On the grassland at dusk, the grass is low and vast. Tens of thousands of tents occupy the outskirts of the sunset grassland. Hundreds of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of people, are crowded in the outskirts of the grassland, waiting for the start of the great hunting.

Somewhere, unlike other crowded places, people automatically backed out of an open space.

Inside stood two people, one red as fire, dazzling as the sun. One person, light armor leather, vigorous and domineering.

"Come on." Mu Qingge opens her mouth to Yingze actively, and the bottom of her clear eyes is filled with flames.

Three moves agreement, only one move, but has already aroused her belligerent heart.

Behind her, in the land connected with the heel, a crack spread on the land, ferocious and terrifying, spreading Yingze's power around silently.

"Second move." Ying Ze's deep voice is slow.

His right arm was lifted up again, and a strong force wrapped around his arm, as if there was a great beast hidden in it, and he would break out of the cage at any time.

Sangxue dance just put down the heart, once again hung high.

She was as pale as a leaf. "Yingze's strength is much stronger than before."

"This is a move that can't be compared with the one just now!" Mo Yang's heart sank, his eyes were concerned about Xiangmu light song, and his hand could not help but grip the handle of his waist weapon.

"What a powerful force!"

"It's terrible! I'm in the hands of the winner. I can't take a move. "

"I'm afraid that this blow will blow people to pieces?"

"Then this mu surname is not dead!"

"I said the winner would never let him take the second move!"

Mu light song eyes light coagulation, eyes calm. Her hair was blown wildly by the power of Yingze. The power of destroying the withered and decaying oppressed her, making it difficult to breathe.

"How strong!"

Mu light song in the heart secret way.

The conditions agreed to win Ze, in addition to solving the problem, but also want to feel the strength of some of the top five in the Youth League. Yingze is so powerful that they are only in the fourth place. We can imagine how powerful the three people in front of him will be.

What's more, mu Qingge has not forgotten that Jing Fengyu once said that Wei moling, the first in the Qing Ying list, has entered the golden realm!

"Are you ready?" Wild power, tearing around the grass, the land. Yingze looks at mu Qingge with a cold face, and has no feelings.

Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed, but gave him a cold smile.

The curved arc from the corner of his lips fell in Yingze's eyes, which made him feel particularly dazzling.

His eye bottom dye a thin anger, big drink a, "suffer to die!"

Several times more powerful than the previous one, sweeping towards the moqingge. Under the impact of the two people, a burst of thunder sounded, the powerful force is tearing the grass, lifting the soil layer, blocking people's sight.



There were shouts of alarm, and everyone retreated in terror, making the middle more empty. They are not afraid that this confrontation will be affected, but that their lives will be affected.

"My Lord!" Moyang did not retreat, withstood the powerful force, stood in place, and cried out worried.

"Sister Well... "

Sang Yichen's mouth is tightly covered by sang Xue dance, and he is not allowed to make a sound he shouldn't make.

Sang Yichen looks at her, but is sternly warned by her eyes. In the fierce warning, there are also hidden worries.

Sang Yichen nods slowly. Sang Xuewu releases his hand and looks back at the place where the smoke and dust are blurred and where the soil rises.

In Longya Wei's camp, people standing on the Highlands were surprised to see the smoke rising from the ground.

"So much noise?" Bai's surprised way.

In the silver dust eye appears dignified, he calls in the heart Mu light song.

"I'm fine."

Call a few, Mu light song just have response. This let silver dust hair tight heart suddenly a relaxed, took a breath, to all humanity: "light song is OK."

At dusk on the grassland, people around the scene are choked.

Cough sounds from time to time, but no one is willing to leave at this moment, all staring at the dust gradually settled seat.

As the smoke dissipated, their bodies were gradually exposed.

The place where they stood had collapsed and sunk into the earth, forming a round pit.

People can see that their fists are touching each other, and the sleeves on mu Qingge's arm have been smashed into powder, revealing the original bright and clean arm.

At this time, mu Qingge's arm is a little swollen, covered with red blood, the skin of his fist even exudes blood. There is no beauty to speak of, her neck and forehead, blue veins bulging, some pale color, but still stubborn eyes.

Ying Ze's eyes flashed a little surprised.

"Why? I can't believe it

"This is too strong, even to resist the two moves to win the little master!""It seems that Mr. Mu is not weak! It's just why there is no name for him on the youth list

"It's really strange that there is no such person in the list of young heroes just updated."

