"What! He wants to marry snow dance? Does he deserve it? " Sang lanruo and the surprised sang Xue dance haven't started yet, sang Yichen first raised his objection!

When he Yisheng hears this, he Yifeng changes his face? Do you want me to marry sang Xue dance wheel? "

"Luofeng, don't be rude." Mu Chen opened his mouth to stop.

However, it doesn't seem to work.

Sang Yichen sneered and said, "I'm the younger brother of Sang Xue dance. Do you think I can talk to you?"

Muruofeng a Leng, immediately changed a face: "originally is the future brother-in-law."

"Bah! Don't make it so intimate. I don't know you that well Sang Yichen rebukes coldly.

"I will not marry you." Mulberry snow dance also cold mouth.


The sandstorm of floating sand city makes it difficult to open one's eyes, and pedestrians on the road are always in a hurry.

Two spirit chariots, one in front of the other, slowly drove into the gate of Fusha city. On the carriage, the curtain covered tightly, was opened by the people inside a small corner, a pair of curious eyes, looking at the outside environment.

"Cough." Just a look, she quickly put down the curtain, not adapt to the cough. "It's a big windy sand city."

What she said was to the person sitting in the innermost part of the room.

Originally in closed eyes, because of her words, and slowly opened his eyes. However, she didn't care whether the sandstorm of Fusha city was big or not. Instead, she looked at a woman who was full of anger.

"Miss Su, how are you?" She asked.

Su wennuan was stunned. She lowered her anger and turned her eyes to her. She shook her head slowly. "Don't worry, Mr. mu. I won't be rash."

Mu Qingge was silent for a moment and said to her, "Miss Su, don't worry. I will give you an account today."

"Thank you very much. If Mr. Mu helped me take revenge, I would be the master's life." Su wennuan salutes mu Qingge.

Mu light song but chuckles and shakes his head, "your enemy also happens to be my enemy, handy just." Muluofeng dare to frame her? Even if Su didn't calculate the account, she would never forget it.

Mu light song clear eyes at the bottom of the cold suddenly appear, the corners of the mouth light curved arc, hidden thick irony.

"The city of floating sand is very big. How can we find him?" Jiang Li frowned.

Mu Luofeng actually came to the floating sand city, which really surprised mu Qingge.

For the problem of Jiang Li, mu Qingge seems very calm: "no hurry, wait for the news of the high priest." Muluofeng is also a candidate of the Mu nationality. With the high priest's calculation ability, he will surely find his position.

At this time, there were only Mei Zizhong and the high priest in the back of the animal cart.

Zhongzi Jue, the priest, was sitting quietly and repeatedly.

Two spirit chariots, aimlessly walking in the streets of Fusha City, waiting for the final calculation of the high priest.

After a while, the high priest's eyes suddenly opened, burst out the essence. "I'm not up to my trust!"

"Found it?" On Mei Zizhong's calm expression, a trace of concern is rare. For those who dare to slander and frame up for the light song, his heart also moved to kill.

The high priest breathed out a foul breath and nodded.

On the street of Fusha City, two spirit animal vehicles suddenly stopped. The one at the back, bypassing the one in front, came to the front to lead the way, and the two spirit chariots set off again.


Floating sand city, sang family.

In the main hall, muluofeng's face was very ugly. He came to ask for marriage in person, but was refused? He is a young master of the Mu family. He is destined to create a brilliant man. Today, he has given enough face to marry a daughter of the mulberry family!

Who knows, a few people in front of me are so uninteresting!

Especially nasang snow dance, who thinks he is beautiful, dare to refuse him?

This time, muluofeng did not think that he would be rejected. At the moment, his facial features are very Yin sting, with ferocity.

"Mulberry family master..." Mu Chen stood up at this time. He did not go to talk to sang lanruo, but to Sang Shun King on the throne.

