
A nihilistic cold hum smashed the spirit in front of the Muchen body, and made him instantly relaxed.

Mu Qingge immediately pop a pill into Mu Chen's mouth and pull him to his back.

"Girl, don't let me out." The voice of the sound of Mu light song in the mind.

Just now that cold hum, not what he did, who can it be?

"Who is it?" Mu Tianyin asked in a cold voice, his eyes full of vigilance.

Suddenly cold hum, also let his three subordinates put aside the expression of ridicule, looked around. The one who can shatter their spirit pressure is definitely not an ordinary master.

However, in this space, even if it is strong, it can only play the strength of the six layers of golden territory, so they don't think there is too much to worry about.

Mu Qingge raised his hand and a cute rabbit fell on the snow.

Its whole body is snow-white, only its ears are black, and its eyes are not like ordinary rabbits, but are burning like a golden flame. As soon as he appeared, people on both sides were stunned.

Mu Tianyin side of the three people, in the Mu light song waved between a rabbit fell out, immediately ridiculed laugh.

is this woodlouse from the middle ages coming to laugh?

Even Mu Chen and Mu Peng don't know why mu Qingge took out a rabbit.

Yuan yuan, who knew the details of the story, showed a smile of unknown meaning, as if waiting to see a good play.

"Oh Suddenly, Mu Tianyin's eyes suddenly shrunk and his face changed greatly.

He recognized the real identity of this cute rabbit.


It's a fish!

Mu Tianyin's three people's smiles froze on their faces, and their expressions become extremely ugly. They stare at the rabbit squatting next to Mu Qingge. In their hearts, they refuse to believe that what they say is true.

"Boy, I can't see that you are only 100 years old, and you can see your own identity at a glance." The rabbit's mouth vomited, which made Mu Tianyin's side more frightened.

"A hundred years old!" Mu Qingge was surprised. She didn't expect that the person who confronted her had reached the age of 100.

All of a sudden, the rabbit lying on the snow field hit his body and sent out a dazzling golden light.

The golden light, gradually replaced by purple black smoke.

That smoke, as if contained a violent, cold, bloodthirsty mood, chilling, can not help but back a few steps.

Mu light song but stood still, clear eyes staring at him.

Gradually, the smoke became light, the rabbit squatting on the snowfield disappeared and became a person!

As soon as he appeared, Mu Tianyin could not help but step back, and his eyes were cold.

Mu Qingge looks at him slowly. He is very tall and bulky, and his appearance is very rough. His body is covered with purple black fur robe. His chest is exposed, revealing his strong and strong muscles. It's a chain in front of him.

On his neck, there was also a neck ring, which was tinged with light gold.

Fluffy long hair, random spread, with a bit uninhibited and wild. And his face -

when mu Qingge's eyes came to his face, his eyes could not help shrinking and were full of shock. Strictly speaking, this face is a pretty face.

The outline of the facial features is firm and rough, with a full wild.

But -

on his face, it was covered with one-third of the tattooed face, blocking the face under his nose. Those black tattoos spread from the lips to the ears, making his face ferocious, a bit more terrifying.

"Why do you want to have a tattoo?" Mu Qingge is confused in my heart.

But now is not the time to ask.

He sneered, his mouth light, but let his face more terrifying. "You guys from the land of gods and Demons dare to be bold in front of me

As soon as he said this, he immediately let the three people on the other side of Mu Tianyin look frightening.

How could they not have heard of the name of Yu in the land of gods and demons?

This is the master who can eat the brains of the dragon people! Is the ancestor of the ferocious beast used!

Their reaction, let Mu Chen a few people feel relaxed, although they do not know what he represents, also do not know why he appears beside mu Qingge, but look at his appearance, it seems that he has the ability to frighten these people.

Only Jiang Li came to Mu Qingge and whispered in her ear, "is this guy reliable?"

When mu Qingge talks, she is already the biggest card in her trip. It's not reliable Hehe, she is not sure.

"Go away! I look at you in the way. Do you want to give your head to me He stood with his eyes tilted and looked at the four people.

He this roar, and let Mu Tianyin side of the people back two steps, momentum is not at all.

Mu Tianyin's face was gloomy and terrible, and his cold eyes twinkled with reluctance.

All of a sudden, he laughed coldly, with a bit of madness and banter. "Reverend, if this is the land of gods and demons, perhaps what you just said will let me leave immediately. However, don't forget, this is not the land of gods and demons. Even if you are a venerable, you can only play the strength of the six layers of golden realm here. Why should I be afraid of youWith that, his eyes refracted cold light, and there was a strong sense of killing in the cold eyes.

His words, so that mu Qingge side of the people's heart at the same time. Mu light song clear eyes, also constantly changing what.

The people on his side, however, seemed to be encouraged. They immediately embraced them, and were no longer as frightened as before.

Mu Tianyin continued: "now, you are only one of the six layers of golden territory, the rest of the people..." His cold and harsh eyes arrogantly swept, cold hiss a, "all ugly. But on my side, there are four golden realms and six levels. Why should I retreat? On the contrary, it is the reverent. Tianyin respects the name of the venerable. I advise you not to go into this muddy water. If you are interested, you can watch the opera. After I deal with these clowns and return to the land of gods and demons, Tianyin will serve the venerable with good wine and dishes. How about drinking with the venerable

"The successor chosen by the land of gods and demons is not a good role to match." Mu Peng murmured at his side.

