"And who do you like?" Ji asked again.

Ji Pianpian was forced to show shame by Ji Yaoyao. Finally, she bit her teeth and stomped her feet. She said to Ji Yaoyao, "win the little master!"


"Ah?" Ji Yaozhen's face was confused.

It seems that the answer given by his sister is not in accordance with his imagination.

"Why are you so surprised?" Ji pianpianpian glared at him. Anyway, I've said it all, and now there's nothing I'm sorry about.

Ji Yaoyao took a puff from the corner of his mouth and said with a smile, "I thought you were looking at Qingge's little white face. I didn't expect that you actually took a fancy to Yingze's ten thousand year ice."

Ji Pianpian did not comply with the way: "win little Lord just steady, where like you, all day long hang son langdang."

Ji Yaoyao chuckled and said, "is this the beginning of protection? But really, at first I really thought the person you liked was light song

Ji pianpianpian sighed and said to Ji Yaoyao: "the master of Mu city is not bad, but I also know that there are not a few women who love him with his posture of heaven and man. I'm afraid I can't stand it with my appearance. And win little Lord, although the temperament is cold, but such a person, if fall in love with who, is forever. What's more, our family and the winner are friends of the world. If the two families get married, the elders of both sides are happy to see it come true. "

What she said was extremely rational.

After listening to her, even Ji Yaoyao couldn't help nodding his head. He smacked his lips and said, "it seems that you have thought about it carefully. You're right. Light song is very good, but it's too attractive for peach blossom. If you really marry in the past, I'm afraid vinegar will die of vinegar. The boy Yingze has never heard of any peach blossom in recent years, but he has to worry a lot After the analysis of Pian Ji and his family, Pian Ze has already lost his mind.

"Brother, you said before that the little master didn't want to marry me." Ji pianpianpian is very sober and reminds Ji Yaoyao of the way.

Ji Yaozhen was stunned. Then he remembered the original intention of coming to see his sister tonight.

He frowned and paced back and forth in Ji Pianpian's room. Finally, he said to her, "don't worry, since you like him, my brother will try to do it for you."

"Brother, don't be capricious. What I hope is that the winner really likes me, not because of pressure from you or the family to marry me. " Ji Pianpian warned.

Ji Yaoyao shook his hand and said to her, "don't worry. I know the character of Yingze's boy. If he doesn't want to, his father will come. We still have to solve the problem of tomorrow's marriage, and then you two can gradually cultivate feelings. I will also talk to the old man and tell him that you have a sweetheart, so that he can be less frivolous

Listen to his assurance, Ji pianpianpian just a little relieved nod.

Ji Yaoyao said again, "well, if you want to marry tomorrow, you must refuse those flies. No matter what the old man says, you will bite to death and refuse to marry."

Ji pianpianpian nods heavily.

Don't say she has a mind now, even before, she would not marry a strange man casually.


When Ji Yaoyao came back from Ji pianpianpian, he saw mu Qingge and Ying Ze sitting under the tree in the courtyard, not knowing what they were talking about.

"What are you talking about?" he asked curiously

Yingze didn't hide it from him. He said directly, "we two are going to experience in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons."

"Ancient battlefield of gods and demons!" Ji Yaoyao was surprised.

Look at his expression, moqingge's mouth slightly puffed. It seems that he is another insider! Sure enough, there are no secrets among these ancient clans.

"I'm going too!" Who knows, Ji Yaoyao in shock, did not hesitate to wind out such a sentence.

Mu Qingge looked at him and asked tentatively, "do you know the danger in the ancient battlefield of gods and demons? If one is not good, he will die. "

Ji Yaoyao said with indifference: "you two are not afraid. Will I be afraid? Besides, I'd like to go to this place for a long time, but I haven't had a chance. Now that you two have moved your heart, I won't give up the chance. "

Mu Qingge pursed her lips and murmured. She had planned to go to the ancient battlefield of gods and demons by herself, but she didn't expect that Yingze and Ji Yaoyao also had such a mind.

She raised her head, looked at them and asked, "since you all know something about the ancient battlefield of gods and demons, have you ever heard of anyone who has been there and what has happened in it?"

This problem, let Ji Yaoyao and Ying Ze ignore one eye, both tacit understanding shake their heads.

Ji Yaoyao said, "it's because many people have gone, but none of them can clearly explain what's going on inside, which makes us more curious."