King sang Shun raised his hand to interrupt him. His deep eyes looked at his daughter and asked in a deep voice, "Lan Ruo, what do you think of this marriage?"

This sentence shows that the marriage of Sang Xue dance is decided by Sang Lan Ruo.

In an instant, it attracted everyone's eyes to her.

Muruofeng looks at sang lanruo, and some evil thoughts are hidden in his eyes. He asked, "this is..."

"She is the mother of snow dance and Yi Chen." The second elder of Sang family answered for me.

"It turned out to be the mother of Sang Xue dance! If you don't get a daughter, it's good to be their stepfather! Although Sang Lan Ruo is older, she can't have that charm for a young woman! " Muruofeng in the heart dirty thought, looked at mulberry blue if the eye light, the lewd light flickered.

"Snow dance is still young, and it's not time to get married." Sang Xue dance is not humble or arrogant. The meaning of the words is very obvious.Although she hasn't been out for a long time, she still has a good eye for people.

Although this muruofeng has the same surname as her husband's family, it does not share the temperament of the Mu family. Between the eyebrows all show frivolity, the eyes are erratic, the mind is not pure. It's not a good match at all! How could she betroth her daughter to such a person?

"Madam, my young master is also a dragon and Phoenix among the people, and she is of the same age as Miss snow dance. Would you stop thinking about it?" Mu Chen said again.

"No need, snow dance will not marry." Sang Lan refused without hesitation. She took sangxue's hand and turned away: "let's go."


Just when Muchen wanted to make a voice to stay, muluofeng suddenly opened his mouth.

The tone of his voice made the three of them frown slightly.

"Presumptuous! A nobody dares to show up in my family King sang Shun said in a sharp voice.

Muruofeng was drunk by him. He felt a fluster in his heart. He drew back to Mu Chen's back and called out: "uncle of the clan protects me!"

His performance disappointed both Mu Chen and Mu Peng. In this way, do you want to get married?

But what can we do? After all, murofeng is their little master. No matter how bad it is, he can't be bullied by outsiders. Muchen protected muruofeng behind him, and said to King sang Shun, "master of the mulberry family, why do you need to have a common understanding with a younger generation?"

In his words, spiritual power was poured into his words, which made people's ears numb.

Originally, sang Yichen was still in his heart laughing at mu Luofeng's disgrace. Suddenly, he was shocked by the sound. He suddenly changed his face and looked at Mu Chen in surprise.

Perhaps, it was he who didn't expect that there was such a powerful master beside him.

If they want to marry snow dance, what can they do?

Sang Yichen's eyes are flying around, thinking of Countermeasures in his mind. On his side, sang Xuewu and sang lanruo's mother and daughter nestled together and looked at Mu Chen with vigilance.

"Hum." King sang Shun gave a cold hum. The momentum was no less than that of Muchen.

The two men fought each other secretly for a round, and they even had a close fight. King sang Shun was frightened and his face sank: "are you going to threaten my family?"

"The mulberry family master misunderstood, we are sincerely seeking marriage. Even if the marriage fails, there will be no resentment. " Mu Chen hastily explained.

Mu Jia three elder tone not good way: "since so, we have already refused, why you aggressive each other."

"We did not." Mu Peng also stood up.

For a moment, the atmosphere between the two sides was at war.

At this time, muruofeng put out his head from behind the minister and said, "I call stop. I don't mean to marry sang Xuewu. I want to say... " His eyes slip to Sang Lan Ruo and turn around to say: "Sang Xue dance doesn't want to marry me, and I don't force it."

His words, still appropriate, Mu Chen heard secretly nodded.

Originally, they adore their family, even if they are rejected, they should be frank and magnanimous.

But, after the murofeng, he was so angry that he almost wanted to beat this bastard to death!

"But today, when I saw someone, I fell in love with her at first sight. I wonder if I can marry her?" The Muro culture.

"Who is it?" The second elder of Sang family frowned.

