As the days approached, more and more people entered the city.

Not only the big families attracted by the sacred vessels, but also the three giants in the world of Liuke, as well as other teams, came here.

This city, which has been sleeping for thousands of years, finally wakes up again and radiates new life.

According to the arrangement of muqingge, before the banquet was officially held, the weapon exhibition of the Sang nationality began, and at the same time, refining weapons in front of the public was also carried out.

After two days of covetous display, the two artifacts brought by King sang and Shun were also brought into the first floor to prepare for the next auction.

In the past few days, the city is full of excitement. In the daytime, there are all kinds of interesting activities, and in the evening, there are wonderful scenery to enjoy, which makes people who live here feel that they have entered a wonderful dream.

The first shot on the first floor was arranged by muqingge the day before the banquet.

Because at this time, basically all the people who should come will make the auction more hot.

"First floor!"

"Why is the name so strange?"

"First floor? What is this floor for? "

Outside the tower shaped building, many people gathered. When the red silk on the plaque was torn off and the plaque with the words "first floor" revealed, whispers came from the crowd.

The big figures of each family, as well as the bearers of the Liuke world, are hidden in the crowd. They look at this scene thoughtfully and wait for the explanation of the star city.

In the eyes of all, silver dust came out.

His long silvery hair, bloody eyes, and the appearance of the demon's beautiful facial features aroused the exclamation of the crowd.

Naturally, most of the people who scream are women.

With a faint smile, silver dust said, "thank you for coming to Luoxing city. The first floor behind me is the exclusive auction house of Lok sing city. There are only two kinds of things on sale here, weapons and pills. "

When he said the word "Dan Yao", a handsome man in a corner of the crowd could not help but feel a little curiosity and interest in his eyes.

"Weapons and pills?"

"That's good. If you don't have weapons and pills in the future, you can buy them in Luoxing city."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd.

"Today, it's the first shot on the first floor. In order to return your support, my master specially prepared five God level pills and ten treasure level pills. In addition, the two artifacts displayed in the Sang people's exhibition two days ago will also be auctioned together today. If you are interested, you can enter the building and participate in the auction. "

"What! God level pills

"The artifact will also be auctioned off!"

"Hey, even if you can't get the God level pills, it's good to have treasure level pills!"

All of a sudden, the crowd was boiling with silver dust.

Many people can't wait to crowd into the gate behind him, and those of the big family also follow in the door with the mind that they are determined to get God level pills and weapons.

"It's really surprising that there are miraculous pills." The handsome and unrestrained man murmured in his mouth.

"Young Lord, shall we go in?" Asked the servant next to him in a low voice.

He looked at the plaque on the first floor, nodded and stepped forward, "since it's so interesting, go in and have a look." It seems that what he is interested in is not the God level weapons that everyone covets, but the five God level pills.

Soon, the auction hall on the first floor was already full. Families with status and status, with the strength of the family, have been on the second, third and even fourth floor box.

The interior of the first floor is round. All the positions and boxes are around the auction table. The line of sight is the same everywhere.

The private room on the fifth floor, facing the auction table, is the only room on the whole floor, and it belongs to all the rooms of muqingge.

"Your auction house is really good." Ji Yaoyao lies on the railing of the room facing the auction table, and smiles and turns her eyes to the Mu light song way sitting behind her.

Mu Qingge had no choice but to shake his head, picked up the fresh tea, handed it to his lips and sipped it gently. Then he said, "you don't go to your Ji's room. What are you doing here?"

Because of her friendship, she has left rooms for Ji Yaoyao, Ying Ze, Han Caicai and Qin Yiyao.

However, after these people had watched her room and left, Ji Yaoyao came back stealthily with a face that you couldn't drive away from me.

Ji Yaoyao said with a smile, "anyway, you promised to refine my utensils. I don't like those two artifacts. As for pills, my old man and those old men in Dongzhou Dandao hospital have a good relationship, so there is no lack of them. Since I will not participate in the auction, I am not willing to come here to accompany you. "

"No need." Mu light song put down the tea cup, light way.

However, Ji Yaoyao was not hit. He said with a smile, "don't be like this. You are a new comer. Many people don't know each other. I'll stay, and if there's someone you're paying attention to, I'll help you“……” Mu Qingge has no language. "It seems that this guy is not willing to leave. Let's leave it to him. " Mu Qingge thinks about it for a while, and thinks that Ji yaoxun's stay is not useless, so he is allowed to go.