"It's either intentional concealment, or it's just like his dragon tooth flow team!"

"If you can carry both moves, is there a miracle in the third move?"

"Well, how could it be? The third move to win the little master will no longer be merciful and go all out. But this young master Mu has to bear two moves before and after. I'm afraid his body has reached the limit at this time. How can he carry the third move? "

"The analysis is reasonable. It seems that after the end of the second move, there will be no accident."

"So if you go on, you're going to die?"

"Dead, of course! Will winning the little master make him live, which will damage his dignity? If it's spread out, he can't kill an unknown person in the list of three moves. Do you want his face, which is the fourth place in the list of young heroes? "

"But if he wins, he will become famous in the first World War."

"You have to have a life to be famous."

"The third move, he's going to die!"

"Well, it's true that ten lives are dead."

"You surprised me." Yingze said. Second, it seems that he can carry the light song.

Mu light song affected the corners of the lips, took back the ferocious arm, negative in the back.

Her action, let the people behind her saw her injury. The red and swollen arm covered with blood and seeping blood, the skin has gradually turned purple.

Sang snow dance hands cover lips, eyes have been some wet.

The Sang family were also shocked by mu Qingge's arm.

Mo Yang's face sank and his eyes were filled with heartache. Without saying a word, he took off his cloak and went up to put it on mu Qingge, blocking her arm.

Because he knew that it would not be long before mu Qingge's arm would recover. And this anomaly must not be discovered by anyone.

"It's really pretty and expensive." Mo Yang's action, let win Ze disdain of cold hum.

Mu light song but hook lip smile way: "subordinate's sincere support, really not what people can enjoy."

"Hum." Listening to the irony in Mu Qingge's words, Ying Ze Leng snorted. He turned and strode to keep them apart. I wish you were as sharp as your tongue. Otherwise, you can't take the third move

Mu Qingge's smile still exists, but the expression in the eyes has become dignified.

Walking back to the original position, Yingze turns to look at Xiangmu Qingge, and says in an arrogant manner: "the third move, I will give full play to it without reservation!"


When people around him heard Yingze's words, they said in secret. "It's true!"

"It seems that the winner is infuriated."

"Win little Lord angry, this person does not want to die."

"It's a pity that such an outstanding person, if he can endure for a while, may be able to make his name on the list of young heroes in the future. Now, it will be buried here. "

"If the Dragon tooth obeys the order, there will be no amnesty for anyone who dares to speak falsely." These words completely infuriated Mo Yang, he gave an order, let the people in succession all of a sudden quiet.

"Longya, please

Five hundred dragon teeth guards, drink in unison.

That momentum is no less than the winners.

Their faces were sharp, sharp and sharp, with anger and killing in their eyes, sweeping people around. Do you dare to curse them? They have endured it for a long time!

"If you dare to insult your Lord, kill! If you dare to curse, kill

"If you dare to insult your Lord, kill! If you dare to curse, kill

"If you dare to insult your Lord, kill! If you dare to curse, kill

The five hundred dragon teeth guards quickly spread out and formed a circle. The sharp objects were aimed at the surrounding crowd. They are like a sharp and fierce sword, defending muqingge.

This momentum shocked the onlookers. It is the first time to appreciate the difference between Longya and general Liuke organizations.

Under the awe of Longya Wei, the onlookers could not help but retreat, closed their mouths and held their breath.

The three elders of the Sang family, looking at this scene, sighed: "if this person does not die, the word" dragon tooth "will surely frighten the whole medieval world in the future."

The Dragon tooth Wei of Mu light song, let win Ze all have to envy.

Looking at Xiangmu Qingge, he did not shy away from his appreciation. "I can give you a chance. If you give me the dragon's tooth, I can't take the third move. And the matter that you cut off Yingchuan's tongue will be written off."

He even wants to Mu Qingge and trade Longya Wei for his life and death?

Mu light song jokingly smile, eyes light is full of ridicule. "Win little master, let your horse come here!"

He refused!

He turned it down?

Ying Ze's eyes flash a trace of Yin sting."Are you not afraid to die?" Yingze squeezed this sentence out of his teeth.

"Of course! But you can't kill me. And I'm not going to trade my own belongings for anything. " Mu light song cloud light breeze light smile way.

