What is the feeling of soul being separated from noumenon?

Mu Qingge is a bit like this at this time! She had never dreamt for a long time, but after her tiredness came, she entered a deep dream

In the dream, she incarnated as those golden figures, and began to run herself according to the method of refining in the divine strategy. Force all the spiritual power in the body out of the sea of Qi in the elixir field, smash and disperse it into the meridians.

Then, the meridians are retrograde, and these spiritual powers are transmitted to viscera, muscles, bones and even blood.

This kind of reverse tempering brings the danger of self explosion at any time.

In the dream, mu Qingge felt pain all over her body. Her blood seemed to be burned. Her muscles expanded rapidly. Soon, she became a huge ball in her dream. Then, with a bang, she saw her broken body.


Mu Qingge suddenly woke up from the bed, his back was cold and his clothes were soaked with cold sweat.

The sound of rapid breathing echoed in the quiet room.

When mu Qingge gradually calmed down, her heart suddenly rose a sense of survival. She slowly raised her hand, touched her cold cheek, and happily said to herself, "it's OK, it's just a dream. Otherwise, he would have died extremely stifled

She raised her eyes and found that the window was bright. It turned out that the night had passed.

Mu Qingge was slightly surprised. She remembered that she felt sleepy after dinner last night, and then lay down to sleep. Then, I had the dream of "let me die to death with no residue left". I was scared to wake up and the day would be bright?

In her perception, it seemed that it was only an hour or two, but in fact it was a night.

In my heart, there is no doubt. She drooped her eyes, and her eyes fell on her palms and frowned: "Si Mo said it was the supreme divine strategy of the Protoss. Is it a killing skill? Or Only the protoss can practice such skills? But Then why does the Mu family have the remnant volume of the divine strategy? And the adherents... "

Slowly tight lips, mu Qingge fell into a deep confusion. The adherents of the family recognized her as the main body, and then forced her to accept the servitude of Fuya with the clues in the volume of Shence. Why do they use this as bait? Can't they have known for a long time that she had a trick?

In other words, they know that the ancestors of the Mu family went to Linchuan with the remnant scriptures written on their magic strategies.

If so, they are indeed inextricably related to the Mu family.

However, the cultivation method of the volume up of the magic strategy is not practical at all. The dream just now is the best warning to her.

Mu Qingge automatically sums up the previous dreams into the category of "thinking every day and dreaming at night".

It must be that she has been thinking in her heart since she solved the secret of her magic plan. That's why she had such a dream. But in her dream, she couldn't resist the temptation of magic and practiced in accordance with the above practice, and the result was tragic.

"Dream is a subconscious response. Is my body telling me not to practice rashly in this way?" Mu Qingge picks the eyebrow tip faintly.

Thoughts some chaos, Mu light song thought, then took out the furnace alchemy.

Alchemy can concentrate and calm Qi, astringent the mind, and exercise spiritual consciousness. Moqingge, as always, will not waste any time, and will always arrange his various practices properly.

The furnace she took out was not an incinerator.

The old man, the dean of the medicine tower, had something to say. She knew that the incinerator was not only a good thing in Linchuan, but also a target for alchemists even if it was put in the middle ancient world.

Before she had a complete understanding of the situation in the middle ancient world, she would not bring out "Xiao Hei" to "attract bees and butterflies".

So, what she took out was just an ordinary Dan stove. Anyway, she had a perfect state. Even if she used ordinary furnace to make pills, she could also refine pills of perfect quality.

The difference is that the quantity is less and the speed is slower.

After a while, mu Qingge's room began to be filled with the fragrance of Medicine

Outside the window, the sky turned white and the night faded.

In Yushui City, it was no longer peaceful before a day. Even at night, there are different people searching in the streets.

The people of the Chiang family and the Sheng family searched the whole city with torches, and some invisible and secret surged.

As the night passed, the searchers returned with nothing. The Dragon teeth guard, who was watching everything in the dark, retreated quietly and returned to Mu Qingge's temporary residence.

In the unknown place, where Qin Yiyao was shut down, the dark environment around him could not tell day and night.

