Yushui city is located in the middle ancient world of Nanzhou.

It's not a small city, but it's not a big city.

There are nearly a hundred families, large and small, standing here. However, there are only five that can rank on the list and create pressure in people's hearts.

In Yushui City, the five families have been fighting with each other for nearly a thousand years.

Gradually, the family qualifying competition with a long history in the middle ages became the biggest competition platform on their surface, which was used to list the rankings among their five families.

However, in fact, every few years before the start of the qualifying competition, there is an invisible bloodbath, surging in the dark.

This day is already three days before the start of yushuicheng family qualifying.

Three days later, the competition, which symbolizes the leading position of the whole city, will be held.

At that time, it will be the most lively and tragic moment in Yushui city.

A young man is born in a family. It will also let countless talents blood dye the arena and sacrifice their lives for the family.

Wan, Tan, Jiang, Sheng, Le, five grand gatherings, five massacres, in Yushui City, has become a matter of great interest.

This night, Yushui city fell into a quiet, all the creatures hold their breath, waiting for the arrival of three days later.

There is only one exception, that is the fireworks place of Yushui City, and the carefree grottoes.

In the quiet city of Yushui, where the lights are bright, the sound of warblers and swallows, and the sound of bamboo bandits, you can hear people lingering in the bones, which tempts countless men to approach.

This night, the heavy rain began to rest, and there were still water stains on the stone slabs in the streets, reflecting the lanterns under the eaves of the street.

Most of the city is in the dark, and only a small part of the city is still illuminated by candlelight.

The row after row of red lanterns, like a guide in the dark, lead people who covet licentiousness to step into the flowers, and have a good play of "death under the peony is also romantic".

Suddenly, a paper lantern fell to the ground, soaked by the water on the stone slab, and put out the candle.

All around, the light suddenly darkened, leaving only the red lantern at the foot of the eaves swaying in the wind.

A foot suddenly stepped on the broken lantern, this is a very exquisite embroidered shoes, gold inlaid vamp, embroidered with aura of flowers.

On the embroidered shoes, there is a gauze light silk floating, ankle faintly visible.

As soon as the foot appeared, there was a rush of footsteps and noise in the distance behind.

The owner of the embroidered shoes seemed to be in a daze for a moment, gently lifted the direction of the broken lantern with another foot, and then ran to the lane in another direction without hesitation.

There was a trace of absolute resolution in her figure. Those frivolous and transparent gauze clothes were worn on her body. Instead of seeing the wind and dust, she felt a bit more lonely and cold.

While she was running for her life, she did not notice that on the dark roof stood some men in cloaks.

They watched her escape in the dark.

In this group of people, the one who stands at the front end has a pair of clear eyes, which seems to contain no emotion, and seems to be the most affectionate.

She gazed at the back which was not strange, and her lips pursed involuntarily.

"Moyang." She spoke softly.

The woman left the line immediately without telling her to leave.

And after he left, the noisy owners finally appeared where the paper lantern had fallen.

"Stinky girl! How dare you run? See how I will deal with you after I catch you The head of the big man, his fist is covered with deep purple spiritual power, which is obviously the highest cultivation of purple realm.

His face was ferocious and ferocious, and his eyes were full of frivolity and immorality. He was not a good man at first sight.

Behind him, there are also several men with thick sticks, with the same ferocious evil smile. Everyone's accomplishments are between the middle and high levels of purple realm.

This group of people, if in Linchuan, I'm afraid they are already masters that people fear.

However, this is the middle ancient world, and their cultivation is just the lowest existence in the middle ancient world.

So, doomed, they can only do some dirty work.

"Boss, there are two roads. Which way did the little girl go?" One of them, pointing to the left and right alleys, asked.

This question, let the person who takes the lead frown, fell into the bitter thought.

The other said, "that girl dares to hurt the young master of the Jiang family. If we don't catch her back, I'm afraid we'll all suffer along with her!"

"Hum! Fake high junk! Do you really think you are some kind of chaste heroine? " The leader hates the voice.

"Boss, the lantern fell here. I'm afraid the woman is running in this direction." Another person crowded forward to see the direction of the lantern falling to the ground, pointing to the opposite direction of the previous woman's departure, reflecting his wit.As soon as this statement was made, it was immediately recognized by others.