Her words did not use much volume. But it made everyone hear it very clearly.

For a moment, the visitors who watched the bustle around seemed to understand where Longya's loyalty came from. Of course, there are many people who laugh at mu Qingge as a fool.

Longya Wei's expression did not change, because they already knew their status in the heart of muqingge.

Such a move, too much, each experience, will only let them more firmly follow after mu Qingge, fight for her world!

Hearing this, sang Yichen was filled with tears and excited.

He suddenly bypassed the sangxue dance, ran from under Moyang's eyelids, rushed to Mu Qingge, and looked at her excitedly.

Mu Qingge looks at the young man who suddenly rushes to him. In his facial features, he gives her a sense of deja vu.

"My Lord!" Mo Yang is surprised and is busy taking sang Yichen away.

"Yi Chen!" Sang Xue dance is frightened by sang Yichen's behavior, and her heart is suddenly nervous.

Mu Qingge raised his hand to stop Mo Yang from approaching. She looked at sang Yichen and asked, "who are you?"

"It's me. It's me. I'm Yi Chen! I I I am your I... " Looking at mu Qingge from a close distance, sang Yichen is already excited and incoherent.

What do you want to say, frown

Sang Yichen took a deep breath and finally calmed down. He took a serious look at mu Qingge, turned to block mu Qingge, looked at Yingze, and said in a loud voice, "the third move is from me!"

"You?" Yingze gave a cold smile.

Sang Yichen raised his chin and said, "of course! Since this matter has something to do with Sang Xuewu, I'm sang Xuewu's younger brother, so I'll come out naturally. "

It turned out to be the younger brother of Sang Xue dance.

Mu Qingge finally understood what the man standing in front of her was. And why let her have the feeling of deja vu, take a closer look, he and sang snow dance facial features are actually very similar.

Yingze smiles, but the smile is very cold, without any temperature. He ignored sang Yichen, but looked at Xiangmu Qingge, "he said, he accepted this third move for you."

This sentence, seems to be the decision-making power to Mu Qingge, people feel that he is very generous.

Mu Qingge sneers, pushes sang Yichen away, strides out and says to Yingze, "no need."

"Good!" Yingze nods with a smile.

When sang Yichen is pushed away and wants to explain something, he is grabbed by Moyang and thrown back to Sang's house because he is not ready to handle it in time.

"No, I mean it! Let me... "

"Yi, stop it!" The three elders stopped sang Yichen's struggle and told the two deacons of the Sang family to take him to death.

Sang Xue dances fast in her head. She can't let sang Yichen have an accident, let alone mu Qingge die.

And she's standing out now, I'm afraid it won't help.

She walked quickly to the three elders, and suddenly knelt down on her legs and begged: "three elders, please think of a way. Mr. Mu is a lifesaver of snow dance. You can't let him have an accident!"

"Snow dance, what are you doing? Get up The three elders helped sang Xue dance.

Sangxue dance is not willing to get up, just keep begging.

Sangzhilan couldn't look down. She said to Sang Xuewu: "are you making trouble for the three elders? Aren't you the one who caused all this? Sangxue dance, look at the good things you have done, not only implicating the family, but also implicating others! "

"Snow dance is out of our control. Now we just hope that Mr. Mu is lucky enough to be saved from danger." The three elders sighed.

"Shut up, all of you!" Mo Yang turns around and drinks to the noisy sang family.

The younger generation of Sang's family was frightened by his ferocity and did not dare to speak any more.

Mo Yang glanced at them coldly, but said with a firm voice, "my little Lord will not die!"

This belief is not only in his heart, but also in every Dragon tooth guard's heart.

"Are you all finished? Don't waste my time. " Yingze looks aloof and arrogant.

In his eyes, the reactions of the Sang family were like farce.

Mu light song light way: "my time is also limited, start."

Ying Ze's eye light swept to him and said, "you're looking for death yourself. If you want to revenge me, I'm waiting for you!" With that, he jumped into the air.

Mu light Song Mou Guang a congealing, also follow jump into the air, confront with him.

The two men were suspended in the air and stood opposite. At dusk, the wind on the grassland, blowing two people's hair flying, clothes hunting sound.

People on the ground exclaimed and looked up one after another, unwilling to miss the most wonderful scene.

