"Little Lord, this..." Mu Chen's eyes widened and his mouth was not clear. He looked at the crack.

Originally, it was just a small gap, but after the earthquake, it turned into a big gap enough for one person to pass through, just like an open door.

At the moment, the snow has returned to calm, just as the huge movement, seems to be to open the door.

Mu Qingge tightly pursed his lips and walked towards the open gap.

The rest of the people followed closely and did not dare to relax.

Approaching, people found that connecting this gap is actually a winding, downward extension of the floating ladder. The crystal clear floating ladder seems to be made of ice. Standing on it, people's shadow can be reflected.

Around the ladder, however, is an open and huge ice cave, in which the ice stones stand in strange shapes. I don't know where the end of the floating ladder is connected. In a word, there is no end in sight.

There is no other way except this floating ladder. When others are still hesitating, mu Qingge takes the lead and steps on the floating ladder.

As soon as her feet fell, the whole ladder seemed to tremble, and the light on it flashed, and it seemed to be firmer. She was absorbed in looking at her feet and stepping down step by step.

Behind her were four men.

And when they all entered, the open cracks suddenly joined together and recovered as before.

The sound of "closing the door" attracted all five people to stop and look back.

Although the door is closed, but the hole is still very bright, the ice stone seems to be flashing Yingying.

"Little Lord, let me go ahead."

When mu Qingge plans to go down, Mu Chen takes the initiative.

Finish saying, do not wait for mu light song to be willing or not, he passes through from her side, stood in front of her position.

"Let's go." Mu light song drooping eyes, command way.

The five continued to go down, and the ladder was always downward. The farther you go, the lower the temperature. All of a sudden, a huge black hole appeared in front of them, and the ladder still stretched down into the black hole, with no end in sight.

"Little Lord!" Muchen stopped and looked back at Xiangmu Qingge, waiting for her orders.

Mu light song eyes light coagulation, looking at the bottom of the black hole. In the cave, as if in the continuous blowing out of cold air, the ice around are also suffused with a faint blue halo.

"Yuan Yuan." Mu Qingge gave a light cry.

Yuan Yuan immediately understood her mind. "Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa" repeatedly hit four fingers, and four flames fluttered in front of him. The hot and sunny temperature immediately dispelled a lot of cold feelings.

Yuan yuan raised his hand, and the four flames floated in front of the other four people. The temperature was just enough to cover them, protect them from the cold, and help them light up the line of sight in front of them and see the situation in front of them.

This scene, let Mu Chen and Mu Peng show joy.

"I'll go on and see what's going on here Mu light song deep voice.


Mu Qingge, half a day after they entered the crack, Mu Tianyin took his three subordinates down to the cliff.

However, this piece of white world, in their eyes, there is still no clue. Before the ground motion, also covered up the trace that someone had come.

"Little Lord, what are the hints from Tianlu? If we don't have anything, we'll find it like this, I'm afraid... " One of his subordinates bravely said.

Naturally, Mu Tianyin understands this truth.

He pondered for a moment and recalled carefully every word his master had said about this place.

Suddenly, an impression burst into his mind.

It was a conversation he had with his master before he left. When the master talked about this space, he seemed to have mentioned that he thought that this might be the burial place of the volume in the divine plan, because the patriarch of the Mu nationality had asked him to hide the coordinates of a space with a special mark.

After completing this task, he accidentally saw the map drawn by the clan leader.

"Cliff!" Mu Tianyin's cold and harsh eyes burst out with sharp edge.


Three of his subordinates were baffled.

Mu Tianyin's eyes narrowed slowly, and the light of self-confidence was reflected in his eyes. "The magic strategy is rolled up, hidden under a glacier cliff. The shape of the cliff is very special. It's like a sword pointing at the sky. It's very easy to identify. "

Like a sword pointing straight to the glacier cliffs in the sky?

The three immediately looked around, and almost at the same time they saw the same cliff.

That cliff is really too prominent, that kind of straight like a sword, straight into the sky, and the surrounding glaciers do not fit in.

"Little Lord, there it is!" One of them raised his finger excitedly.

Mu Tianyin's mouth showed a trace of ambition in the smile, the figure suddenly forward, with the snow on the ground, also blowing his three subordinates in front of a blur.

When their sight returns to Qingming, Mu Tianyin has already rushed under the glacier.The three men did not dare to delay and rushed over.