Muruofeng straightened up his waist behind Muchen and said in a loud voice, "it's the mother of Sang Xue dance!"

"What are you talking about?"

"Boy, do you want to die?"

"Murowan, shut up

As soon as this sentence came out, the main hall was boiling.

Everyone in the Sang family glared at him. Mu Chen and Mu Peng also want to knock him dizzy and take away.

I was just asking for a daughter, but now I want to marry my mother? Is there such a shameless person in the world?

"You scum, die!" Sang Yichen is very angry, and directly shoots at mu Luofeng.

If Sang Lan is also shy and angry, muruofeng's words, to her, it is a great shame! Sangxue dance hugged her mother tightly and didn't let her fall down because of her anger. That pair of cool beautiful eyes, full of killing to see Xiang Mu Luo wind.

Sang Yichen's attack was taken down by the bodyguards they brought.

At this moment, the sangs' bodyguards rushed in immediately, pulled out their weapons and pointed to the Muchen party.

King sang Shun slowly stood up from his position, his face was gloomy, and his intention of killing was fierce. Look to Mu Chen all humanity: "today, none of you want to go out of Sang's house alive."

His words, but also attracted numerous mulberry family bodyguards, Muchen and others surrounded tightly.

"Master sang, please don't be angry. We are wrong about this. We will discipline you well after we go back." Muchen was busy. With that, he held his anger in his heart and said to muruofeng, "don't you go out and admit your mistake to the mulberry master and his wife?"

Murowan did not feel that he was wrong. Still, he said boldly: "it was! They followed her surname and asked for marriage, but they didn't see her husband. Presumably, the original husband's family was either dead or divorced. It's a good thing that I'm willing to marry now. How can such a beautiful woman be left alone and alone for life

"You! You won't shut up Mu Chen couldn't help but slapped muruofeng.Sang lanruo's face, in the words of muruofeng, appears more pale.

She struggled out of her daughter's arms, grabbed a sword from the bodyguard's hand, and directly stabbed muruofeng. "Shameless thief, take your life!"

Sang lanruo's cultivation was already on the fifth floor of the gray world when he left the middle ancient world. After 19 years back, although there was no cultivation, the spiritual power has broken through the silver realm through the accumulation of time. Now, the cultivation is one level of silver realm.

The attack she launched in her fury could not be resisted by the bodyguards brought by her.

In an instant, he broke the defense, and the sharp and cold tip of the sword was close to the front door of muluofeng, making him unavoidable.

Muruofeng is scared to fall backward, and mupeng hands at this time, the Iron Palm passes in front of the muluofeng, blocking sang lanruo's killing move for him.

If the killing move is blocked, Sang Lan will not give up, and immediately entangles with Mu Peng.

One is to kill with anger, and the other is to block it with reason.

Mu Peng didn't dare to fight back, so he could only defend passively. He and Sang Lan ran from the main hall to the square outside, which was connected with the gate of Sang's family.

The sound of fierce fighting could be heard outside the door.

"Mother!" Sang Xue dance cries out with worry and rushes out with Sang Yichen.

This move, everyone rushed out, whether it is the Sang family, or Mu Chen and his party all crowded out, down the square, standing on the square.

"Surround them!" At the order of King sang Shun, the people of the mulberry family surrounded Mu Chen and his party one after another.

At this time, muruofeng still called to mupeng: "mupeng, don't hurt her!"

Angry Mu Chen is a slap in the past, hit him on the cheek, blood foam from the lips.

Muruofeng covered his cheek, and his eyes were gloomy and terrible, but there was no refutation in Mu Chen's glare.


Two spirit animal carts, one after another, came to Sang's house and stopped slowly.

In the car ahead, Mei Zizhong and the high priest got off together and went to the spirit beast cart behind.

"Little Lord, the man you are looking for is right in front of you." The high priest stood outside the car, respectfully singing to the inside of the car.