In the dark, she finally fumbled to the side of the self claimed Miss Shengjia. They planned carefully, but they did not have a fully sure escape plan.

Qin Yiyao pursed her lips and said, "now the situation is not clear. We don't know where this is, who we are arrested by, what their purpose is, and how many guards are outside. We can only take a look at it step by step."The woman of the Sheng family whispered: "as long as I can get out of here, I can release my Sheng family's mark outside. You can see it within a hundred miles of Yushui city. Then my family will come to save me!"

How could you do that!

Qin Yiyao is very happy.

I have to say, this is a good opportunity. If the people of the Sheng family find her, she will have a great chance to escape.

Well, now is to find a way to send the women around her out of this black prison.

Of course, she also needs to make sure that the young lady of the Sheng family will not be found and killed because of the mark before the people of the Sheng family find it.

Otherwise, when the people of Sheng family come, they will not save people but kill people.

Qin Yiyao frowned slightly. She asked, "when will your family arrive after your mark is sent out?"

The woman of the Sheng family estimated it in her heart and honestly said to Qin Yiyao, "I don't know where this is and how far it is from Yushui city. If it is within the visible range of the mark, they will arrive at the slowest half an hour. "

So there are still too many uncertain factors in it.

What to do? Bet or not?

Qin Yiyao slowly clenched her lower lip and fell into a struggle and bitter thought.

"Well, we've been talking for so long. I don't know whether you're a man or a woman. But to hear your voice, you should be young, maybe younger than me, but you are so powerful that you can think of so many things that I can't think of. " The young lady of the Sheng family suddenly said.

Qin Yiyao has been holding his voice down. Naturally, his voice sounds like a man and a woman.

Hearing the worship in the words of the Sheng family woman, she silently smiles, and her eyes hidden in the dark appear a touch of loss that no one can see.

Miss Sheng's praise made her think back to the past and the man.

Mu ran, dressed in red, flashed into her mind as bright as the sun. On her beautiful and flawless face, she still had such a crazy and confident smile. The strategy between every move, turn the hand for cloud cover, hand for rain, sometimes ruthless, sometimes gentle and delicate

In her expression, appear a trace of trance, murmur like way: "I fierce? That's because you don't know that person. In front of him, I am not worth mentioning. In front of him, I am vulnerable to any disguise. "

"What a man! So powerful? Are you smarter than you? " The young lady of Sheng family asked curiously.

Qin Yiyao has a complicated smile and a bitter tone: "he is more than smart? It can be called a monster

"How wonderful! I'd love to meet him. Will you take me to see him when we leave here? I've always liked smart people since I was a kid. Unlike my stupid brother, I just told me that I can't do this or that! " The women of the Sheng family begged.

"I'm afraid I can't promise you. I don't know if I have a chance to see him again in my life, and I don't know whether I should see him or not

The young lady of the Sheng family heard the sadness in her words.

I was about to ask each other, but suddenly I heard something.

It was the sound of the bolt opening, and it seemed that the man who had caught them was finally about to show up.

"Shh." Qin Yiyao wakes up from her recollection. The experience between life and death makes her alert. She reminded the side of Miss Sheng, "before you know the situation, don't easily reveal your identity, and don't be forced to come forward."

At the moment, Miss Sheng admired Qin Yiyao. She nodded and closed her mouth tightly.

The closed door was finally opened.

The long lost light, sprinkled through the crack of the door, dispelled the darkness of the door, and let Qin Yiyao see the thickness and material of the door. This is a dark iron gate, the door is very thick, with her current cultivation, it can not be broken.

According to her experience, I am afraid that only people above the gray level can break the door.

The door was slowly pushed open from the outside, the light wrapped several people and appeared in the dark room.

"It stinks." Just came in, just took a step, can not help but dislike the way.

It's a man!

Then, he said impatiently, "lighten up here, how can I pick people in the dark?"

As soon as his voice dropped, several people who followed him began to separate and went to the corner of the room to light the torch hanging on the wall.