When he came to the glacier cliff, Mu Tianyin was already looking for clues. He touched his hands on the smooth glacier cliff and searched carefully. At the same time, he also said, "what are you still waiting for? Don't hurry to find me a mechanism. "

After that, he murmured to himself, "the volume of the magic strategy must be under this, and there must be a mechanism to let me in. Shence, you are mine


In the dark black hole, the floating ladder continues to extend. On the curved ladder, there are only four flames of fire floating alone. Under their light, there are several shadows.

"Little Lord, we don't know how long we have been here. It seems that there is no day and night in this space, and there is no time in this cave." Mu Chen is exploring the way ahead, to the murmuring way of Mu Qingge.

Mu Qingge took out the incense that the high priest gave her. At this time, there was a finger long burning incense, which was one third less.

Mu Qingge quietly put away the incense and said to Mu Chen, "we have been in for about two or three days."

"So fast!" Mu Chen's heart jumped and sang to Mu Qingsong: "so, we don't have much time. We need to find the magic strategy volume as soon as possible, and leave time to rush back."

"Well." Mu light song, light jaw head.

On the winding ladder, the five people moving down quickened their pace.

Maybe, another hour, maybe two more hours They finally got out of the black hole, and there was no longer a floating ladder under their feet, but a thick layer of ice.

"What is the situation? Is it possible that after a walk, we are back in some ice cave? " Jiang Li looked at the scene in surprise.

In front of them, it is no longer dark, but what appears in front of them is a seemingly ordinary ice cave.

Inside, the ice is hanging upside down and the icicles are arranged in rows, just like a crystal palace.

"Now that the ladder points here, let's keep going." Out of the black hole, did not see the expected things appear, mu Qingge heart is also a sink.

She really didn't have much time to waste here, and I don't know what the ancestors of Na Mu thought, and they would set up such a long way.

"Let's go. What else can we do if we don't go forward here?" Jiang Li nodded and sighed.

The five continued to walk towards the "Crystal Palace". Although they got here, their sight had returned to normal, but the cold was still there, so Yuan Yuan didn't take back the fire.

"What is this? How beautiful After walking for a while, Jiang Li suddenly looked at the front and exclaimed.

Mu light song follow the reputation, a bright red, burst into her eyes, let her eyes can not help but shrink. In a flash, she opened her eyes and quickly walked towards the bloody red.

Mu light song's abnormal, let the rest four people doubt.

"Need to be so excited?" Jiang Li muttered.

They followed mu Qingge, who had come to the plant, squatted down and looked at the mushroom like but different plant.

It has only one, growing in the crevice of the ice, if it is not bright color, I am afraid no one will notice.

On the body, there are delicate and beautiful natural lines, such as auspicious clouds and feathers.

"As expected, it is Ganoderma Lucidum with blood feather!" Mu Qingge likes the way.

"Blood feather Ganoderma lucidum? What's the use of it? " Jiang Li bent down and leaned forward to Mu Qingge and asked curiously. Her eyes are also staring at the bloody Ganoderma lucidum, but for her, just feel very beautiful, especially in this white world, more unique.

"Blood feather Ganoderma lucidum is the key to the revival of Mulian city." Mu Qingge explained in a low voice.

Her mood at the moment is very happy, for Si Mo are not easy to find things, but now her word cold inch inadvertently found the same.

No! She didn't find it. It was Jiang Li!

Mu Qingge turns her eyes and looks at her, with a light luster in her clear eyes.

"Don't be so grateful to me. I've always been lucky." Reading the thanks in her eyes, Jiang Li raised her eyebrows and raised her hair.

Mu Qingge purses his lips and smiles. He reaches out to take off the blood feather Ganoderma lucidum and carefully stores it in a jade box.

After finishing all this, she was relieved, stood up, and said with a fresh air, "keep going."

Getting blood feather Ganoderma lucidum means that the hope of reviving Mulian city is greater.

She did not expect that this trip to the cold inch, there was such an unexpected harvest.

Five people walked along the road for a long time, and finally came to the end.

The so-called end is actually the appearance of a cave.

On the ice in front of us, it seems that a government gate has been cut. There are three steps under the gate, and two huge ice sculptures stand on the left and right sides of the steps.

"It's like a beast!" Looking at the two sculptures, Mu Peng guessed.

These two sculptures seem to be guarding the gate of the mansion.When mu Qingge saw this scene, she had a strong premonition that what she wanted was hidden in the closed cave.

"It seems that I can smell the smell of jai." All of a sudden, the voice of Yu rang out in the head of moqingge.


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