The closed door of the carriage was opened, xuanya and guaya came out one after another, and then mu Qingge bent down to walk out of it and stood in front of the spirit beast car.

After her, she also walked out of Jiang Li and Su wennuan in turn.

"Sang nationality..." Mu Qingge looked up and saw the plaque on the ancient gate and whispered.

She never thought that the muluofeng was in the Sang family.

With her thoughtful eyes, mu Qingge turned to Su and said, "in order to avoid him jumping off the wall in a hurry, Miss Su is also requested to disguise for a while. When I call you, you will come out again."

Su wennuan nods silently.

Jiang Li handed her a black cloak. She took it and put it on her body. She hid her figure and appearance in the cloak.

"There seems to be a fight inside." Suddenly, she frowned.

As soon as she reminded them, they also heard the voice of fighting from Sang's family.

At the same time, on the square separated by a door, the bigger Sang Lan is, the more crazy he is, and the more difficult it is for mu Peng to completely defend himself. In desperation, he had to make a move.

The original intention is to open the distance between the two, calm down and stop fighting this meaningless fight.

However, as soon as he was in charge, Sang Lan still killed him if he didn't even avoid it.

When he wanted to take back his hand, it was already a step late. His fierce palm strength, mixed with aura, directly hit sang lanruo's shoulder, shaking her sword in her hand and flying away to the wall.

In an instant, there was no figure.

This scene greatly changed the faces of Mu Peng and Mu Chen. Sang Shun King, sang snow dance and sang Yichen were also shocked.

In addition to Muchen several people are surrounded by the mulberry family bodyguards can not move, the other several people, all toward the door to chase.

Standing outside the door of Sang's home, mu Qingge and others suddenly saw a thin figure falling from the air, with a little blood in the air.

Originally, mu Qingge did not intend to meddle in his business, but the direction of the man's fall was exactly where he stood.

In order to avoid being hit, in this instant, mu Qingge had to reach out to pick up the falling man and put his arms in his arms.

At this time, the closed door of Sang's house was opened, and a group of people rushed out. There are two spirit animal carts parked outside the door. A group of people are standing outside the door. Sang lanruo, who was injured, is being held in the arms of a red robed "man" standing in the front.

The appearance of this scene, let the people who rush out from the Sang family, can't help but stop.

Mupeng saw the man who was embracing sang lanruo. His eyes suddenly shrank, and he knelt down on his knees and cried out: "light song, little master!"

Mu Qingge's face is cold and cold, and her cold eyes slowly sweep the people standing in front of the door. Naturally, she saw Mu Peng and heard his "little master of light song" but ignored it.

She also saw sang Xue dance, sang Yichen, and the three elders she met in the sunset grassland. In addition to them, there are two people, but she does not know, but one of them, with a pair of deep and divine eyes, is looking at her.And sang lanruo, at the moment, is completely in a daze.

Her eyes, dead staring at mu Qingge left ear wearing purple earrings.

She made it by herself. Wearing it, she secretly ran to Linchuan, got to know muliancheng, matched his brother, and even married him. Finally, she personally put the purple earring on her daughter, which changed her fate.

She hasn't seen this earring in nineteen years!

Day and night miss, today, she finally see again.

"Ge'er..." In the bottom of my heart for nineteen years, I finally blurted out.

And the voice in the ear, let Mu light song body a Zheng. She saw the excitement in the eyes of Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen. In this call, she immediately guessed the identity of the woman in her arms.

Mu Qingge suddenly stops, mulberry blue if falls directly on the ground.

She sat on the ground, eyes full of guilt and missing looking at Mu light song, and Mu light song did not look at her, just put his hands behind him.



Seeing that sang lanruo fell down, sang Xuewu and sang Yichen rushed up and down the steps to her side and helped her up from the ground.

Mu Qingge crossed three people and walked towards the door of Sang's house without squinting. The people behind her also followed her. Such a blind eye, let mulberry blue if the heart like a knife, pain.