Moyang, sang Xuewu and sang Yichen all raised their heads and looked at Yingze and muqingge in the sky.Yingze raises his hands and slowly draws in front of his chest.

Behind him appeared a huge golden rune, looming

"What is this?" Mu Qingge is confused in my heart.

"He didn't lie. This time he did his best. The blood of the winner is Juli, and the one who left them will give up even if I strike with all my strength. Although this one is not one thousandth of that one, it is more than enough to kill you. " The voice of Chen suddenly rings out in the mind of Mu light song.

Mu Qingge was stunned and said in surprise, "when did you come back?"

Didn't you go to the canglan mountains to look for food?

"I'm still in the canglan mountains, and I'm heading back! I'm not here for a while, and you're just trying to kill me, right? Whatever you do, hold him back until I come back! "

Mu Qingge understood.

The connection between her and Shen made him realize that he was in danger, and through this connection, he knew what happened here.

With the help of Chen, mu Qingge will be safe and sound.

However, she felt the more and more powerful power around Ying Ze, but said faintly, "it's too late."

"Hello! Don't mess around! You want to die, don't pull me! " The urgent way.

"Muqingge, you are very good, let me remember you! Today is the day of your death. Next year, today, I will come back here to mourn. " Yingze looks at the light song of Xiangmu, and the whole person bursts out with golden light.

A force that did not belong to the heaven and earth gradually gathered in front of his hands.

Mu light song's eyes and expression are unprecedented dignified. It was like a thousand tons of high explosives in front of her. It was terrifying.

Before Ying Ze attacks, mu Qingge feels the threat of death and seems to be in front of him.

The most important thing is that she can't fight back, she can only rely on her own ability to carry it!

So, here's the problem!

Can she carry her body?

Her body, first modified by genetic modification agent, has a strong recovery ability, and then through the minefield refining, the degree of defense is far beyond ordinary people.

However, it is the first time that she has faced this kind of pure power attack.

Suppressing the uncertainty at the bottom of her heart, mu Qingge replied to Ying Ze, "I'm afraid that you are the wine of mourning. I'm afraid I can't enjoy it. I said, you can't kill me In any case, the momentum must not be weak!

"Meng Meng, I will use the body as a medium to transfer some power into the space. You are ready!" Mu Qingge at the moment the only way to think of is to use the space with her, to help her block part of the power of Yingze.

"Don't worry, Lord." Meng Meng responded immediately.

Mu light song words, let Ying Ze disdain cold hum, "arrogant people, often die the fastest!"

He jumped up suddenly, the powerful power, turned into a giant dragon, lit up the heaven and earth, roared toward the Mu light song, that moment, as if the whole earth suddenly darkened.

"Third move!" Mu light song murmured a word, eyes light has unprecedented firmness, clear to her roar from the Dragon clearly reflected in the eye.

Dragon across, in the sunset grassland somewhere, a rabbit as fast as lightning suddenly stopped, standing in place, as rigid as a fossil.

All around the grass, it's shadow.

"It's terrible!"

"This power is terrible! Is that the power of winners? "

"It's enough to bring down a city, not to mention one person?"

The Dragon suddenly appeared, gorgeous enough to attract everyone's attention.

Yingze, who released the dragon, seemed to have completed his mission. He stood proudly in the air with his negative hand behind him, with a victory smile on his mouth, and watched how mu Qingge disappeared before his eyes.

On the ground, Mo Yang's heart suddenly tight, uneasy staring at the place where Mu light song is, dare not have the slightest mistake.

Sang Xue dance has fallen to the ground, and sang Yichen is staring into the air.

The dazzling light makes it the center of the evening grassland. People in the distance gradually gathered towards this side.

On the hill, in the camp of longyawei, a group of people standing on the highland felt a heavy heart when they saw the light in the sky.

"Something's wrong!" When the voice of Bai Bi sank, the whole person turned into a white light and disappeared in place.

Immediately, silver dust also turned into silver light to chase.

Yuan Yuan also disappeared in front of the public.

Xuanya and Jianya looked at each other, and immediately rushed down the highland and ran out. Behind them, there are xuankui, Jinghai, young lotus moon and others.

For a time, the safety of moqingge affects everyone's heart.


Powerful force, in the air burst, issued a huge sound, as if the sky were torn out of cracks.

Glare of light, so that people can not help but close their eyes.

