
Step sound from far to near, a dragon tooth group appeared in the woods.

This small forest, close to the hills of the camp, was used by Moyang as a place for daily training.

"There's no one here. Look over there." Long Ya team leader searched around and said to the other four people.

With that, the five left.

They did not find that in the place where they had just left, and where it was hidden, there was a pair of Falcon like eyes staring at him motionlessly, covered with various camouflages, so that he could be integrated with the surrounding, not easy to detect.

Come over for a while, Mu light song appears in front of him, light way: "come out."

Lying on the ground in camouflage, xuankui suddenly stood up, the leaves and branches on his body fell down.

In addition, around him three or four places, also stood up with his similar image of people, the difference is that the three or four people have the symbol of dragon teeth guard.

"As a sniper, the first element is to learn to hide yourself, and even let yourself disappear in other people's perception. You've done a good job in this, but it's not good, because I still found out. " Mu Qingge looks at several humanity.

Xuan Kui, including the five people, all hold their breath, silent, seriously listen to Mu light song every word.

"In two days, the hunt will begin. I don't have much time for you to adapt. The best way is to cultivate the war with war. So, you have to remember what it takes to be a sniper. " Mu light song finish, raise a hand a wave, five according to the memory of the previous life forging out of the sniper gun neat flat on the ground.

The principle of these sniper guns is the same as the shrapnel she made. The bullets in them become the energy transformed from animal nuclei.

In order to make this energy more lethal and destructive, mu Qingge has some gunpowder.

That is to say, in addition to the energy in the core, there is another magazine in the sniper gun. It is filled with prepared gunpowder. When the trigger is pulled, the energy transformed by the core will wrap a certain amount of gunpowder to form an energy bomb, which will be ejected from the trajectory.

Its lethality -

"bang!" A gunshot, a spirit animal thousands of kilometers away, the head suddenly exploded, turned into blood mist, and the body fell down.

Mu Qingge put down his sniper gun and turned to look at the five people standing behind him. I saw their expression shock, eyes full of horror color.

It's so far away that you can shoot your head with a single shot. It's lethal!

Five people, including Xuan Kui, felt their backs cold. They suddenly realized that if they practiced this skill, they could take the first rank thousands of miles away.

We should know that the strength of the spirit beast is equivalent to the five levels of human gray world, far beyond their cultivation.

If it's a head-on encounter, it's impossible to beat it.

But sniping makes impossible possible.

Dazzle the eyes of Falcon falcon, full of waves, he felt that he had lost the language to describe his mood at the moment.

"Any weapon is only an aid, and the most important thing is one's own cultivation. The purpose of teaching you sniping skills is to let your abilities get perfect release, so don't rely too much on them. In addition to mastering sniping skills, you should also strengthen your own cultivation. " Mu Qingge throws his sniper gun to one of the Dragon teeth guards.

His clear eyes swept the five people in front of him. "The sniper guns I specially made for you, except for the one that dazzles Kui, the other four have effective range within three li. Because of his special eyesight, xuankui's effective range is within 80 Li. "

As soon as mu Qingge finished, the four Dragon teeth guards all took a breath, but xuankui's waist was more straight.

"As a sniper, you need to know your sniper gun first." Mu Qingge stood with his hands down and solemnly introduced the structure of the sniper gun in their hands to the five people.

This is a weapon she was familiar with in her last life, and now it is taught with a special emotional entanglement.

In this different world, everyone cultivates five senses, which is much better than ordinary people in previous lives. Therefore, mu Qingge's sniper guns based on the principle of previous generations' sniper guns are used by people in this world.

In particular, xuankuina has reached the limit of her transformation.

Xuankui's vision range is within a hundred miles without obstruction, and the effective range of his sniper gun is 80 Li, which shows that once he has mastered this technology, everything within his sight range can be as simple as a pickpocket.

If Xuan Kui didn't suddenly appear, she would never have thought of spreading sniping in this strange world.

“…… Sniping, but also on a point, is the analysis of wind speed. Otherwise, the shot will be affected by the distance wind speed, and you will feel the fact that it is clearly aimed but missed. "

People in this world, perhaps because of cultivation, have much stronger ability to accept.

Spent a morning, mu Qingge to snipe the essentials, all said once.