However, just when they were ready to catch up, the leader raised his hand to stop: "wait! Although that stinky bitch is weak in cultivation, she is a little clever. The lantern is here. Maybe it is she who deliberately leads us in the opposite direction. Let's go this way

The leader, with some analytical mind, guessed the way the woman fled.

At this time, their every move was taken into account by a group of people standing on the roof.

When they were chasing the lane where the woman left, the man on the roof suddenly spat out a word, "kill."

As soon as she spoke, the five cloaked men standing behind her floated down from the roof like mirages, quietly appeared behind the group and raised their butcher knives.

Shua Shua Shua!

Several knives light up and down, those people have no time to shout out, or even time to see the attacker's appearance, they fell silent in the alley.

After completing the task, the five people, like ghosts, stepped on a strange step and returned to the man on the roof to guard quietly.

After everything was quiet, the man who was defended by the stars just let out a slight sigh and vomited out a long lost name. "Qin Yiyao."


Desperate to escape the woman, do not know that the crisis behind her has been lifted, and do not know that not far behind her, but also a shadow.

She ran skillfully in the alley of Yushui City, gradually, far away from the red lantern area, into a piece of debris, slanting top wall.

Here is the shantytowns and slums of Yushui city. It is the place where the lowest level people live in Yushui city.

Here, it's full of stench and dirt.

It's a place where people from the big families in Yushui city are unwilling to step into.

Even if there are occasional emergencies in the city, people need to patrol the city. When searching, this area is deliberately ignored.

However, this dress and here is not matched by the woman, but did not detest the mess here, but stepped on the messy gravel, and potholes in the ground, drilling into a dilapidated wooden door.

As soon as she entered, a dark shadow appeared outside the door.

Mo Yang's face is covered by a wide cloak, which can only show a pair of quiet eyes.

He gazed at the wooden door which could not be closed. His eyes flashed slightly, and his figure flashed. Then he entered the gate of the courtyard and stood in an uneven open space.

On the ground, there are scattered weeds, just as ugly as a bald scabby.

In the low-lying places on the ground, there is rainwater, which is reflected by the moonlight, which is a little embellishment of the scene in the courtyard.

Moyang glanced at the environment here, a trace of inconceivable flashed in his eyes.

It seems that he did not expect that the woman just lived in such an environment.

In front of the Shabby Cottage, the candle light, with orange flickering lights, dispelled the darkness in the broken courtyard, and added some warmth.

The sudden candlelight flashed the shadow of the dark sun standing in the courtyard. It appeared under the sloping eaves, close to the wall of the rammed earth, and looked through the window that could not block the wall.

The furnishings in the house are extremely simple, only a square table with uneven edges.

The oil lamp is placed on the square table.

Mo Yang looked at it quietly, and found that there was an old cabinet behind the square table. In the direction of the cabinet, a corner of the bed was exposed.

Qin Yiyao, once the most glorious Princess of Qin, is standing in front of the square table.

She turned on the oil lamp and did not find anyone peeping in the dark. She did not change the gauze clothes and thin skirts exposed on her body. Instead, she turned her back to the dark sun and went to the bed.

Mo Yang pressed his face closer so that he could see more beds.

The bedding on the bed has turned yellow, slightly protruding, as if covered with something.

All of a sudden, Qin Yiyao's voice drifted out of the room --

she seemed to be talking to someone.

"I avenged you tonight. Jiang Tianyi killed you like this, and I also killed him for you. In this way, can you rest in peace and sleep? It's not in vain that you saved my life. " Qin Yiyao's words are full of calm, which seems to be derived from countless despair.

Even though the words she said at the moment were full of emotion, the calm tone of her voice weakened some of her sincerity for no reason.

As if the person who said this was a cold-blooded and cold-blooded person, what she did was just a fair deal for you to save me and me to avenge you.

This kind of Qin Yiyao is a stranger to Moyang. He tries hard to connect the tone of the woman in front of him with the impression of Princess Changle, but he can't succeed.

, Mo Yang, frowned slightly. He wanted to know what man was worth the risk of his royal highness.Along the way, Moyang has discovered that Qin Yiyao's accomplishments are nothing but the peak of blue realm. A person who is not even a purple land actually appeared in the middle ancient world, and also appeared in such a place of fireworks.

