Xi Qianxue couldn't tell where the black fog came from.

She just knew that she was standing here on guard, but suddenly came a mass of black fog from the distance. The black fog was like human shape, ferocious and terrifying, and came towards her with teeth and claws.

Inexplicably, a sense of danger comes from her heart. She has no time to think about it, so she blows out the bamboo flute that has been pinched in her hand, hoping to remind mu Qingge that they can leave quickly.

At the same time, she also immediately turned to run, hoping to buy time to meet them.

However, those human shaped black fog, but as if to understand her ideas, more quickly to her.

Xi Qianxue's spiritual power can't be mobilized, so he can only run by his physical strength.

How can she run faster than these ghostly things? But in the blink of an eye, she was caught up and surrounded.

"Back off!" Xi Qianxue yelled to them.

However, the five black figures floating in the air blocked all her retreats. She wanted to leave, but found no way to go.

"Jie Jie --!" In those shadows, there was a penetrating voice.

Xi Qianxue's face suddenly changed. She pulled out her sword and blocked it in front of her body, as if to protect herself.

Seeing her pulling out her sword, one of the virtual figures rushed towards her ferociously.

Obviously, it was just a shadow, but Xi Qianxue could feel a force coming from the front, which made her feel a violent bump. The whole person was overthrown to the ground, and the sword in her hand was also released.

Xi Qianxue quickly climbed forward a few steps, held the sword again and waved it in front of him.

However, the shadow is still unbridled around her, closer. Xi Qianxue got up from the ground with his sword in his hand.

She had a feeling that the shadows looked at her as if they were looking at prey.

They regard her as a kind of resource that seems to want to compete for!

"Don't come here!" Xi Qianxue waved the sword twice again. When one of them didn't pay attention, her sword stabbed hard. The tip of the sword passed through the shadow, but it didn't hurt a cent at all.

But the shadow, which was stabbed by her, made a joking "Jie Jie" sound, stretched out its sharp claws and caught Xi Qianxue!

Xi Qianxue avoids his "sharp claws", but blows a gust of Yin wind from behind, and directly overturns her to the ground. She rolled several times on the ground, looking very embarrassed.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie --!"

The five shadows, approaching again, still exude that terrible laughter.

Xi Qianxue is sitting on the ground, holding his hands back.

She felt the evil intention of these shadows, but she couldn't figure out what their purpose was.

All of a sudden, behind the five virtual shadows, a few more came. This time, these virtual shadows are different from those before. Xi Qianxue can see the green light in their eyes.

Before the five virtual shadows, see the three behind, seems to be greatly frightened, want to run around.

However, they were directly caught back by the three more powerful virtual shadows and ate them in front of Xi Qianxue. This scene, see Xi Qianxue big eyes, hold his breath.

She could be sure that there were strong and weak shadows. However, she couldn't get rid of the five weakest shadows just now. Now, the three

After eating the five empty shadows, the three virtual shadows seem to be stronger.

They look at Xi Qianxue, and the green eyes seem to twinkle with excitement.

"How long has it been since no one has been here?" One of them said something. That voice is very charming, even Xi Qianxue a woman to listen to, all feel bones a crisp.

"Maggie, it's really cheap for you." Another shadow opened. His voice was very loud, but it sounded gloomy.

The first to open the mouth of the enchanting Ji, laughing out the voice of enchanting, "I'm not in a hurry, if you like, you can take it."

"Hum! No, it's impossible for me to condescend to a woman! " That thick voice disdains the way.

What's in a woman?

What are they talking about?

Xi Qianxue's thoughts fly wildly and feel that the danger is getting closer and closer to him.

Another has not spoken of virtual shadow, but at this time: "I smell the smell of people in front of me!"

As soon as his voice fell, one of the virtual shadows disappeared with him in front of Xi Qianxue.

Xi Qianxue turned his eyes and looked, only saw two groups of black shadow, suffused with green light rushed to Mu Qingge where they rested.

"I wish they had left!" Xi Qianxue prayed in his heart.

"What are you thinking, little sister?" Suddenly, a voice sounded in her ear, as if someone had blown a breath in her ear.

However, the tone was very cold, almost frostbite people.

Xi Qianxue hit a spirit of excitement, look suddenly at the magic Ji in front of his eyes.

Meiji probes forward to make the outline of the shadow clearer. Xi Qianxue can almost see the outline of her facial features. This is a very beautiful woman, beautiful enough to draw people's soul and make people feel excited."I don't like this holy appearance. But it's not bad. I'll make do with it. " She is very close to Xi Qianxue, and then she sticks out the empty tongue formed by black fog and licks Xi Qianxue's cheek.