Then she said, "OK, train yourself. I'll check again tomorrow. " Then she turned away from the grove and headed for the camp.These days, she closed the door to "recuperate" and could not really lie in bed pretending to be sick. At this time, it is the best to teach xuankui and four selected Longya guards for sniping training.

Back at the camp, the rest of the Longya guards are conducting joint attack training. Mu Qingge stands on the training ground and looks at the main tent for a while. He glances at the main tent at random, and moves his mind towards the main tent.

She lifted the curtain and entered the main tent. I saw Simao standing inside, facing the window of the tent, looking at the training place of Longya Wei.

"Did Xiaoge Er come up with these moves of joint attack?" Mu light song comes in, Si Mo asks a way.

Mu light song but smile way: "you plan to hide in the main account this month, do not see people?"

Si Mo is wronged to look at her, "I am waiting for Xiao Ge Er to introduce my identity."

Mu light song a Leng, Si Mo's identity still need to introduce?

Then she suddenly understood. After leaving Linchuan, she gathered some people around her, but these people did not know the identity of her woman, not to mention the existence of his uncle.

Mu light song "ha ha" a smile, way: "that is better, I say you are my cousin?" She adopted the appellation that Si Mo had used when she went with her.

Si Mo but shake his head way: "I want to sleep here at night, cousin is not suitable."


Light Mu Song. This man is forcing himself to admit his identity. No matter whether she is dressed as a man or not, he has to confirm his identity.

Corner of the mouth smoked, Mu light song has no good spirit way: "know."

She went to Si Mo's side and replied to his previous question: "these joint attack moves are obtained by my own understanding, and they are too simple. However, the joint attack is too difficult. I don't have a clear idea in my mind

Si Mo turned her eyes and looked at her, and her eyes twinkled with brilliance and said, "in fact, the reason why Longya Wei can communicate with each other is due to their loyalty to you. There is no need to use too many and gorgeous combo moves, as long as you have the most basic ability

"What is it?" As a simple and ignorant song of primary school students.

"Attack, defense." Si Mo smile way.

"Attack, defense?" Mu light song's eyes gradually brightened up.

Si Mo continued: "when attacking, he has powerful and incomparable lethality. He swears not to turn back, and his strength is extremely heavy. When defending, it's as firm as a wall. When the storm comes, it won't move for half a minute. "

"I see!" Mu light song surprise way.

She paced back and forth in the account, and finally sat down in the tent, immersed in her own thoughts.

Si Mo didn't disturb Mu light song, but sat down at will and looked at Mu light song's attentive appearance. It is said that a serious man is the most attractive, but in fact, a dedicated woman is more attractive.

Half an hour later, Mu light song "rub" to stand up, eyes burning, to Si Mo way: "I go out."

Si Mo lightly points the jaw head.

Mu light song, like a gust of wind, disappeared in front of his eyes.

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Moyang.

Moyang was shocked by the sudden appearance of Mu Qingge. He quickly stood up and said to Mu Qingsong, "little Lord!"

Mu Qingge waved his hand and said to him, "Moyang, I understand."

Mo Yang didn't understand and asked, "what did you understand?"

"It's not up to me to do it. It's up to you, from the heart, to attack or defend. " Mu light song stares at Mo Yang's eyes, word by word.

Mo Yang's eyes suddenly shrunk, the bottom of the eyes set off a startling color.

He seemed to understand the meaning of muqingge.

"Before I saw the idea of dragon teeth guard, which made me feel that the art of joint attack could be tried. However, I did not think that this idea comes from you, only you know how to use it. However, it doesn't matter. Although we have taken a detour before, we have accumulated experience. Next, it's up to you. " Mu Qingge to Mo Yang Dao.

"Sir, I see. I'm going to gather all of you." Mo Yang nods heavily.

They can't always rely on muqingge, but they should learn to protect muqingge and fight for her through their own strength!


When mu Qingge returns to the main account from Moyang, he is stunned to see the scene inside.

Si Mo natural or leisurely appearance, see Mu light song come back, showed a smile to her. And his smile, the other two people in the room were surprised.

They finally met a man whose appearance could fight against their own main chamber, but the question was, who was he? How can it appear in the main account?

Mu Qingge looked at Xie Ya and Xuan Ya and asked, "when did you come?" She did not miss the tray, which was full of food.

They have begun to share their work with Huahe.

"Little Lord."

"Little Lord."See Mu light song, they both inexplicably flustered.