Fire in the room, the fire dissipated the darkness of the room, and gradually presented the outline of the whole room in front of the public.

Lights interweave, some places, become clear, some corners are shaded, become more dark.

However, Qin Yiyao and the women of the Sheng family finally saw their own environment.

It turns out that this is a cell.

In front of them, between them and those who came in, there was a fence like a small animal trapped in a cage.

In addition to them, there are many people crowded in the cage. Qin Yiyao finally saw the woman who claimed to be Miss Shengjia.In addition to some dirt on the cheek, the woman is still pretty, a pair of eyes with aura, looks a bit playful.

At her glance, the women of the Sheng family also looked at her curiously.

She was ashamed to find out that she was dressed as a man. It seemed that she had never been so close to a strange man.

"Don't get me wrong. I'm a woman." For fear that Miss Sheng's heart will affect the cooperation between the two, Qin Yiyao immediately shows her identity.

Hearing her whispering excuse, the Sheng family woman was surprised and looked at her carefully. She found a trace of softness between her eyebrows and confirmed her gender.

She put out her tongue playfully and whispered, "it turns out to be a sister."

With a smile, Qin Yiyao quickly swept around and told her not to act rashly. Before, the conversation between the two people was in a low voice after they got together, and they didn't worry about being heard by others.

Moreover, in this situation, most of these people are in a trance, and who will notice what they say?

The woman of the Sheng family nodded her head, shrunk to the inside and pursed her lips.

At this time, the eyes of the man who entered the prison swept over, and Qin Yiyao quickly lowered his eyelids.

"Why are all these things this time?" The man said unhappily. The dissatisfaction in the tone also made his brow frown.

A man approached him and cautiously said, "my Lord, our ninth master let me tell you that many people have been lost in various cities recently, which has caused some noise. There are fewer people who are engaged in activities alone. Business is not easy to do. Please bear with me."

After listening to the explanation, the man was still unhappy with a cold hum.

Regardless of, he did not continue to complain, but impatiently took over the long pole carried by the people around him and held it in his hand.

The long rod, like a fishing rod, is only thicker and longer than the fishing rod.

He held the pole in his hand and put the other end of the pole into the gap of the fence.

The other end of the long pole swayed back and forth in the crowd, as if picking goods.

Qin Yiyao and the women of the Sheng family crowded into the corner and watched the movement of the pole.

From time to time, the long pole fell on some people and raised their chin. The man outside the fence, after carefully looking around, shook his head in disappointment, moved the Pole away and landed on another person.

This sense of selection makes Qin Yiyao feel as if she has fallen into the hands of human beings.

She was treated as a slave of the trade!

Vaguely, Qin Yiyao seems to have guessed what kind of grottoes he fell into. However, she didn't expect that there was such a black market in the medieval world!

"It's too bad. It's really bad. Let me tell you, this kind of goods can't get the price in the past. " People who hold a long pole have a look of disgust and haggle with the people around them from time to time.

The people around me just smile a little.

The price is not something they can say.

People who hold the long pole seem to know this, so they just complain about it and don't keep pestering them all the time.

For a long time, he just managed to choose a person, pointed to her eyebrow with the long pole in his hand, and said to the humanity around him: "she is one."

Then, the gate of the fence was opened, and a man came in and went to the woman he had chosen and lifted her hair.

"Ah The woman was very afraid, at the moment and eat pain, can not help but cry out the voice.

However, the cry of fear did not change her fate. The people who came in, without pity, grabbed her hair and dragged her to the door.

The woman was dragged on the ground, her scalp seemed to be torn, her hands tightly grasp the hand on her head, screaming constantly, feet disorderly pedal.

But in the end, he was pulled out of the cage and thrown in front of the man holding the pole.

"Do it gently. If there is any damage and the price falls, you will compensate me?" The man holding the pole complained.

The man who pulled out the woman shrank his neck and stepped back.

He glared at him fiercely, the talent that holds long pole falls on that woman's body. He looked down at him as if he were looking at the goods. "Look up."

Climbing on the ground of the woman, fear is incomparable.