Xi Qianxue was shocked and retreated again and again, trying to pull the distance between them.

However, the mind shaking laughter sounded again, and the voice of Meiji came, "little sister, what are you afraid of? My sister was a senior general of the demon clan hundreds of thousands of years ago. You can be my body now. It's a blessing to be cultivated in my life. "

What flesh body!

The great general of the demon clan!

These two messages will suppress Xi Qianxue.

On the other side, mu Qingge hears the first sound of bamboo flute and starts to run in the direction of Xi Qianxue. Run half, suddenly did not hear the sound of bamboo flute, which let her heart sink.

But unexpectedly, at this time, suddenly appeared two black shadows, the position of the eye socket with green light, toward her.

She stopped at once and held the gun tightly in her hand.

"Another man! Ha ha ha! This time, a man finally came. This is mine One of them called out in a strange way, and he rushed to Mu Qingge.

But another person shadow still disdains the way: "this kind of light has the skin appearance small white face, you may take. But there are still people ahead. I'll go and have a look

"Go, go! I can smell two more people over there. " The murmur of the song is approaching.

"Not good!" Mu Qingge's heart sank and had already guessed about it from their conversation.

The two empty shadows in front of me are probably the remnant souls of hundreds of thousands of years ago mentioned in Bai's mouth. Those who fall down in the flesh, but rely on their strong cultivation to keep the spirits of the spirits immortal.

They float in this ancient battlefield, is to wait for people to enter, seize it, and then escape this space!

At present, in order to win Ze, Ji yaoluo runs out of spirit. Ying Ze is still in the incinerator to get rid of the dead air. If he is found by this ghost, he will be slaughtered!

In front of him, Xi Qianxue suddenly didn't play the bamboo flute again. These two spirits came from the front again, and I don't know how the situation is there.

All kinds of thoughts flash in Mu Qingge's mind.

She responded immediately.

The Linglong gun came out of her hand and shot at the moving shadow.

But the ghost who came to her gave a penetrating laugh to what she had done, "idiot! Weapons are useless to us

The next second, however, he froze.


The sound of howling sounded, the Linglong gun of muqingge passed through the remnant soul, and it burned up unexpectedly.

"This It's a sacred vessel! You have a sacred vessel! And it's a sacred vessel with multiple attributes! " The ghost of chaomu light song, the voice of panic, the illusory figure also trembled.

Sacred vessels have souls!

Cultivate spirit in the soul!

They just linger in the broken space. But the spirit of the sacred instrument is carefully provided and connected with the master's mind!

The reason why the sacristy is holy is that it can hurt the soul!

He watched his companion, the picky guy, turn into a black smoke in front of him.

Linglong gun completed the task, turned toward the Mu light song flying.

Mu Qingge raised his arm, seemed to be so casual a grip, then held the Linglong gun. The body of Linglong gun emitted a joyful roar.

Mu light song cold eyes to want to give up her ghost, showing a cold smile.

She held the Linglong gun and stabbed at the ghost in an instant!

The remnant soul was still in a state of shock. Suddenly, he saw the terrible spear point stabbing at him and wanted to run away. However, he is quick, and moqingge is faster!

The star steps under her feet made the remnant soul have no place to escape.

"Spare me Give me a break Ah

Mu Qingge didn't pay attention to his plea and ended him with Linglong gun.

Clean up these two remnant souls, Mu light song and quickly toward the place where Xi Qianxue is. I hope it's not too late!


Mu light song with the fastest speed to Xi Qianxue's location, far away will see a shadow fell on the ground.

Her eyes a Lin, the moment appeared at her side.

"Xi Qianxue!" Mu Qingge called in a deep voice.

The woman lying on the ground is Xi Qianxue. She looked like she was in a coma. Before coma, I don't know what happened. She looks very painful.

Mu Qingge squats beside her and lifts her up from the ground so that her head can rest on his shoulder.

"Xi Qianxue? Xi Qianxue! A thousand snow Mu light song low voice light call.

She put her hand on Xi Qianxue's wrist pulse and examined her body.

Suddenly, a dark light flashed through her clear eyes. At this time, the comatose Xi Qianxue slowly opened a pair of beautiful eyes, and her eyes were soft as water and looked at Xiangmu Qingsong.Seems to have a sense, Mu light song low eyebrow to see Xi Qianxue, on her pair of eyes that enchant the soul.

Suddenly, Xi Qianxue threw himself into mu Qingge's arms, tightly clasped her arm, and said in a pitiful voice, "I'm so afraid!"

Mu light Song Mou bottom flash through a cold, mouth light Yang, embrace her, low voice way: "don't be afraid, I come."

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