"As soon as they came in, you came back." Si Mo kind explanation.

Mu light song but ruthlessly glared at him, turn eyes back, some embarrassed light cough two.

Mu Qingge pretended to have nothing to do and sat down on the throne. He said to xuanya and Shiya: "well, you've all seen it. Well, you can call him an adult. He It's my man, too. "

"He's my man, too."

This sentence, let Si Mo mouth raised the happy smile of conspiracy success.

But then it disappeared into the invisible. He frowned discontentedly. What did the word "Ye" mean.

Is it the little Lord?

She Ya and Xuan ya have some doubts, but they don't ask much.

However, the person who obeys the order salutes Simao, which is called "adult".

"All right, you go back first. You don't have to come in without my command." Mu Qingge sent them down.

They put the tray in their hands on the table. Before leaving, she suddenly asked, "young master, do you want to prepare accommodation for adults?"

"No, he lives here." Mu light song's answer, make Xuan Ya and Xuan Ya suddenly color change.

She Ya and Xuan Ya almost went out of the main tent and stood on the platform outside the main tent. Both of them were still in shock.

"What is the relationship between the Lord and the young master? What is a man who is also a little Lord Xuan Ya asked to Xie Ya.

She covered up her confusion and said to her, "sister, don't think about it. I and you, Bai Xie Yinchen, yuan xuankui, Huayue Youhe, and even the whole dragon tooth guard, are not our adherents all the people of the little Lord? "

This seems to be the truth.

But --

"then why does the adult live in the small account? There's no one left in the account. " Dazzle elegant and Dao.

"Maybe they have something important to talk about."

"Yes? I'll go and ask the young Dutch. " Xuanya finished and walked off the platform.

And she Ya looks complex looking back at the main account, bit his lip, and then leaves quickly.

In the main account, Mu light song looks at Si Mo unswervingly: "still smile."

Si Mo's figure flashed, appeared beside mu Qingge and held her in his arms. He said in a dangerous way: "xiaoge'er doesn't want to explain to me. What does that mean?"

"What do you mean?" Mu Qingge pretended to be stupid: "it means literally! Who is not my man in this camp? "

Si Mo's eyes narrowed up and said with a smile: "the original small Song of my people, is this meaning."

"Yes Well... "

Mu light song's words, by Si Mo ruthlessly blocked back in the mouth.

She stares big eyes, stare at Si Mo this revenge kiss, don't know what he is mad at.

Just as she was about to be choked by the kiss, suddenly, a voice came from outside the tent.

"Sir, I'm Youhe."

Mu light song suddenly pushed Si Mo a, the distance between the two people. She mercilessly wiped a kiss swollen lip, the eye light mercilessly stares to Si mo.

Si Mo but smile way: "your other people, dare to do so to you?"

Mu Qingge is completely speechless, and she seldom cares about this stingy man. "Come in," he said to Yoho outside the door

The young lotus lifted the curtain and entered. Seeing Simao, she was stunned for a moment and immediately saluted: "sure enough, it's Mr. Mo coming. Youhe has seen him."

"Well." Young lotus has been following mu Qingge, for such people, Si Mo will not be too cold.

After the ceremony, Youhe stood at the door and said to Mu Qingge, "xuanya came to see me just now, and said that there was a guest in the young Lord's tent. They wanted to arrange accommodation, but they were refused by the baron. I guessed one or two

"Oh? Did they ask you? " Mu Qingge's way to play.

Young lotus nods, "maidservant also is to follow their words to answer for a while, came to report to the master son."

"I see. During this period of time when Uncle Mo is here, you all call him an adult, and you don't have to explain anything to the outside world. " Mu light song random way.

Young lotus smile jaw head, to two people bend over a way: "that slave maidservant went down." Quickly quit the main account.

"You don't seem to have a lot of trust in the first two people." Si Mo to Mu light song road.

Mu Qingge picked her eyebrows and said, "I left them because they have something useful for me. As for trust, it depends on their performance. "

"Yes." Speaking of this matter, mu Qingge said to Si Mo: "do you know if there is any way to rub down the pattern on human skin?"

Si Mo replies: "see concrete circumstance like this, just know."

See the details?

Isn't that to let Si Mo go to see the back of Xuan Ya and Xuan ya? Mu light song in the brain to fill that picture, immediately very uncomfortable shake head, mumble: "that forget it, I think of a way."

