Next to the Sang family, mu Qingge only brought Mu Chen and Mu Peng.

King sang Shun received them again.

The bloody scene of the day before left many bodyguards and servants of the Sang family deeply impressed by muqingge. They also don't understand why Mu Chen and Mu Peng are together with the people who killed their little master.

Look at that, they seem to respect her!

"The mulberry family leader, this time comes, is for yesterday's matter, to the mulberry family to make amends." Mu Qingge said to the king of Sang Shun, looking down at the direction of Mu Chen.

The minister immediately stood up and made amends to King sang Shun: "master of the mulberry family, what happened yesterday disturbed the mulberry family. Everything is my sin. Please don't blame the mulberry family leader."

After that, he presented some precious stones and put them in front of him. He added, "this is a little bit of apology. I hope the mulberry family can accept it."

After he said that, Mu Peng also stood up and said to King sang Shun: "yesterday, he mistakenly injured Miss snow dance's mother. Mu Peng also came to make amends to the mulberry family leader."

King sang Shun looked at the two men quietly. After they finished speaking, his sight fell on the light song.

After a short time, he just said, "it's just that yesterday's incident was uncovered."

"Thank you, sang."

"Thank you, sang."

Mu Chen and Mu Peng are in a loose heart, and at the same time back to Mu Qingge.

They all look at xiangmuqingge at the same time. In their hearts, they all think that the reason why muqingge asks them to come over and apologize is that they don't want to have an evil relationship with the Sang family. They want to marry the snow dance miss of the Sang family, just like mu Luofeng.

Who let in the evening grassland, Mu light song repeatedly for mulberry snow dance, has been spread all over the world?

But do not want to, after they retired, mu Qingge nodded his head and said faintly: "since yesterday's gratitude and resentment have been clarified, then I want to mention another thing to the mulberry family leader. It is said that Mulian city has been harassing the house for several years. Today I come to meet him. "

Murian city?!

Who is muliancheng?

Mu Chen and Mu Peng are both inexplicable.

However, Mu surname, but let their hearts full of doubts, will doubt the eyes of King sang Shun. "Did the Sang family imprison the people of the Mu family in private?"

The most important thing is mu Qingge's attitude. She didn't come for sang Xue dance, but for the Mulian City, which shows that this person is very important to her!

Although we don't know who Bai Mulian city is, it doesn't hinder Mu Chen and Mu Peng's maintenance of Mu light song.

Muchen frowned slightly, and his voice was not as apologetic as he had just been. "In Sang's family, there are people from my Mu family?"

King sang Shun gave him a glance, then looked at Xiangmu Qingge and said in a deep voice, "do you say that's your father? That's how you talk to your grandfather? "




Muchen and mupeng are in disorder!

They have no idea what the relationship between mu Qingge and sang family is.

In the face of King sang Shun's question, mu Qingge looked calm and had no unusual mood. The identity was recognized, and she had guessed it long before she came. What's more, what happened yesterday?

Therefore, the words of King sang Shun today did not surprise her. She just slowly turned her eyes and looked at him with a light hook on the corner of her lips. Qingge grew up with his grandfather and aunt, and didn't know who his grandfather was

King sang Shun's deep and bright eyes looked at her, revealing a faint sense of loss. He sighed, "it's not your fault. You should have resentment in your heart."

"Resentment?" Mu Qingge's smile is more obvious, but with light irony. "The mulberry family leader is worried. I'm here just to take back Mulian city. I promise that as long as I take him away, I won't come back to the Sang family from now on, let alone disturb the peace of anyone in the mulberry family. "

"Why do you have to do this? Do you know how sad your mother was when you left yesterday? " The tone of King sang Shun was more serious.

Mu Qingge did not take it seriously. "Sang's master joked again. Qingge never had any impression on her mother. Since it was like a stranger, how sad was it?"

"You are still angry." King sang Shun concluded.

Mu Qingge sneers and no longer explains.

In any case, let her explain, he will think that he is just venting his anger for many years. Think that their vent is over, will stage touching mother daughter recognition, grandson recognition?

That's wrong! She's telling the truth.

Her purpose is really just for the sake of Mulian city. If Sang Lan has no way to save him, she has, there is no need to continue to leave him at Sang's home.

