It seems that the first two in the line should be the third. After all, it's half a percent more than before.

However, this Feng Shui turns, the first is not always spent in one family.

The three families sit in turn. There will always be time to make up for the loss this time.

Once it is decided that one point and four points will mean that everyone will be the same in the future, and the previous loss will not be recovered.

Say no heartache, that's false.

Only in order to win over mu Qingge, the saint level weapon refiner, he had to do so. The main reason is that the three of them are not sure of winning and can win the challenge arena.

Therefore, after pondering over the past and struggling, they held back their heartache and determined the fair division.

However, mu Qingge said, "it's unfair to everyone!" It's all back to its original form.

In the end, the competition is still the same. Under the competition of the four teams, the interests become: the first one enjoys 40%, the second 30%, the third 20%, and the last 10%!

Is it unfair? Fair, of course!

If you don't want to take 10% only, you should take it with your strength!

If you win the first place, you will be able to enjoy 40% of the benefits. How covetous?

Interest makes people excited. They are adventurers, willing to take risks under inducement!

So, the original plan, was mu Qingge a word, to give up. As soon as noon passed, the Liuke clan began to make preparations and set up the arena.

The challenge arena competition is not complicated. It lasts for three days, and ten people from all sides participate in the contest.

In the four arena, there is one person guarding the challenge. The other nine people attack the challenge. If they succeed in attacking the challenge, they will get one point; if they succeed in defending the challenge, they will get two points. In the team, who guards the challenge and who attacks the challenge can be deployed at will within three days.

After three days, which team has the highest points is the first. Relatively, the one with the least integration is the fourth.

On the second day, the four challenge stands have been built, and the flags representing the different flow teams are also hung on the flagpole beside the challenge arena. The challenge arena was set up in the city of Tianping, which immediately attracted thousands of visitors from the city.

"There's a lot to see today!"

"I said, this dragon tooth enters the balance city for the first time, how can the other three let their own interests easily give up?"

"It seems that the challenge arena is a fight between the dragon and the tiger!"

"Good, good! A few days ago, I planned to take on a task and leave Tianping city. Now it seems that fortunately I didn't go, otherwise I would miss the wonderful performance. "

"Look, the young man in red is the real master of Longya?"


"What eyes? It's the gentleman who looks so beautiful, so beautiful, so beautiful that he can't argue with each other, who goes to the central stand. "

"Oh, oh, oh, see, see!"

"It is the master of Mu city. I saw him the day before yesterday when Longya entered the city."

Mu Qingge opened the corner of her robe and sat on the stand in the middle. Immediately someone put hot tea and snacks on the square table beside her chair.

Mu light song raised eyes to look, and then saw a beautiful and pure maid, a face of shame looking at her. Seeing her, she looked more and more coquettish, drooping her eyes.

Thank you very much Mu Qingge said politely.

The maid's voice was like a mosquito and a fly, and she said shyly, "the Lord of Mu is polite. This is the duty of the maid. Your name is... "

"Light song." Before she had finished her recommendation, she was interrupted by a charming voice.

She raised her watery eyes and saw a gorgeous woman with a white dress coming towards her.

Bai Gu boarded the stand and went directly to the edge of Mu Qingge. Her arms wrapped around her arm and looked at the maid in her eyes. Her voice was charming and she said with a childish voice: "this sister is..."

"I I am only a maid of the Liuke clan. " Said that, she timidly looked at Mu light song, but saw that she did not pay attention to himself, had to retreat.

After seeing her leave, Bai Jia snorted and said to Mu Qingge, "how long have I left? You have provoked women."

Mu Qingge showed her hands innocently, "I didn't do anything

Bai Bi rolled his eyes and seemed to say, "I don't believe it."

Mu Qingge was helpless and did not continue to explain. Instead, he asked, "how are you doing?"

"The vein is very deep and has been mined for hundreds of years, but there are still many. Continue mining, I suspect there may be a high-level spirit stone. " Bai Bi whispered in her ear, and looked from afar as if two lovers were making love.

Mu light song eyes a bright, showing a playful smile, "that seems, this time do not work hard enough."

Bai Bi nodded.

At this time, xuanyue three people have also arrived, sitting in another chair. Seeing mu Qingge bring beauty, they all show a "man knows the eyes" ambiguous smile toward them.

Mu Qingge's scalp was numb when they saw him, and he said, "what the hell is that?"But Bai Bi, however, is willing to be misunderstood like this, but is more clinging to Mu light song.

Mu Qingge thought about it and waved to him when he saw Mo Yang coming with ten dragon teeth guards.

Mo Yang immediately came to her in front of him, arched his hand and said, "little Lord."

Mu Qingge gently nodded his jaw and said to him, "you are in charge of guarding the challenge arena in person. If you fail, you are the only one to ask

A simple sentence, immediately let Moyang understand mu Qingge's preference for this challenge contest.

Although he did not understand what made him change his casual attitude, it did not prevent him from obeying muqingge's orders.

"Yes, sir!" Mo Yang is ordered to step down and readjust the candidates for the battle next to the challenge arena belonging to Longya.

Soon, ten people from xuanyue, Bailian and Juling came to fight.

Mu light song eyes light gently swept past, the cultivation of these 30 people, she saw in the bottom of her eyes. These 30 people are of different ages, but they are all older than longyawei, but they are all in the realm of silver.

"It seems that these three schools are also in a position to win." Mu Qingge summed up a sentence in my heart.

What was said before is divided into four, everyone is fair. But in fact, once there is a chance to fight, who will really not go all out?

If you look at the three giants, although they are still amiable on the surface, in fact, they are all hiding their minds.

