"God's tomb? What is that? " Murmur and frown.

"Qingge, you don't know the tomb?" Ji Yaozhen reacted, but before asking Xi Qianxue for details, he was attracted by mu Qingge's words.

Mu Qingge nods silently.

She does have a lot of things, all of which are half baked.

There are clear people around, but every time tell her, it is still early.

By the way! Mu Qingge suddenly remembered that the elders of the Sang family had said that they would answer all her doubts when she went to see them when she was in the Golden State?

"It seems that after leaving here and returning to the Sang family, I still have to go to the clan area." Muqingge is calculated in mind.

"You don't even know the tomb? You Wait. " Ji yaoxun said, and then suddenly looked at Xi Qianxue and seriously asked, "goddess Xi, what you just said is true? You should know that this matter matters. "

Yingze also nods heavily, his eyes frozen Xi Qianxue.

Xi Qianxue said calmly: "nature is true. It won't be long before the temple will spread to all ancient tribes. I expect that when we leave here, you will all know when you come back to your family. "

Ji yaoxun and Yingze both took a breath and looked at each other.

Only mu Qingge looks at a loss.

After digesting the news, Ji Yaoyao looked at Xiangmu Qingge and explained to her, "Qingge, do you know the origin of our ancient people?"

Mu light song nodded, "is the ancient people, the body has the blood of God."

Ji Yaoyao nodded heavily, "therefore, among our ancient people, it is most likely that a new God will be born." He raised his hand, in his palm, there was a blue whirlwind.

"When a descendant's blood of God is very rich, it will form spiritual roots. I am the innate wind spirit root Ji Yaoyao said in a deep voice to Mu Qing.

Mu Qingge purses his lips.

As for Ji Yaoyao's innate wind spirit root, she has known for a long time, and naturally will not be surprised. Not to mention him, even Xi Qianxue's innate water spirit root, Yingze's Juli Linggen, she also knows.

Of course, she can know these, thanks to Si mo.

"Why aren't you surprised at all?" Ji Yaoji takes back the wind and looks at Xiangmu light song in amazement.

His serious expression of only three seconds makes mu Qingge speechless. She shook her head and said, "I not only know that you are the congenital wind spirit root, but also know that thousand snow is the congenital water spirit root, and Yingze is the giant power spirit root."

As soon as she finished speaking, Xi Qianxue and Yingze's faces suddenly changed.

You know, the spiritual root of any one of them is the highest secret in the family and never announced to the public.

However, mu Qingge doesn't even know the tomb, but he knows their spiritual roots. What does this mean? Who disclosed the news? Do you know about most of the Middle Paleozoic?

A sense of crisis rose from the bottom of their hearts.

Mu Qingge saw their delicate expression and said, "don't worry, the people who tell me will not threaten you, nor will they tell other people."

Her promise made them look relaxed.

Ji yaoxun coughed softly and said tentatively, "Qingge, you also have innate spiritual roots?"

Mu Qingge nods slowly.

Since everyone is frank in front of her, she is not good to hide. However, she had more than one spiritual root, so she did not explain in detail.

"I knew it!" Ji Yaoyao clapped his hands and said excitedly, "the mulberry family is the blood of the weapon refiner. Your spiritual root is either fire or gold. Great! In this way, we can enter the sacred tomb together

"You haven't said what a sacred tomb is. What are you going to do to it?" Mu light song frown way.

"I'll tell you. When he's finished, I don't know how much time will be wasted." Xi Qianxue smiles and sings to Mu light.

Mu Qingge nodded, anyway, who explained to her is the same. Moreover, she agrees with Xi Qianxue's words, and waiting for Ji Yaoyao to explain everything will make her have the impulse to hit people!

"Hello! Xi shennu, we are also team-mates at least. We don't bring such harmful things to others! " The way Ji Yao did not follow.