When the voice sounded, the three of them had already arrived. Standing beside Moyang, we look into the sky together. In the glare of the light gradually dim, xuanya and others also arrived, in the heart are terrified.The dazzling light, finally disappeared, people's sight gradually restored.

A figure fell from the air, and white and silver dust jumped up at the same time, catching mu Qingge in the air.

"Light song!"

The sudden emergence of these people, so that people do not have time to be curious. They are more concerned about whether mu Qingge is dead or not.

Ying Ze, however, frowns slightly when mu Qingge falls, and the smile on his face disappears.

"My phantom." Body shape by silver dust and white covered block, Mu light song whispered a reminder.

Her voice was very weak at the moment, and she recovered her voice.

White immediately understand, and silver dust exchange a look, she immediately holding Mu light song disappeared in front of everyone.

It's so fast that you don't have time to react.

"Why not?"

"What about people? Are you dead? "

"Who won?"

Mu Qingge's sudden departure made the crowd discontented.

Moyang spirit tools came out of the scabbard, and the Dragon teeth guards were waiting.

At this time, the silver head of his eyes immediately attracted the eyes of all the people. "My master has been injured, so I have to get rid of it. As for whether it's life or death, isn't the hunt not started yet? "

His words aroused the curiosity of the onlookers.

Let Yingze's eyes darken.

His eyes swept through silver dust, Yuan Yuan and others, and found that they seemed to be different. If you look at Xiang xuanya and Xiya, they are all beautiful.

"Win little master, my master has caught you three moves. Can you still count what you promised before?" Yinchen looks directly at Yingze, and her tone is neither humble nor overbearing.

Yingze's eyes are dim, looking at the silver dust and saying: "calculate or not, nature wait for me to see the living moqingge to know." After that, he fluttered down from the air, landed directly on the spirit beast mount, and left with the winner arrogantly.

On the hill, in the Longya camp, the main tent of the Chinese army is specially prepared by Moyang for muqingge. Bai Bi helped her into the main tent, and mu Qingge gushed out a big mouthful of blood.

Her coat was already in tatters, and her hair was in a state of confusion.

"Light song! Are you all right? " Bai's tense way.

Mu Qingge shook his head, raised his hand, wiped off the bloodstain on the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, and said to Bai Lin: "it's OK. It's just a mouthful of dirty blood, and it's not until you spit it out that something big will happen."

The purple earring in her left ear, in the fierce force, had been damaged, and now she recovered to be a woman. She looked very pitiful because of her confusion and bloodstain.

"Keep your guard for me. No one is allowed to come in. I want to go back to space and breathe! " Mu light song explained a, then turned to disappear in front of white.

Bai Bi immediately went out of the tent and guarded the door.

"Meng Meng, is space OK?" As soon as we enter the space, mu Qingge asks.

Meng Meng appears in front of Mu Qingge, pointing to the distant mountain road in front of her, "it's OK, it's just that a mountain peak has been blown off."

Mu light song eyes light a flash, low murmur way: "unexpectedly wins Ze's divine power unexpectedly so powerful, if I bear all, I'm afraid today will be dangerous."

"Master silver, go and adjust your breath. It will take some time for your phantom to recover. I'll help you speed up the time in the space, so that people outside will not worry Meng Meng said.

Mu Qingge nods and goes directly to Leichi.

Her body has been suffering heavy damage, has been slowly recovering, but the broken phantom, but need time to recover.

This time, she can't see people!


At last, it calmed down on the grassland.

In the grass, the frozen rabbit finally got back to action. It said, "hoo, it's dangerous. I was almost killed by that girl

He turned his eyes and looked at the direction of the hills, and finally turned to the canglan mountains.

He found a kind of treasure in it, which can speed up the recovery of his injury. When he recovers, he must find a way to get rid of the curse and leave muqingge!

In her golden eyes, the sharp light flashed past, speeding up the speed.

Many people, because of the dazzling light and loud noise, arrived at the scene of the accident. But they can only learn from the rest of the population.

In everyone's words, the name of Mu Qingge has gradually spread throughout the tent of the whole sunset grassland with dragon teeth.

Muqingge is taken away, and Yingze is gone.

However, whether the matter is finished or not, Yingze gives an ambiguous answer.

As the cause of the matter, the Sang family is now in an awkward situation.