Hearing this voice, where dare to refute? She kept shaking, shaking up her head, pitifully looking at the person standing in front of her.

The man holding the long pole gave her a glance, and snorted in his nose, "barely make do with it."

Finish saying, then no longer pay attention to her, hold up long pole to continue to pick up a person.

There were men and women in prison, but most of them were women. Those men, still unconscious, do not know what happened at this time.

This makes Qin Yiyao a little strange. Why do women wake up?

Is it difficult to achieve? The effect of overpowering drugs on men is greater?She did not know that her guess was the truth.

In order to avoid trouble, there are some ingredients in the drugs that will make the man's body more likely to be paralyzed and prolong the sleeping time.

In this way, when they wake up, most of the time they're done, the deal is done.

Even if they want to resist, it's useless.

And the person holding a long pole seems to be only for women, not for men. Qin Yiyao noticed that his long pole always bypasses the sleeping men and falls on the women who are afraid of crying.

The man chose two more women, but his expression was not satisfied.

Finally, his long pole left the periphery and extended to the corner of the cell, where the shadow was shrouded, where Qin Yiyao and the woman of the Sheng family were hiding.

"Sister, what to do?" Seeing that the long pole is getting closer and closer to her, the Sheng family woman asks Qin Yiyao in a low voice.

"Calm down. Maybe it's an opportunity to leave! " Qin Yiyao's brain is flying fast.

They didn't know where it was, how far it was from Yushui City, whether Miss Sheng's mark was useful, whether the Sheng family could arrive in time, so they could not do anything.

But if you leave here and go outside, you may have a chance to know where you are and wait for an opportunity to escape!

The women of Sheng family don't understand the meaning of Qin Yiyao's words, but they still choose to believe her.

Finally, the pole fell on Miss Sheng's shoulder.

That stab, strength is not small, let Miss Sheng almost eat pain exclamation, fortunately she in time to resist. She raised her head, the eyes on her small face full of anger looked out of the fence.

If it was in the Sheng family, someone dared to treat her like this, she would have let this person's head be different!

Unfortunately, this is not the Sheng family, and no one knows her as a young lady of the Sheng family!

"Oh! This eye is good, with a stubborn gas, a look is a temper. It is in line with the appetite of some young men Who knows, this one eye of her, but let the eyes of the person holding the long pole suddenly brighten up.

After seeing her appearance clearly, it was the first time that she appeared satisfied. "I didn't expect that there were still such outstanding products in such quality goods, which almost missed the eye. It's you With that, the long pole in his hand hit her heavily on the shoulder.

"Sister!" Miss Sheng subconsciously looks at Qin Yiyao around her and seems to want to ask her what to do.

But let the person holding a long pole notice Qin Yiyao dressed in men's clothes around her.

His eyes showed something intriguing. The long pole moved away from the Sheng family woman's shoulder and slowly moved to Qin Yiyao's neck. He lifted it up against her neck and lifted her face up. "There's a woman disguised as a man."

Then, he said to the people around him: "go, bring them both out."

The Sheng family woman's eyes are stained with anger. She is about to get angry, but Qin Yiyao grabs her hand and shakes her head. She's going to get out of here through this man. It's the best choice.

Qin Yiyao pulled the Sheng family miss to stand up and said in a loud voice, "don't bother. We'll come out by ourselves." With that, they passed the others and headed for the door.

The cooperation of the two people surprised people outside the fence.

It seems that for the first time, they have met with such "goods" after years of working.

However, since the "goods" are willing to cooperate, they have saved a lot of trouble. That dirty, disgusting cage, they don't really want to go.

Qin Yiyao, holding Miss Sheng's family, came out of the small door and stood in front of the man holding a long pole.

Fire, hit on two people, let their appearance become more clear.

Holding a long pole in the eyes of the man raised a touch of amazement, even several other people are also a bright eye.

"The best! It's the best. " The man holding the long pole threw the pole in his hand, and his eyes were excited.

He thought he had picked up a pretty girl with a good temper, but he didn't want to. After seeing their faces clearly, he realized that he had almost looked away.