Ying Ze also said: "I have seen in ancient books that a gifted elder once went to the ancient battlefield a thousand years ago. At that time, he was still the first person on the Youth League list, and even many famous strong men were not his opponents. In order to improve himself again, he entered the ancient battlefield alone and came out three years later. However, people became silent. No matter who asked what happened in him, he kept silent. Later, he disappeared in the middle ancient world. Some people speculate that he broke through the cultivation and entered the land of gods and demons. Others also speculated that he entered the ancient battlefield again and went to other interfaces through other interface cracks. "It is rare for Yingze to say such a long speech, but it also shows that he has a deep research on the ancient battlefield.

"So, this time, we'd better explore the fringe first, not too deeply. If you have confidence, you can go further, or if you withdraw, you will have more sufficient preparation to go deeper. After all, it's for experience, not for death. " Yingze Dao.

His words made the other two people think deeply and nodded.

The purpose of Mu Qingge is to find the blood of gods and demons. As long as she finds a corpse of a demon, she can refine the bleeding liquid, and she does not have to venture deep.

"The ancient battlefield of gods and Demons has existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Naturally, it can't be explored in one time. This time, it's all about exploring the way." Mu Qingge points the way.

"That's settled. When this is over, the three of us will join hands and break into the ancient battlefield of gods and demons!" Ji Yaoyao clapped his hands.

It was late at night.

Mu Qingge and Yingze both get up and go back to rest.

However, before leaving, Ji Yaoyao called mu Qingge, "Qingge, wait a minute."

They stop at the same time and turn their eyes to Ji Yaoyao.

Ji yaoxun but to Ying Ze show a smile, "I look for light song a little private matter."

Yingze's eyes flashed, turned and strode away.

Mu Qingge stays and stares at Ji Yaoyao, only to find that he has been watching Ying Ze leave until he can't see his back.

"How is your sister doing?" Mu Qingge asked.

Ji Yaoyao said with a bitter smile: "it is not solved that will stop you."

Mu Qingge frowned, "didn't you make it clear?"

Ji yaoxun slowly shook his head. "I made it clear, but the little girl took a fancy to one of you. What do you want me to do?"

Then he scowled and scowled in front of Mu Qingge and asked, "guess who did she like?"

"Yingze." Mu Qingge's mouth twitches and gives the answer.

Ji Yaoyao looked stunned and said in surprise, "how do you know?"

Mu light song funny way: "you left me, not him, naturally guess who your sister's heart belongs to."

"Good brother! You're going to help me. " Ji Yaoyao solemnly looks at mu Qingge, raises his hand to pat to her shoulder, but is nimbly evaded by her.

"What can I do for you?" Mu light song frown way.

Ji Yaoyao chuckled: "help me, of course No, it should be with me to help Pianpian catch up with Yingze! "

“……” Mu Qingge looks at him in amazement. After a while, he turned against his nose and said, "do you think I am very idle?"

"This is related to my sister's lifelong happiness! We are brothers. Isn't my sister your sister? " Ji Yaoyao tried hard to bring moqingge to the same camp.

Mu Qingge feels a little headache. She has tried Ji Yaoyao's scoundrel Kung Fu.

"What are you going to do?" In the end, she compromised. Otherwise, she won't want to rest tonight.

"No need to do anything. Pian pian will, according to our plan, refuse all those who come to ask for marriage, and block the old man's mouth first. Then we are creating opportunities for her to cultivate more feelings between them. When the two people are in love with each other, then we can talk about the marriage. Isn't it just a natural thing Ji Yaoyao said what he thought.

He thought for a moment and added, "your main task is to speak more good words about Pian pian in front of Yingze. I'm always pianpianpian's brother. If I talk about it, I'm afraid the boy will smell something. Pian Pian said that she knew that Ying Ze was devoted to cultivation, so she would not force him to marry her immediately. If she had friendship with each other, she could make a marriage first and then go through the door later. If Yingze doesn't like her all the time, she won't be wronged to get married. "

Mu light song eyebrow tip a pick, "so to say, Miss Ji is still very profound."

"Of course, you don't see whose sister it is." Ji Yaoyao immediately said.

Mu Qingge ignored his boast and said, "Miss Ji, I don't understand. If she is really good, I don't mind saying a few more words in front of Yingze. But if things are successful or not, I can't interfere. It's not you and I who can make it."

"Understand! It's up to God to do everything. " Ji Yaoji nodded.

Mu Qingge looked at his appearance and said in his heart, "it's good to really understand! With this guy's temperament, if he is too anxious, he can knock Yingze unconscious and send him to his sister's bed. "


The secret words of the two people were hidden in their hearts.

The next day, Yingze did not ask.

After eating too early, Ji Yaoyao hurriedly led them to the street, saying that it was Ji pianpianpian's marriage.

When it comes to the crowded scene on the street, mu Qingge feels that the master of Ji's family has made great efforts to marry his daughter out

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