What's more, from her words, let him know that Qin Yiyao seems to have killed a not simple person tonight.

"Jiang Tianyi", Mo Yang didn't miss the name from Qin Yiyao dialect. It was not the first time that he heard the name. On the first day he stepped into Yushui City, he already knew that the owner of the name was the second son of Jiang family in the five families of Yushui city.

Qin Yiyao killed Jiang Tianyi?

After hearing the news, Moyang's first reaction was to tell the young Lord immediately. In order not to affect Sir Alex's overall plan.

However, Qin Yiyao's situation is not clear, and he can not leave immediately.

Mo Yang eyes flash a few minutes, continue to observe the movement of Qin Yiyao in the room.

Qin Yiyao seems to have finished the conversation between the people in bed. She stands up and walks to the cupboard. Opening the door of the cupboard, she took out a package she had already prepared.

Then, he took out a set of ordinary clothes, ready to change.

Seeing this, Mo Yang can only temporarily withdraw his sight and avoid the embarrassing scene inside.

There was a rustle in the room, and then it was quiet.

Mo Yang frowned and went to the window again. He tried carefully for fear of seeing something he shouldn't have seen. When he saw the scene again, he was relieved.

Qin Yiyao has already incarnated into a handsome little girl. She puts on her crown and hat, carries the burden on her shoulder, and then turns her head to look at the people on the bed, and then says, "I'm sorry, I have to leave."

This sentence has already indicated her attitude.

She has already rewarded the kindness of the bed man. However, she revenged for the people in bed, and in order to avoid falling into it, she had to leave Yushui city quickly before the Chiang family moved.

So, she can only say sorry to the people in bed. The life and death of the people in bed has nothing to do with her!

Qin Yiyao blew out the oil lamp, opened the door again and ran out.

Mo Yang's breath is restrained and hidden in the dark. He is not worried about being discovered by Qin Yiyao.

Qin Yiyao did not find any abnormality, but quickly left the dilapidated courtyard.

After she left, Mo Yang thought for a moment, and then he stepped into the hut and walked to the bedside. Come to the bedside, and then the moonlight outside the house, Moyang saw the people lying on the bed

His eyes shrunk and there was a look of shock in his eyes.

What lay on the bed in front of him could not be called a "person". Her limbs were cut off, leaving only her head and trunk.

On the scarred face, one could see that the man had been a beauty before.

And at this time, she is full of hatred and unwilling, even desperate eyes, wide open, staring at Moyang.

At this moment, Mo Yang can't tell whether the hatred in her eyes is against her enemy Jiang Tianyi or Qin Yiyao, who left her here to die.

He just found that after his appearance, the woman's eyes had been burning with hope.

She opened her mouth, as if to ask for help from Moyang, but did not make a sound, instead let Moyang find her tongue was cut off.

Mo Yang ignored the hope and call for help in her eyes. He was not a saint, and had no obligation to act.

Looking at the woman on the bed, he pulled out his sword. The shadow of the sword flashed, leaving a little "cinnabar" in the woman's eyebrows. And the hope in women's eyes is also completely lax.

Perhaps the death at this moment is the best help for women.

After Mo Yang finished, he quickly left the room. However, when he made a turn in the "slum", he found that he had lost the trace of Qin Yiyao. Her breath seemed to disappear suddenly.

"What's going on?" Mo Yang stood on the dirty ground and frowned.


In the dark, a huge spirit beast vehicle is like a ghost, wandering in the streets and alleys of Yushui city.

Whenever it finds some lonely "wandering soul" in the night, it will stretch out a huge claw. When the "wandering soul" is unprepared, it grabs his shoulder armor, quickly pulls it into the car, and then cuts off all the breath and leaves as if nothing happened.

There was a lot of space in the car, but it was depressing.

There are a lot of people in it, male and female. They are very young. After being caught in the car, not many, fell into a sleepy. The several ferocious animal heads inlaid in the car wall constantly eject some curly smoke, which seems to have a "hypnotic" effect.

Qin Yiyao fell into the carriage, and there was still a faint pain on her shoulder armor.

Sudden encounter, let her heart fall to the bottom.

She's going to run away from here and fall into a new tiger? Her eyes with a trace of despair, but soon ignited the fight for survival.The smoke swirled around her, and she was aware of her different tiredness, but she could not resist this creature's instinct.