"What's wrong with Xiao Ge Er?" Si Mo funny way.Mu Qingge suddenly seized his lapel and pulled him to his eyes. He said viciously, "you have lived so long, and you really haven't had any other women?"

Although, she also knows what happened before meeting her, should not care about this truth.

But now, if she thought that Simao would be gentle and affectionate to other women and dote on other women, her heart would ache faintly.

"I swear, I've never been attracted to any woman, and I haven't touched any woman except you, Xiao Ge'er." Feel her jealousy, Si Mo very sweet admit.

Mu light song grabs the hand of his dress Lapel slightly a loose, blurt out, "then you are still a rudiment?"


Si Mo's head suddenly hurt.

With a shocked woman on his face, he grinds his teeth and says, "does that little singer come to save me?"

"Not for the time being, thank you." Mu light song suddenly loosen Si Mo's lapel, she pulled the wrinkled lapel, as if it was something of a monster.


Dragon tooth camp, once closed is three days.

Within three days, the number of people who want to pry for information will increase rather than decrease. However, there is still no news, this time, a voice gradually sounded in the crowd.

That is, we suspect that mu Qingge has died under Yingze's hand. Otherwise, how could we have no information in three days?

Muqingge is a topic of life or death, and now it has become the hottest topic on the grassland.

On this day, a well-dressed woman appeared at the gate of Longya camp.

It seems that they are from a branch of the passenger team.

She stood at the gate of Longya camp, as if she wanted to get in. Those who had been outside the door for three days and three nights were waiting for the picture of her being driven out and taunting her again.

However, when standing on the lookout tower, Long Ya Wei did not drive her away like others.

Standing outside the door, she looked up at Longya Wei and asked, "how are you, sir?"

The Dragon tooth Wei thought for a moment and said to her, "please wait a moment."

Then he disappeared from the lookout. In the camp, Mo Yang came to stand on the platform outside the main tent, looked at the mu Qingge of the training of Longya Wei and said, "little Lord, Princess Yao is coming."

Mu light song eyes flash, surprised to ask: "Qin Yiyao?"

Mo Yang nods.

"Who did she come with? The Sheng family? " Mu Qingge asked.

Mo Yang shook his head, "only princess Yao is outside."

"Did she say anything?" Mu Qingge pursed his lips.

"She just asked Longya Wei of the observation tower about the young sir." Mo Yang answered truthfully.

Mu Qingge thought about it and said to him, "bring her in."

Mo Yang took orders and left.

After he left, Si Mo appeared beside mu Qingge and asked, "is that Princess of Qin? The one who danced with you? "

Feeling the sour meaning in his words, mu Qingge helplessly said: "she is a woman, also know that I am a woman, can you not think blindly?"

Si Mo but means unknown way: "Xiaoge Er really don't know his charm."

“……” Mu light Gordon speechless, can only look at Si Mo Fu sleeve turned to the main tent to go, that back with a little proud and small dissatisfaction.

The closed Longya camp suddenly opened the gate slowly.

Only when one person was able to do so, a dragon tooth guard came out of the room in surprise and gave a military salute to the woman outside. Then he said, "Princess Yao, please welcome me, sir."

Qin Yiyao pursed her lips and followed Longya Wei into Longya camp. When she went in, the door was closed again.

"She went in?"

"Yes! Why did you put her in? Is it because she is a beautiful woman

"Damn it! Is that ok? Have been hurt to have no idea how to live, still covet female sex, saw again can how? Do you have the strength to do it? "

A dull laugh spread through the crowd.

With the entry of Qin Yiyao, many people have spread the news.

Qin Yiyao will not know how much shock she will bring to the sunset grassland outside. She walked into the Dragon tooth camp. The familiar barracks layout made her feel like a world apart. In a moment, she remembered the days when she and mu Qingge resisted the animal tide in the ancestral city.

"Princess Yao." Mo Yang appeared in front of her. He took over the former Dragon Guard and left with Qin Yiyao.

Mu Qingge is still standing on the platform outside the main tent and looks at Qin Yiyao who is following Moyang.

After a period of time no see, she became more capable, the strength of the flow of visitors on her body, a bit more heroic.

Mu Qingge is looking at Qin Yiyao, and Qin Yiyao is also looking at muqingge.

