
Hearing no one, Ying Ze raised his head and felt a strong wind blowing on his face.

After the wind stopped, Ji Yaoyao had already appeared in his room.

Ying Ze's face was slightly heavy and his tone was not good: "Ji Yaoyao, this is not your Ji's house. If you want to come in, you need to inform."

Ji Yaoyao laughs brightly and doesn't care about Ying Ze's warning. "I came to you to ask you, have you heard about all the rumors of the middle ancient world recently?"

After that, he did not wait for Yingze to answer, and then said to himself, "how can you not know? It happened in your Xizhou. Do you care if you win or not? What a surprise! That guy is actually a member of the Sang family. I sent someone to inquire about it. His mother is sang lanruo of the Sang family, that is to say, he is the elder brother of sangxue dance, the most beautiful woman in West Asia. "

"But since he is a descendant of the Sang family, why has he never heard of his name before? It's like it came out of the blue. But Sang Lan ruo's husband is also very mysterious, I don't know what the details are. There seems to be no famous family in the middle ancient world whose surname is mu! " Ji Yao said a lot of words and felt his chin to ponder.

When he was young, his eyes brightened and looked at the silent Ying Ze and said, "if I remember correctly, your second uncle had an engagement with that Sang Lan at the beginning?" Then, he raised his eyebrows.

Yingze finally looked at him and said coldly, "that matter, it was over ten years ago."

Ji Yao turned his eyes and said to him, "why don't we go to Fusha city? The mulberry family has actually refined the sacred utensils. I'm afraid it will rise again. By the way, we'll meet mu Qingge to see if it's the sacred vessel he made

, "are you free?" Ying Ze glanced at him.

However, Ji Yaozhen nodded again and again. "Yes, it's really idle."

"If you have time, you should practice. Do you forget how miserable you were beaten before Yingze said sarcastically.

However, Ji Yaoyao didn't care about it. He shook his sleeve and said, "winning or losing is a common business of soldiers. Don't worry about it. What's more, cultivation also requires a combination of work and rest. You can't just bury yourself in hard cultivation, and it's easy to get possessed. "

"You have many reasons." Ying Ze is sorting out the documents in his hand, a light way.

Ji Yaoyao couldn't bear his indifference. He snatched the document from his hand and continued to bewitch him: "don't you wonder if the sangs have refined sacred vessels?"

Yingze said calmly: "since the mulberry family dares to release such news, it can't be false." Lying? A sang family has not yet the courage to bear the anger of the entire medieval world.

If this is a lie, I'm afraid the sangs will be beaten down by the whole family of the middle ancient world and have no chance to breathe again.

"Then you don't wonder whether the sacred vessel was refined by muqingge Ji Yaoyao continued.

Yingze finally raised his head and looked at him: "are you determined to go there?"

Ji Yaoyao chuckled. "I'm afraid I'm not the only one who wants to go to Fusha city now. Many family spies have gone to Fusha city one after another these days."

Ying Ze is silent, and a light thought appears in his eyes.

Finally, he nodded his head and said, "I really want to know why the sangs just announced the news of the birth of the sacred instrument, but there was no follow-up action."

"Yes! According to the truth, when this sacred instrument was born, the Sang family should tell the world about it and hold a appreciation meeting in order to improve its status. " Ji Yaoyao also agreed.

In fact, he is not very concerned about this issue. Just to let Yingze go with him, so he specially agreed.

Yingze is silent.

As soon as the news of the birth of the sacred vessels came out, many families were waiting for the post of the Sang family, but the Sang family did not move. It was really strange.

"Start tomorrow." After Ying Ze takes back the documents to be dealt with from Ji Yaoyao, he feels light.


Floating sand city, this period of time, very restless.

The influx of numerous family spies makes Fusha city more lively and delicate.

The sangs announced the birth of the sacred instrument, but there was no follow-up action, which made many families doubt whether there was a sacred instrument.

Compared with the hustle and bustle of Fusha City, the Sang family is much more peaceful.

Perhaps it was stimulated by mu Qingge. These days, the disciples of the Sang family are very diligent in refining tools. There are few young disciples in the family.

Mu Qingge stayed in his own yard, sitting on the rocking chair under the tree, thinking about his own affairs.

Shence volume has been obtained, but it does not mean that the matter is over.

On the contrary, there are more things for her to deal with.

First of all, what she wants to think about is how to practice according to the way of cultivation in the divine strategy.

She wants to improve her accomplishments as soon as possible, make constant breakthroughs, and then kill Mu Tianyin, and go to find Jiang Li!