And she really did not know what grandfather, and would not want to be involved with the Sang family.

However, King sang Shun didn't believe it.

The dialogue between the two makes their relationship more elusive.

The origin of muqingge is very clear to them. It came from Linchuan. Since it comes from Linchuan, how can it be related to the sangs?"Little Lord." Mu Chen lowered his eyebrows and called to Mu Qingge.

Mu light song slowly droops eyes, to Mu Chen way: "you do not need to intervene." It's her private business. Take them two, also see their strength, in order to avoid her in the face of the Sang family, be limited.

Her words, let Mu Chen and Mu Peng silent.

In their hearts, muqingge is not a muluofeng. They don't need to do everything for him. Muqingge can solve everything very well, only when she needs, they will do it again.

King sang Shun was silent, and he saw the disdain in Mu Qingge's eyes.

She is not trying to get, but she really disdains the mulberry family, and really does not want to be involved with the mulberry family.

In the main hall, there was a strange silence.

Mu Qingge stood up and broke the silence: "if the mulberry master can't make a decision, please go to the person who can make the decision. I'll pick you up in three days. In addition, please tell her that since Mu Liancheng has stayed with her for more than ten years, she has not woken up. That means she doesn't have the ability. She didn't, I did! "

With that, mu Qingge plans to leave.

"Wait a minute." King sang Shun suddenly opened his mouth and prevented her from leaving.

Mu light song looks back at him, eyebrows light pick.

King sang Shun coagulated her, and their eyes met in mid air, sparking a spark of no compromise. Suddenly, he looked up and laughed.

That laughter came inexplicably, let Mu Chen and Mu Peng secretly alert.

And Mu light song that pair of clear eyes deep, but flash a ray of thinking.

After laughing, King sangshun looked at Xiangmu light song with burning eyes: "you are much more interesting than your sister-in-law. You don't want to recognize me as my grandfather, but I don't know how to speak to others. If you want to say anything to her, go in person. "

Mu Qingge calls himself "grandfather" in his mouth, but he doesn't agree.

It should be said that the word "grandfather" is like a breeze passing through her ears. It doesn't enter her ears, let alone leave a trace in her heart.

But she understood what he meant.

He wants her to see sang lanjou!

See you?

I saw her yesterday, but she didn't look at the so-called mother.


If not, why should she come to Sang's house?

"Please tell me the location." It's time to make a decision.

"I'll take you by myself." However, King sang Shun stood up from the position of the master of the family and took the initiative to say.

His action, let Mu light song slightly frown, can't guess what he wants to do? Why are you so enthusiastic?

"Little Lord, no!" Mulchen came forward to stop. He blocked mu Qingge's body and prevented her from leaving with King sang Shun. Mu Peng also stood up to protect the other side of Mu Qingge, his eyes full of vigilance.

They don't know what the relationship between muqingge and the Sang family is.

But from the attitude of muqingge, they can guess that muqingge has no good feelings for the Sang family, and there are some unspeakable gratitude and resentment. In that case, they couldn't let her out.

Mu Qingge looked at them and did not speak.

King sang Shun looked at them and said, "what? Are you afraid that I will plot against your own grandson? "

Although Mu Chen and Mu Peng are shocked, they still look at mu Qingge and wait for her decision.

Mu Qingge does not speak a word.

Mu Chen said quickly, "little Lord..." He shook his head a few times to tell mu Qingge not to go with King sang Shun easily. At the very least, take both of them.

Their worry, mu Qingge saw.

Her clear eyes, from the two Muchen, moved to King sang Shun. After a short period of time, she raised her hand and pressed down the Muchen's hand in front of her.

She said to them, "wait for me here."

"Little Lord!"

"Little Lord!"

Both Mu Chen and Mu Peng felt that it was inappropriate.

However, mu Qingge's decision will never change at will. She just appeased them and said, "it doesn't take so much trouble for the master of the Sang family to murder anyone. This is the Sang family. He lifts his arms and says that it is difficult for the three of us to get out."

Her words are reasonable, and Mu Chen and Mu Peng finally compromise.

"Little Lord, be careful. If there's something wrong, howl at once, and we'll be there in an instant Mu Chen told mu Qingge.

Mu light song nodded lightly.

In fact, if there is any real danger, she hides in the space, which is naturally very safe.