But sang Xuewu and sang Yichen don't know how to blame them. They can only accompany their sad mother silently.

Mu Qingge walked straight to the steps and stood in front of King sang Shun.

He heard Mu Peng's words clearly. And he also recognized mu Qingge's Earrings on his left ear. "Are you with them?"

Both surnamed Mu and called "Shaozhu" by the people of muluofeng, his attitude was more respectful than that of muluofeng, which made king sang Shun suspicious.

Today's farce was deliberately designed to humiliate his mother, a granddaughter who had never met.

"No fellow traveler." Mu light song looked at him, not afraid of his stern, light way.

Then, she turned her eyes to Mu Peng, who was still kneeling on the ground, and asked, "can the wind of Muluo be in?"

Muqingge is for the sake of muruofeng!

Mu Peng's heart "clutters" a, nod a way: "little Lord and big elder are inside."

"Good." Mu Qingge said slowly, and walked towards the Sang family. She looks as if this is not the mulberry family at all, but the Mu family.

The most important thing is that King sang Shun, the head of the Sang family, did not stop her.

At this time, sang Yichen releases her mother's hand and runs to Mu Qingge.

In Jiang Li's doubt, she crowded to Mu Qingge and quickly said to her, "boss, the bastard in the room can't get married. She wants to marry her mother!"

Mu Qingge, who is walking forward, stops suddenly when he hears sang Yichen's words.

Others may not feel it, but sang Yichen can feel it. The breath on mu Qingge's body is cold and cold, with a sense of killing.

It's one thing to recognize a mother or not.

But someone wants to marry sang lanruo, it's another thing!

Mu Liancheng is not sure to die, how can people give him a green hat?

Just a pause, mu Qingge continues to walk in. Sang Yichen doesn't understand what she thinks, so she can only follow.

Mulberry blue if tightly grasps mulberry snow dance's hand, the tears cannot restrain outflow, in the mouth unceasingly way: "she is blaming me She's blaming me I'm not a good mother I wronged her I have no face to face her... "

"Mother, don't do this." Sangxue dance heartache advice.

Sang Lan, however, is still immersed in the picture of her daughter's indifference.

"Let's go first. My sister will teach that shameless man for his mother. " Mulberry snow dance to support the lost sang lanruo, toward the house.

With the action of Mu Qingge, those who chase Sang Lan Ruo out come back again.

Mu Peng stood up from the ground and ran after him.

He did not understand why he knelt down to Mu Qingge just now. "In my heart, I already think that the little master of Qingge is the real master of the Mu clan?"

Mu Peng was shocked by his idea.

He quickly shook his head, trying to get the idea out of his mind. After calming down, he went in the direction of Mu Chen and mu Luofeng.

Muqingge walked in the front, and suddenly appeared in front of Muchen and muluofeng, which was a big surprise to them.

Muruofeng is to see her that one eye, lost voice strange cry: "Mu light song is you!"

His reaction, attracted Mu Chen doubt, but did not ask. He looked at Xiangmu Qingge and bowed to her respectfully and said, "little master of Qingge, I didn't expect to see you here. What a coincidence."

"Unfortunately, I came to him on purpose." Mu Qingge's voice is cold and sharp, and he raises his hand and points to muruofeng.

But when mu Luofeng lost his voice and called out the name of muqingge, Su wennuan, who was hiding under his cloak, had been following mu Qingge.The same voice, the same words, let her suddenly recall the day when she felt most humiliating.

Jiang Li has been guarding her side, aware of her reaction, busy in her ear whispered: "don't act rashly, light song, only arrangement, patience."

Su wennuan hears this sentence, and tries to suppress the killing intention in his heart and nods to Jiang Li.

The small movements here did not attract the attention of others.

It should be said that all the people present have focused on the sudden emergence of moqingge.