Seeing her standing in front of her, her worry finally fell to the ground. "I just arrived at sunset grassland today, and I heard about you." She relaxed her voice.Goodbye to Mu Qingge, she hopes that she will bring her not pressure, but friend like ease.

Even if, in her heart still can not forget that feeling, but also do not want to let Mu light song know.

"Is the rumor outside that I am dead?" Mu light song smile way.

Qin Yiyao nodded with a smile, "although not sure, but the wind direction is really so."

She got on the platform and stood in front of muqingge.

Moyang has retreated, leaving room for them.

"Here you go." Mu light song direct way.

Qin Yiyao understood her meaning and exposed her wrist to her eyes. Mu Qingge gave her pulse. After a while, she took back her hand and said, "your body has no problem, and your cultivation has made great progress. If I'm not mistaken, you are now the third floor of the gray world. "

Qin Yiyao nodded, "what can't hide from you."

"Why did you suddenly arrive at sunset grassland? What about Sheng Yu Mu Qingge asked curiously.

Qin Yiyao blinked and said to her, "after I recovered, I left the Sheng family. You don't really think there's anything between him and me, do you? "

Mu light song a Leng, way: "Sheng Yu from good."

"But he is not you." Qin Yiyao said in his heart. On her face, she can't understand her feelings

Mu Qingge's mouth grinned, speechless.

"Then you come to the sunset grassland..." Mu Qingge asked.

Qin Yiyao said: "inspired by you, after I left the Sheng family, I set up a flow guest team. Although it can't compare with your dragon teeth, it's also Xuan class now. "

Mu light song eyes light a bright, nodded: "self support, very good." Qin Yiyao had been in the Sheng family for half a year before she left. That is to say, the Liuke team she set up was only a few months old, but it was already a Xuan level. The promotion speed was not slow.

"It's just a promotion. If there is a mission failure, you will fall into the Yellow level. " Qin Yiyao road.

"Have some confidence in yourself." Mu light song smile way.

In this way, she also understood why Qin Yiyao appeared in the sunset grassland. Hunting is a great event in the middle ancient world. Who wants to miss it?

"What's the name? In the future, we can take care of each other with Longya. " Mu Qingge asked.

"Strong song." Qin Yiyao said a name familiar to Mu Qingge.

"Strong song?" Mu light song eye bottom emerged memories.

"I remember that my husband once named your pro guard, which was called Liege Wei. I think it sounds good, so I'll use it. " Qin Yiyao explained.

Mu light song light smile, "is very nice to hear, but they all fall in the sunset wasteland." She is from lie Gewei's corpse mountain blood sea, crawls out.

"I'm sorry." Qin Yiyao was busy.

She just wants to change a way to guard mu Qingge, but she doesn't want to touch the scar in her heart.

"Nothing. Just like it." Mu Qingge shakes his head slowly. She looks at Qin Yiyao. From her words, she seems to understand something, but she can't respond.

Qin Yiyao stayed in Longya camp for half an hour before leaving.

As soon as she walked out of the Longya camp, many people gathered around her. With that wild look in her eyes, Qin Yiyao frowned and said, "muqingge lives well."

Leaving a word, she strode away when the crowd was stunned.

Muqingge didn't die, muqingge lived well.

The news, like a long wing, quickly spread in the evening grassland.

Fly into the winner's camp, also fly into the Han family's camp

It's just a pity that when someone comes to see you again, the door is not opened.

After receiving the news, sang Xuewu discusses with Sang Yichen and decides to meet mu Qingge at night. Whether they can or not, they must try.

When night falls again, sang Xuewu, sang Yichen and other sang family members have a rest, then they put on their black cloaks to cover their appearance and figure, and quietly go up the hill.

When they came to Longya camp, the night was deep and dark, and there were many people who were closely watched by forces. These people continue to stay on guard, obviously to confirm the reliability of today's news.

"Gentlemen, the Dragon tooth camp is closed. Please come back." Dragon Ya Wei, on duty, stood on the lookout platform, facing sang Xuewu and sang Yichen.

"We want to see your master. If you have something important, please let me know." Sang Yichen said.

However, Longya Wei did not respond at all.

Sang Xue bit his lips, and a trace of Jue Jue flashed in his eyes. He said to Longya Wei, "please report, and tell Mr. Mu three words. If she still doesn't want to see him, we will leave."

