King sang Shun took the bottle directly from sang lanruo's hand, opened it and looked up in shock. "It's all divine pills!"

They are all divine pills!

The words of King sang Shun not only shocked sang lanruo, but also stunned muxue dance.

God level pills! It's not some bad Street stuff.

In Xizhou, a divine pill can be auctioned to at least tens of thousands of intermediate spirit stones. Most important of all, it often belongs to the situation that there is a price but no market.

What does muqingge bring out?

The one given to Sang Lan Ruo before, even if she was lucky, got God level pills by chance. What about this one?

How do you explain this bottle?

Is she lucky enough to be a god level pill?

Especially sang lanruo, just ate that one, already let her heartache unceasingly. Now take a look at the whole bottle and take one pill every day

Take God level pills every day as a meal?

Think of her heartache, such as wringing, reluctant to give up!

King sang Shun put the bottle up to his nose and asked, carefully identified it, and confirmed again: "yes! It's a divine pill. It's so fragrant that I can't mistake it. "

"It's really a magic pill." Mu Qingge finally opened his mouth and determined the grade of the pill.

SangLan, if she had recovered her life of thirty years, had little change in her appearance.

After all, compared with the 1300 years she had lost, the 30 years she had made up for was too little. However, mu Qingge didn't refine any pills to replenish Shouyuan before, so she couldn't fill her too much. She had to keep it with God level pills before taking them.

"No way." Sang lanruo wakes up from the shock. Her shaking hand grabs the bottle from King sang Shun and puts it directly in Mu Qingge's arms. She says in an old and weak voice, "these divine pills are rare and precious. They can't be wasted on me. You should keep them for a rainy day." She did not forget that there were not many Shouyuan in muqingge.

Mu Qingge saw the worry in her eyes and said slowly, "don't worry about me, I'm also broken and then stand up. Now Shouyuan has all been made up. These are just some ordinary God level pills. I will give them to you when I refine them to supplement Shouyuan

"Wait! What do you say King sang Shun suddenly interrupted mu Qingge's words.

Mu Qingge looks up at him, is about to answer, but is interrupted by Sang Lan if excited. "And now you're all right?"

Mu light song's eye light returns to mulberry blue if body, nodded.

Then, he looked at King sang Shun and said calmly, "I said that these are just ordinary God level pills. I will send them back after I have refined a special god level pill to supplement Shouyuan."

"You, you, you It's you... " The excited words of King sang Shun did not form a sentence.

Knowing what he was excited about, mu Qingge finally nodded, "yes, I am a god level alchemist."


Even if it has been guessed, but heard mu Qingge personally admitted, or let the three people in the room were shocked.

Mu Xuewu looks at mu Qingge, but she can't find any words to describe her sister. He is not only gifted, but also a god level weapon refiner and a god level alchemist!

In front of this sister, all her previous brilliance seemed to fade down.

However, she did not feel unhappy, but proud of the excellent moqingge!

Sang Lan Ruo is also very proud of looking at mu Qingge, she missed this daughter's growth too much, also very little knew her thing. This is the most difficult knot in her heart to open, and now her daughter is so excellent, how can she not be happy for her.

King sang Shun took a deep breath, nodded his head slowly and said, "you child! It's always frightening and surprising. " He said the shock, refers to Mu Qingge a white hair comatose was held back when the appearance, surprise, is her again and again to bring miracles.

Mu light song light smile, tone calm way: "so, don't worry, I don't have pills." She put the pill bottle back in her hand.

Mu Xuewu responds at this time. Why doesn't mu Qingge need Mei Zizhong to help her prepare pills for the competition? Because she is a alchemist and her level is higher than Mei Zizhong.

"Since it is your daughter who respects you, take it." King sang Shun also laughed at Sang Lan Ruo Dao.

Mulberry blue if holding the Dan bottle, tears flow out from the turbid eyes. After she knew that muqingge was a god level alchemist, she had countless thoughts in her heart.

The first thing I thought of was mu Qingge's saying, "she can save Mu Liancheng!" However, after Mu Liancheng woke up, she

Sang Lan raised her hand and gently covered her cheek, feeling her flabby and inelastic skin. Now that she looks like this, she really shouldn't face Mu Liancheng.

"Although the pills can supplement Shouyuan, the most important thing is to improve one's own accomplishments, so as to make the longevity yuan continue. But... " Mu light song slowly way, said half, but stopped again."But what?" King sang Shun asked.

Sang Lan Ruo also looked up at her. In fact, although there are some regrets in her heart that she can't face Mu Liancheng as she used to be, she doesn't feel regret because she sees her daughter standing in front of her well, and she thinks it's worth paying.