"Can't sleep! Can't sleep! I'm leaving! " She kept giving orders to herself, but finally closed her heavy eyelids and fell into the car.

After her coma, the door of the carriage opened again, and another slender figure was thrown in and left beside her

Ghost like car sales are disappearing and disappearing in Yushui City, and Moyang is also looking for the trace of Qin Yiyao.

He is very puzzled, with Qin Yiyao's foot strength, can't disappear completely in his perception in such a short time. However, this impossible thing happened.

The sound of the wheels came slowly from the distance and approached.

Moyang immediately hid his body shape, quietly hiding in the dark.

When he had just hidden himself, he found that under the heavy dew of night, there was a huge spirit beast cart driving slowly through the thick fog.

The spirit beast pulling the cart has blindfolded eyes and a bell on its ear. It seems that the sound of the bell will command the route.

The whole carriage is very solid. It looks like there is no window or door. It is painted with strange and mysterious totem.

Such a strange animal vehicle, suddenly appeared in the streets and lanes of Yushui city at such a time, causing Mo Yang's doubts.

His eyes, hidden in the dark, were fixed on the beast cart.

At this time, from the spirit beast car, if there is no sound, "eh?" This voice can't recognize men and women, let alone young and old. The only thing you can hear is doubt.

"It was clearly here just now. It disappeared in a blink of an eye." A hoarse voice came out.

The voice was hoarse and ugly, as if it had been infused with severe poison. The vocal cords were corroded and lost their original pleasant sounds.

This sentence, he seems to be just talking to himself, no one answered.

The hearse stopped at the place where Moyang stood before, and the thick night fog around it made it more mysterious and terrifying.

Mo Yang's heart suddenly rises a strange feeling, he seems to feel that the spirit beast car is looking for himself.

He restrained his breath, pressed his lips, put his breath more gently, and fixed his eyes on the strange animal vehicle.

After a while, the spirit beast car seems to give up waiting, again slowly driving, from the eyes of Moyang gradually disappeared.

After it left, Mo Yang waited patiently for a while.

The silence around him slowly wrapped him up. At this time, the spirit beast cart that left turned back and showed himself again.

Mo Yang's eyes became heavy, staring at it silently.

"It's gone." The hoarse voice came again.

After that, the spirit beast turned its head and disappeared in front of Moyang again.

After it left, Moyang stood out from the dark, staring at the direction of the spirit beast car leaving, thinking.


Before dawn, Yushui city gradually wakes up.

Moyang returned to his temporary residence.

As soon as he came in, he saw Jinghai come out of the kitchen and gave him a brilliant smile. "Brother Mo, are you back?"

Mo Yang looked at him and asked, "how are you practicing?"

Jinghai forced to nod his head and said, "I just finished my practice. I thought everyone got up and prepared to make breakfast for everyone."

Mo Yang looked at him calmly, and then he said in a deep voice: "you don't have to do these things in the future. Concentrate on training. Don't let down the hope of the little Lord to you."

Jinghai convergence expression, nodded again.

So far, Moyang entered the second gate.

Longya Wei has already started the daily required training. Mo Yang glances at it and goes to the room where mu Qingge is located. When he stepped into mu Qingge's room, Jinghai also gave up the idea of making breakfast and joined the training.

As soon as Mo Yang enters the room, he sees mu Qingge standing by the window, looking at the training of dragon teeth guards outside.

He came up to her and whispered, "sir."

Mu light song, light jaw head.

Mo Yang followed her eyes and found the figure of Jinghai in the Dragon teeth guard outside the window.

Mo Yang takes back his eyes and opens his mouth.

Mu light Song Mou light falls on him, "have a word to say directly."

Mo Yang lowered his eyes and said, "that boy is not cruel enough." There is no ferocious force and wolf force like their dragon teeth guards, which is too pure and kind.

His evaluation is very harsh, almost did not say directly, Jinghai does not deserve to become mu Qingge's disciple.

After listening to Mu Qingge, he did not send out the anger of being questioned. Just a smile of indifference, "it's just an opportunity to take him around and stay in the name of a disciple. I don't intend to cultivate them. I don't have so much energy and time. How much I can learn and what I can become depends on him. So you don't have to worry too muchShe can teach everything that should be taught, but how much she can learn and what she can learn is the business of Jinghai.