Her appearance, which is hard to ignore, can only be amazing. And that kind of fierce temperament also stands out among a group of people, which makes the elder members of the Sang family, including the elders and the king of Sang Shun, pay attention to it.

Most of all, she seemed to have come for the morning crowd.

Mu Qingge's words, let Mu Chen turn his eyes to look at the muluofeng, and muruofeng's face also changed, his eyes flustered: "do you want me? What do you want from me? There's nothing to say between you and me

His reaction made him more confused.

Mu light song raised a sneer, "there is nothing to say? So you don't have to explain what you did in the city of anmor and planted the blame on me? "

"What Mu Chen was shocked to stare at the big eyes, eyes like a knife to Mu Luofeng.

Mu Peng also rushed over, looked at the Muruo wind and said, "little Lord, what have you done?"

The two people's expressions, as well as the tone, make muruofeng angry.

"What are you two doing?" he said angrily? Am I your little Lord or is he your little Lord? Do you believe what I say or what he says? "

His argument did not make Mu Chen and Mu Peng feel ashamed, on the contrary, it reflected his guilty mind.

Mu Chen shook his head in disappointment. He looked at mu Qingge and asked, "little master of Qingge, this is the Sang family. Why don't we change time and place and explain the misunderstanding?"

"No need." Mu Qingge's sharp refusal. She did not give the Muchen face at all, but looked at King sang Shun and said, "this is the master of the mulberry family. Today, take the place of the mulberry family to solve the personal gratitude and resentment."

King sang Shun looked at her. In his deep and bright eyes, he didn't know what he was thinking. He finally nodded.

"Today you offended the Sang family, but you still want to leave?" At this time, the three elders stood up and pointed to the Muruo wind road.

Mu Qingge picks eyebrow to smile, playfully way: "Oh? It turns out that muluofeng has offended the Sang family without knowing what to do. Today, let's settle both accounts. "

"What do you have to do with the Sang family?" Muruofeng shouts discontented with muqingge.

Mu Qingge sneered, "it's really nothing to do with me. But as long as it's about you, I'm interested in getting involved. "

Muruofeng looks cloudy and sunny, and I don't know whether he is frightened or angry by mu Qingge. Suddenly, he pointed to Mu Qingge and sang Yichen who was not far away from her and called out: "I know! You two are in a group. I saw you two together just now! You must be trying to harm me

With that, he called out to Mu Chen: "uncle, mu Qingge must have colluded with the Sang family and wanted to secretly harm me. So I can take everything that belongs to me

Mu light song negative hand to Mu Luofeng, her close, let Mu Chen that side of the bodyguard are nervous.

But with a scornful smile, she said to muluofeng, "what's on your body that is worth my attention? Don't forget, you're my loser. "

She was referring to the elegant choice.

Mention this matter, mu Luofeng's face is more and more ugly. Eyes with hate toward xuanya. But xuanya doesn't care at all.

"This is the man of the Middle Ages?" The high priest watched in silence and shook his head in disappointment.

He said in time: "does this not mean that we chose correctly at the beginning?"

The high priest nodded with a sigh.

"Qingge Shaozhu, what's the matter? If Luo Feng is wrong, I will let him apologize to you today." The minister spoke. He didn't want to offend mu Qingge to death. The most important thing was that mu Qingge and mu Luofeng stood together, and he was more inclined to believe the words of the former.

This kind of feeling is inexplicable, also should not have.

However, he just like Mu Peng kneels down to worship Mu light song, damned appeared!

Mu Qingge's sight fell on muruofeng, and his voice was cold: "on that day in Anmo City, after you left, a great event happened in the city. The Suyan family ordered the city to be sealed to search for a man named mu Qingge. "

Her words, so that Mu Chen and Mu Peng are eyes a shrink, look with doubt.

They also don't understand why the two families are looking for muqingge.