"But..." Mu Qingge's sight falls on sang lanruo's white hair. "This time, there are too many Shouyuan, which hurt the root. Even if Shouyuan is supplemented and continued, the appearance can become younger, but the hair can only be like this."

Finish saying, Mu light song also frowned, in the heart faint some uncomfortable.

She's a flesh and blood recast, and her hair comes back. If not, she is the same as Sang Lan Ruo. From now on, she can only wear a white hair.

"Don't worry, I'll find a way. If there's a way to restore your hair color, I'll find it for you." Mu Qingge promised Sang Lan Ruo.

Sang Lan shook her head with a relieved smile, "no, it's nothing bad. You have a heavy burden on you. Don't worry about these unimportant things. "

Mu Qingge droops her eyes and purses her lips. She has said everything that should be said.

Standing up, she said to Sang Lan Ruo: "in short, I will find a way."

Then she turned to leave.

"Song." Sang Lan looked at her if she didn't give up. It's very rare for mother and daughter to talk so kindly. Even now, mu Qingge has not called her "Niang".

Mu Qingge was stopped, standing by the door, but did not look back.

The atmosphere in the room became a little silent for a time.

Qingqing, mu Qingge just said, "thank you, mother." With these four words, she immediately rushed out of the room and disappeared in front of the three people.

Three people in the room froze.

For a long time, Sang Lan Ruo couldn't believe it and murmured: "Ge'er, she What did she call me

With tears in her eyes, Mu Xue dance said to her, "mother, sister calls you mother."

King sang Shun also sighed with his eyes slightly wet, "if LAN, you are finally waiting."

Two people's words, make mulberry blue if in the heart a sour, embrace quilt to cry softly. This is a cry of joy. As long as her eldest daughter can call her a "mother", she is willing to take her life.

After sanglanruo's mood calmed down, she suddenly thought, "I forgot who the handsome young master suddenly appeared."

King sang Shun frowned and said, "I also forgot what happened to her, and she came back so miserably."

"Er!" Mu Xuewu heard what they said and stopped talking.

But her appearance attracted the attention of Sang lanruo and sang Shun King.

"Snow dance, what do you want to say?" King sang Shun asked directly.

Mu Xuewu hesitated and said, "when I was in Linchuan's house, I knew that my sister had already engaged with a very important person under the auspices of my grandfather, but I didn't know whether it was the one who appeared now."

"Engagement!" Sang Lan Ruo is shocked.

She had heard a lot about moqingge from muxue dance, but she didn't have this one.

King sang Shun thought and nodded, "if it is really the future husband of Ge'er, then we can't neglect it."

"Is that man really Ge'er's unmarried husband?" Sang Lan couldn't believe it.

"I can only ask my sister." The helpless way of Mu Xue dance.

"I'd better ask about this matter in a few days. Ge'er has just come back and has been so traumatized. Although she behaved as usual, she was in a low mood. Let's wait a few days for her to wait, and then we'll make sure everything is clear. " King sang Shun thought about the latter way.

Finish saying, his eye light a Lin, refract the fierce eye light, "I pour is to see, who is my granddaughter hurt so much in the end!"


Back to my own yard, it's quiet.

Perhaps, everyone knows that mu Qingge doesn't want to be disturbed, so they all hide their whereabouts.

Mu Qingge walks to the tree and looks at the two reclining chairs gently shaking with the breeze. Suddenly he opens his mouth and spits out a mouthful of blood. Scarlet blood, sprinkled on the ground, particularly eye-catching.

"Xiaoge'er, are you going to love me to death?" Si Mo instantly came to her side and held her in his arms.

Under Perce's eyes, there was worry and heartache.

Mu Qingge leans in his arms, his eyes are slightly red, and he tries to hold back tears.

On the lips, there are still traces of blood.

She whispered to Si Mo way, "a Mo, my heart is very painful, good pain."

"Xiaoge'er, I'm sorry, I'm late." Si Mo hugs her tightly, feeling her pain from the bottom of her heart. He hates why he didn't find out earlier and come earlier. In this way, his little song will not suffer so much pain, and will not be so heartbroken at this time.

Mu Qingge slowly shakes her head, the tears of forbearance, have propped up the blue veins on the edge of her eyes, and her eyes are also covered with blood.

She takes a deep breath, to Si Mo way: "a Mo, I want to drink, you accompany me to drink."She didn't want to cry, she couldn't cry, she didn't want the enemy to see her weakness. She just wanted to water herself with spirits and swallow her tears and spirits.

And then Revenge!

Mu light song red eyes, reflecting a strong hatred! , the fastest update of the webnovel!