These two people, one of them dressed up delicately, although their clothes were messy and dirty, they could not conceal their temperament. The facial features are also rare and beautiful, very lovely.

And the other one? Although she was dressed in coarse linen, she was dressed as a man. But that kind of inborn, with noble cool temperament, how can not cover. Look at the facial features, enchanting and charming, but also with the cold meaning of rejecting people thousands of miles away, just like an iceberg.

Such contradictory temperament and appearance, actually appear in the same person, can be called a special creature, the best!

He seemed to be able to predict how much considerable income the two women in front of him could bring!

"Just the two of you! Follow me Man excited way.

He called, but let the rest of the people sober up.

The person who had spoken to him immediately came up and asked, "Sir, what about these three?"


Only then did he think of the three people he had chosen before. His eyes light lightly swept, curled up together, sitting on the ground only know drooping head crying woman, before so a barely pleasing to the eye, also become very unpleasant.Compared with the two immortals standing in front of him, these three people are just mud under their feet!

With a trace of disgust in his eyes, he said impatiently, "no, No. I'll take these two! Throw these three back

Then, he changed his face, filled with smiles, and said to Qin Yiyao: "two beauties, follow me."


In the street, there is still no hot water in the street.

However, the search of the Chiang family is still going on, and some beautiful young women are carefully examined by them. Sheng's Secret search is also continuing, but no one knows who they are looking for.

Mu Qingge is sitting in the elegant Pavilion on the second floor of a teahouse. Outside the open window, there is a lively market. In the distance, there is a house hidden behind the high trees.

There is the residence of Le family.

The scale of the cities in the middle ancient world is very large. Compared with them, the cities in Linchuan are just like children's family. It covers a wide range of cities.

Just like the musicians in front of you, even if Mu Qingge is so far away and sitting so high, you still can't take the whole music family into consideration. It's just the tip of the iceberg.

Mu Qingge is sitting at the table, leaning lazily on the chair, his feet crossed on the table, his elbows supporting the armrest, his hands playing with the tea cup, his eyes half narrowed, and his mouth raised a smile that was not like a smile.

On the table, there is a white jade brand.

The sign was quiet, but after a while, a voice came out.

"I'm in charge. Here you are."

"Oh, yes. Today is a family meeting. How can I be late? "


"Our musicians, as long as we win the first place in the qualifying competition, will be more brilliant!"

"Everything is the wise leadership of the owner of the house!"

"Why? Is this your new jade pendant

"I just bought it just now. It was sold by a loser who didn't know what to buy. I happened to pass by and bought it."

"It's a wise eye to be in charge of things! You can't escape any antique toys

After the compliments, there were all sorts of conversation.

Mu Qingge listens to these dialogues, the smile of the corners of his mouth becomes deeper.

The jade pendant on the table is not an ordinary one. Remember Bai Xiyue? Do you remember Qin Jinhao?

At the beginning, Qin Jinhao colluded with Bai Xiyue. In order to steal the intelligence of Mu Fu and inquire about the news, he once gave Bai Xiyue a pair of jade pendants.

In other words, we should use the eavesdropper to describe it more appropriately.

However, its shape and texture are very similar to the jade pendant, so it is easy to confuse the eyes.

This eavesdropper was accidentally learned by Qin Jinhao, and it did not belong to Linchuan. After that, she fell into the Moqing singers, who had been left in the corner to receive ashes silently. This time, it finally came in handy.

There are only a few introductions about this big business in the materials of Le family.

However, this is a few strokes, let Mu light song thoroughly use on.

Yue family is in charge of business and likes antiques and jades. He often goes to yushuicheng jade market to shop for treasure.

Mu Qingge caught his hobby and used some tricks in the jade market to make him buy the eavesdropper on his own initiative and wear it with him.

If the music family wants to hold a meeting, as a major manager of the music family, he will not be absent.

As long as he goes, mu Qingge can hear the meeting clearly without entering the musicians' home.

The most important thing is that his Rune can only be stolen, and this one of muqingge can be heard.

Mu Qingge held the tea cup in both hands and slowly turned it in the palm. He took a sip of warm tea.