Xi Qianxue did not pay attention to him, but explained to Mu Qingge: "after the sixth floor of the golden realm, it is the period of crossing the loot. During the period of crossing the river, there will be three times of thunder robbery. Every time we experience a thunderstorm, we will be stronger and bigger, but this is also a watershed

"Watershed?" Mu Qingge has some doubts. She thought Xi Qianxue would directly talk about the Shenmu, but she didn't want her to start with Xiuwei.

Xi Qianxue nodded and said to Mu Qingge, "if a person with a little talent, as long as he practices hard, it will not be a problem to enter the robbery period. However, this is not only the three times of natural calamity, but also the three times of thunder

Mu Qingge purses his lips.

With Xi Qianxue's words, she found that she did not understand more and more, simply did not speak, waiting for her to explain.

"The so-called heavenly gate is actually God's fate. I would like to explain to you that after the first thunder robbery, if a person has a congenital spiritual root, he will show his spiritual root. The second one is to optimize the spiritual root, and the third one is to turn the spiritual root into reality and form a heavenly gate. For those without spiritual roots, there are only two ways for them to cross the gate of heaven. One is to take a special saint level pill to form a pseudo spirit root. However, such means will make them unable to compare with the real Linggen people after turning into heaven gate. And the second is to seize the gate of heaven! To rob the Heaven Gate of people with innate spiritual roots and replace them! Those who are robbed of the gate of heaven will only lose their souls. "Mu Qingge's eyes are tight, and she finally understands why Si Mo reminds her more than once that she should not expose his thunder ability.

It turns out that there is such a big secret!

Linggen, Tianmen, grab

These words are enough to make countless practitioners fall into madness.

She also understood why even Xi Qianxue and Ji Yaoji, the big family members, should strictly protect their innate spiritual roots from the outside world. Because, in the face of such a big temptation, even if they are the pride of the big family, they will also face danger.

Mu Qingge was shocked, but Xi Qianxue didn't finish. She continued: "however, if you want to break through the prohibition of the middle ancient world and enter the land of gods and demons, it's not enough to have Tianmen alone, but also need divinity! Divinity is just like the qualification to fly to the land of gods and demons. "

"Godhead!" Mu Qingge is no stranger to this word. Several elders of the Sang family have mentioned it to her.

"And Shenmu is the place where the gods of the land of gods and Demons fall. After their death, their deities will return to the sacred tombs. The tomb belongs to another space. It will only be opened once every several thousand years. This time, the temple has received a message from God, and the tomb will be opened in five years. At that time, all the ancient people's disciples will have the right to enter the sacred tomb, compete for the divine status, and obtain the qualification to fly to the land of gods and demons. " Xi Qianxue finally explained clearly.

"What about the mausoleum? Is it of the same nature as the sacred tomb? " Mu Qingge asked again.

Xi Qianxue nodded, "the magic tomb is the place where all the demons return to the ruins. There is also the qualification to enter the devil kingdom in the land of gods and demons. However, generally speaking, there are very few people who are qualified to enter the land of gods and demons through the magic tomb, and the way they practice seems to be different from ours. I don't know much about this. I just heard from master that this time the tomb and the tomb will be opened together, and some places will overlap together, so that we may meet people who are practicing magic. Since ancient times, gods and demons have been antagonistic. Maybe they meet and there will be a fierce war. Therefore, we must try our best to improve our cultivation in these five years! "

Mu light Song Silent, the heart has been clear.

For thousands of years, no one has been able to enter the land of gods and demons, but now five years later, there is a chance. It can be imagined that the competition will be extremely fierce.

I'm afraid that not only their generation, but also older people will seize this opportunity!

"It seems that if you speed up your practice, you can't relax for a moment." Mu light song in the heart of the silent way.

Mu Qingge's sight swept over the sealed demons and demons on the ground and suddenly asked, "don't they have divinity?"

This question, let three people all be one Leng.

But Xi Qianxue understood her meaning and shook his head to explain: "once the protoss falls, his divinity will automatically leave and enter the sacred tomb."