Sang Xue dance got up from the ground and rushed directly to the silver dust and asked, "is there anything wrong with her? I'm going to see her. "

Silver dust did not know who she was, just a light glance, "my master is OK, need to rest, the girl does not have to worry about."

At this time, sang Yichen also came over and said with Sang Xue dance, "we are going to meet her. Do you know she belongs to us...""Yi Chen." Sang Xuewu interrupted sang Yichen and said to him, "we'd better wait for master Mu to recover and then thank him."

Sang Yichen struggled with his eyes for a moment, but finally he made a compromise.

Two people some abnormal behavior, fell in sangzhilan eyes, let her eyes rise to doubt.

At this time, the three elders came to Yinchen and said, "thank you for your help. Mr. Mu is injured now. It's inconvenient for the Sang family to disturb you. I'll visit you some other day and thank you in person."

"It doesn't matter whether you come or not. The master won't care." Silver dust light road.

This sentence embarrassed the three elders.

However, silver dust didn't care so much. The silver flash disappeared in front of everyone.

As soon as he left, Moyang also left with the Dragon teeth guard.

After a while, all the people who followed came back to the Longya camp on the hill in a hurry, hoping to visit mu Qingge's injury.

After they left, the crowd began to disperse.

The three elders sighed: "let's find a place to camp."


When Yinchen and others returned to the camp, they saw Bai Lin guarding outside the tent.

"How about light songs?" Silver dust asked.

White hair slowly shakes his head, "have no big obstacle, go to adjust breath to restore." Silver dust and Yuan Yuan immediately understand her meaning. I also understand why Bai Yi will stay here.

"Let us serve you, young lady?" Xuanya stood out.

Bai Bi slowly shakes his head, "the master is breathing, forbidding anyone to disturb, specially orders me to guard here."

"Sister, let's not disobey the order of the Lord." She came up, took her and went to the distance. Although she is also worried about moqingge, she will not violate the order.

Moreover, Bai Bi has said that mu Qingge is OK, and she believes Bai He will not make fun of Mu Qingge's life.

"That son of a bitch beat the boss like this. I'll go and burn him!" Yuan Yuan hated the voice of the road.

"Yuan Yuan, don't go." Silver dust stopped him.

Yuan Yuan's beautiful face is full of angry expression. He looks at silver dust stubbornly, and silver dust also looks at him. After a long time of confrontation, Yuan Yuan suddenly squatted down, slapped himself in the face, and cried: "he also said to protect the boss, but he watched her get hurt. Nothing can be done! I hate myself

"Little martial uncle!" Jing Hai looks at him in shock.

Silver dust was also surprised.

He went to Yuan Yuan to stop his self abuse. "Yuanyuan, this is a competition. None of us can get involved. Otherwise, do you think Moyang took people to the theatre? Light song is fine, and you should not blame yourself

Yuan yuan raised his tearful face and looked at the dark sun standing outside the tent.

This man, all emotions are hidden in the bottom of his heart.

Bai Lin shook his head slowly and helplessly, and didn't say anything more.

Silver dust pacifies yuan yuan, and looks at young lotus and Flower Moon. The two girls wiped away their tears and said to themselves, "let's go and prepare the food that the young Lord likes to eat."

They went with each other.

Yinchen went to Moyang and said to him, "Qingge closed down these days, the camp will attract many people's prying, you can't drop the chain."

Mo Yang raised his eyes and nodded.

He turned to leave the tent, but went to Xuan Kui side, said to him: "the young sir told me to teach you to use the grenade gun, you follow me."

Under the arrangement of silver dust, everything in Longya camp is calm.

Soon, people ushered in the first night of sunset grassland.

The sky is covered with stars. The sky here, as if lower than other places, the stars are also brighter, as if you can reach for the stars.

On the grassland, the fire in the tent flickers, and the ups and downs of the hills are also arranged as campfires.

Sangxue dance stands under the hill where Longya camp is located and looks up at the light on the top of the hill.

After a while, there was a footstep and a familiar voice. "Here you are."

Sangxue dance convergence mood, turned to see sangzhilan asked: "what do you come to do?"

"Why, I can't come if you can come?" Sang Zhilan sneered.

Sang Xue danced with her lips, and had no intention of fighting with her, so she planned to leave.

"Stop." Sang Zhilan called out to stop the snow dance.