"Come on, that's the goddess of the Xi family. Tut Tut, this figure is just one in a million. It's a pity that you can't see your face clearly because of the veil on your face. She went into the room on the second floor Ji Yao chattered.

He excitedly turned around, but saw mu Qingge sitting very quietly, motionless.

He came over in surprise and said to her, "the goddess of the Xi family! Beautiful woman! I have seen her once from afar. To tell you the truth, her appearance is no worse than your sister, or even slightly better. Why are you not curious? "

"What is there to be curious about?" Mu Qingge raised his eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

She is not a man. What does it matter if a woman is beautiful or not? Besides, she not only met Xi Qianxue, but also spanked her ass

At the thought of what happened that night, mu Qingge has a strange look on his face.

"What's wrong with you? It's kind of embarrassing. " Ji asked curiously.

"Nothing." Mu Qingge droops his eyes and takes a sip of his tea cup to avoid his topic.

Ji Yaoyao looked at her and saw that she did not want to elaborate, nor did he continue to ask questions. He continued to lie on the railing and "peep.".

After a while, the first floor was full.

Xuan Ya came out with enchanting charm and stood on the auction platform in the public's eyes.

"Hello, everyone. I'm the first auctioneer on the first floor, xuanya. " Xuanya a stand up, with a wild seductive appearance attracted a lot of people's attention.

The noise gradually disappeared from the crowd.

"Wow! The best beauty! Where did you find so many beauties? I can see that the maids around you are all very beautiful. " Ji Yaoyao said excitedly.

Mu light Song mouth corner a draw, do not answer.

Let Xuan ya go to be an auctioneer, is no way. In the auction industry, mu Qingge sums up the experience of previous lives. Female auctioneers are more popular than male auctioneers, because men have a flaunting mentality and like to show their strength in front of beautiful women.

However, for a time and can not find the right person, think about it, only xuanya is the most suitable.

So, after some emergency training, xuanya went to work. When the right person is found later, she is retiring.

"Welcome to the first auction on the first floor. At the same time, I would like to announce the rules of the first floor. You don't have to pay for two things. So if you don't have enough chips with you, don't shout. In addition, the first floor only uses the spirit stone as the currency. If the spirit stone is not enough, other precious things can be pawned on the first floor and exchanged for the corresponding spirit stone to participate in the auction. Finally, in the first floor, no disturbance is allowed. Any troublemaker will be disqualified from the auction once it is found out, and he will never be allowed to step into the falling star city for half a step. " Xuan Ya's voice is very good to hear, even if the cold rules, but also let people listen with interest.

Then, she added with a smile, "I would like to add that every month, the first floor will be open for ordinary auctions. Everyone who enters the star city will be allowed to participate."

"What is an ordinary auction? Is there anything unusual? " There are people in the crowd who can't wait.

Xuan Ya smiles at the direction of that speech and nods, "good! In addition to the monthly auction, there will be a boutique auction every six months. However, those who can participate in the auction need qualification. "

"What qualifications?"

"Yes! What qualifications are needed? "

In the crowd, they were all intrigued by xuanya.

"In fact, this qualification is not difficult. Only one condition is to pay a deposit of 1000 pinlingshi and become a member of the first floor. After that, you will have the corresponding identification. In the auction on the first floor, the more things are sold, the more noble the qualification is. In subsequent auctions, you can enjoy a discount on the transaction price. "

"Deal price discount? What is this? " Ji Yaoyao turned and asked Xiangmu Qingge.

Mu Qingge raised eyebrows and said, "if you take a picture of something at the price of 1000 intermediate spirit stones, but if you are a member and have transaction records before, you can pay 900 intermediate spirit stones to take things away. The more transaction records, the greater the discount. "

With that, she looked at Ji Yaoyao, who was stunned.

In another room on the third floor, after hearing xuanya's introduction, Han Caicai couldn't help sighing, "muqingge, muqingge, you're really a talent for not doing business! What else do you have that I haven't discovered yet? "

"Well, the rules are clear. Now, let's take a look at the first item, a miracle pill. " Xuan Ya said, immediately there is a well-dressed maid with both hands holding a Dan bottle came up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!