Mu Chen and Mu Peng finally withdrew.

Mu Qingge went to the king of Sang Shun and said to him, "the master of the mulberry family will lead the way."

King sang Shun's sight swept around the three of them, then nodded his head, walked out of the main hall with moqingge and went to the courtyard where sang lanruo lived.

On the way, many sang family members were curious to look at the moqingge of King sang Shun.

And Mu light song in these curious eyes, has always maintained the appearance of light and light, not feel the slightest fear and embarrassment. This let the silent observation of her king sang Shun, constantly nodding in his heart."What is your relationship with those two? Yesterday you were enemies, but today they are so loyal to you? " King sang Shun couldn't think of it. Yesterday she killed their young master in front of them. It's called muluofeng. Why are they under the command of their granddaughter today?

What's more, he did not forget that from the moment his granddaughter appeared yesterday, both of them showed great respect.

"Is the mulberry family in charge too lenient?" However, his question has not been well explained. Mu Qingge is just a satire.

King sang Shun's eyes glared and returned to normal.

He slowly shook his head and exclaimed, "you are a bit like your mother."

Mu Qingge is silent and doesn't want to argue with him on this topic.

She is like Sang Lan Ruo? Come on, she's not really a slut. Her character, from the previous life, like herself!

After walking for a while, King sang Shun said again: "yesterday, I asked your mother if you inherited the blood of the Sang family, and her answer was no."

When he said this, he kept staring at mu Qingge's expression, as if to detect a clue from her expression change.

However, Mu light song did not have the slightest expression change, as if did not hear this sentence in general.

Such a reaction made king sang Shun feel strange and frown.

But mu Qingge thinks in her heart, why does Sang Lan lie?

According to the law, this kind of thing is born will have. In the past, moqingge was a piece of waste wood and could not be cultivated. That's one thing. But blood should not be absent.

In this case, Sang Lan ruo's words, is it true, because she didn't know before she left? Or did she lie to King sang Shun?

But if you don't know. She could tell King sang shun that she didn't know, rather than answer "no". Such an answer will appear only if it has been confirmed.

However, no matter what Sang Lan's mind was, she saved her own trouble by answering King sang Shun in this way.

"It's a pity that among your three brothers and sisters, only snow dance inherits the blood of the Sang family." King sang Shun was staring at her, still testing with words.

Mu Qingge heard the temptation in his words and laughed in his heart.

Do you really think of her as a young and vigorous person? Thought she would be angry, but he lost a part, and then he was anxious to argue that he inherited blood?

With a laugh in her clear eyes, she looked at King sang Shun and said, "I am a member of the Mu family. Naturally, what I inherit is the blood of the Mu family."

In her words, she is proud of the blood of the Mu family, and does not feel any regret that she does not inherit the blood of the mulberry family.

Her answer, let sang Shun Wang's eyes flash, eyes if there is thinking.

His trial has not stopped, even just deliberately asked, its purpose is not entirely to test whether mu Qingge is the blood of Sang family, but also part is to see how she is.

If she could not stand the stimulation of words and was eager to explain for herself, his impression of the granddaughter would be greatly reduced.

"Maybe I didn't notice it when I was a child. Why don't I give you a test?" King sang Shun said again.

Mu Qingge's eyes jokingly said: "master sang, are you wrong? I'm here to meet people, not to do any blood assessment. "

She refused!

Her indifference and her refusal made him feel that muqingge might have inherited the blood of the Sang family, which was even stronger than the sangxue dance.

Mu Qingge could see clearly what king sang and Shun suspected.

But she didn't care.

As long as she didn't want to, could King sang Shun bind her to do blood verification? Even if he knew that he had the blood of an artificemaker of the Sang family, then what?

She didn't want to stay in the Sang family, and she didn't want to have anything to do with the Sang family. Could King sang Shun stop her?

All the way to explore, two people finally came to Sang Lan Ruo live in the remote courtyard.

It seems that the main house of the Sang family is quite different from the two worlds. It is secluded and even desolate.

Moreover, as soon as I get close to it, I feel that there is a cold air force, which makes people reluctant to approach.

Muqingge is very sensitive to temperature because of yuan yuan. When there was still a distance from the courtyard, she felt the temperature drop around her.