Sangxue dance stopped according to Yan, looked back and asked, "what else?"

Sangzhilan walked to her side, looked up and down for a while, and suddenly asked, "are you in love with that mugongzi, just so worried about him, late at night also come here to guard?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sang snow dance look changed, denounced sangzhilan.

Sangzhi orchid is complacent however, as if discovered what big secret general, continue way: "I nonsense? Sang Xue dance, are you angry? How can you be angry? It seems that I said something on my mind, so I became angry? If you don't like him, how can you help him hide the truth? Do not like him, how can after he appears, the eyes are nailed to him? If you don't like him, will you come here? "Sang snow dance facial expression sinks down, she stares at sangzhilan, but does not have the latter to expect indignantly to release or is the explanation.

"Whatever you say." Sang Xuewu dropped this sentence and strode away.

Looking at the back of her leaving, sang Zhilan snorted coldly and whispered to herself: "Sang Xue dance, do you have a day trapped in love? Hum

Sang Xue dance returns to the camp of the Sang family. When she enters her tent, she discovers that sang Yichen is also in it.

"What are you doing here?" Sang Xue dances to Sang Yichen.

Sang Yichen stood up and said to Sang Xuewu, "when are we going to meet her and prove everything to her? It must be the person in my heart that I think

"Yi Chen!" Sangxue dance stopped his impulse. "I kept it from you, but I didn't want you to be impulsive. Although we are closely related by blood, 19 years later, we don't know how she got here step by step, and she doesn't know our existence. We want to see her and ask for everything. But I hope you can control yourself and don't publicize this matter, including the elders. "

"Why?" Sang Yichen doesn't understand.

"At least, we need to know how she treats the Sang family and her mother in her heart. At least, it's up to the mother to decide whether or not to tell the family after she knows the news. "

Sang Yichen nodded and said vaguely: "I see. Now the Sang family is in a mess. If they know that she is our sister, they will force her to take over the Sang family just like you." Today, he is to see the ability of moqingge, see those gathered around her, in the heart admire tightly.

Sangxue dance nodded, "it's not that we don't think about Sang's family. Both of us were raised by the Sang family, and it is proper to do our best for the Sang family. But my sister has not received any favor from the Sang family. We can't put her in a dilemma

"Don't worry, I won't tell you about it." Sang Yichen promised.

Sang Xue danced again: "my mother said that when she left, she left her magic device to her sister. Now that she is a man, she must have her intention, and we should not expose it. "

"Good." Sang Yichen nods again.

"When shall we see my sister?" Sang Yichen can't wait.

Sangxue dance heart is also impatient, but also know that this one or two days certainly can not see Mu light song. Can only comfort the younger brother, "soon, wait another two days."


When mu Qingge comes out of the thunder pool, his body has completely recovered.

It's just that her phantom hasn't been fixed yet, so she can't pretend to be a man.

Put the purple Earrings close to the body, and mu Qingge comes out of the space and stands in the main tent. She passed on the voice to Bai Lin, and she had nothing to do. Let her go down to have a rest.

After the shadow outside the tent left, mu Qingge lay on the bed in the tent to meditate.

Today, I met the Sang family. Sangxue dance is no longer just a person. Have other people seen sang lanruo's phantom? Can you guess her identity by recognizing the phantom?

This point, let Mu light song slightly frown.

After thinking for a while, mu Qingge converged, sat up and crossed his knees, and entered the state of cultivation.

In a trance, she entered the space where there was a magic plan. Those golden people began to practice in front of her eyes, and her body could not help but follow the practice.

Only this time, her experience seems to be deeper, although still is not.

Mu Qingge was immersed in the fantasy, this time the immersion time seems to have become longer, her body did not explode in the fantasy.

However, just when she thought she would finally stop blowing herself up, her body swelled again.

Then, the familiar sense of bursting awakened her from the illusion.

Her breathing was slightly disordered, and there was a little sweat between her forehead. All of a sudden, her eyes opened slowly, and her eyes were bright and sharp. The silver spiritual power was waved from her hand and cleaved to somewhere in the tent.

Silver spiritual power was quietly swallowed, muqingge was surprised.

Suddenly, I felt that I was pulled by a force and rushed forward.

Unable to prevent, she fell into a broad and strong chest. Mu Qingge looked up in shock, looked at the man, lost his voice and said, "how is it you?"

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