Mu Qingge's mouth almost can't be checked to pick up a smile with an unknown meaning, and disappear instantly, without being noticed by anyone. The reason why she proposed to continue with the old rules was that she thought the relationship between the three was too good.

Three of the four day class flow teams are too good, which is not a good phenomenon for Longya.

Therefore, muqingge opposes the division into four, and the main reason is to destroy the harmony between them. Turn their alliance into a competitive relationship. In this way, it is the most stable and best situation for Longya.

However, now the news of white, but let her seriously. Since there may be high-grade Lingshi in Yuyan mountain, she naturally wants to win the biggest share of the benefit!

When all the people who should come came, the steward of the Liuke clan stood up and bowed to the people who were sitting in the central stand. Then he turned to the public and said in a loud voice: "today, it's a four day team competition. We all understand the rules. I won't repeat it here. Beside each arena, there are officials of Liuke clan who are responsible for scoring. Everything is open and fair. Of course, everyone is welcome to supervise. Now, let's invite people from all directions to the arena

He lengthened the ending and raised his momentum.

Out of the four teams, one came out and stood on the challenge arena of their respective teams.

However, when Moyang stood on the Longya arena, it caused a sensation both on and off the stage.

"Isn't that commander Mo? How did you come to the stage in person

"Yes, yes! It is commander Mo, who is in charge of almost all the affairs of Longya. I didn't expect that he came to power in person in today's debate. "

"I said, the commander of Mo has come to power in person. Is there no one in Longya?"

Moyang came to power, so that the onlookers, have a lot of discussion.

The other three commanders are also surprised to see a face of quiet Mu light song.

The steward was stunned for a moment, went to Moyang and confirmed in a low voice: "commander Mo, do you want to defend the challenge yourself?"

Mo Yang nodded, "I am also a member of Longya, how? Can't you defend the challenge? "

"No, no, no!" The steward repeatedly waved his hands and said with a smile, "I just feel surprised." He retreated and secretly wiped the sweat between his forehead.

"Master mu, how did you let commander Mo come to power in person?" Commander xuanyue looked at Xiangmu Qingge and asked with a smile.

The other two people, also listen attentively, do not want to miss mu Qingge's answer.

Mu light song a light smile, casual way: "Mo Yang said it, he is also a member of dragon teeth, want to go on stage to try his skills, I this when the master son is not good to stop."

This answer, said is equal to did not say.

Commander xuanyue smiles and doesn't continue to ask, but he has a heavy heart. Moyang's appearance made him very surprised, and the strength of Moyang is said to be the highest in the Dragon teeth, but few people saw him.

This let his heart win, can't help but lower a few points.

"If the Dragon tooth side is too tough, then take the second! It's better to get 30% than 20%! " After thinking about it in his heart, commander xuanyue secretly winked at the man who was defending the challenge arena.

The man was winked and nodded.

This kind of secret order is also carried out in the team of multiple trials and spirits.

This time, the three did not discuss in secret, but each wanted to win the top place and let others take the bottom.

Mu light song in one side, will these dark surging scenery all see in the eye, the corner of the mouth rose a touch if there is no smile. It's good to compete with each other, to suspect each other, and to keep each other."Now that there is no doubt, let's start. Don't waste time." Mu Qingge, with his legs up and his toes dangling, gives orders to the steward of the Liuke clan.

Time is money, and she has not yet cultivated to the point that money is dirt.

The steward looked at the other three and saw that they did not speak, so he said in a loud voice again: "start!"

At his command, some people jumped onto the stage in the other three arena. Only in the arena of dragon teeth, no one went up. Mo Yang stood on the challenge arena and frowned.

After a while, a member of the Junling Liuke team came to the arena. His accomplishments were on the second floor of the silver realm. But age, almost can be Moyang's grandfather.

However, there is a big gap between the appearance and the age of the practitioners.

"Commander Mo, you are offended!" As soon as the man came up, he clasped his hands on Moyang.

Mo Yang stretched out a hand, the expression light way: "come on."

The man's eyes were sharp, and he waved his palm to chop at the dark sun. There are rules in the challenge arena. You can only fight with bare hands, not with weapons. This is also to protect the lives of the migrants and reduce the friction between the major flow teams.


Just at the beginning of the attack, a figure flew out of the challenge arena of Longya and fell outside the arena. And Moyang, still standing in place, even the pace has not moved.

"Sleeping trough! A move

"This is the second floor of the silver realm. This master is also famous among the great spirits! How could he be knocked out of office with one move? "

"I thought I was dazzled, but I didn't expect to be killed with one move?"

"The commander of Mo is too handsome."

Mo Yang solved the opponent with one move, which aroused people's exclamation.

He had a light look of his own, with no expression of complacency.

Xuanyue's three giants, with the same facial expression, looked at Xiangmu Qingge, but saw her holding her cheek in her hand and watching the game lazily. It seemed that she did not feel much admiration for Mo Yang's performance.

At this time, some people flew down from the other three arena.

The crowd fixed their eyes and were stunned.

It is not the people who attack the challenge, but those who defend it. And the opponents are all dragon teeth.

The leader of hundred refining stood up and looked at the four challenge arena with an ugly face.

At the moment, all the people standing on the four challenge arena are dragon tooth people.

"The Dragon tooth is too strong!"

"It's beyond imagination."

"NIMA, does this make the other three giants live?"

The onlookers continued their heated discussion, but at this time, the three dragon teeth guards who successfully attacked the challenge had already strode out of the arena. Their expression was as calm as that of Mo Yang. , the fastest update of the webnovel!