"Your mother in order to keep your father's body not rotten, especially to find xuanbing." The words of King sang Shun seemed to be interpreted intentionally or unintentionally.

Mu Qingsong is silent.

Came to the courtyard, a surprise voice spread out.

"Boss! You're really here Seeing mu Qingge coming, sang Yichen stopped practicing martial arts and ran towards her.

Before mu Qingge started, he began to chatter: "snow dance and I thought you might come two days later. I didn't expect that you would come today. My mother must be very happy when she knew that..."

"Yi Chen." Hearing the news, sang Xuewu, who came out of the house, stopped sang Yichen.

Sang Yichen turned her eyes and said happily, "snow dance, who are you looking at?"Sang snow dance to two people, first to Sang Shun King's formal line after the line, then excited to Mu light song cry: "boss."

Sang Yichen also quickly saluted the king and called out, "grandfather."

King sang Shun nodded and asked, "what about your mother? In the ice cellar again? " With that, he frowned.

However, sangxue dance shook her head and said, "mother is not in the ice cellar today. After her grandfather left yesterday, she went to the refining room, and has not yet come out."

"Refining room?" King sang Shun was surprised for a moment, but he turned his eyes and said coldly: "I said she was enlightened. Now it seems that she is still in Qi with me."

After that, he said to the second man: "go and call her. Let's just say that her daughter, whom she has been thinking about day and night, has come to see her. "

This sentence, let Mu light song discontented frown.

She didn't come to see Sang Lan Ruo, and she didn't want to misunderstand sang lanruo.

Sang Yichen nodded quickly and went to the refining room. And sang snow dance is left, will two people into the room, pour tea for them.

Mu light song did not sit down, but sang snow dance way: "take me to see Mulian city."

Sang snow dance a Leng, subconsciously nodded.

King sang Shun did not stop them from leaving.

Through the dark passage of Sang Lan ruo's room, mu Qingge walks into the ice cellar under the guidance of Sang Xue dance. In the middle of the ice cellar, there is a huge piece of dark ice.

The release of cold, will have been wrapped in layers of ice.

In the dark ice, lying quietly a tall man, his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

Mu Qingge slowly walked past, the closer she was, the faster her heart beat.

That kind of emotion, as if does not belong to her, also seems to be her!

As she approached, she finally saw what the man was like lying on the ice. Handsome and resolute!

Mu Qingge used four words to describe the appearance of Mulian city in the bottom of his heart. His appearance is the beauty of handsome and resolute masculinity. It seems that even if he sleeps quietly with his eyes closed, people can imagine him wearing armor and helmet when he is awake and grinning while riding on a steed.

It's a reassuring, warm smile.

As if he could open a world for all people.

Little general of mujiajun!

Muriancheng, once known as muxiong's successor by the common people of Qin, was a young general who made the enemy afraid. He became famous at a young age and made great contributions.

Now, but lying in front of her lifeless!

It's all made by the emperor of Qin Dynasty!

Mu light song clear eyes deep, flash a trace of cold. Even if she had already revenged her revenge and slaughtered the emperor's room. However, now to see Mulian City, her heart of killing or faint overflow.

All the changes of fate started from the selfishness of Qin Emperor's room!

Mu Qingge looks at Mu Liancheng, even if the two people are separated by Yin and Yang, she still feels that kind of resonance from blood. This blood relationship does not refer to the blood relationship between them, but refers to the fact that they all gave everything for the sake of protecting the country and the soldiers, and finally died in conspiracy and calculation.


Mu Qingge suddenly made a military salute to Mulian city.

This is from the respect for a soldier!

Her upright posture, proud and unyielding momentum, standing beside Mulian City, seems to be the inheritance of his will.

Sangxue dance is stunned by mu Qingge's action. She did not understand mu Qingge's behavior, but she felt that this was the best memorial ceremony for her father.

Just like that night, on the grassland at dusk, the sound of war drums in the middle of the night rang through.

That kind of blood, that kind of fierce guard inner faith, that kind of protection heart, is her growth environment can not experience.

She envied and longed for it.

Behind her, at the entrance of the ice cellar tunnel, sang lanruo appears with Sang Yichen.

When they arrived, they just saw mu Qingge's military salute to Mulian city.

This scene, let Sang Lan if tears, as if to see at the beginning, when she and Mu Liancheng first met, his heroism.