But muruofeng's eyes were more flustered and gloomy. He said eagerly: "what do they want to do with you? You said it yourself. We were gone

This sentence, let Mu Chen and Mu Peng agree to nod, look to Mu light song, wait for her next words.The Sang family, all standing quietly, watching the development of the situation.

Mulberry blue if clenching the lower lip, eyes have been falling on the back of Mu Qingge.

The king of Sang Shun had been looking at muqingge thoughtfully and didn't know what he was thinking.

"Strange? I was also very strange at that time. I had been staying in the inn for a few days in Anmo city. What made the Su Yan family look for me in such a big way. " In the clear eyes of muqingge, a strong satire emerges.

That satire, let Mu Chen and Mu Peng feel extremely uncomfortable, as if aimed at them.

Mu Qingge's facial features were as cold as ice, with a sneering smile on his mouth, and he continued: "later, I went to the Su family in person, and only then did I know that before the closure of the city, that is, before you left, the young lady of the Su family who was to be married was insulted by the thieves. And the one who insulted her left my name


Mu light Song said that the reason for the accident, whether it is the people on the side of the Mu Chen, or the Sang family, are tightening their eyes.

No matter when it is, it's disgusting to do such a thing.

Defile the innocence of the bride, but also blame others! I can do all these bad things. I'm good at it Pooh! Is there any character to speak of?

Mu light song words, almost let the people present, all appear disdain and disdain in the eyes.

Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen are shocked to see Xiangmu Qingge. They never know that something like this happened to their sister.

Although it can't be done by muqingge, it's hard to be misunderstood as such a despicable person!

Sang Lan is even more pale and angry in her eyes.

Her daughter has been so wronged!

Without much thought, she could judge who was at the scene, who had framed her daughter for such a crime. All of a sudden, she looked at the eyes of Muluo wind, killing more strong!

"This..." Mu Chen was shocked by mu Qingge's words and unconsciously looked back at mu Luofeng. The latter, in the feeling of Mu Chen's vision swept over, immediately revealed a look of innocence to cover up the heart.

Mu Chen turned back and said to Mu Qingge: "little master of Qingge, who dares to be so bold?"

"I want to know, too." Mu Qingge is still sneering at muruofeng. "I'm also curious. When I first came to Anmo City, I didn't have contact with other people. Who would know my name and make such a thing happen to me. What kind of deep hatred is there between me and him

None of her words mentioned murowan.

However, the meaning of the words, but every sentence let Mu Chen and Mu Peng, they think, she refers to the person is muruofeng!

Muchen felt a little dry mouthed. He was not a good speaker. Be mu light song these words, make already did not know how to parry.

All of a sudden, mu Qingge called out: "muruofeng!"

The sound, like thunder, stirred the hearts of the people. Muruofeng, who also felt guilty, almost fell to the ground.

He calmed the panic in his heart and yelled at mu Qingge: "what do you want to do with mu Qingge? Do you think I did these things? What evidence do you have? You bring it out! Otherwise, don't try to splash dirty water on me

His sophistry, let Mu light song this side person, disdain sneer.

But let Mu Chen recall carefully, at that time in the city of Anmo before leaving the scene.

He remembered that on the day before he left, muruofeng was not in the inn. He was waiting for him in the inn, but he saw that his clothes were not neat, and he ran in flustered.

Suddenly saw himself, the look of muluofeng at that time, seemed to be very evasive.

And when he proposed to leave, he also felt a great sense of relief in the wind.

Today, mu Qingge is asking for a crime, and mu Luofeng's reaction is more like a self accusation.

Sure enough, after muruofeng's words were said, mu Qingge sneered in his eyes and said sarcastically, "what are you so excited about? If you didn't do it, why should you be so eager to get rid of yourself? You should be like everyone else, showing curiosity, not fear. "

"You Which eye of yours sees me afraid? " Muluofeng straightened his chest and tried to make himself look more reasonable and straight.

"Not afraid?" Mu light song a cold smile, murmur in the mouth. She suddenly turned her hand and said in a cold voice to muluofeng, "look who this is!"