The Yuejia hall is full of people.

All of these people are the core figures of the musicians' family. From the generation in power to the younger generation who take over, all of them are listed. This shows the scale and importance of this Council.

From time to time, he was playing with his newly bought jade pendant tied around his waist. The more you look at it, the more you like it, the more you love it.

"Home owners arrive!"

With a loud drink, he pulled his attention back from the jade pendant and stood up with others to welcome the arrival of the master of the music family.

The owner of the music family is over 50 years old, and his temples are dyed with cream. But I don't know his real age. The higher the level of cultivation, the longer the life span, and the more unable to measure age by appearance.

His brows are dignified and domineering, with an air of egotism.

He walked to the throne of the Lord of the house. His eyes swept over the assembly hall, sending out the domineering power of directing the country.

"Sit down."

He spoke, and the people returned to their seats.

"Are you sure about tomorrow's qualifying?" Asked the music master.The voice, stolen by the eavesdropper's waist, was almost synchronously transmitted to the listening symbol of Mu Qingge for her to hear.

Right from the beginning? That's great!

Mu Qingge's eyes slightly bent, showing a satisfied smile.

As soon as the issue started, the musicians began to talk. However, in a word, they are all saying some illusory assurance, in short, is to belittle their opponents and raise themselves.

After listening for a while, muqingge felt a little boring.

Suddenly, listen to a sentence from the Fu, let her eyes open, clear eyes suddenly emerged a cold color.

It's a pity that Shi Bao's whereabouts are unknown. If he is here, he can find more resources for his family's disciples in the past few years, and the strength of our Lejia will be even better! "

The missing?

Woman's intuition tells mu Qingge, must have something to do with her!

Sure enough, the following words confirmed her conjecture.

"Hum, with the trust and connivance of the owner, the guy dared to run to Linchuan without our family property. As a result, he lost his trace and did not know his life or death. The head of the family sent the steward to look for him, but he died in a place like Linchuan. Lotte's three brothers have gone to investigate the matter and have not come back yet. It seems that in the barren land of Linchuan, someone has come up against our music family

"It's true that the people of the music family have not forgotten about it." Mu light song eyes turn cold, the breath is also cold. Even when she came in to add tea to her, she was surprised.

Listen to the voice of speaking from the card --

"Oh, in a backward place like Linchuan, there are people who are not afraid of death to offend our music family?"

"If not, how can we explain that the people sent by my music family have been lost one after another? Even the longevity lamp is out? "

"Eavesdropper!" The sound from the jade pendant made him cry out in shock.

Her voice attracted mu Qingge to look at her.

Under the gaze of those clear eyes, she Ya truthfully said: "I have seen it on dule island."

There's a wiretap on dule island?

Mu light song slightly frowns.

What is the origin of the adherents?

"I've heard my father say that it belongs to my hometown, which is not available in other places. Today, I suddenly saw that the little Lord had it in his hand, so I was surprised. However, the little Lord is not an ordinary person, and it is understandable that Mu people can have eavesdropping symbols. " The path of the chiya.

The misunderstanding in her words, mu Qingge has no intention to explain.

In fact, the eavesdropper has nothing to do with Mojia. What's more, the Mu clan, which seems to be powerful, mysterious and declining, has nothing to do with Mojia.

Where is the hometown?

"You go down first." Mu light Song Mou bottom across a cold light. In the heart of doubt, she did not continue to ask him, but hidden in the bottom of her heart.

She took a look at her and left the room in silence.

Mu Qingge put the adherents aside in advance, calm down and continue to listen to the news from the eavesdropping symbol.

"Master, we can't let the ants in Linchuan bully us." It has been suggested.

The topic seems to be brought in all of a sudden. From the preparation for qualifying, it was transferred to Linchuan and the musicians against the body.

However, this is exactly what mu Qingge wants to know.

She wants to know what Lejia will do next!

"This matter, of course, will not be over." The owner of the music family spoke.

The eavesdropper suddenly quiets down. It seems that people are holding their breath and waiting for the next word from the owner.