Mu light song slowly put down his hand, to murian city deep voice way: "I come, if you have hope, I will do my best." There was a commitment in her voice.

Behind him came the sound of footsteps.

Mu light song convergence mood, turn back to look.

Deep in her clear eyes, a figure connected with her blood was reflected.

"Ge'er..." Seeing mu Qingge looking at himself, Sang Lan couldn't help but his voice trembling. She reached out and tried to touch mu Qingge's cheek.

However, when her hand reached half, mu Qingge's words made her stiff in the air. "Thank you, madam, for taking care of the Mufu major general for many years."

"Ge'er, you..." Mulberry blue if eyes are shocked and heartache.

Mu Qingge's words make her feel like a stranger who has nothing to do with her.

However, mu Qingge didn't seem to see the heartache, and said to her, "the purpose of my coming today is to take him away. His wife has forced him to stay for nineteen years. Obviously, there is no other way to deal with it. In this case, he should return to the Mu family and let the Mu family deal with it. ""Song er Do you really want to be so nice to your mother? " Mulberry blue if heartache, such as strangulation. Her daughter's words seemed to have been hurled at her.

Mu Qingge still calm way: "Madam joking, mu Qingge young father lost his mother, now where the mother?"

"No! That's not the truth! Ge'er, listen to my mother's explanation SangLan if heartache to split, the despair of losing her daughter makes her body more dead.

And Mu light song also obviously felt this, can't help but slightly frown.

"Mother! Don't get too excited. " Sang Yichen quickly comforts.

Mulberry snow dance also busy way: "Niang, your body is weak, let's leave here first." With that, she quickly explained to Mu Qingge: "boss, my mother takes care of my father all the year round. Her body is eroded by cold air and entangled by dead air. She is already weak. What's more, over the years, she has been feeling depressed and depressed, so she can't be stimulated any more. "

Sang snow dance words, did not let Mu light song have a little reaction.

She just looked at Sang Lan ruo's pain in silence, without half sympathy in her heart. "If you know what you are today, why do you have to do it in the first place?"

"Boss, I beg you, let's go out first." Sang Yichen is also anxious.

Sang Lan ruo's tears from her eyes have not yet slipped down. She is frozen on her cheek by the cold. Her eyes are full of pain, which makes her look very heartbreaking.

Mu Qingge turned her eyes and took a look at Mulian City, heading for the exit of the ice cellar.

She did not want these things, which disturbed the peace of Mulian city.

Mu Qingge leaves, sang Xuewu and sang Yichen help sang lanruo leave the ice cellar. Out of the ice cellar, and left Sang Lan ruo's room, mu Qingge felt that the cold air around him was less.

Walking back to the front yard, King sang Shun was still drinking tea in his room.

He looked up at Xiangmu Qingge and saw the three people who came after him in a hurry, and the ice on Sang Lan ruo's cheek that was gradually melting. He put down his teacup and asked, "what's the matter?"

"You all go out. I want to talk to Ge'er alone." Sang lanruo suddenly struggles out with the help of Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen.

King sang Shun looked at Sang Lan Ruo, and his eyes moved from her and mu Qingge.

Shaoqing, just get up and say: "snow dance, Yi dust with me out."

Sang Xuewu and sang Yichen are worried to see sang lanruo and Xiangmu Qingge.

"Boss, please, please!" Sang Yichen clasps his fist to Mu Qingge, imploring.

Mu Qingge just glanced at it lightly without any guarantee.

King sang Shun left the courtyard with the two men, leaving an undisturbed space for the mother and daughter.

"Gol, you've grown up." After the three people left, Sang Lan Ruo slowly approached Mu light song, carefully looked at the appearance of Mu light song.

She has complex emotions in her eyes, such as guilt, heartache, regret, missing

All the emotions, in this moment are turned into ink, let her describe the appearance of Mu light song.

When her eyes fell on the earring on her left ear, she begged uneasily, "Ge'er, I know you hate your mother and blame your mother. But can you take off the earrings and let your mother have a good look at you? "

Mu light song's line of sight moves slowly over, falls on her body.

At that moment, Sang Lan Ruo seemed to be pricked by a needle.

