurry." Muqingge stopped him. When Jing Hai cast a puzzled look in her eyes, she went on: "we came here unintentionally, and we don't know where it is. If you know, you might as well introduce it to us."

"Ah! Good Jinghai responded and nodded immediately.

He asked mu Qingge and guaya to sit down. There was no stool in the house. He casually moved the log for cutting wood and put it under his body.

After sitting down, he said: "our small fishing village has no name, because it is too small, only a dozen families. However, not far from our village, I know that there is a city called Haiyu city. Haiyu city is so big Jinghai said, also stretched out his hands and drew a big circle in front of him to describe the big of Haiyu city."Haiyu city." Mu Qingge remembers the name in his heart.

She found that Jinghai had limited knowledge. If she wants to know about the situation in Nanzhou as soon as possible and get information about Lejia, she must go to Haiyu city.

Only when you go to a big city can you find the information you want.

"Xiaohai, how can I get to Haiyu city from here?" Mu Qingge asked.

Jinghai said, "do you want to go to Haiyu city? Haiyu city is hundreds of miles away from our village. There is a special road to Haiyu city outside the village. "

Then, Jinghai told mu Qingge and guaya about the local customs and customs. When his stomach growled, he was embarrassed to take the rabbit to the kitchen.

After he left, she Ya whispered: "this child's cultivation is only at the beginning of the purple realm. People in the middle ancient world were born at the beginning of the purple realm. Now his cultivation has been staying in the realm of birth, which only shows that he has never practiced. "

Mu light song heard this sentence, the heart rises infinite emotion.

People in the middle ancient world were born at the beginning of the purple realm. How many people in Linchuan tried hard to cultivate themselves in order to get to the purple realm? This gap is really frustrating!

All of a sudden, mu Qingge seems to understand why the music family from the middle ancient world regarded the whole Linchuan people as ants.

Originally, in their eyes, Linchuan those who are not even purple land, even their babies here are not even better!

Mu light song to see the Ya, eyes flash, "the fourth layer of gray."

She immediately lowered her eyes and whispered, "my talent is not as good as the little Lord."

Mu Qingge chuckled, "why belittle yourself?"

Two people said for a while, there is an attractive smell of meat.

After a while, I saw Jinghai carrying the hot braised rabbit meat and walked in with a smile.

"It's time to eat!" Jinghai warmly called.

Tasting the braised rabbit meat of Jinghai, mu Qingge also chatted casually, "Xiao Hai, I see you seem to live alone."

Jinghai chewed rabbit meat and nodded. "Yes! I've lived alone since I was a child. "

His words, let the Ya put down his chopsticks and looked at him. In those bright eyes, something was flashing.

Mu Qingge also looked up at him, "where's your family?"

Originally, this topic, mu Qingge also thought that it would be too abrupt, in case of stimulating other people's sad things, it would be bad.

But Jinghai's reaction was calm.

After swallowing the rabbit in his mouth, he said, "when I was born, there was only my mother. She told me that my father left the fishing village to be strong. Later, when I was five years old, my mother also left. She said she would go to my father, take him home and show him my son

Finish saying, Jing Hai gave oneself clip a piece of rabbit meat again.

However, mu Qingge and Fuya found that the meat he had sandwiched was the part with bones. The whole piece of meat, he did not move, seems to be deliberately left to their two guests.

"Xiaohai! Xiaohai --! " Suddenly, outside the door came the voice of the youth.

Jinghai swallowed hard, put down the dishes and chopsticks, and went to the door.

After a while, mu Qingge and guaya heard the excited conversation between the two teenagers outside the door.

"Xiao Hai, do you know? The Dou family in Haiyu city is looking for a housekeeper. Let's go together! As long as we enter Dou Fu and become the servants of Dou Fu, we will have a chance to practice Kung Fu and become a strong one! "

"Really? Excellent! I've been waiting for this day! We'll go together tomorrow! "

Then, Jinghai ran back with excitement on his face and said to Mu Qingge and chiya: "brother mu, aren't you going to Haiyu city? I can take you tomorrow! I'm going to Haiyu City, too , the fastest update of the webnovel!