Mu light song's eyes light a cold, on the body's killing intention strong several minutes.She Ya came with the tea and felt the killing intention from Mu Qing song body, and could not help stopping. After the killing intention is over, she goes over and gently puts down the hot tea in her hand.

"Tea, little Lord." The light voice path of chiya.

As soon as she had finished, four figures came towards her.

It was the high priest, Mu Chen, Mu Peng and Li.

These days, she did not have leisure time to mind, did not expect that he and Mu Chen two people approached. Perhaps, it is the experience of life and death together, so that we get closer.

"Girl, let me go back." As soon as he saw Mu light song, he said frankly.

He has not recovered from his injuries, and his practice outside is not as good as the space for moqingge. Mu Qingge was in a bad mood before, and he was not good at asking for it. Now it happens to put it forward.

Mu light song nodded, raised his hand, and he disappeared in front of several people.

This scene, people have not been surprised.

In particular, Mu Chen and Mu Peng, who have entered the space of Mu light song, naturally know everything. At that time, the surprise was diluted by the death and death separation that happened later. At this time, they didn't want to ask more.

Anyway, the more cards moqingge has, the more reassured they are.

"High priest, your next task is to figure out where the second volume of the divine plan lies. You are one of those who experienced that year. If you think about it carefully, you should at least give me some clues about the possibility. " Muqingge gave orders to the high priest.

If there is no clue at all, the second volume of Shence is just like looking for a needle in a haystack. As long as there is a little clue and a direction to pursue, it will be much better.

"Yes." The high priest bowed.

Then, mu Qingge looked at Mu Chen and Mu Peng and said, "you once said that there was a mu family in the middle ancient world."

Mu Chen and Mu Peng do not know why mu Qingge suddenly asked, but still nodded.

"Good." Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw and said to them, "I want you to go to the Mu's house now, find their master, and tell them that in two months' time, I will invite them to come to Luoxing city to have a meeting and discuss the affairs of the Mu people."

Mu Chen and Mu Peng are startled, in the heart faintly guessed Mu light song's plan.

Respect, two people, take a deep breath

They were also worried that moqingge would be depressed for a long time if it was hit too deeply in Hancun. Unexpectedly, in just a few days, she began to resume as usual, and even started further deployment.

Everything was arranged and everyone stepped down.

When King sang Shun came in, he saw them leave each other.

"You need to talk to me about it." King sang Shun came to Mu Qingge's side and sat down directly to her.

Mu Qingge raises eyebrows.

After she had tea, she retired consciously.

Sang Shun Wang laughed and joked: "Si Mo has left for two days."

Mu Qingge nodded.

"Well." King sang Shun nodded and stopped talking about it.

He said to Mu Qingge: "now it is known to the outside world that the sangs have made sacred utensils. According to the rules, we are going to hold an appreciation meeting to invite all the big families from all over the world to enjoy it. But, after all, it's your refining and your weapon, so I need to ask your opinion. "

The mulberry family naturally wanted to give an explanation to the outside world when there was so much noise that day. But appreciation will

"Appreciation meeting..." Mu Qingge murmured once. In the clear eye, slightly ponders.

Shaoqing, she raised her eyes and said to King sang Shun, "yes. But the location is up to me. "

"Well, where do you want to do it?" King sang Shun asked.

Mu light song eyes in the light of a flash, hook lip answer: "falling star city."


Under the city of floating sand, Ji Yaoyao covered his face with a towel and said to Ying Ze, "the sand in this city is really worthy of its reputation."

Yingze doesn't pay attention to him. He just rides the spirit beast and walks slowly towards the city.

"Are we going straight to Sang's house?" Ji asked.

Yingze light way: "this time we just visit in the name of the individual, to first pass on the obeisance." That is to say, their coming here does not represent the family.

"Then go to Sang's house and hand over the post." Ji Yaoyao's urgent way.

His reaction makes Yingze a little curious. He turns his eyes to him and asks, "what are you so anxious about?"

Ji Yaoyao's face was strange for a moment, and then he told the truth: "my weapon was smashed by mu Qingge's fist last time."

"Do you want him to refine your tools?" Ying Ze understood the reason why Ji Yaoyao was so positive.

Ji Yaoyao chuckled, "if I could have a sacred weapon as a weapon, I would have the confidence to fight against Wei moshui! While there are not many people who can find him to refine his tools, I don't want to start at once? "

"But I remember, he said, will not give you refining tools." Yingze's kind reminder.

Ji Yao's eyes flashed a trace of embarrassment and murmured: "if I had known that he could refine utensils and make sacred ones, then I would not have provoked him. I would have only been waiting for him to please him.""If so, will you go?" Yingze Dao.

Ji Yaoyao raised his chin and said confidently, "no matter what, he owes me a fan!"

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