It was a temporary rise to accept Jinghai, and she did not intend to get any return from him.

Mu Qingge took back his eyes, left the window and walked into the room. She came to the table, poured a cup of hot tea for Moyang, sat down and said to him, "go to night dew."

Moyang went to the table, picked up the hot tea and drank it.

After he put the empty cup on the table, muqingge asked, "how?"

Mo Yang pursed his lips and said, "I lost it."

This answer, let Mu light song quite unexpectedly pick eyebrow tip.

Mo Yang immediately tells the story of his tracking Qin Yiyao. “…… After she left, I went into the room to investigate and found people lying in bed Later, I chased out, but could not feel her breath. My subordinates speculated whether it was the people of the Chiang family who pursued her and took her away? "

Mu light song looks unchanged after listening, but slowly shaking his head. She emptily flicked her finger and said to Mo Yang, "Jiang Tian didn't die at all, but suffered a little injury." After that, she gave a slight smile, as if to herself: "Jiang Tianyi is the cultivation of the second level of gray state, how can he be successfully assassinated by the people of blue realm? It's impossible to prevent him from killing her

"Well..." Moyang frowned slightly.

If Jiang Tianyi is not dead, the Jiang family's reaction will not be too fierce. Qin Yiyao's disappearance is not long after Jiang Tianyi was assassinated, so it should not be the Chiang family's.

Since it is not the Chiang family, who will it be?

All of a sudden, Moyang thought of the spirit beast car that haunted Yushui city in the night.

He immediately reported to Mu Qingge, "little sir, there is a strange thing happened to my subordinates." Then, he told mu Qingge the story of his encounter with the animal vehicle without any mistakes.

After saying that, he said his feelings, "subordinate feeling, the car seems to be aware of my existence, will appear in my side, but at that time I wanted to find the whereabouts of Princess Changle, so I did not follow up." With that, there was a trace of regret in his eyes.

After listening to Mu Qingge, her eyes narrowed slightly, and she didn't feel melancholy because of Qin Yiyao's disappearance.

Shaoqing, she just slowly said: "it seems that the water in yushuicheng is deeper than we imagined!"

Last night, after dealing with the thugs, she sent people to the place where the red lanterns gathered. According to the time, she knew more about Jiang Tianyi's assassination than Mo Yang, and the people sent out to inquire also saw Jiang Tianyi's angry return to Jiang's house.

Qin Yiyao will appear here and assassinate the son of those in power, which is really surprising to her.

Looking back on Mo Yang's repeated words, she can say such words from Qin Yiyao's mouth, which makes her not only guess a lot. Mu Qingge's eyes were slightly heavy, and he asked himself, "Qin Yiyao, how did you come from Linchuan to the middle ancient world? What happened again? Do you know that your cultivation is an existence that should not exist in the middle ancient world

Qin Yiyao, the peak of blue realm, was too weak and weak for the middle ancient world.

It's not as weak as a mole ant.

"Send someone out to inquire carefully. The point is the car you are talking about." Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at Moyang.

Mo Yang was stunned and suddenly realized. "Sir, do you suspect that Princess Changle is in that car?"

Mu Qingge nodded his head and said slowly: "according to your description, there is this possibility." When they first arrived in Yushui City, all their actions were still hidden in the dark. Who would attack Moyang?

What's more, Moyang's cultivation is the second level of grey world. If you want to attack him, how much is the other party's cultivation?

Excluding the possibility of this orientation, the only thing left is the fact.

That car is not searching for Moyang, but everyone who is left alone at night!

If such a judgment is correct, then Qin Yiyao, who disappeared in Moyang's perception, is likely to be in the car and take it away.

Such a major mistake, let Moyang face slightly heavy.

He immediately said, "I will do it immediately."

Aware of his remorse, mu Qingge said: "you don't have to feel guilty and you don't have to make atonement for this matter. You're not wrong. You send people out, and I have other, more important things for you to handle. "

His heart was murmured, and Mo Yang's face turned red.

he will not violate any order of MoO song, arrange the Dragon tooth defense quickly and secretly investigate the information about the mysterious beast car.

Return to the room again, moo light singer already had an already written list.