"Divinity Apart from the qualification to enter the land of gods and demons, what else does it represent? " Mu light song frowns and murmurs.

She is not clear about this issue, neither is Ji Yaoyao nor Ying Ze.

Among the four, the only one who could know something about it was Xi Qianxue, who was the goddess of the temple.

"It is said that People in the land of gods and Demons belong to the Protoss. Once they are born, they will have divinity. Only those who have divinity can practice. If they are born without divinity, they will be useless, abandoned, or relegated to other interfaces. " Xi Qianxue's slow way.

Mu Qingge frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "so it seems that we fight for the divine status, but also for the cultivation after entering the land of gods and demons."

They all nodded at the same time.

After that, the four were silent again.

After a while, Ji Yaoyao chuckled and said, "isn't there five years left? Five years later, we'll go into the tomb together and form a team. With the ability of the four of us, plus seeing if we can win over Wei Mohan, who can compete with us in the tomb? "

At the end of the discussion on the Shenmu, Shenge and Tianmen, the four talents sorted out their mood and continued to move forward.

At the foot, or the scene of the battlefield, the four people walked all the way, silently looking at the scene under their feet, for a moment, they could not tell what their mood was.

"Look over there!" Suddenly, Xi Qianxue points to a bulge in front of the right to three people.

The three stopped and looked in the direction she was pointing.

Sure enough, that bulge, in this smooth and flat ground, appears particularly abrupt.

The four looked at each other, and the decisions in their eyes were the same.

Without verbal conversation, the four quickly approached the bulge.

Getting closer and closer, they found that the bulge was actually a big hole that had been cut through, and the hole was piled with the ground that had been cut.

"Be careful!" Mu Qingge suddenly stops and reaches out to stop other people's approach. She looked at the hole in her eyes, and did not dare to relax.

The three of them understood her warning.

After all, here, they do not meet other outsiders except themselves.

No one can tell whether the hole suddenly appeared here was dug by someone or from the ground."They won't really come back to life?" Ji yaoxun swallowed and salivated, and his voice was a little frightened.

His speculation made the atmosphere tense.

Mu light song pondered for a while and frowned: "if it is really resurrected, I'm afraid we can't live now." No matter who is sealed in this for hundreds of thousands of years, I am afraid that once resurrected, they will be a little crazy and will not disappear in a low-key way.

"That hole..." Xi Qianxue looks at Xiangmu light song, some doubts in the voice.

Mu Qingge pursed his lips and said, "do you still remember those monsters mentioned by Wei moling?"


Yes! Monster!

Mu Qingge reminds them.

Wei Mo Liang said that the monsters seemed to collect something from the corpses of gods and demons.

"Is this hole dug by those monsters? Just to collect something? " Ji Yaoyao guessed.

Mu Qingge nodded, "very likely."

As soon as the words came out, Ji Yaoyao's eyes brightened. He straightened his back, shook his fan and strode forward, "that's nothing to be afraid of. I'll explore the way first. You'll wait here and support me."

Xi Qianxue looked at Ji yaoxun's back and said in a low voice: "this man is also coarse and fine. He knows that sooner or later someone will go to explore the truth and void, so he grabs it."

Mu light song a light smile, coagulate Ji Yaoji's back.

Ji Yaoyao was such a person. He looked free and unrestrained and willful. But in fact, it is a person who attaches importance to love and righteousness, and is willing to make every effort for those who accept it.

If not see this clearly, how could she meet him?

By this time, Ji Yaoyao had already reached the edge of the big hole. The cold wind blowing from the hole made him shiver, as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He knew that the spiritual power in his body was running slowly.

He quickly adjusted, and when his body recovered, he got close to it again. He stretched out his head and looked into the black hole.

His brow slightly frowns, cynical eyes, more than a rare dignified. All of a sudden, his eyes suddenly widened and he cried out in a loud voice: "lying trough! Many, many, many artifacts

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