"Before, the three brothers of Lotte were sent over, but they did not come back before the channel was closed. The ever burning lamp that they had left in the family was indeed off, which showed that they were dead. In Linchuan, there are people who can kill them, which is worth investigating. However, the family qualifying competition is imminent, and the temporary access to Linchuan can not be opened frequently, so this matter was put on hold. After qualifying, the time is almost the same. At that time, I will ask the elder to exert great magic power again, build temporary passageways, and let the younger generation of disciples of the family pass by. It will be regarded as experience. We must investigate this matter clearly, find out the murderer of our music family, kill all the people related to him on the spot, take him back to the music house alone, abolish his cultivation, gouge out his face, and engrave his face as a slave of our music family The character of "is always enslaved by my music family!"

Mu light song's eyes light with the music home owner's words, become more and more cold.

Even the breath suddenly dropped temperature, as if formed ice slag, stored in the air.

That kind of chill, let the furnishings in the room seem to be stained with a thin layer of ice.

People kill her, she kills. She killed, people killed her.

She has always understood this truth!

She could understand and feel reasonable that the music family wanted her revenge and her life. However, they just want to move those who are related to her!

In Linchuan, she left too many fettersThere are not only grandparents and aunts, but also new born cousins or cousins. In addition to her relatives, she also has close friends, Yao TA's friendship with Jin Lan and her friends who are recognized by her. These people, is she will not allow anyone to finger dye, to hurt!

It would be a disaster for her relatives and friends if they really went to Linchuan and their accomplishments were suppressed at the critical point.

She came to stop that.

I thought that after all these years, she went through thousands of experiences and came to the middle ancient world and to the music family. The musicians may have forgotten this matter, but they don't want to. They have not forgotten, but their revenge is getting worse.

"Le Jia, what a damned thing!" Mu light Song said a cold voice.

In the eavesdropper, the music family's voice continues to be heard.

After their master's words, their rising and falling harmonies were almost as if muqingge had been caught and disposed of by them.

"By the way, two things have happened in the city these days." Suddenly, someone changed the subject.

"Well, it seems that the dandy of the Chiang family was punctured by the kiln sister when he was visiting the brothel. Another thing, you are talking about the disappearance of the little princess of the Sheng family? "

"The little princess of the Sheng family is missing?" This unexpected news, let Mu light song eyes flash.

In her mind, she immediately recalled all the information about the Sheng family that Mo Yang had mentioned before.

He did mention that the Sheng family was looking for someone secretly these two days.

But unexpectedly, what they are looking for is their own young lady. Sheng Susu, who is regarded as the apple of the eye by all the people in the Sheng family, has disappeared!

Miss Sheng's missing, let mu Qingge in the fuzzy, seems to capture something.

It was just that the idea was too vague for her to see through.

"Well, it's a good thing. It's just heaven helping me! It doesn't matter to the Jiang family. The Sheng family came here prepared to compete with my music family. Now their little princess is gone. I'm afraid it's already a mess. Ha ha ha... "

In the eavesdropper, there was a burst of laughter.

The people of the music family gloated at Sheng Susu's disappearance.

"Although the Sheng family kept the news tight, we still knew it. This time, our music family's chance of winning is greatly increased

The victory of the meeting at home.

Mu Qingge holds the listening Rune in his hand, and Lingli inputs it to turn off its eavesdropping.


Behind him, there was a knock on the door.

Mu light song will eavesdrop symbol close, light way a: "into."

The door was pushed open and Moyang came in.

When he came to Mu Qingge's back, he lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice: "Sir, the investigation of the spirit beast car has made some progress. It seems to have something to do with a black market for underground human trafficking. According to the investigation, the black market will hold an auction every once in a while, and the goods to be auctioned are people. The organization of abduction seems to be supplying goods for them. Tonight is the auction time of the black market. "

"Tonight?" Mu light song eyes flash a light.

This black market is really able to choose the time. It actually started the auction on the first night of the qualifying competition in Yushui city.

Mu light song eyes dark, to Moyang command: "ready to auction invitation."

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