Mu Qingge's mouth caught up a sarcastic smile, "Madame joked, this is what I really look like, is there any fake? That's what my mother gave me personally

Mulberry blue if suddenly stagger a bit, lean to grasp the corner of the table just not soft to.

Mu light song words, let her heart a pain, the lapel was her scratch wrinkle.

Finally, the tears, which were hard to control, slipped down again. She kept shaking her head and whispering, "it's all my fault, my fault." Earrings, she personally put on her daughter, is also her own mouth to tell her that you are a small Baron of Mufu, is a man. Now, what kind of face asks her to take off the earrings?

"Ge'er, can you forgive mother?" Mulberry blue if suddenly to Mu Qingge, want to grasp her sleeve.

However, mu Qingge seems to have been aware of her intention, and waved to avoid contact with her.


This sentence, we should ask mu Qingge, which has already lost its fragrance and jade!

If it was not for a lie of the woman in front of her, muqingge would have been the eldest lady in Yongning mansion. With Mu Xiong's love for her and Mu Lianrong's attention to her, she almost has everything she wants. She will never run to the sunset wasteland to die, and eventually she will be cheaper.

Mu Qingge's heart is also very complicated at the moment.

Without Sang Lan ruo's original decision, perhaps she is still a wisp of wandering lonely soul, and even has already disappeared. From this point, she seems to have to thank the people in front of her.

However, she could not forget the moqingge that she had been living with for nearly three months.

She can't forget the girl who lived a short life with a lie and finally saved her.

If there is no Sang Lan, if the original decision, perhaps she will not be reborn, but the real mu Qingge will not die, will enjoy her real life.Therefore, Sang Lan ruo's sorry, should not be to her, but to the true Mu light song.

She had promised mu Qingge to take away her body, so accept her everything. Her identity, her family. Even at that time, the weak moqingge had the idea of protecting his family.

However, in the face of Mu Qingge's close relatives, she has a feeling that she does not want to be involved.

"Ge'er, you have hatred and resentment in your heart, your mother knows. Whether you recognize me or not, I want to tell you something Muran's silence makes Muran continue.

Sang Lan Ruo slowly walked back to the chair and sat down with the armrest. At that time, when I gave birth to you, the emperor of Qin looked at the Mu family. They even said that if you are a daughter, they will decide to point out a marriage for you and let you marry into the royal family. If he is a son, he will inherit the title of Mujia and marry the Royal Princess to you. " Mulberry blue is like a secluded road.

"Either way, the purpose of the royal family is to admire the military power of the family. Therefore, after you were born, I discussed with your father secretly, and announced that you were a man. On the one hand, it can prevent you from marrying into the royal family; on the other hand, it can give the Mojia time to breathe under the pressure of the royal family. Thirdly, the Mu family has an heir, which can stabilize the morale of the army and make the royal family's instigation and self destruction. After a few years, when the situation is stable and the Mojia is so powerful that the royal family dare not easily provoke, we will explain your identity to the public. Dad, uncle, you'll have a peaceful life Can, how to think, all this has not been realized, the ambitious Qin emperor room can not help but start. First, in the name of suppressing the bandits, your grandfather and your father were sent out of Luodu. Then, while your grandmother was away with his uncle and aunt, he created a tragedy. Your aunt survived, but your grandmother and uncle were buried under the cliff Sang Lan Ruo gradually fell into the memory of that year.

Mu Qingge is just listening quietly without stopping and interrupting.

Just like Jiang Li said, she also wants to hear sang lanruo's explanation, to see whether she has been indifferent for many years, whether intentionally or unintentionally.

"The news of your grandmother's and uncle's funeral, the Qin Emperor's room crossed over Mu's house and privately sent a message to your grandfather. When your grandfather was grieved, he led his troops back to the capital, leaving your father alone to lead the rest of the mujiajun against the enemy. Originally, those were just some mountain bandits. Your father had no trouble dealing with them. Even in a sad state, they may win back as soon as possible. I'm in charge of funerals in the mansion, pacifying your grandfather, and waiting for the news of your father's triumphant return. But What I waited for was the news that he had led his troops into the enemy's trap because of his excessive grief, leading to the total annihilation of the army! "

Sang Lan Ruo grabs the corner of the table. The meridians on the back of her hands are bulging, and the joints are white. "I don't believe it! I don't believe in such a result! What's more, they have never brought back their bones! " There was a crack in her eyes.