She is lowering her head to check the list in her hand. Moyang does not make a noise to disturb her, but stands quietly on one side.

When mu Qingge left Haiyu City, he sent a message to the Longya guards and asked everyone to gather in Yushui city. When she came to the outside of Yushui City, she saw the Dragon teeth guards led by Moyang, as well as Huayue and Youhe.

At that time, the tsunami divided the people into several groups. Now they are reunited to see that each other is OK. For their comrades in arms fighting side by side, it is a reassuring thing.It's only two days before they sneak into Yushui City, where they meet the former Princess of Changle of the state of Qin, Qin Yiyao.

"Moyang, can you understand the information I sent you before?" Suddenly, mu Qingge closes the list in his hand and raises his eyes to Mo Yang.

Mo Yang immediately replied, "what the little Lord said is about the Liuke clan?"

Mu Qingge nodded.

Mo Yang replied: "after receiving the information from the young Lord, we have been to the nearest city to learn about Liuke and Liuke clan. Originally, we planned to register as a flow guest according to the young sir's instructions, but after receiving the assembly information, we put it on hold. "

"What do you think of the customers?" Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang's quiet eyes suddenly brightened, and his tone was rarely excited: "my subordinates think that this is simply a career tailored for our dragon teeth guard! Sir, my subordinates are confident to build a team of day class customers in the shortest time

Moyang's rare excitement makes mu Qingge smile.

She thought it was hard to see such an expression on the young and mature face of Moyang.

She joked: "the Dragon teeth guard has the most tacit cooperation, no need to trust the test, rich combat experience, unified cooperation, high obedience. If you can't build a day class flow guest team for me in a short time, you should commit suicide. "

As soon as Mo Yang heard this, he knelt down on one knee and made a military order: "I promise you that within one year, Longya Wei will be famous among the hake clan and become a heaven class team."

"A year..." After listening to Mu Qingge, he slowly shook his head. She looked down at Mo Yang kneeling in front of her, and said in her voice: "a year is too long, I can only give you half a year at most. You must let the Dragon tooth guard in half a year time, like a divine weapon, mercilessly inserted in the earth of the middle ancient world! Can you do it? "

Mo Yang raised his head and nodded his head to Mu Qingge's clear eyes.

As long as it is the order of the young sir, he will do it no matter how difficult it is!

Mo Yang's nod makes mu Qingge smile. "Well, I believe you. Get up. "

Moyang rose in response to the sound, standing in front of the Mu light song.

Mu Qingge will put the list into his arms, Moyang quickly catch.

He opened it and saw that the list above was from the Dragon teeth guard.

Mu Qingge said: "when the Yuejia affair in Yushui city is over, you will leave with the Dragon tooth guard, go to a city at will, and put the name of the Dragon tooth in the Liuke clan and print the name of Liuke. This list is a list for you to give to the Liuke clan, and it is also the leading group I have built for you. Whether or not I can complete my task in half a year depends on your cooperation in the future. At the same time, we should not slack off in the cultivation of joint attack skills. We should make use of the actual combat to constantly run in and improve it. I hope that the Dragon teeth guard that I will see in half a year will be more excellent than today, and it is brand new. "

"What about you, sir?" Hearing the arrangement of Mu light song, Mo Yang asks anxiously.

The significance of their existence is to protect mu Qingge. However, in fact, they rarely do this duty.

"You don't mind me. I have other things to do. As soon as you grow up, you will help me the most. " Mu Qingge waved his hand.

Mo Yang hesitated: "but your side..."

"You don't have to worry about no one around me. Don't forget, there are young lotus, they are with me, and there are white and silver dust." Mu Qingge interrupted him.

Hearing her words, Mo Yang stopped talking.

In the past, muqingge has decided something that nobody can change.

Mo Yang is ordered to leave. After a while, Bai Lin appears in front of Mu Qingge and turns into a human figure. He lies lazily on the bed and curiously says to Mu Qingge, "what are you going to do with that unseen musician who provokes you?"

Mu light song eyes flash, way: "Yu Shui City family qualifying competition is coming, the five families are actively preparing, can not act rashly." She wants to see if the domineering musician still remembers the Mojia in Linchuan.

Of course, she is very sure that the music family does not know the existence of the Linchuan boundary Mojia. What she cares about is whether the music family will continue to send people to Linchuan.