Dragon tooth Wei is silent for a moment, ask: "what word?"

"Sang Lan Ruo." Mulberry snow dance direct way.

Long Ya Wei turns and leaves.

Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen can only wait outside the door nervously. They expect muqingge to see them after hearing the name."Newspaper --!"

Longya Wei knelt on one knee outside the main tent.


A faint voice came from the tent.

After Long Ya Wei entered, he saw mu Qingge sitting on the main seat and seemed to be reading a book. Meanwhile, Simao was holding a scroll in his hand, but the place where his eyes looked was mu Qingge.

"My Lord, my Lord." The Dragon tooth Wei called a, just to Mu light song way: "little Lord, a man and a woman two people came outside the door, they let subordinate pass on a word, want to see him."

"What words?" Mu Qingge put down the book in his hand and raised his eyes.

"Sang Lan Ruo." Dragon tooth Guardian road.

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk, and his clear eyes changed, even his breath changed.

Si Mo's eye light finally fell on the Dragon tooth Wei body, the light way sentence, "Sang family's person."

Mu Qingge stood up and was silent for a while, then said to Longya Wei, "let them come in." After the Dragon tooth Wei withdraws, she again to Si Mo way: "you evade."

Si Mo walks to her in front of, some worried way: "small Song son."

"I'm fine. Since I'm here, I've settled my mind by asking questions earlier." Mu Qingge said to him.

Si Mo nods, the figure disappears in front of Mu light song.

The gate of Longya camp, which has been closed for a long time, was opened again, twice a day, which shocked the people waiting outside.

"Sir, please." Long Ya Wei lets sang Xuewu and sang Yichen come in.

And sang snow dance in the time of entering, the night wind blows, blowing a corner of her cloak, revealing the inside skirt corner.

After that, they closed the door.

People outside suddenly burst into a pot!

"Damn it! Another woman? "

"Is it true that only a woman can go in if she asks for an interview?"

"You don't forget beauty even when you are seriously injured. Do you remember that there were several beauties coming after me, all of them were excellent. Now I think they must be the forbidden men of admiring childe. He is a model of our generation

"When will I be able to enjoy the same happiness as Mr. mu?"

"Come on, you look at your own appearance, and then you want to be admired by others? They are beautiful women, but we go after them without any attention. "

"However, in this way, does Mr. Mu really recover?"

"You can have fun with beauties. Are you seriously injured?"

"That is to say, this young master Mu really carried down the three moves to win the little master!"


The crowd took a breath.

"Come on, get the news out."

The crowd woke up with a start.

For a moment, two pieces of news about muqingge spread again. In fact, it is also a continuation of the original news. One is that mu Qingge is romantic and sentimental, surrounded by beauties. One is to prove that mu Qingge did not die, and indeed carried the three moves of Shaozhu, the fourth winner in the Qing Ying list. In fact, its strength is unfathomable.

"It's so big and majestic here!" The scene that yisang is living in Zhenjiang is in front of her.

He had never seen such an orderly camp. All around the camp where they lived, there were tourists drinking and noisy everywhere. How could there be such silence and solemnity in front of them?

"Don't look around." Sang Xuewu whispered a warning.

Long Ya Wei brought them to the main account. The scale of the main account made them both stunned. I'm afraid that those who come to the sunset grassland and still live in such a comfortable life will have to sing the music of muqingsong.

On the platform outside the main tent, two braziers were separated on both sides of the door, illuminating the whole platform.

Long Ya Wei lifted the curtain and took them in.

"Sir, the man has arrived." He said respectfully to a straight back.

Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen stand behind him and look at the figure. They can't tell whether they are nervous or excited.

"You go down." Mu Qingge responded.

Longya Wei immediately withdrew from the main account. At this time, there were only mu Qingge, sang Xuewu and sang Yichen.

The arrangement of the main account was entirely in accordance with the March account.

The former account is for discussion. The back account is for rest.

Around the front tent, weapons shelves were also arranged, and the weapons on them were shining with cold light, which gave the tent a sense of killing. On the back of the theme, there is a dragon's tooth flag with iron and blood.

Mu Qingge turns around and looks at them.

In her clear eyes, she was calm and did not take the initiative to speak.

Sangxue dance reacted and pulled down the hat on his cloak and showed his face.