With the fall of her voice, the man in the cloak she referred to lifted the hat that covered her face and exposed his beautiful face to others.

In her eyes, with unspeakable resentment, indelible humiliation, and strong intent to kill.

Her appearance is not amazing, at least at the moment, almost all women's looks are far better than her.

However, as soon as she appeared, mu Luofeng's eyes suddenly shrank, and the color of panic filled her eyes, as if she had been to hell.

At this time, the voice of Mu Qingge rang again: "muruofeng, if you have a clear conscience, why do you have such a big reaction when you see Miss Su?"Her words, successfully caused all people to turn their eyes to the muluofeng.

Everyone was shocked.

They didn't expect that the victim had been there all the time. And the reaction of murowan is silent to explain everything. If he said he didn't know Miss Su again, or said that it had nothing to do with him, the fool would believe it!

When Mu Chen and Mu Peng look at the wind of Muruo, their eyes are filled with disbelief and heartache.

Muruofeng is the successor they have worked so hard to find and cultivate. But now it is too mean and unforgivable to do such a thing!

"Luofeng, you..." Muchen held back his heartache, and was very fond of Muruo.

Mu Luofeng was stunned and woke up from the shock of seeing Su warm. His flustered and feeble excuse. "Uncle, they wronged me! I'm innocent. They collude to kill me! Don't believe them, you have to believe me

"Wronged you? Why should they do you wrong? " He was deeply distressed.

When mu Luofeng saw Su wennuan, his subconscious reaction was more convincing than mu Qingge's saying a thousand and ten thousand sentences. Muchen is not a fool. How can he not see it?

By associating the causes and consequences, he can only find the motive of muruofeng's framing muqingge, but can't find the motive of muqingge.

How can a person who has the upper hand everywhere frame a competitor by ruining his reputation unnecessarily?

Since her contact with mu Qingge, her self-confidence and innate strong belief have made Mu Chen feel that from the beginning to the end, she did not pay attention to muruofeng.

Ask, who will never put in the bottom of my heart in the eyes of an opponent, such a waste of mental calculation?

On the contrary, muruofeng is subject to the moqingge everywhere, and is not willing to choose dazzle elegant, and his heart has been angry with the latter. On the contrary, he has the possibility of targeting mu Qingge.

They are both competitors, and it is normal to suppress each other. However, what makes Mu Chen hard to accept is that muruofeng actually used such despicable means.

Such a person is not worthy to be the successor of the Mu family!

"Muqingge! Why did you frame me? You did it. You defiled Miss Su in the reeds by the lake in the city. You falsely accused me

Muruofeng's words attracted a lot of boos.

Su's face changed greatly.

Mu light song but smile more and more playful, cold up: "not you, how even the location is clear?"

Muruofeng breathed hard and his eyes were almost protruding.

Su wennuan gnawed his teeth, and his eyes reflected strong hatred. He looked at Muruo and said, "even Mr. Mu doesn't know where I'm in trouble. Why do you know? What's more, I will never forget your voice in my life! It's you, you shameless whore, who ruined me

"No! It wasn't me! I I just happened to pass by and see everything Muluofeng found a good excuse for himself.

"You lie! It's impossible for her to do such a thing! " However, as soon as his voice fell, a voice was inserted from the side, negating his speech.

This voice, attracted Mu light song side of the eyes, also let the people present to see her.

Mulberry blue if pale face is supported by mulberry snow dance, whole body is angry shivering, eyes are full of killing intention looking at muluofeng. She said that sentence just now.

Mu light song eyes light slightly cold, looked at her, the tone is calm way: "thank you this madam to sing Qu for me, but my own matter, I am used to handling by myself, also ask this lady not to interfere."

Sang Lan feels a pain in her heart. Her daughter's tone of indifference is strong. She seems unwilling to have a relationship with her

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