From the emergence of Mu Tianyin, up to now, the ability shown is not to be despised. This makes Mu Chen and Mu Peng worry about Mu Qingge.

The two men, one in the middle ancient world and the other in the land of gods and demons, are the biggest obstacle between them. They don't know whether mu Qingge can win against such competitors.

He laughed wildly. He sneered at Mu Tianyin's words and said coldly, "don't you know that there is a great difference between the six layers of the golden realm and the sixth floor of the golden realm? Even if my power is suppressed on the sixth floor of the golden realm, it is easy to crush you. "

After that, he immediately whispered to Mu Qingge, "girl, you are more difficult to deal with than I imagined. I'm afraid I can't frighten him. To tell you the truth, I have not recovered from my old injury at the moment. If I really want to fight, I can only fight the last one to protect you from death. The rest of the three, and your subordinates, are friends... "

She didn't finish her words, but the meaning let mu Qingge understand.

He means that he can only protect her safety, against the last one, then the remaining three people will be left to Mu Chen, Jiang Li, Yuan Yuan and Mu Peng to deal with!

Mu Qingge's heart sank. If you fight like this, there is no chance of winning.

"Oh? Do you really want to intervene in this matter? " Mu Tianyin was not frightened, but more and more publicized. "If I am not mistaken, the venerable is now injured."

The color of her eyes was cold, and her wild expression also converged.

This reaction made Mu Tianyin more sure of his inference. He said, "if the venerable is not injured, with the temper of the venerable, how can he argue with me here?"

In her golden eyes, there is a twinkling of killing intention.

At this time, mu Qingge stretched out his hand, pulled him aside and stood out.

"Your opponent is me." Mu light song to see the sky shade, light tone of the road.

Mu Tianyin's cold and harsh eyes swept towards her, but she did not disdain the bottom of her eyes. "You? It's just three storeys of silver. I really can't imagine how those rubbish in the temple do things. They can't kill you. "

Indeed, the matter of the temple has something to do with him!

Mu light song eyes flash, in the heart of the previous speculation has been confirmed. The temple suddenly sent Xi Qianxue to trouble her because of the ghost.

Mu Qingge jokingly laughed, "your courage, I also admire. In this case, you can sneak into the temple of gods and gods. I'm afraid the temple will not pay attention to this order if it doubts its authenticity. I don't know if someone in this temple will upload this layer of doubt back? In order to cut off the opponent, but not hesitate to expose himself, this kind of uneconomical business is only your willing to do

"Hum." Mu Tianyin's eyes are gloomy, and the deep eyes seem to roll up and surge. He hummed coldly, and the eyes of Xiangmu Qingge were more murderous.

No one knows about Mu Tianyin's sneaking into the shrine except his master Tianlu.

At the moment, mu Qingge is directly punctured, which makes his three subordinates suddenly stunned and gives birth to some resentment in his heart. After all, they are with Mu Tianyin. If Mu Tianyin is exposed, it means that they are also exposed. At that time, they will be hunted by most of the Protoss.

The main thing is that the people he took such a big risk to get rid of are now standing in front of them, and they have taken away the magic trick.

However, they dare not to be angry, even if there is resentment in their hearts, they dare not show it easily, for fear of being known by Mu Tianyin.

Two people stand opposite each other, burning fierce momentum.

Whether it is mu Tianyin or mu Qingge, it is the first time to see each other, and just this cold inch confrontation, they have already regarded each other as opponents.

"Kill him! Only by killing him can I sit firmly in the position of the little Lord of the Mu clan! " Mu Tianyin's cold and harsh eyes are filled with Mu light songs, and they are in the heart of their own way.

Even if he didn't want to admit it, he had to admit in his heart that mu Qingge was more difficult than he imagined.Especially at this time, clearly his side is dominant, but he still can show a light cloud, honor and disgrace is not frightened, there is not a trace of timidity, not a bit of panic and fear.

Such a mind, enough for him to pay attention to!

Mu Tianyin's intention to kill is becoming more and more serious, but mu Qingge is thinking desperately about how to retreat from the whole body. There was not much left of her, which the high priest had given her to burn incense. If we can't get rid of Mu Tianyin's pursuit in time, I'm afraid they will all stay here.

"Is he the robber calculated by the high priest?" Mu Qingge says to himself in his heart.

The high priest said that she would be killed. It was about life and death. Now, I'm afraid it's today.


Mu light song clear eyes, lit up a strong fighting spirit.

Even if it was robbery, she would not admit her life! What's more, we should let this "robbery" suffer a loss!

"No matter how skilful you are, it's useless. In the face of absolute strength, you can only hand over the magic plan obediently. Maybe when I am in a good mood, I will make your death easier." Mu Tianyin's epee has been pointing to Mu Qingge.

The Linglong gun held by MuQing singer is always ready.

Two confrontation, fateful war, a hair trigger!

"Let me ask you one more question. Is the magic plan handed in by you or will I find it myself after I kill you?" Mu Tianyin raised his epee.

When he moved, the three subordinates around him immediately put on a posture.

Although the strength of Mu Qingge can't compare with each other, he doesn't have stage fright. He also shows his posture. Even he has restrained his cynicism and looks coldly at Mu Tianyin and others.

"No! If you have the ability, do it yourself. " Mu Qingge's mouth raised a wild smile.

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