Mu light song eyes flash, no words.

"So, I decided to leave Mu Fu and find your father in person. I want to know the truth! If he is really killed in battle, I will collect his body and bury his bones. If he is framed and died in vain, I will find the real murderer and avenge him! Then follow him Sang Lan ruo's eyes, that kind of revenge of the flame, burning dead gas twined eyes.

Sang Lan ruo's eyes suddenly darkened, and her mood suddenly turned to be worse: "I found your father for three days and nights. His lifeless look left me dead. Even though I could not believe it, he died and left me. Just when I was in despair, the Sang family, who came to look for me in the name of my father, appeared beside me. They still found me and wanted to take me back to Sang's house. But I don't want to. Maybe they saw my intention of death and said to me, your father can still survive, as long as I follow them back to the medieval world, back to the Sang family. In the middle ancient world, there were some ways to bring the dead back to life. With a glimmer of hope, I believe that your father is just asleep and that if I find the right way, he will wake up

"So, you left Linchuan and Mufu without a trace of information?" Mu light song coldly inserted a sentence.

This is the place to be filled with regret!

Mulberry blue if whole body trembles, also seems to know what is hateful in Mu Qingge's heart. She closed her eyes painfully and explained to Mu Qingge: "Ge'er, you believe me, it's not like that. It's not what you think I promised them to leave. But want to send a letter to Mu Fu, let your grandfather know where I and your father go, also want to tell them, your true identity. However, the three people were afraid that I would go back on my regret, and would not let me contact anyone. In the afternoon of the next day, they were ready to take me and your father away. Even after I begged, they promised that I would send a message to Mu Fu. However, when I went back to Sang's house, I knew that they were just trying to reassure me and cheat me

Is everything wrong?

Mu Qingge is reluctant to accept this explanation. "Linchuan, all of you can't send back the letter in nineteen years

She had some aggressive inquiries.Sang Lan shook her head in tears and took a deep breath. Then she continued: "when I came back to Sang's house, I found that I was cheated, my mind was hurt and I fainted. When I woke up, my father told me that I was pregnant. It was your father's child, and I had to give them birth. At that time, I could only plead with my father to send my news back to the Mu family and tell him about you. When I wake up your father, I will return to the Mu family with him. However, he told me that in order to find me and solve the winner's matter for me, the Sang family had already consumed too much, and the people began to be dissatisfied and could not send messages for me any more. He refused to help, so I had to ask other people for help. However, when I asked those people to help me with the message as a condition of refining the weapon, it was all drowned in the sea Later, when my father knew about it, he just warned me, "do you think the passage between the middle ancient world and the Linchuan kingdom is so easy to open? Those who take away your refined weapons will consume them for a mere treasure. " From then on, I know that they are all liars

How difficult was it for the medieval world to send a message to Linchuan?

Mu Qingge thinks about herself carefully. In addition to once exchanging God level pills with Han Caicai and using the Han family's transmission array to send Muyi out, only Simao sent her a letter.

Before that, sang Yichen also said that the transmission array of the Sang family was broken and could not be used for a long time.

"For a long time, I also feel that Mojia may think I am dead. You may also tell your grandfather and aunt everything because you are too young to keep the secret. It will not help if I do not send the message again. I can only try my best to rescue your father, and then I will go to the house with him to plead guilty. But I didn't expect you to Actually... " Mulberry blue if heartache.

When her daughter came up to her as a man, she guessed a possibility. That is, for the past 19 years, muqingge has been living under the identity of a man.

One can imagine the grievances and dangers.

"Gee, I'm sorry! I'm sorry Sang lanruo burst into tears.

"What do you have to do with the winner?" Mu Qingge was not moved by her cry and asked.

Sang Lan Ruo was stunned and said to Mu Qingge, "before I left Sang's house, my father had betrothed me to the winner. But later he knew that I was married and pregnant, so he made amends to the winner and cancelled the marriage. To this end, the Sang family has paid a lot and lost an opportunity to recover. "

Mu Qingge is silent.

It's time to listen. She's finished.

"Three days later, I'll pick up Mulian city." Mu Qingge only left this sentence, then left Sang Lan ruo's courtyard. , the fastest update of the webnovel!