Recognizing sang Xue dance, mu Qingge's eyes moved a little, but still didn't speak.

At this time, sang Yichen also pulled down the hat on his cloak, revealing a face very similar to Sang Xue dance.

"If you're OK." Mulberry snow dance saw Mu light song, finally relieved.

Mu light song but eyes light cold looking at them: "can say mulberry blue if these three words, let me see you. Explain, you are very clear about my origin. Who are you? What does it have to do with Sang Lan Ruo? ""Sister, we are yours..."

"What do you call me?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed and interrupted sang Yichen's excited words.

"Sister Sang Yichen's dull way.

Mu Qingge's heart sank, even she knew her real gender. It seems that any disguise is meaningless. She raised her hand and removed the purple stud from her left ear.

Then, in the shock of Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen, she regained her female body and appeared in front of them in a proud and elegant manner.

If we say that the men's clothing of muqingge is handsome and compelling, and the beauty is beyond debate. Then her woman is so beautiful and breathtaking that she would rather drown in it.

Sang Xue dance, the first beauty in West Asia, is already very beautiful. However, it is still inferior to her.

Mu Qingge put the purple earrings on the desk and looked at the two people in a daze, "if Sang Lan is not dead, he has returned to the middle ancient world."

"Mother, she has a hard time." Sang snow dance road.

"Mother?" Mu Qingge's eyes narrowed again and looked at the mulberry snow dance with a dangerous breath. "She remarried?"

"No. Sister, listen to me "I should call Mu Xue dance, he should be called Mu Yichen. Our father is your father, Mulian city. Our mother is the same person, Sang Lan Ruo. "

Mu Qingge's eyes suddenly shrunk and looked at them in shock.

These two sang family members suddenly jumped out and said they were her sister and brother?

Besides, isn't muliancheng dead? How is it possible to have another child with Sang Lan Ruo?

"It's impossible." Mu Qingge's face was gloomy.

"Nothing is impossible." Sang Xue dance slowly shook his head and said, "Yi Chen and I are twins of dragon and Phoenix. When my mother left Mu's house to look for my father's bones, she had been pregnant for more than a month."

“……” Mu Qingge was stunned by the answer.

The old man, as well as his aunt, always thought that she was the only one in the Mu family, but he didn't want to be in the middle ancient world?

Mu Qingge's Silence gives sang Xue dance an opportunity to explain.

She said: "elder sister, my mother was deeply grieved when she received the news of his father's death in battle. She didn't want to believe the fact that her father had died. She left Mu's home alone to search for her father's remains. However, when she just found her father, the Sang family suddenly appeared and wanted to take her mother back to the Sang family. If she doesn't, the Sang family tells her that her father still has the possibility to be rescued. So... "

"So she couldn't wait to return to the middle ages without even leaving a message." Mu Qingge coldly catches the words behind the mulberry snow dance.

Her heart is really angry, not for herself, but for the real moqingge.

"Sister, my mother doesn't want to be like this. However, she had no chance to leave a message, so she was directly taken away by the Sang family. Over the years, she has been thinking about you in her heart. Since we were born, she has been telling us about you, about the Mu family, about her grandfather and about her aunt. " Sang Yichen said.

Mu light song disdains the sneer, she does not want to say what, what is the use of missing? When the real moqingge is eager for the care of her mother, where is Sang Lan? The true mu Qingge died with Sang Lan ruo's lies.

She left, but let an innocent child, bear everything.

"Where is Mulian city?" Mu Qingge asked. If Mu Liancheng is really saved, and he doesn't think of a way to return to Linchuan, then she is really worthless for mu Xiong and Mu Lianrong.

"Dad is still awake." Mulberry snow dance lost road. "Originally, my mother planned to return to Linchuan Mu's home with my father after I woke him up. However, 19 years later, dad has not wake up. My mother tried every means to keep my father immortal

"It's nonsense to want to come back from the dead." An unrelenting sarcasm.

"Sister, I know you have hatred and resentment in your heart. But don't blame your mother. Yi Chen and I have always known our real home. In Linchuan Mu Fu, we know that we have a sister who carries everything. Every time my mother mentioned you, she would cry, saying that she regretted leaving you, that she would let you show off in men's clothes, and that she regretted... "

"That's enough." Mu Qingge interrupted the words of Sang Xue dance and said to them, "you can leave now." , the fastest update of the webnovel!