The three members of the music family were sent to Linchuan to look for people. Later, in order to force out muqingge, they took her family as bait. This series of behavior, all violated the bottom line of moqingge.

Therefore, in order to eliminate the roots, she has long decided to eradicate the whole music family.

However, before the action, she wanted to see the music family in the middle ancient world, and she could not remember the things in Linchuan. If the people of the Lejia family have already forgotten this matter, and the culprit who bullied and humiliated Mu's family has also died, maybe she doesn't need to kill in Yushui city.

But if the musicians are still thinking about sending people to Linchuan, they will have a thorough inquiry In order not to affect the old man's retirement life, and does not affect the aunt's pregnant woman's mood, she also had to kill!

By the way!

Thinking of Linchuan's family, mu Qingge suddenly remembered that according to the time, Mu Lianrong's child should have been born. Just don't know, the little guy is a man or a woman, can make grandfather happy.Mu light song's eyes suddenly appeared a touch of soft color, was white to see a positive.

She couldn't help asking, "how did the Lejia provoke you, so that you didn't hesitate to go from Linchuan to the middle ancient world to steal and destroy the family?"

Mu light song eyes soft color convergence, a cold smile, "an old thing."

Bai Yan frowned. She was obviously not satisfied with the answer!

In the end, mu Qingge didn't tell Bai He the story. It's not that she deliberately betrays the truth, but that she is really not a good storyteller.

Yuejia, according to the information obtained from Liuke clan, the highest cultivation in this family is Yue Ying, the great elder of the family.

According to the realm of the middle ancient world, each realm is divided into six layers. Above the gray realm is the silver realm. In other words, this Leying cultivation has reached the critical point of breaking through the silver realm.

At any time, it is possible to enter the silver realm and reach a new level.

Muqingge is the five layers of gray realm, and there is a certain distance from the silver realm. If it's a person who meets the sixth floor of the gray world, maybe there's still a lot of power. But if you meet the opponent of silver, the result is unpredictable.

Just as mu Qingge used the power of five layers of gray level to deal with the ancestors of Dou family in Haiyu City, the masters of the four layers of gray realm only used a few moves.

Even though the Dou family's ancestors had reached the fourth level of the grey realm by spiritual stones, their strength was definitely stronger than that of the ordinary three levels.

The higher the realm is, the greater the gap will be.

If you encounter a master of silver realm, revenge may become a death.

That is, because of the existence of Le Ying, mu Qingge did not directly rush to the music family to revenge, but chose to plan before moving.


Any conspiracy is fragile under absolute power!

Even though mu Qingge is good at using tactics and is familiar with the art of war, he also understands this truth.

Just like her, if her strength is absolutely crushing, she will never waste her brain to plan carefully. She will definitely fight directly to achieve her own goal.

Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at Bai Lin and asked, "have you made progress in what you studied before?"

In a daze, he remembered what mu Qingge said and nodded: "there is a way to do it, but no one has ever tried it. I can't guarantee whether it will succeed. But in case of failure, I'm afraid it will lead to disorder of your meridians. "

Mu Qingge frowned.

Bai Bi explained carefully: "the meridians of human beings are the most vulnerable. Even if you have always insisted on physical training, there is still a gap compared with our spirit animals, not to mention the little guy who was transformed into the fire of yuan yuan. Once we succeed, all four of us will benefit and achieve the effect of four times the speed of cultivation. But if there is an accident in the process, all the risks will be borne by you alone. Those who are light are disordered in meridians, while those who are serious are broken in meridians, and their accomplishments are abandoned. Are you sure you want to take a risk? "

After pausing for a moment, Bai Bi said again: "in fact, with your own talent and cultivation speed, it is very rare and rare. Why do you have to take risks? "

Why don't you know the truth?

Mu Qingge smiles and says to Bai: "I don't have much time left. I have to seize all the time." There are too many things pressing on her, forcing her not to be lax and to be strong as soon as possible.

Originally, after she stepped into the purple realm, she thought she was enough to protect the people she wanted to protect, but after she really entered the purple realm, she found that she wanted to do more things, and her current cultivation was not enough to support her to do all this.

"Come on, let's go to the space and try it out." Mu Qingge has always been an action group. I heard that Bai Xuan had come up with a way and could not wait to try it.

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